Peerless Peasant

Chapter 544 A Black Bead

Chapter 544 A Black Bead
Originally, looking at the momentum of his move, he thought it would be very powerful, but he didn't expect that he would dodge immediately after the momentum was released.

Li Hongbin was speechless for a while. When he saw the introduction of the Sky Monster Clan before, he said that the Sky Monster Clan is a race without restraint. They only know how to bully the weak. Once they encounter someone stronger than themselves, they will definitely run away immediately. .

Li Hongbin didn't really believe it before, the Sky Monster Clan is a very powerful race anyway, how could they do this?
But now, seeing the performance of this sky demon, Li Hongbin completely believed it, and it was so correct. Looking at him like this, he thought there was a big battle going on?Looking at the situation, it is impossible to fight.

"Hehe." Li Hongbin smiled and said, "Sky Monster Clan, do you think you can escape in front of me? Don't even think about it."

Holding the sword of punishment in one hand, an invisible aura emanated from Li Hongbin's body. Suddenly, the sky and the earth changed color, the wind blew up, lightning flashed and thunder rumbled, as if the end of the world was coming. Holding the sword of punishment, he pointed towards the sky. one finger.

There was a burst of lightning and thunder in the sky, and the lightning was overflowing, as if it wanted to cover everything around it.

"Punish the world, I am the master."

"What." Sensing the changes in the surroundings, Tian Yao was startled, especially feeling the huge coercion, he had a feeling that he couldn't resist it. His body stopped suddenly, as if he had hit something.

"This... this." He said with a trace of fear on his face, "this... this is the power of the world, and this is the power of the world that only the gods can grasp."

"Ha ha."

At this time, a laugh appeared beside him, and he saw Li Hongbin appearing silently beside him, which surprised Tian Yao and couldn't help but backed up a few steps. At this moment, he saw Li Hongbin's In the eyes, there is no previous contempt, but only fear and fear.

Li Hongbin said with a playful smile, "I didn't expect you to be a little knowledgeable about the demon race? You know that this is the power of the world."

Tian Yao looked at Li Hongbin in fear and said, "You... how can you control the power of the world? This is impossible, isn't this something that only the gods can control? It is impossible for you to control it, don't you... you are... "

Li Hongbin said very casually, "Say it! Keep talking! Let's see if what you said is right."

"You are a god." Tian Yao said incredulously, "How can you be a god? impossible."

"Oh, is that so?" Li Hongbin said with a hint of amusement, "What about now?"

As soon as his words fell, a supreme and incomparably sacred aura emanated from Li Hongbin's body, and he felt a golden light emanating from the center of Li Hongbin's brows, and a huge coercion descended here in an instant , pressed on the body of the sky demon.

With a plop, he fell to his knees in front of Li Hongbin, his body trembling constantly.

Seeing his appearance, Li Hongbin smiled and said, "How about it, from the Sky Demon Clan, do you think I'm from the Beginning Wonderland? Or is it something else?"

Lowering his head, the demon's body trembled unceasingly, and he said with a trace of fear, "My lord, please forgive the villain for offending me. The villain deserves death. I shouldn't be disrespectful to my lord. Please let me go!" Too small."

"Hehe." Li Hongbin said with a smile, "Even you say you deserve death, so how can I let you go?"

"This... this." The sky demon said tremblingly, "Please let the little one go, my lord, as long as you can save the little one's life, I am willing to be a cow or a horse."

"Forgive your life, and you can be an ox or a horse for me." Li Hongbin shook his head and said, "I don't need someone like you to do things for me. You Tianyao people are a bunch of people without morals, who knows what?" One day, you will suddenly bite back? So what? It’s better to kill it. The majesty of my god is not to be offended. You not only insulted me, but also fought with me. Do you know how provocative this is to me? ?”

"This... this." The sky demon said in fear, "Please spare my life, my lord. I was wrong. I dare not do it again. I was really wrong."

"It's really wrong, I know I'm wrong." Li Hongbin said with a smile, "Yes, I was wrong, I will never dare again, how dare I disrespect you, Lord God? Who are you, what are you? High above, supreme, I am always a small ant, insignificant, I am no threat to you, I just ask you to let me go!"

Li Hongbin pretended to think for a while and said, "It's okay to ask me to let you go, but why should I let you go? What benefits will I get if I let you go?"

"This." Tian Yao hesitated, "It is impossible for me to let you go like this, thank you! You want me to let you go, and you have shown your sincerity."

