Peerless Peasant

Chapter 551 Ability

Chapter 551 Ability
Now that they have recognized Li Hongbin as the boss, it's okay to give him something.

What's more, what is the situation of his Shenbing clan that he doesn't know now?Even if there is any magic weapon, it is useless to keep it, and Li Hongbin is now his own. Whether his magic weapon clan can rise again, this hope is all on Li Hongbin, the magic weapon in the armory, whatever Take a little and nothing.

Isn't the magical weapon made for others to use?Having said that, with his abilities of the Divine Weapon Clan, it is not a trivial matter to create a magical weapon!

As the young patriarch of the Shenbing Clan, he naturally knows where the secret room of their Shenbing Clan's armory is. With Bingfeng leading them, this saves a lot of trouble. It is very good to have such a younger brother.

Opening the door of the armory, I immediately felt a very dazzling light emanating from it, which made Li Hongbin unable to open his eyes for a while.

It's really hard to open your eyes. It's not like the light that radiates from the sun. It's the edge of a weapon. It's not only dazzling, but also has a little attack power. If your strength is not strong, If you can't resist the sharp edge, you may be injured.

Some powerful magic soldiers will exude a powerful edge at the moment they are unsheathed.

If one is unprepared and is injured by this sharp edge, it is very likely that he will become a blind person in the future.

Of course, not all magic weapons will emit this kind of edge, only the powerful magic weapon, and the magic weapon that has a certain spirituality and likes to pretend to be compared, will emit the edge, otherwise, Ordinary magic soldiers do not show their sharpness for the time being.

Just like the sword of punishment, his attack power is powerful, right?There is no doubt about it, if he radiates his sharpness, even Li Hongbin may not be able to resist it, no matter how he is an innate artifact, he is very awesome.

It may be because the arsenal of the Shenbing Clan has been silent for too long, and now the door of the arsenal is suddenly opened, and these weapons are a little excited.

So, accidentally, a sharp edge appeared, and after a few seconds, the glaring feeling had completely disappeared, and at a glance, all kinds of weapons were littered on the ground.

Li Hongbin couldn't help asking, "Bingfeng, don't you guys sort out these weapons, put the offensive ones with the offensive ones, and put the defensive ones together."

Bingfeng said indifferently, "Why do we care about these things! After refining the weapons, we just threw them here. Don't say that they are offensive, we don't know, even those magic weapons are strong, those Weak, I don’t know too well, what we pay attention to is a chance, if you want to come here to find your own magic weapon, it depends on your own chance, if you choose to take one, it depends on your own luck gone."

"Eh." Li Hongbin was slightly taken aback and said, "Then when you come in to choose weapons, is there any regulation, you can only choose how many."

Bingfeng shook his head and said, "That's not true. For our internal staff, you can have as many as you want. These magical weapons are very rare in the eyes of others, but in the eyes of our Shenbing people, they are the most precious weapons." What is not missing is the magic weapon.”

"Okay!" Li Hongbin said, "You are local tyrants. You have so many weapons that other people can only dream of."

Bingfeng smiled and said, "That's right, among our divine weapon clan, the most indispensable thing is divine weapon. Any random member of the tribe may have several powerful divine weapons on him. We know that magical weapons are very precious to them, but even if we have more, we will not give them to them, just envy them."

"Local tyrants, you Shenbing clan are big local tyrants." Li Hongbin couldn't help but said.

Every master hopes to have a handy weapon when he obtains a powerful technique, but how many people can achieve their wish?With a weapon in your hand, your combat effectiveness will increase a lot. As the saying goes, one inch is stronger and one inch is longer. Many people are helpless with this request.

But these things, for the Shenbing clan, are not worried at all. The last thing they lack is the Shenbing.

"Hehe." Bingfeng smiled and said, "Boss, you can pick whatever you want. There are a lot of magical weapons here, and even many of them are top-quality artifacts, but I don't know which ones are top-quality artifacts. It can only depend on your own luck." , pick a few more, it's my meeting gift for that sister-in-law."

Li Hongbin said with a smile, "You have a heart, kid."

Walking all the way, Li Hongbin really didn't know what to do. There are too many magical weapons here. Li Hongbin held a divine weapon that exuded a tinge of chill in his hand, and couldn't help shivering, saying, " This artifact is not bad, it matches Qingxue's attributes, but the cold air is too heavy, she may not be able to bear it now."

A ray of light flashed by, and Li Hongbin immediately took away the artifact. Looking at Bingfeng next to him, he seemed indifferent.

