Peerless Peasant

Chapter 530 Memory Recovery

Chapter 530 Memory Recovery (2)
When Ji Hanyue rushed over, she saw Mo Shiyi sitting on the bed with a lonely face, her eyes were red, obviously she had cried just now.

Mo Shiyi fell asleep in Ji Hanyue's room yesterday after something happened to her. When she woke up in the morning, she found that Mo Shiyi slept relatively peacefully. Except for the bad expression on her face, there was nothing wrong with her. Ji Hanyue didn't call her anymore.

Unexpectedly, Mo Shiyi woke up suddenly, and I heard from Dr. Chen that something happened to Mo Shiyi when she woke up.

Ji Hanyue came over and sat down on the bed, Mo Shiyi was still sitting there blankly, as if she hadn't noticed Ji Hanyue coming, touched Mo Shiyi's hair, and hugged her in his arms, Ji Hanyue Hanyue said, "Shiyi, what happened, can you tell me?"

Mo Shiyi's body trembled slightly, she turned to look at Ji Hanyue and said, "Sister Hanyue, I had a dream."

"Yeah." Ji Hanyue nodded and said, "Is it just a dream? What kind of dream did you have?"

Wiping the tears from the corners of her eyes, Mo Shiyi said, "Sister Hanyue, although this is a dream, I feel that he is so real, as if he is real. Li Hongbin doesn't want me anymore, he doesn't want me anymore, Sister Hanyue, he Don't want me anymore, what should I do!"

Ji Hanyue was slightly taken aback and said, "Shiyi, what kind of dream did you have? We are sisters, can you tell me about it!"

Slightly calming down, Mo Shiyi said, "I dreamed about me and Li Hongbin, I dreamed that I loved him very much, but he is just a fool, just a big piece of wood, how many times have I hinted to him, but He just doesn't know my mind."

Then, Mo Shiyi told Ji Hanyue what she had experienced in high school, what she and Li Hongbin had experienced.

Ji Hanyue frowned and said, "Then what did you do in the end?"

"Me, me." Mo Shiyi was stunned for a moment, and said with a tinge of red on her face, "I confessed to him, I said that I like him, I love him."

"Then what about him? How did he do it?" Ji Hanyue asked, "He. He." Mo Shiyi burst into tears suddenly, holding Ji Hanyue's, and leaning her head in her arms. A heartbroken!After coming here for a long time, her heart finally calmed down slightly, but after holding back this sentence for a long time, she couldn't find it easy to say it.

"What's the matter with him." Ji Hanyue couldn't help but said, "Shiyi, you're holding it in your heart like this. If you tell me, can I help you, sister?"

"He...he doesn't want me anymore. He said he doesn't like me and doesn't want to be with me." Mo Shiyi said with a sigh of relief. After speaking, she hugged Ji Hanyue again and burst into tears, but this time, there was no She was so sad before, but after saying this, she felt that she didn't feel so uncomfortable in her heart.

"This, how could this happen." Ji Hanyue said, "Obviously Li Hongbin loves you very much, why would he not want you?"

Mo Shiyi's body shook slightly, she stared at Ji Hanyue tightly and said, "Sister Hanyue, you said that Li Hongbin also likes me, is that true? You didn't lie to me by making up such a reason to make me happy. "

"No, absolutely not." Ji Hanyue said, "Shiyi, don't you feel it yourself? Li Hongbin really loves you."

"Is that true?" Mo Shiyi said, "Why didn't I feel it?"

Ji Hanyue touched Mo Shiyi's hair and said, "Silly girl, you just didn't see it. As a bystander, I can see it very clearly. You don't know, Li Hongbin is looking at you. Eyes full of love, he loves you."

"However." Ji Hanyue said suddenly, "According to what you said, it seems that Li Hongbin has undergone a change before. I was thinking! Before, although he didn't treat you very well and didn't show his intentions, but after this , he treats you like a stranger, I think something must have happened in the middle."

Mo Shiyi was also taken aback, why didn't she think of it at the time?Can't help but ask, "What happened?"

"How do I know, I'm not the person involved, I'm just guessing." Ji Hanyue said, "And, isn't this your dream? It might be fake."

Mo Shiyi said very positively, "No, although it seems to be a dream, everything that happened in my dream is real, it's something that happened in the past, I just forgot it temporarily, and, before Li Hongbin Just told me that he knew me a long time ago."

"Then after he met you again, did he say anything strange to you?"

"There are no strange words. It's just that when I first saw him, it was as if I had seen him somewhere before. He told me that he would protect me, prevent me from any harm, and give me a lifetime of happiness. , I don’t know why, when I heard his words at that time, I wasn’t angry at all, and I felt very happy in my heart.”

"By the way, why did you lose your memory? Did something happen?"

