Peerless Peasant

Chapter 595 Falling into the Devil's Way

Chapter 595 Falling into the Devil's Way
It is quite tragic that a generation of heroic blood Shura disappeared in the long river of history like this.

He didn't die in a big battle. He fought with a certain powerful master. The two were evenly matched. In the end, after an unknown battle, he lost to his opponent with one move. He didn't die like this, but died in the Under his presumptuousness and arrogance.

However, his death has made Long Qianshan powerful, but Long Qianshan is not a good guy, he has completely fallen into the devil's way.

If you think about them, none of the ancient nine demons will end well, except for Qianying, he should not be considered a demon at all, he is just a bit more playful and likes to play tricks on others, the real big No evil has ever been done.

The reason why he was crowned with the title of Great Demon Head was because he got mixed up with Great Heavenly Demon Wudao and the others.

Therefore, others naturally thought of him and the Great Demon Wudao together. This Qianying is also a big demon. In fact, this is a great wrong for Qianying. He himself was also deceived by the Great Demon Wudao. , I haven't done many bad things.

As for the other eight great demons, they really do all kinds of evil, and there is no bad thing they haven't done.

Because of the cycle of cause and effect, they are tragic, and none of them will end well, so let's say that the Great Heavenly Demon has no way!Maybe he didn't know before that he was just a person created by someone else practicing a certain method, in order to let himself live again when the fairy world was shattered, so he tragically became a scapegoat.

There is also the devil who went to challenge the sword god and asked for his own death, and the unlucky ghost who went to challenge the sword emperor, they are also tragic.

Tun Xing is now following the Juggernaut's side, living with trepidation, worrying that one day he will be abandoned by the Juggernaut, after that, the life is also very tragic, if the heart is devoured, now the Juggernaut has turned him into a no The puppet of the meaning, the living dead, living is more uncomfortable than dying, and it is quite a tragedy.

The two great demons, Dream Demon and Phantom Demon, were a little bit better. They were controlled by Li Hongbin, and they were freed by snapping their fingers. But in general, they were much better than other big demons. At least they followed Li Hongbin. There is no need to worry about what Li Hongbin will do to them, the premise is to do it well and not do anything that makes Li Hongbin angry, otherwise, you will suffer a lot.

These big devils have all ended up in such a tragic end, no one can blame them, this is their own retribution.

However, it is unclear whether Long Qianshan will be tragic in the end. If he thinks that he is very powerful now, and then kills the real dragon royal family, and wants to control the real dragon royal family in his own hands, then he will Really tragic.

Let's just say that the current Long Zhenyu, although not as powerful as him, has been recognized by the heroes of the ancient dragon group.

In this part of their True Dragon King Clan, even the Supreme God may not be able to do anything to get him. If Long Qianshan, a traitor, is driven back, he will definitely be expelled. The ancient heroic spirits will never recognize him. As for If they will attack him, then I don't know.

What's more, there is a powerful Dragon God and Dragon Diyue. The Dragon God's strength is slightly weaker, and Dragon Diyue is the real double peak of the divine way.

That strength is very strong, very strong, if Long Qianshan dares to confront him head-on, then he will be really tragic.

Regarding these situations, Long Qianshan didn't know at all. He only knew that the blood of the True Dragon King Clan in his body had awakened, but he didn't know whether the other members of the Dragon Guardian Clan had awakened. How about it, I am of the blood of the royal family, and I have an innate oppressive nature.

He didn't know that the reason why his blood was awakened was because Long Haotian's Dragon Emperor blood was awakened, which led to the awakening of his blood.

Once Long Haotian accepts the inheritance, becomes the Dragon Emperor, and becomes the supreme leader of the Dragon Clan, at that time, if he, Long Qianshan, rushes forward, there will probably be only one result.

He was arrested by the people of the True Dragon Royal Family, and then he could do whatever he wanted.

Regarding all of this, Long Qianshan didn't know, and couldn't think of it, and saw him standing confidently in the ancestral land of Shura, looking at the blood mist all over the sky, sucking in suddenly, and suddenly felt a gust of wind It suddenly rose up, and the blood energy in the entire space was swept up, and entered Long Qianshan's mouth.

For Li Hongbin in Xianyou Village, his Xuantian Authentic Sect has been formally established. He, Li Hongbin, is the suzerain, and several of his women are the suzerain's wives. However, Xu Qingxue got himself the position of deputy suzerain, maybe because he thought it was fun Bar!Leng Fei, Xia Qingqing, and Fairy Piao Miao, they didn't hold any positions, they just helped Li Hongbin handle the affairs of the sect.

Zi Tianhong and Tianxu Laodao acted as the elders who passed on the kung fu, and the disciples in the sect would choose which kung fu to be determined by these two elders.

