Peerless Peasant

Chapter 569: Seeing Parents

Chapter 569: Seeing Parents

I saw three women, one holding a baby in her arms, and the other holding a little girl, standing at the gate of Xianyou Village.

These three women, no matter where they go, they are the beauties of the role, the beauties who make countless men crazy, their alluring looks, and this devilish figure, as long as it is a normal man, after seeing it , will not move.

At this moment, the three of them stood at the gate of Xianyou Village, a little hesitant, a little excited, and a little scared at the same time.

The little girl looked at the three women curiously, frowned and said, "Mom, two aunts, why don't you go away! Aren't we going to play at Dad's house? And visit grandpa and grandma? Why don't you go!"

These three women are Tang Xin, Dai Zhanfeng, and Su Ruoxuan.

When Li Hongbin told them that he would take them back to meet their parents, these people were excited. Although they were with Li Hongbin, they didn't need to care about their status, as long as Li Hongbin had them in his heart, it was enough, but if they could get Li Hongbin's parents acknowledgment, even better.

In fact, Tang Xin always wanted to meet Li Hongbin's parents, but she didn't dare.

Because, she knew very well what she was. She was so much older than Li Hongbin, and she was a mother with a child. Li Hongbin didn't care about these things, but what about his parents?As parents, these things are more important. If you know that your son has married a woman who is not only older than you, but also has children, you will definitely not allow it.

However, these are not the main point. The important point is that Li Hongbin's home still has a main room there.

This is the most worrying thing about Tang Xin. Although Li Hongbin keeps saying that Xu Qingxue doesn't care, it's one thing, but it's actually another thing. Although you don't have to care, go to see Li Hongbin's main room Sometimes, there will always be a little pressure.

When Li Hongbin went to Sichuan last time, he brought Su Ruoxuan back and temporarily dominated Tang Xin's house.

These three women became good sisters in an instant, and they were actually real sisters, because they belonged to the same man?When she saw Li Junhao, Tang Yunyun was very excited. She always wanted Tang Xin to give her a baby brother and take him to play. Now this wish has finally come true, and Li Junhao seems to be very willing to be with Tang Xin. Yunyun played together, laughing happily from time to time.

"Sister Fengling, take the lead!" Su Ruoxuan looked at Dai Zhanfeng and said, "You are our eldest sister."

Among the three, Dai Zhanfeng is the oldest, so he naturally became the older sister of the two of them.

"This." Dai Zhanfeng hesitated and said, "Ruoxuan, are you the boss now? You have a husband's child. Even if your uncle and aunt don't like us, he won't dislike you. After all, you are They gave birth to a precious grandson."

"Yes! Yes." Tang Xin also said quickly, "Sister Ruoxuan, you are the eldest sister of the three of us."

"Hey! I said you three, why are you still at the door! When you called me, didn't you say it? I waited for a long time."

Right at this moment, a familiar figure appeared beside these three people. They were no longer shocked by Li Hongbin's ability, because they had seen it many times before.

"Honey, we." Tang Xin said shyly, "Are we a little nervous? After all, it's the first time to see uncle and aunt?"

Li Hongbin glared at him, and said honestly, "What uncle and aunt! Those are our parents, remember not to call them wrong."

"En, um." Tang Xin nodded, and asked weakly, "Honey, will your parents really not mind? After all, we...we are only your lovers."

Dai Zhanfeng and Su Ruoxuan also acquiesced to this point of view. They never thought about asking Li Hongbin to give them any titles, as long as they could be together, because their love for Li Hongbin had reached a point where they could not leave him.

"Don't worry." Li Hongbin said, "My parents are very nice. Seeing three such beautiful daughter-in-laws, is it too late for them to be happy?"

"Really." Dai Zhanfeng asked weakly, "Husband, what you said is true, the two elders really don't care, and what's more, Miss Qingxue, won't she be angry?"

"Really, you can rest assured." Li Hongbin said, "I will see you sooner or later anyway? Don't you always want to come to see my dad? As for Qingxue, don't worry, she has already Miss you guys."

"What's more, I will show you our Xianyou Village. I hope you will like it and live here from now on."

"Okay, why are you still standing here in a daze? Let's go in." Li Hongbin said, "Come on, Yunyun, get on Dad's shoulders, and I'll carry you on my back."

As soon as I entered Xianyou Village, I immediately felt the difference inside. Taking a breath of the air here makes people feel refreshed. Immediately, the fatigue of the day is gone, and the nervousness before is gone. It seems to have calmed down slowly.

"Hoo, hoo." He took two deep breaths, and there was a natural fragrance in the air, which made people want to smell more.