"It seemed that I was very angry and very sad at that time. I ran all the way and didn't notice a car speeding over there, and then I was knocked down by the car. Then, by the way, I suddenly seemed to see a car A familiar figure ran over, it seemed to be Li Hongbin, he hugged me, and then said something to me, I don’t remember what, I only know that I felt very happy at that time, even if I was willing to die, I would die. I have no regrets."

"Hey." Ji Hanyue said with a long sigh, "You two really have a hard life! People who love each other can't be together."

Seeing Mo Shiyi's sad look, when Ji Minggang told her earlier, the little thoughts she had originally disappeared in an instant. She couldn't bear to compete with Mo Shiyi for anything. Listening to the story between her and Li Hongbin, she really felt She couldn't bear to hurt Mo Shiyi, it was already very difficult for these two people.

"Shiyi, I'm just guessing about one thing." Ji Hanyue said, "I think the reason why Li Hongbin became so ruthless should be what your parents told him."

"What." Mo Shiyi was stunned and said, "Sister Hanyue, what do you mean, what my parents and Li Hongbin said made him become like this, how is this possible, how could they do this?"

Ji Hanyue shook her head and said, "This is just my guess. If you think about it carefully, is it really impossible? They really won't do this?"

"Think about it carefully, your parents' attitude towards Li Hongbin before, did the two of them firmly oppose the two of you being together, it can even be said that they used some shady means to separate the two of you, think about it Just know."

"This." Mo Shiyi was slightly taken aback.

If it was before, she would not have believed that her parents would do such a thing, but now after so much, she suddenly felt that her parents were not what she thought, Everything you do is for your own good.

If that's the case, you should respect your choice and let yourself be with the person you like.

Not only did they fail to make it perfect, but they also obstructed it in every possible way. Is this for their own sake?Absolutely not.

If they were worried that they would have a bad life with Li Hongbin, there was absolutely no need for it. Although Li Hongbin's family was not good before, it didn't mean that it would be bad in the future. Moreover, they were willing to endure hardships with Li Hongbin.

The most important thing is that I like Li Hongbin and want to be with him, if they really treat me well.

They should perfect themselves and let themselves be with the one they love, but they didn't do this, which made Mo Shiyi rethink whether they were really doing it for their own benefit, or had some other purpose.

Thinking about it, the two of them always introduced some people they didn't like to her, and tried their best to match them up, wanting to let themselves be with him.

Those men didn't have any feelings for him, and if they said they liked him, it was all because of his beauty, but the two of them didn't care about it at all. Thinking of this, Mo Shiyi was stunned again, feeling a burst of heartache in his heart.

Before thinking about it, his parents, in order to keep him from getting along with Li Hongbin, actually slandered Li Hongbin so much, and even found someone to frame him.

What's more, what Mo Wencong said to Li Hongbin before, she felt a sharp pain in her heart, sad, sad, she didn't expect her parents to be such people, for so many years, they have always said that they love themselves and are good for themselves Parents, since they are such people.

"Shiyi." Ji Hanyue said with a serious face, "It's not that I slandered Secretary Mo, you go outside and listen to what those people say about your father, who is snobbish, ignorant, and only has money and power in his eyes. , and what's more, I think there is a little problem with the fact that you think you will study abroad."

Looking at Ji Hanyue, Mo Shiyi said, "Sister Hanyue, you mean that after I lost my memory, my parents sent me abroad in order to prevent me from having any contact with Li Hongbin."

"Yes." Ji Hanyue said, "Amnesia, you know that when I saw you for the first time, although you looked very lively and cheerful, it felt like you always had something on your mind."

"This. This." Mo Shiyi said, "You saw it right then."

"Yes, I thought you had a sad past? But after getting in touch with you, I found that you seemed to have never experienced anything. I felt a little curious. Now it seems that you really lost your memory. All these things you dreamed suddenly are all your lost memories."

"Then, sister Hanyue, is there still a possibility for me and Li Hongbin? My dad said that about him before."

Looking at Mo Shiyi, Ji Hanyue said, "It's up to you, whether you want to be with Li Hongbin or not."

"I think." Mo Shiyi said, "I've already lost him once, and I don't want to lose him a second time. I can't live without him for the rest of my life. Sister Hanyue, what should I do now? You must help me." .”

"Don't worry, we are good sisters, and I will definitely help you."

At this moment, a middle-aged woman rushed in, and when she saw Mo Shiyi sitting on the bed, she rushed over and hugged Mo Shiyi in pain.

"Mom." Mo Shiyi couldn't help but said, "Mom, what's wrong with you, what happened."

"Woo, woo, woo." Mo Shiyi's mother cried a few times and said, "Shiyi, you must save your father! If you don't save him, he will die."

(End of this chapter)

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