Li Hongbin has also written out the exercises of the fairy world in the mind of the God of Life one by one, and recorded them on some jade slips. You only need to infiltrate your spiritual power into them, and you can watch this exercise. Law.

This really exhausted Li Hongbin, the God of Life really had a lot of exercises in his mind.

He has reached the realm of the supreme god, and there is nothing to do every day, so he studies this exercise, explores that kung fu, and discusses these masters with each other. After countless years of accumulation, the mind of the god of life Countless skills have been accumulated in it.

Li Hongbin has to write down these exercises one by one, which is a very huge project.

However, Li Hongbin won't write them all down, he doesn't have so much time to write them all down, but there are some exercises that the God of Life thinks are good, so he will write them down, as for the bad ones, just write them down. It is omitted, but even so, there are still thousands of exercises.

Li Hongbin called Bingfeng, the young leader of the Shenbing clan, and asked him to be the elder of Tiangong, just to build palaces and weapons.

This made Bingfeng complain there. You asked me, the young patriarch of the Shenbing clan, to do this kind of thing for you. At that time, I wanted to object, so I couldn’t say it. When he listened to Li Hongbin's words, he had no opinion.

Especially when he saw Fairy Piaomiao, Bingfeng was really excited, this is the God of Life!
Then he had no opinion at all, and knew what his father said to him at the beginning, and then he became the elder of Tiangong. The first task Li Hongbin entrusted to him was to give him the authentic Xuantian sect and create his own When coming to the palace, at least it must be able to withstand the attacks of Shinto masters.

Bingfeng patted his chest and said, "Boss, don't worry, I will leave this matter to me! I promise to treat you as a palace of artifacts."

Hearing Bingfeng's words, Li Hongbin did not doubt his ability. After all, he is also the young patriarch of the Shenbing clan, and he must have a strong level in this aspect. For others, it may be difficult to create a divine weapon, but for the gods For the people of the soldier clan, it is not a difficult task, just take a look at their arsenal, and you will know the dazzling array of magic.

He patted him on the shoulder and said, "Okay, Bingfeng, I will leave this matter to you. The artifact is not guaranteed, as long as it is stronger."

But Bingfeng said a little unhappy, "Boss, are you looking down on me? I am the young patriarch of the Shenbing clan. If I can't forge two artifacts, my title of young patriarch will be for nothing, right? I will definitely create an artifact palace for you, but I don’t have the materials in my hands, and I don’t have the conditions. I need to go back to the clan to get some materials, and I need to rely on the sacred fire in the forbidden area to forge the artifact. .”

"Okay! I believe in your ability, it must be possible, go!"

Meng Mo and Huan Mo are the guardian elders, who are responsible for guarding Xuantian Zhengzong. As for Qianying, it is not easy to arrange this for him for the time being. With a reliable appearance, let him cooperate with the dream combination.

Shi Haotian served as the law enforcement elder, and let him take charge of Xuantian Zhengzong's punishment.

As for Lin Wudi?He put all his heart into cultivation, and only wanted to become stronger. As for other things, he didn't care much. Li Hongbin also arranged a corresponding position for him, and established a martial arts training hall in Xuantian Zhengzong. And Lin Wudi is the battle elder, and he is responsible for fighting, fighting with everyone who enters the martial arts hall. Lin Wudi is very interested in this position.

However, the sect has only just been established, and there are only a few high-level leaders here. As for the other disciples, there are none.

On the second day of the sect's opening, Li Hongbin announced to the entire world of cultivating immortals that he had established a Xuantian authentic sect. If any disciples who are willing and feel that they have good character, they can come and try it out. Once they pass the test, they can join Xuantian sect. Zhengzong, became Xuantian Zhengzong's disciple.

This made the entire cultivation world boil. When Li Hongbin established the Hall of Law Enforcement before, many people wanted to join the Hall of Law Enforcement in order to have a backer.

But Li Hongbin established the Law Enforcement Hall, but he himself did not take care of it. This force is also a force in the Immortal Cultivation World. He just established him, and he didn't care about other things.

But it's different now, he established Xuantian Authentic Sect, and he acts as suzerain, this is really his own power.

The Real Dragon Royal Family and Li Hongbin from Xunxian Palace also went to notify them. If they have any ideas and want to join their Xuantian Authentic Sect, they can come and have a try. They are welcome to join. For them, Li Hongbin will naturally choose the best. .

For the two forces of Hulong Clan and Xunxian Temple, he still has great confidence in the character of these disciples, after all, they are so familiar with each other.

The number of people was full that day, but the review is also a very serious problem, it is impossible for all kinds of disciples to pass!There are some disciples whose conduct is not good. If they are allowed to practice powerful spells, wouldn't they be guilty of their own crimes?This matter is very serious.

In the next period of time, these disciples will be reviewed one by one, and then it will be determined who can become the real Xuantian authentic disciples.

(End of this chapter)

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