"My sincerity."

"Yes, your sincerity, as long as you let me see your sincerity, it is absolutely okay to let you go, if not, you can go to see your Heavenly Demon Venerable."

When he was speaking, Li Hongbin's coercion increased by a level, and the sky demon directly prostrated himself on the ground. Li Hongbin said coldly, "I don't have such patience. If I can't see your sincerity, then You're going to die."

The sky demon said fearfully, "Please. Please, Lord God, spare my life."

Regarding the fact that Li Hongbin is a god, he has no doubts at all. This coercion is absolutely unreal. Definitely a god.

He knows how powerful the god is. With his current strength, he is not even an ant in front of the god.

Thinking of fighting with Li Hongbin, wanting to kill Li Hongbin, when he thought of this, his heart was full of fear and regret, how could he offend a god?It's really unlucky to meet one of these big shots, who usually don't see one of them.

Suddenly, Tian Yao was stunned, and a black box appeared in his hand. Holding the box with trembling hands, he placed it in front of Li Hongbin, and said, "My dear god, this thing was accidentally created by the villain again." I got the chance, it's very mysterious, I don't know if I can get my life back."

"En." Li Hongbin frowned and said, "What is this, and how did you get it?"

Tian Yao recalled and said, "The villain got it from an ancient ruin."

"Ancient ruins." Li Hongbin said with a hint of interest on his face, "This is very interesting. Let me see what it is."

This box looks very ordinary, there is nothing special about it, just like an ordinary box, when you open the box, a burst of black light flashes, and Li Hongbin feels his whole soul tremble.

"This, this, what's going on here." Li Hongbin said in surprise, "What is this?"

I just saw a black bead lying quietly in this box. There is nothing special about it, but it gives people a very simple and ancient feeling. Moreover, Li Hongbin also felt a trace of familiarity on the bead. .

Frowning, Li Hongbin said, "Why does this feel familiar? What's going on?"

Looking at the trembling celestial demons, Li Hongbin asked, "From the celestial demon clan, where did you find that relic, do you still have an impression, and also, do you know what is special about this bead? Do you think he is worth your life?"

When he saw this bead, Li Hongbin felt that he was very special, it was definitely not an ordinary thing, but why did he feel familiar?
"This. This." The sky demon trembled and said, "My lord, although I don't know what this black bead is, I know it is very strong. crush him."

"Oh, you are so sure, have you tried it, or is this just your guess." Li Hongbin said coldly, Tian Yao said tremblingly, "This is just my guess."

How dare he take out such a precious thing?If he can really preserve it intact under the blow of the god, he still has his share in this thing, so he can only keep it privately and not let others know.

But he knew the hardness of the black bead. When he first got the bead, he couldn't figure out what it was.

So he thought, give it a try, and see if it can be broken. What shocked him was that he tried every means, exhausted all available weapons, and chopped on the bead without leaving a trace. There were no traces, and there were gaps in those weapons, so he knew that this thing was definitely a treasure.

If it hadn't been for the unlucky day that he offended a deity, that might be the only thing about him that the deity could look up to.

Therefore, he had to take it out, even if he was a treasure, he didn't have his own life to tell.

"It's just your guess." Li Hongbin said angrily, "So you're lying to me."

"I. I, the villain will never dare to deceive the Lord God. I have thought of various methods before, but I have not been able to leave a mark on the bead."

"Oh." Li Hongbin was a little surprised. Although the strength of this sky demon is not very strong, it is definitely not weak. He can't even leave a trace. Even ordinary artifacts are not so powerful.

Holding the black bead in one hand, it feels cold, and there is no other feeling.

Looking at Li Hongbin, Tian Yao asked weakly, "I don't know if the Lord God can spare the villain's life."

"it is good."

As he spoke, Li Hongbin grabbed forward with his right hand, and the Sword of Punishment appeared in his hand. Feeling the power of thunder on the sword, Tian Yao couldn't help but tremble. The power of this divine sword is really too powerful. It is estimated that if the sword comes down, it will be over for him.

Feeling that the divine pressure on him was gone, Tian Yao suddenly felt extremely relaxed, but he didn't dare to stand up, because Li Hongbin might not be sure.

The world of punishment that trapped him has also dissipated.

Li Hongbin smiled and said, "Why, do you want to escape!"

Tian Yao said fearfully, "Don't dare."

"It's fine if you don't dare. Although I don't need to kill you, you must answer a few questions for me now."

(End of this chapter)

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