Peerless Peasant

Chapter 539 Respect

Chapter 539 Respect
Being disturbed at such a critical time, no matter who it is, will be very upset.

But it's okay, and it's not the most critical time. If Li Hongbin raised his gun and started sprinting, and it was almost the time, if he made such a sudden sound, it would scare people into trouble. Yes, fortunately Wanfeng didn't come at that time.

If Li Hongbin had been disturbed at that time, he would probably be here by now, and no one would be able to save him.

"Hehe." Fairy Piaomiao smiled and said, "Master, is there no rush? Isn't he here all the time? If you mainly want to practice, you can do it at any time. Anyway, I'm already the owner of the master?"

Li Hongbin smiled, and said to Fairy Piao Miao, "Miao Miao, then you wait here for me! I'll go out for a while."

With a look of displeasure on his face, Li Hongbin appeared outside Xianyou Village. Inside Xianyou Village was protected by a large formation. Now this large formation is much more important than the large formation that Li Hongbin arranged himself before. How many levels higher, this is a large formation arranged by psychedelic dzi beads, ordinary people, don't try it, if you don't see the order before, they are all standing outside Xianyou Village, there is no Going in, I just feel that there is something wrong here.

As for Wanfeng?Did he feel that there was something wrong here, because with his strength, he couldn't feel it at all.

As for politeness and respect for seniors, he stood outside Xianyou Village and told the inside through voice transmission that he was here now.

Seeing the unhappy expression on Li Hongbin's face, Wanfeng was stunned for a moment, what's going on, why does senior look a little unhappy, could it be that his mood today is not beautiful, or that he has made him unhappy.

How could he have thought that Li Hongbin was going to do something very pleasant, but was interrupted by him.

Glancing at Wanfeng, Li Hongbin said, "It's you kid! What can you do with me?"

Looking at Li Hongbin, Wan Feng said with a respectful tone, "I don't know if senior is free, can you come to my Xunxian Palace, I have something important to discuss with you, senior."

"No time." Li Hongbin said directly, "I have important things to do now, when I am free, I will go to your Xunxian Palace."

Nonsense, when will it be as important as practicing with my Miao Miao?I didn't just drive you away, I'm already being magnanimous to you, I want me to go to your Xunxian Temple, and I'll go when I feel better, as for now?I have important things to do, and besides, I'm not in a good mood.

"This." Wanfeng said a little helplessly, "Senior, what important things do you have now? I don't know if this junior can help you."

Li Hongbin wanted to kick him at that time. Damn you, do such things need your help?Are you doubting my ability, or do you have other plans, but in the end you held back and said coldly, "No need, you can't get involved in my affairs at all."

"Okay, what is the important thing you want to ask me, hurry up and tell me." Li Hongbin said that he was teased by Fairy Piaomiao before, which stirred up the flame in his body, and he urgently needed to vent the fire ah!It was a bit uncomfortable to hold back, so I thought, drive away this Wanfeng quickly, and then go to have some activities with Fairy Piaomiao.

"This... this." Wanfeng hesitated for a moment, seeing Li Hongbin's expression, he seemed unwilling to go to Xunxian Temple. Could it be that he really had something important to do.

However, when it is important, it is not as important as the matter of his Xunxian Temple.

In the end, Wanfeng finally made up his mind and said, "Senior, no matter what, please go to my Xunxian Temple. I really need your help for something important, and it's about the fairy world."

"Immortal Realm." Hearing this word, Li Hongbin was stunned for a moment and said, "What's the situation?"

Seeing that Li Hongbin seemed to be a little interested, Wanfeng finally relaxed a little. Since you are interested in this matter, it will be easy to handle.

Wanfeng said, "Senior, you should know the original intention of my establishment of Xunxian Temple! After the catastrophe, the gate of the fairyland disappeared, and I, who cultivated in the fairyland, could no longer go to the fairyland. If you can't fly to the fairy world, you can't pursue a higher realm. This is a painful thing for us, so we established the Xunxian Temple to find a way to ascend to the fairy world and become a fairy. "

Lin Hongbin was stunned for a moment, temporarily suppressed the fire in his heart, and said, "Could it be that you have found some way to ascend to the fairy world."

This made Li Hongbin surprised. The fairy world was shattered because of the Master's conspiracy. The fairyland is shattered and does not exist at all.

Now, listening to Wanfeng's tone, it seems that they have found some way to make themselves ascend to the fairy world.

How is this possible, the fairy world does not exist anymore, how can this soar.

"Yes." Wanfeng nodded and said, "That's indeed the case. I, the past lords and seniors of Xunxian Temple, took it as their duty to find a way to ascend to the fairy world, but in the end they all left with regrets. Yes, but just recently, several elders of our Xunxian Temple found a way to ascend to the fairy world."

