Peerless Peasant

Chapter 560 Ridiculous

Chapter 560 Ridiculous
After leaving Wu's house, Li Hongbin hurried back to the hospital, anxious to see his son.

As soon as he entered the ward, he saw Tang Xin and Su Ruoxuan chatting happily there. Li Hongbin walked over and asked, "You two beauties, I don't know what you're talking about! You're chatting so happily."

Tang Xin stood up, pulled Li Hongbin over, pushed Su Ruoxuan down, and said, "We are discussing, what name should we give him?"

"Isn't it just a name?" Li Hongbin said with a smile, "Is there any need to discuss it like this? It's not easy. Let me pick the boy's name. How about calling him Li Goudan?"

"Get out." Tang Xin glared at Li Hongbin directly, and said, "Go away, is there any father like you? If he finds out that his father gave him such a name in the future, I don't know what he will think."

"Hehe." Li Hongbin smiled and said, "I'm not joking with you?"

Tang Xin glared at him and said, "Be serious, naming your son is a very important matter, and it cannot be sloppy."

After looking at the two people, Li Hongbin said, "Xiner, Ruoxuan, you two have discussed it directly, did you come up with a good name? The name of my son Li Hongbin must be very domineering."

Su Ruoxuan smiled happily, leaned her head on Li Hongbin's arms and said, "My sister and I each chose one. Both names are very good, and we can't make up our minds."

Looking at the two, Li Hongbin said, "What a nice name! Let's hear it."

"Li Wenhao." Tang Xin said, "This is the name I gave your son. How about it? It sounds nice! The eldest sister's name is Li Junshan, which sounds nice too. Husband, this is your son's name. You have to be careful. Bar!"

Li Hongbin frowned, aren't you embarrassing me?Suddenly his eyes lit up and he said, "How about calling me Li Junhao?"

Both Tang Xin and Su Ruoxuan were stunned for a moment, nodded and said, "Okay, yes, this name is good, Li Wenhao and Li Junshan are united together."

"That's right." Tang Xin asked, "Have you talked with the Wu family?"

Su Ruoxuan also asked anxiously, "Hongbin, they didn't make things difficult for you, did they! Especially Mr. Wu, he is very stubborn and conservative. I guess he must be very disappointed with me now, and he won't show me a good face. .”

Li Hongbin smiled confidently and said, "You don't even look at who I am? If I step out, it will be done right away."

"It's done." The two were taken aback, and asked, "How did it get done."

"The old man of the Wu family has cancer, and it is still at an advanced stage. I promised him to cure the disease of the old man Wu, and also to cure Wu Gaoshan's right hand, and Wu Yunfeng's problem. The illnesses of the three generations have been cured, so they are naturally grateful to me, and I don’t need to mention other things, they will take care of them.” Li Hongbin said Su Ruoxuan was slightly taken aback and said, “Hongbin, you said that Mr. Wu has cancer , it's not serious!"

"So what if it's serious." Li Hongbin put his arms around her and said, "It's not that you don't know who your man is. As long as he is still alive, there is no problem. A cancer is just a small problem."

Originally, the treatment of this cancer can be done in a few minutes. If the cancer cells in his body are removed and then eliminated, his disease will naturally heal.

If this is the case, it would be a bit too shocking. They are ordinary people, and they may not be able to accept it a little bit. In their eyes, they are a miracle doctor, not a god. It will come naturally and slowly, within the range they can accept.

Kill some cancer cells for him every day, and after a few days, when all the cancer cells are wiped out, his disease will be cured.

As for Wu Yunfeng's illness, it's even more simple. Isn't it just a broken meridian?Just connect him directly, not for a second, the meridian breaks, which is a common thing for people in the martial arts, and it is very easy to connect it through some special methods.

It's just that the Wu family is just an ordinary family and has no contact with the martial arts at all. If Wu Yunfeng can recognize people in the martial arts, maybe those genius doctors in the martial arts may not be able to treat his illness. The pulse is very easy, but it also depends on where it is. The tendons and veins in this place are a little special. When using medicine and running zhenqi, you must use it properly, otherwise, new accidents will occur.

However, all these problems are trivial in front of Li Hongbin.

"Really." Su Ruoxuan said in surprise, "It's cancer, are you really sure? If you're not sure, don't agree to them easily."

"Sister." Tang Xin said, "You have no confidence in your man. You don't know that I was in a car accident and almost died. Only my last breath is left. All the bones in my body are almost the same. It was broken, and the internal organs were even more crushed. Under such circumstances, most people would undoubtedly die, but my husband recovered immediately with a little trick."

"Really, so powerful." Su Ruoxuan said in surprise, looked at the two of them, and then said with a smile, "I think you two were after that one time, haha."

Tang Xin said without blushing, "Yes! It was after that time that my husband and I officially got together."