"This." Tang Xin and the three said in surprise, "What kind of place is this? Could this be a fairyland on earth? This place is simply too beautiful."

Looking around, there is a field of flowers, flowers, willows and greenery, full of the breath of life. Looking at it makes people feel naturally smoother, and the mood also naturally improves. Tang Yunyun on Li Hongbin's shoulder said excitedly, "It's so beautiful! Dad, I want to build a house on that mountain and live there, I saw so many delicious food on it, it made my mouth water, Dad, okay?"

"Okay." Li Hongbin said, "As long as you like to live there, Dad will build you a house to live there."


Tang Yunyun said excitedly, "Father, you are so kind, I will reward you with a kiss."

Seeing Tang Yunyun's cute appearance made several people laugh happily. Children are like this, they want to squeeze where they see fun and delicious food.

When Li Hongbin and his group entered Xianyou Village, they immediately attracted everyone's attention. In fact, they were looking at Tang Xin and the other three beauties.

Such three beauties are the focus no matter where they go, and they don't want to be the focus!But they just took a look. Looking at the degree of intimacy between Li Hongbin and the three of them, they can see that the relationship with them is extraordinary.

Now, in the eyes of the people in Xianyou Village, Li Hongbin is like a god, and everyone respects him very much.

It is normal for such a capable person to have several wives. After thinking of this possibility, a young man with a little thought immediately dispelled this idea in his heart. Such a beautiful woman can only be a capable person. Only those who are worthy of it, what am I? If compared with Li Hongbin, I am not even a scumbag.

Pointing to the small two-story house in front, Li Hongbin said, "Three wives, the house in front is our house."

"This, this." My heart, which had already calmed down, was once again uneasy by Li Hongbin's words. Of these three women, which one of them is not the most powerful in shopping malls? Not to mention Dai Zhanfeng, who is now the general manager and chairman of Hongyuan Distillery. As for Su Ruoxuan, she has been helping the Wu family with business before, and she is also very powerful.

What kind of big scene has never been seen, but now, it is a little restless.

"Let's go." Li Hongbin pulled one of them and said, "We're all at the door, why are you still standing there?"

They all lowered their heads and were dragged in by Li Hongbin. Only Tang Yunyun, who didn't understand anything, just looked at Tang Xin and the three of them in such a strange way, wondering what happened to her mother and two aunts today, as if It's really strange to be like a child who has done something wrong!

"Hmm." Li Changshun and Xu Caicai, who were chatting in the hall, suddenly saw Li Hongbin dragging three beautiful and outrageous girls in, and they were taken aback for a moment.

"This, this." Li Changshun stared at the three of them with a trace of surprise, which made the three people who were already shy even more shy. There were only two people in the hall, and they knew without thinking that this was Li Hongbin's. The parents died, and the heart beat faster and faster.

Li Changshun asked suspiciously, "Xiaobin, what are you doing, who are they?"

In fact, when he saw these three girls, he already had a guess in his heart, but he was just not sure. These three girls were much more beautiful than those big stars on TV. When they looked shy, Li Changshun thought of something.

"Ahem." Li Hongbin coughed twice, instead of introducing them, he carried Tang Yunyun down and said, "Yunyun, call Grandpa."

Tang Yunyun looked up at Li Changshun, and said with a dazed smile on her face, "Grandpa, hello, I am my father's daughter, and my name is Yunyun."

Li Changshun was instantly surprised. He looked at the extremely cute Tang Yunyun and Li Hongbin, who nodded his head.

I saw a trace of excitement and ecstasy on Li Changshun's face. He stared at Tang Yunyun and said, "Okay, okay, okay, Yunyun, let grandpa give you a hug."

Tang Yunyun said obediently, "Grandpa, give me a hug."

"Hahahaha." Holding Tang Yunyun in his arms, Li Changshun smiled happily, that's what makes him happy!

My daughter has married into a good family, my son has a successful career, and the family situation has improved. As a parent, in this situation, I just hope that I can hug my grandchildren and enjoy the family happiness. This is their greatest wish and what they most want to see.

Such a beautiful and lovely little girl is his granddaughter, how can he not be happy?I'm afraid we're going to have to drink a few more tonight.

Xu Caicai also said excitedly, "Old man, let me see our granddaughter."

Tang Yunyun said in a childish voice, "Hi, grandma, I'm Yunyun."

"Okay, okay, okay." Xu Caicai said excitedly, touched her body, and said embarrassingly, "Yunyun, I haven't prepared much, I will give you a red envelope later."

(End of this chapter)

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