Peerless Peasant

Chapter 558 Special Period

Chapter 558 Special Period
Mr. Wu, who was originally angry, immediately calmed down after hearing the news.

Wu Yunfeng is the grandson he loves and values ​​the most. He decided a long time ago that he would hand over all the properties of the Wu family to Wu Yunfeng and let him take care of everything. He believed in his own vision, and at the same time Believe in Wu Yunfeng's ability.

But now, Wu Yunfeng suddenly told him that he had lost that common function, the grief in the old man's heart can be imagined.

If it could be cured, Wu Yunfeng would have healed it long ago, and he would not keep hiding it from them. There must be no other way. Now, hearing Wu Yunfeng say that there is a miracle doctor who can cure his illness, I am very excited .

But when he thought of the identity of this divine doctor, he felt a little helpless.

why?Because this man is his granddaughter-in-law's man, although she and Wu Yunfeng are only a couple on the surface and have no real relationship, but as people of the older generation, they are very traditional in their hearts. Even if they are not a real couple, you Su Ruoxuan She is also Wu Yunfeng's wife.

To actually do such a thing behind Wu Yunfeng's back made him very unhappy.

Especially the strange scene that made him very happy. He originally thought that the child belonged to Wu Yunfeng, but it turned out to be someone else's. He planned this way before. If Su Ruoxuan gave birth to a boy, he decided to hand over the Wu family's first child. In Wu Yunfeng's hands, let him take care of it.

But unexpectedly, now that such an accident happened, the child in Su Ruoxuan's belly was not from their Wu family.

Even the children of the two of them before were not their Wu family's own flesh and blood, but adopted, which made the old man a little bit unacceptable.

Originally, I was very satisfied with Su Ruoxuan before. This granddaughter-in-law is not only beautiful, but also very kind and filial. Now, I don't have any good feelings for her. If she is not in a special period now, I guess the old man Su Ruoxuan might be kicked out.

Now that this man has come to the door, his intention and purpose are very obvious, he is here to take away Su Ruoxuan and the child.

In the end, after discussing with each other, the three decided to call Li Hongbin over to discuss this matter.

In fact, Wu Yunfeng didn't want to make it so complicated. Over the years, he has seen through the relationship between Su Ruoxuan and himself. Being together is purely forced. She doesn't love herself at all. If this continues, it will be bad for both of them.

Therefore, his idea is to divorce directly after giving birth and recovering his body, and then wish her happiness.

Then I went to find my own true love. As for Li Hongbin's words, he could cure his physical problems. Although I was a little skeptical, after all, there was no way to find so many famous doctors, but the miraculous scene of Li Hongbin on him before, Let him choose to believe in Li Hongbin, then he will no longer be a useless person, and he will definitely be able to find his true love.

In the Wu family's study belonging to Mr. Wu, Li Hongbin sat beside him with a calm face, Wu Gaoshan stared at Li Hongbin, and Wu Yunfeng stood there silently.

When the three of them went to find Li Hongbin before, Su Ruoxuan was at the most critical moment, and Li Hongbin didn't pay much attention to them at all. Now his heart is completely on Su Ruoxuan and the child in her belly, so he doesn't care what these people say.

Although Mr. Wu was very angry, this young man was so rude to him, and he refused to go to discuss things with him.

But after seeing the worried expression on his face, there was no attack. Su Ruoxuan is giving birth now. As the father of the child, it is very normal to focus all her attention on this.

It wasn't until Su Ruoxuan gave birth that Li Hongbin was completely relieved and rushed in first.

What is strange is that the child didn't cry after it was born, but kept laughing there, especially when he saw Li Hongbin rushing in, he let out a big laugh, seeing him waving his hands in the air He said, as if he was greeting Li Hongbin.

This shocked the doctors and nurses next to him. This child is terrible, and it will definitely be terrible in the future.

When Li Hongbin saw him, he was also a little excited. This is his son, and he is going to be a father. This kind of feeling is something ordinary people can't understand. He just hugged him like this and looked at him for a long time. It was Tang Xin who came over and asked her to give her a hug, which brought Li Hongbin back to his senses.

This child didn't seem to recognize his birth at all, and he was very familiar with everyone. When Tang Xin wanted to hug him, he opened his arms and threw himself into Tang Xin's arms happily.

This... This is really monstrous. This is what the doctors and nurses next to me, as well as a few people from the Wu family, have always thought. Don't they know nothing about a newborn child?Do you only know how to cry and eat?Moreover, most people can feel that when a newborn child is hugged by someone other than his mother and father, he immediately cries loudly. Sometimes the two fathers also cry when they hug him. Only the mother can coax him asleep.

This is him?He was just born, like a child of a few years old, especially his eyes, which are very full of spirituality.

