Peerless Peasant

Chapter 563 Retribution is here

Chapter 563 Retribution is here
As if he had guessed what Chu Feng would do, this kid was really bold and dared to do anything.

In broad daylight, he dared to lead a group of people into the city hospital. He really thought that Chuandi was his home, and he was the master here. He could do whatever he wanted, and he could do whatever he wanted .

If it was before, there would be nothing wrong with it, but this time, he provoked the wrong person, the wrong person.

And what about this consequence?It's just unimaginable.

Just after being teased and ignored by Li Hongbin, he called all his cronies and friends over with one phone call. They were all friends who usually hang out with him. We had a few drinks together and played together. I have never been a woman, the kind of friend who talks about life and death loyalty.

Don't tell me, his friend really didn't say anything. After this call, twenty or thirty people were called together, and within ten minutes, he felt the city hospital.

After learning that the leader was Chu Feng, the guards in the hospital just pretended they didn't see it, turned a blind eye, and slept there. This man is not something they can offend. It's best to act as if you didn't see it.

He was just praying silently, who in the end messed with this kid again.

After seeing this formation, the other people in the hospital obviously had expressions of fear on their faces. It can be seen that what kind of impression Chu Feng usually has in their minds, it has already been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. Not as good.

No one dared to stand up and say what about Chu Feng. They all knew that if they dared to stand up and say something, their life would be over.

Twenty or thirty people rushed up and surrounded Su Ruoxuan's ward.

Seeing this situation, Su Ruoxuan was startled, and asked, "Hongbin, Second Sister, what happened."

Touching her forehead, Li Hongbin said, "Ruoxuan, don't worry, it's not a big deal, it's just a little thing. If there's something short-sighted, if you want to kill yourself, then no wonder you're being punished."

Su Ruoxuan showed a cautious expression, looked at Tang Xin and said, "Second sister, what happened, what are these people here for?"

Tang Xin said with a cold look on her face, "A bastard named Chu Feng wants to seek death, so I have no one to blame."

"Chu Feng." Su Ruoxuan was taken aback. She has lived here in Sichuan for so many years. Of course, she has heard of Chu Feng. Everyone knew that there was such a beast, but no one dared to touch him.

Holding Li Hongbin's hand, he said nervously, "Hongbin, why did you mess with him? It's not easy to handle now, his father has a lot of power here in Sichuan, even the Wu family has A little apprehensive."

Tang Xin smiled and said, "Sister, you don't have to worry about anything. Chu Dong is in front of her husband, that is an ant. Have you forgotten who your husband is? It's not what Chu Dong can believe. By the way, if he wants to court death, then he has no one to blame."

"Eh." Su Ruoxuan was taken aback for a moment, she forgot about it because she was worried about Li Hongbin, but now Tang Xin reminded her, she immediately remembered it.

This man of mine is not an ordinary person, he has the same abilities as the legendary gods, what is there to be afraid of such a person, Chu Dong is asking for his own death.

"Hehe." Li Hongbin patted Su Ruoxuan on the shoulder and said, "Ruoxuan, don't worry about anything, just lie down here with peace of mind! Xin'er, take good care of Ruoxuan here, I'll go out and solve this little problem." question."

"Yeah, yeah." Tang Xin nodded and said, "Hubby, don't worry, I'll take care of you here, there's nothing wrong with it."

Pushing open the door, I saw Chu Feng's arrogant look, looked at Li Hongbin and said, "Boy, you know you are afraid now! Let me tell you, you dare to do something to me, you definitely don't want to live. Brothers, do it. Kill this kid for me, beat him hard, and I will be responsible if he is killed."

Shaking his head, Li Hongbin said, "If you are beaten to death, you are responsible. This is a human life! Are you responsible? What are you responsible for?"


Chu Feng said disdainfully, "My old man is Chu Dong, and I can take responsibility based on this, boy, I saw you being arrogant before, but now you are being arrogant, let me see! Here in Sichuan, no one dares to fight with me." Chu Feng did it, you are the first one, boy, you are dead, brothers, do it!"

Under Chu Feng's command, I saw a few people rushing up, some with wrenches, some with machetes, and some with iron bars. Anyway, everyone has weapons in their hands.

Li Hongbin smiled coldly, and said, "Chu Feng, you really can do something without killing people! Since you want to seek death, then don't blame me, a bunch of damned things for helping the evildoers."

A wrench smashed down on Li Hongbin's head. They really didn't have any scruples. If ordinary people were hit by this wrench, it would be a disaster. It is not as hard as metal, seeing this, Li Hongbin's eyes flashed with anger.

These people are really damned. From this point, it can be seen that this kind of thing must not be the first time.