"Impossible." Li Hongbin said very resolutely, "It is impossible for them to ascend to the fairy world."

"This. This." Wanfeng looked at Li Hongbin's resolute look, and couldn't help asking, "Senior, why are you so sure that we can't ascend to the fairy world? I have a question. I have always wanted to ask senior, please make amends , Is the senior a person from the fairy world?"

"It can also be said that I am from the fairy world." Li Hongbin said, "Why do you say that you can't ascend to the fairy world? I'm not afraid to tell you that the fairy world is no longer there."

"The fairyland is no longer there, what does that mean?" Wan Feng asked puzzledly, "Since then, you will not be able to ascend to the fairyland after the catastrophe in ancient times. It's not that you can't ascend, but that the fairyland doesn't exist. It's gone, it's gone, it's gone, you know what it means, right?"

"What." Wan Feng was taken aback, and said in surprise, "The Immortal World has been destroyed, and it doesn't exist now."

He couldn't accept this result. The reason why he established the Xunxian Temple was to ascend to the fairyland. Now, someone told him that the fairyland no longer exists and has been destroyed. This is tantamount to destroying him. The dream destroyed his belief, how could he accept it.

Especially those masters in Xunxian Temple, how could they accept this.

Ascension to the Immortal World is their lifelong goal. This goal is gone all of a sudden, and everything is gone. How can this be accepted?

This is also why Li Hongbin didn't tell them the answer before. By then, these people in Xunxian Temple will not go crazy. The pursuit of his life turned out to be nothing but a dream.

But now, Li Hongbin has no choice but to tell Wanfeng the truth.

Nodding his head, Li Hongbin said, "It is true that the fairyland no longer exists. In the disaster in ancient times, all the cultivators perished along with the fairyland. From then on, there will be no such place as the fairyland."

"Hehe, the Immortal World is destroyed and doesn't exist now." Wan Feng said to himself there, looking a little bleak, obviously he couldn't accept the result in a short time, which is also understandable.

After a long time, Wanfeng came back to his senses and said, "If this is the case, then I, Senior Xunxiandian, found out that I can ascend to the fairy world. What's the matter?"

"I don't know." Li Hongbin said, "Maybe I was deceived by others. I don't know the specific situation."

"Senior, the fairy world has been destroyed and is gone. Are there any other immortals in this world? How is their strength?"

"Yes, definitely. Among the few I have encountered, the most powerful one can destroy the entire world of cultivating immortals and even the entire world with a single wave of hand. If you want to destroy it, you only need one palm." .”

"This." Wanfeng said in surprise, "This is impossible! How could there be such a powerful person."

Li Hongbin smiled and said, "His strength is beyond what you can imagine at all. It will only be stronger than what I said. If your strength is different, what you have seen will be different. When your strength reaches a certain At this level, you will know whether what I said is exaggerating."

"Oh my god! This is simply unbelievable. How could there be such a powerful master?"

What Li Hongbin said is the master, the most powerful existence in the world of the highest gods, it is very easy to destroy the world and the stars with a wave of his hand, and it is very easy to destroy a place like the world of cultivating immortals with a single palm up.

"Okay." Li Hongbin said, "Let's not talk about this first. You said that you found a way to ascend to the fairy world in the Xunxian Palace. What happened?"

"Senior, there is something unclear at this moment, senior should follow me to Xunxian Palace."

"Okay." Li Hongbin said, "I'll go with you."

"Thank you, senior." Wanfeng said respectfully, "Before, regarding the matter of not being able to ascend to the fairy world, our seniors at Xunxian Temple thought of several possibilities. , Without the approval of the fairy world, you can't ascend to the fairy world."

"Well, indeed, if you are not strong enough, you will not be able to ascend to the Immortal Realm. It is not because of your weak strength, but if you do not meet this standard, the Immortal Realm will not survive at all. The Immortal Realm is far more ferocious than the Immortal Realm. Killing those It never stopped."

"Another possibility is that the immortals in the immortal world did not want us to ascend to the immortal world and threaten their status, so they closed the gate of the immortal world to prevent us who cultivate the immortal world from ascending, but this may happen later. It was denied, because among the various sects, there are seniors who have ascended to the fairy world and know some news in the fairy world, and the gate of the fairy world is not something that any fairy can control if he wants to control it."

"Indeed, in the fairy world, no one is allowed to master the gate of the fairy world and the Tianyuan formation."

"The first two may have been denied in the end. Although we don't know how powerful the immortal is, if we said that our Fuyi Hall lived in that year, we all guessed that his strength is definitely capable of defeating ordinary immortals. Therefore, we If you can't ascend to the fairy world, there is only a third possibility."

(End of this chapter)

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