Looking at the old man of the Wu family, he couldn't help but want to hug him. It would be great if this child is really his great-grandson. This child will feel extraordinary in the future and must have great achievements. Originally, this is his great-grandson But now it belongs to someone else, the more he thinks about it, the more uncomfortable he feels.

As for Tang Xin's words, she was not surprised at all. I am so powerful that I am a god. As the son of a god, he is naturally better than others.

Su Ruoxuan fell asleep peacefully after giving birth.

He had just given birth to a child, and his vitality was seriously injured. Li Hongbin recuperated his body, and Tang Xin stayed here to accompany Su Ruoxuan and take care of the child. After all, she is a person who has experienced it.

In Mr. Wu's study, looking at Wu Wenjun with a serious face, Li Hongbin said calmly, "Mr. Wu, I don't know if you guys have called me over now, do you have anything to discuss?"

Taking a deep breath, Mr. Wu Wenjun said calmly, "You are really a miracle doctor, you can really cure my Yunfeng's disease."

Li Hongbin smiled and said, "Not only can I cure Wu Yunfeng's illness, I can also completely cure Mr. Wu's illness."

"What." Both Wu Gaoshan and Wu Yunfeng were shocked. Wu Gaoshan looked at Li Hongbin coldly, and said, "You bastard, what are you talking about? How could something happen to my father? If you curse the old man here, be careful what I do to you." You're welcome."

But Wu Yunfeng didn't get angry at Li Hongbin, but looked at Wu Wenjun and said, "Grandpa, you... your body is fine!"

"Yunfeng, what are you talking about?" Wu Gaoshan glared at Wu Yunfeng a little unhappy, and said, "You still don't know about your grandfather's health? The old man's body is very healthy, how could something be wrong? This kid must be Talk nonsense here."

"Gaoshan." Mr. Wu said coldly, "He is almost 50 years old, what kind of person does he look like, let others laugh at him."

To be honest, he was also very shocked in his heart, but he was a person like an old fox. He was shocked in his heart, but he looked very calm on the outside. He smiled at Li Hongbin and said, "Little friend, how can you see my body?" I'm sick, I don't know if you can tell what kind of disease I'm suffering from."

Both Wu Gaoshan and Wu Yunfeng were taken aback, looked at Wu Wenjun in surprise and said, "Old man, really are."

Mr. Wu glanced at the two of them, motioning for them to calm down and listen to what Li Hongbin had to say.

Li Hongbin smiled slightly, and said with a trace of confidence on his face, "Mr. Wu, if my guess is right, you've only been here for two years."

From the beginning to the end, Mr. Wu's expression was very calm, but after hearing Li Hongbin's words, he couldn't calm down anymore. He looked at Li Hongbin in shock. He could tell who this young man was at a glance. As for his own physical problems, he believed that Li Hongbin had already figured out what kind of disease he had after hearing Li Hongbin's words.

"What." Wu Gaoshan and Wu Yunfeng were shocked again, and said, "This, how is this possible."

Although Li Hongbin's words are euphemistic, it has only been two years, doesn't it mean that the old man can live for only two years?
"Yunfeng, Gaoshan." Mr. Wu said with a straight face, "People are always going to die. I mean, I've lived enough. Seeing that my son and grandson are getting married and starting a business, I don't have anything good in my heart." Sorry, you can go with peace of mind."

"This." Wu Yunfeng asked, "Grandpa, what disease do you have?"

"Late liver cancer, the doctor said, with the current level of technology, I can live for a year and a half at most." Mr. Wu said calmly, as if he wasn't talking about his illness at all, old man?He has already seen through life and death, and there will always be such a day. Besides, as he said, the Wu family has already developed, and he has a lot of grandchildren. What is there to be dissatisfied with?

Looking at Wu Yunfeng, Mr. Wu said, "You know why I want you to have a son so anxiously! Also, I want Wu Yunhai to start a family earlier, because I may not have much time left."

"This." Wu Gaoshan said excitedly, "Old man, you won't die. The doctor is just talking nonsense. How long can you live?"

Wu Yunfeng was taken aback, turned around, looked at Li Hongbin with a hint of pleading and said, "Genius doctor, what you just said is true, you can cure my grandfather's illness."

"Yunfeng." Mr. Wu said, "I know my own physical condition. Cancer is an incurable disease. I have never heard of anyone who has cancer and can be cured. I know this situation."

Seeing Wu Yufeng's pleading, Li Hongbin said, "I never speak big words. Since I can see your condition, I can naturally cure you."

"Really." Wu Gaoshan said directly, "Genius doctor, as long as you can cure the old man's illness, no matter what the price is, even if my Wu family spends all their wealth, as long as the old man can recover, he will not hesitate."

You look at his sincere eyes, what he said is absolutely true.

Li Hongbin smiled and said, "I have only one request. As long as you agree to this request, not only Yunfeng's illness will be cured, but the old man's illness will be cured, and I will also give your Wu family a fortune."

(End of this chapter)

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