Grabbing it with one hand, before that person could react, he felt a huge force coming, and the wrench in his hand fell into Li Hongbin's hands at some point. With a sound of "bang", Li Hongbin turned the wrench back Hit him and sent him flying.

However, what Li Hongbin hit was not his head, but his shoulder. When the wrench went down, his entire shoulder was completely shattered. Another wrench was passed, and a gangster holding an iron rod was hit by the wrench. , the iron rod in his hand was bent directly, and his hands were even more bloody from the shock.

"Hmph! Get out!"

With one kick, he was kicked out, and with a backhand wrench, he saw a man smashing his mouth against the wrench, and his mouth was bloody and his teeth fell out one by one. He fell down and hit his chest with a palm, vomiting blood and flying out backwards.

In just over ten seconds, Li Hongbin's figure was seen shuttling among the twenty or thirty people a few times.

Then there were only two people who could stand still at the scene, one was Li Hongbin and the other was Chu Feng. As for the others, they all fell to the ground. It was a bit miserable, at least seven or eight of his bones were broken, and the most serious one was the one that was hit on the mouth by Li Hongbin with a wrench. In the future, he must never think about eating again.

"You. You." Seeing Li Hongbin walking towards him, Chu Feng said fearfully, "Who are you?"

"Hehe." Li Hongbin smiled and said, "You don't need to worry about who I am, as long as you know that you will be miserable, Chu Feng, today is the time for you to suffer retribution."

"It's a joke." Chu Feng resisted his fear and said, "What retribution will I suffer, and how can I suffer retribution?"

Li Hongbin pointed to the sky and said, "God's retribution, good will be rewarded with good and evil will be rewarded with evil, it's not that it won't be repaid, it's just that the time hasn't come, you did such a bad thing, didn't you think that one day, you will be retribution? And what's more, how miserable your retribution will be."

Chu Feng took a few steps back, tightly holding an iron rod in his hand, and said, "My father is Chu Dong, who dares to seek revenge on me."

Li Hongbin smiled, and said disdainfully, "Your father is Chu Dong, isn't he the head of a department? Is it big? Is it powerful? Is the whole of China owned by him? It doesn't seem to be the case! Chu Feng, your retribution is coming." Now, it’s not who wants to deal with you, but God, it’s God’s will to take revenge on you, and your retribution has arrived.”

"You. You." Chu Feng said fearfully, "What are you going to do? If you dare to do anything to me, my father will not let you go."

"Hehe, won't he let me go? Please take a look at the current situation and see who won't let me go."

Blocking the iron rod in front, trying to look at this to find some comfort, he just saw Li Hongbin's skill, it was simply terrifying, more than 20 people fell to the ground in the blink of an eye, and he was still so ruthless , how can Chu Feng not be afraid?

Seeing his action, Li Hongbin said disdainfully, "Do you think this will be useful?"

As he spoke, he waved his right hand lightly, and swung the wrench in his hand, and immediately sent his iron rod flying. His hands were still trembling. Li Hongbin walked over, grabbed his shoulder and said, " Chu Feng, your retribution has come, enjoy your retribution!"

As he spoke, he lightly scratched Chu Feng's shoulder, and after a few clicks, his left hand was completely crippled.

In the same way, Chu Feng's entire right arm was abolished, as well as his legs. During the whole process, Li Hongbin did it very slowly, bit by bit, just to let Chu Feng Feng enjoys this painful process.

Li Hongbin smiled and said, "Chu Feng, be in pain! Have you ever thought that some people suffer a hundred times more pain than you do?"

"Ah. Ah." Chu Feng yelled in pain, "Bastard, if you dare to treat me like this, my father will definitely not let you go."

Li Hongbin didn't take his words to heart at all, and continued to say, "Do you still remember that policewoman named Liu Yi'er? Do you remember how she died? You forced her to commit suicide at the end. You know that she sent a message before she died. What kind of curse did you have?"

Chu Feng was taken aback for a moment, and his heart couldn't help being terrified.

"Hehe, are you scared? Listen to me slowly, after she saw the video you uploaded on the Internet that day, all thoughts were lost. Her life was completely ruined by you like this. She cursed you that Chu Feng is not good. Death will make you suffer the pain of ten thousand insects eating your heart, her curse will soon be fulfilled, and your retribution is coming."

Li Hongbin snapped his fingers and said, "Only in this way can her resentment dissipate, and she can go to reincarnation, enjoy it!"

"There was also that third-year female student named Nian'er the year before last. The night market was cornered by you, and she had to commit suicide in the end. Do you know what curse he cast before committing suicide? She said that if there is a spirit in the world, it must be you." The animal was punished, and the meat on its body was eaten piece by piece by wild dogs, and in the end there was only a skeleton left."

Hearing Li Hongbin's words, Chu Feng could not help but shudder.

(End of this chapter)

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