He smiled at Li Hongbin and said, "Boss, keep picking, don't worry about anything, I am very generous, unlike those old men, taking a handful of magical weapons is like cutting their flesh."

"Hehe, then I won't be polite." Li Hongbin said, he didn't intend to be polite.

The reason why Bingfeng considers himself the big brother is that he must rely on him for anything in the future. If this is the case, it doesn't matter if he gets a few more artifacts, and he doesn't have any burden on his heart. All of this is deserved?
A set of armor shining with holy light was taken away by Li Hongbin, and he said, "This armor is not bad. Qingxue should be very beautiful and domineering in it."

Taking a look at a bracelet, she couldn't help but nodded and said, "This bracelet is very good, Feifei will definitely like it very much, so I will give it to him and her."

"This sword is not bad, let Feifei use it well."

"This necklace is good, and it can also serve as a defense, so I'll just give it to Xin'er."

"This armor is pretty good. Who should I give it to? Give it to Qingqing. When we meet in the future, give it to her when we meet. Anyway, we will meet again."
Before he knew it, Li Hongbin didn't know how many magic weapons he had chosen. Anyway, no one would pick one or two for those who were related to him. Anyway, there were so many magic weapons in the arsenal. Those, compared to the inventory inside, are just a drop in the bucket.

I didn’t see Bingfeng’s nonchalant attitude, just take it casually, originally Li Hongbin still had a little trouble doing business, but from time to time I heard Bingfeng say, “Boss, that thing is good, do you want to give it to some sister-in-law? ?”

What else is there to say?Is such a younger brother considered a good younger brother?
Listening to Li Hongbin's words, Bingfeng also knew that this guy was so romantic!With so many wives, I strongly despise him. I am more specific. How can I be specific? I haven't met a girl I like yet.

"Ahem." Li Hongbin coughed and said, "Well, Bingfeng, let's go out! It's almost there."

"Why don't you pick a few more?" Bingfeng said, "Boss, you are my elder brother, so please don't be polite to me, otherwise, I will be unhappy."

"Enough, enough." Li Hongbin said that if he was going to pick out a few pieces, even if Bingfeng didn't mind, he would feel embarrassed. Looking at his artifact space, there are already hundreds of magic weapons lying there quietly. Yes, I picked a few for myself.

"Okay." Bingfeng said, "If that's the case, let's go!"

Coming out of the arsenal, Li Hongbin suddenly felt like he had transformed himself into an upstart. From the memory of the God of Life, he also knew the preciousness of divine weapons in the fairy world. In addition, the top ten war gods have their own magic weapons. As for the others, you can only think about it, unless you are lucky and can find one in some ancient ruins.

Otherwise, you will only dream about it when you dream at night.

As long as a handful of magic weapons appear, it is likely to cause a bloodbath. Even the top ten gods of war may come out to grab it. As for the three supreme gods, the three of them are not interested in other magic.

Standing in the main hall of the Excalibur Palace, Li Hongbin once again stood under the hundreds of feet statue and looked at it. He shook his head, but he couldn't see anything.

Looking at Bingfeng, Li Hongbin asked, "Bingfeng, can you see what this statue looks like?"

Bing Feng also said helplessly, "I heard from the seniors in the clan that the sculpture may not have been finished, or the stone could not withstand the pressure of the strong man at all. I am afraid that at the moment it was carved, The statue was destroyed, and I just heard what the seniors in the clan said, and this is just their guess."

Li Hongbin nodded and said, "So that's the case!"

For this, Li Hongbin can still understand. Some strong people can't imprint his appearance in your mind at all. When you see this person, you know who he is, but in your memory, His appearance was blurred and unclear.

"What are your plans in the future, stay here and rebuild your Shenbing clan?"

Bingfeng said with a trace of loneliness, "What's the use of staying here, I'm alone here, I will die of loneliness, Boss, I will hang out with you in the future, go outside and see if I can find my magic weapon other clansmen of the clan."

"Well, okay." Li Hongbin said, "By the way, Bingfeng, I have something I want to discuss with you."

"Boss, at what time, as long as I can do it, there is absolutely no problem."

"It's like this..."

Li Hongbin told Bingfeng about the Xunxian Temple.

Bingfeng said with a hint of admiration, "It's strong enough to dare to go through the second or even third catastrophe. It's amazing, boss, what do you want me to do."

Looking around, Li Hongbin said, "The territory of your Shenbing clan is also very wide, and you don't need some places. Can you set aside a section for these people to practice here?"

"No problem." Bing Feng said, "It's just a matter of pulling some people over, otherwise, it would be so boring."

(End of this chapter)

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