"Okay." Tang Xin took Li Hongbin's hand and Su Ruoxuan's hand together, and said, "You two haven't seen each other for so long, you should have a lot to talk about! I, a light bulb, won't stand here and disturb You guys are all right, let’s talk on your own! But I remind you! Don’t start chatting and doing other things! Sister, you have not just given birth. Although your body has almost recovered, some things are now Still can't do it."

Su Ruoxuan, who was always very domineering, was blushed by Tang Xin's words. In the past, she was the only one who molested others, but Tang Xin turned her back on her. But what can I do?Sleeping Tang Xin is now older than her!
Although she was willing to be with Li Hongbin and didn't care about anything else, Tang Xin was older than her and one level higher than her.

Looking at Tang Xin's back, Li Hongbin couldn't help but said, "This chick, I'll deal with him later."

Li Hongbin was sitting on the bed in the ward, Su Ruoxuan's body was half lying in Li Hongbin's arms, her little face was slightly red, she was a woman who was already familiar, and her whole body was full of allure, especially now, with this shy look, Looking at Li Hongbin, there was an inexplicable impulse. If she hadn't just given birth, Li Hongbin would really do something to her.

"Ahem." Li Hongbin coughed twice and said, "Ruoxuan, you're alright! You don't have any discomfort!"

"En, um." Su Ruoxuan nodded and said, "Very good, if Tang Xin didn't let me get out of bed, I would feel no different from usual, and I would feel much more relaxed."

"Hehe." Li Hongbin smiled and said, "Where's that little guy?"

"Fall asleep." Su Ruoxuan said with a trace of surprise, "It's strange to say that this little guy is not noisy, he goes to sleep when he is full, wakes up to eat when he is hungry, he is not noisy, and he It's as if you can understand me."

Li Hongbin said proudly, "It doesn't matter whose son it is, our son is naturally extraordinary."

He glared at Li Hongbin and said, "That is also due to my general credit, I just hope this kid doesn't inherit some things from his father."

Li Hongbin was slightly taken aback, and said with a little bit of dissatisfaction, "I am full of strengths all over. Listen to what you say. Is there something wrong with me?"

"You are good in everything, but there is only one bad thing. I heard from sister Tang Xin that she already has several sisters."

"Ahem." Li Hongbin coughed twice and said, "What's wrong with this, doesn't it just show that I am very good? To tell you the truth, I didn't provoke these women myself."

Su Ruoxuan glared at Li Hongbin and said, "You didn't provoke them, so they sent them to the door automatically."

"The answer is correct." Li Hongbin said, "It was delivered to the door automatically."

"You're just as beautiful as you are." Su Ruoxuan said, "Who will take a fancy to you! You will be sent to your door automatically, I have never seen such a stupid woman."

"Hehe, is that so?" Li Hongbin said with a smile, looking at Su Ruoxuan with a playful smile in his eyes.

Su Ruoxuan was taken aback, and said, "Why are you looking at me?"

Li Hongbin said with a smile, "I was watching, it seems that some people came to the door automatically! I was sleeping comfortably that night, and then, ah..."

Before he finished speaking, he heard Li Hongbin suddenly let out a scream, and saw Su Ruoxuan grasping the soft flesh around Li Hongbin's waist with both hands, pinching it so hard that Li Hongbin immediately took a breath, This woman is really too ruthless, she can do it!

I saw Su Ruoxuan buried her head in Li Hongbin's arms, and said fiercely, "I tell you to talk, tell you to talk nonsense."

"Cough cough." Li Hongbin coughed twice, resisting the sharp pain and said, "Ruoxuan, dear Ruoxuan, dear Xuanxuan, I was wrong, and I will never dare again."

"Hmph." Su Ruoxuan said fiercely, "For the sake of your sincerity and sincerity to admit your mistake, I'll just let you go."

But she still didn't dare to lift her head up, it was too embarrassing. Although she was very courageous, she would still be very shy when Li Hongbin said that just now. Li Hongbin was right, if she hadn't run away by herself Go to his bed and none of these things will happen.

However, after this incident happened, she didn't regret it at all, on the contrary, she still had a little sweetness in her heart.

After a while, Su Ruoxuan asked, "Hongbin, do you really want me to be your woman?"

"Why are you willing? You are my woman now."

"Ke Ke." Su Ruoxuan asked, "I heard from Tang Xin that you still have a big wife in your family, will she agree?"

"Don't worry about it, she won't care about it, that's all right, in a few days, you and Tang Xin will go back with me to meet her and my parents."

"Ah." Su Ruoxuan said slightly startled, "Is this okay? Uncles and aunts won't dislike me!"

"No, the two of them have wanted to hold grandchildren for a long time. Don't worry, they will like you."

At this moment, suddenly heard a quarrel outside, as if Tang Xin was arguing with someone, upon hearing this, Li Hongbin's expression turned cold.

(End of this chapter)

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