Peerless Peasant

Chapter 6 Miracles

Chapter 6 Miracles
Early in the morning, Li Hongbin was woken up by his father's loud noise outside.

I heard Li Changshun excitedly holding Xu Caicai's hand and saying, "Old lady, my feet are healed, do you even see them? My feet are healed, I can walk normally again, and I can work in the fields again."

Seeing his excited expression, Xu Caicai stood there dumbfounded, how could this be possible.

I was still a cripple yesterday, but I returned to normal overnight, no different from ordinary people, how is this possible, this is unscientific!Xu Caicai shook her head, looked at the excited Li Changshun, her eyes were slightly moist, she hugged Li Changshun with both hands and said, "It's good that you're fine, it's best if you're fine."

"Dad, Mom, what happened? Judging by the excitement on your faces, you must have picked up money!"

Li Hongbin said that's what he said, but only he knows what happened. Ever since he came home and saw his father like this, Li Hongbin has been thinking about it in his heart. Both legs are healed, and I am now the god of life. This is not a trivial matter, so after I went home yesterday and finished eating, wait for the two of them to fall asleep.

Li Hongbin came to his parents' room and let them both fall into a deep sleep.

Now Li Hongbin doesn't want others to know that he is a god. After all, this is too shocking. When the time comes, some national institution will not arrest him and treat himself as a research object. Although he is not afraid of anything, he doesn't want to have too much trouble.

Grabbing his father's leg, he first restored the bone to its original position, and then used his powerful vitality to restore him to normal.

In just a few minutes, the ports were completely connected together, exactly the same as when they were not broken. After doing this, a stone in Li Hongbin's heart was finally let go.

After that, I went to visit one by one, but they all visited secretly.

Although the people in their village are basically free from any disease and have a relatively long life expectancy, they will inevitably have some physical problems. For example, when going up the mountain, they accidentally fell and broke their bones. Because the family is poor, they cannot go there at all. It's a good hospital, so I can only stay at home. There are still such things.

Li Hongbin remembered clearly what was wrong with any family.

He remembers everyone's kindness to him, and now is the time to repay them. These minor wounds cost very little to Li Hongbin, and with every strand of vitality, he can see that the wound has healed very well.

After finishing, I went back home and fell asleep peacefully.

"What are you talking about, kid?" Xu Caicai glared at Li Hongbin and said, "Even if you find money, it belongs to someone else. How hard it is for others to earn money! You must remember in the future, if you pick up other people's things, It must be returned to others, and we are happy because your father's leg is healed."

People in the countryside know that it is not easy to make money, it is not easy to make money by themselves, and it is not easy for others to make money. In their villages, it is basically impossible to pick up lost things on the road.

"Really." Li Hongbin pretended to be surprised and said, "Dad, your leg is healed."

"That's right." Li Changshun nodded, took two steps in front of Li Hongbin, and said, "Look, my leg is no problem at all. It's better than before I didn't fall. I was very puzzled. What happened to my leg?" It got better all of a sudden."

Li Hongbin smiled and said, "Dad, have you forgotten the name of our village?"

"Xianyou Village." Li Changshun said subconsciously, and after he finished speaking, he suddenly looked at Li Hongbin with wide eyes, his eyes looked very shocked, and said, "Xiaobin, you mean, there are really gods in our village, yes The gods healed my leg."

Li Hongbin didn't deny it either, and said, "Otherwise? Dad, even if you go to the best hospital for treatment, it will take at least a month or two for you to recover, but now your legs will be fine overnight. It’s all right, this can be said to be a miracle, it must be the god who secretly blessed our village, saw the hard work of our family, and couldn’t bear to see your legs become like this, so I gave it a little The spell is cast, I think it should be like this."

"En." Hearing Li Hongbin's words, Li Changshun nodded immediately, knelt down on the ground, kowtowed three times, and said, "Gods beckon, please be respected by disciple Li Changshun three times, old woman, Xiaobin, you are still in a daze." What are you doing here? Quickly kneel down and kowtow, thank the old god!"

Xu Caicai knelt down immediately, Li Hongbin was quite helpless, that fairy is not himself, the person whose father wants to kneel is not himself, even though he is now a fairy, it would be treasonous to ask his father to kneel in front of him things, so I have to kneel down.

After knocking his head three times, Li Changshun stood up and said respectfully, "I didn't expect the gods to protect us."

Li Hongbin smiled and said, "Dad, people are doing what the sky is watching. You are all good people, and the gods will protect good people. I believe that as long as people in our village love each other, the gods will protect us."

Through what happened yesterday, Li Hongbin basically understood why the people in the village lived so long with fewer disasters and less illnesses.

That is precisely because of the source of life, an innate artifact. After the fairy world was shattered, the source of life carried a trace of the true spirit of the god of life and fell to Xianyou Village. What is the source of life? Artifacts, very, very awesome things.

That is the source of all life, as long as a trace of life force emerges from it, it can bring people back to life.

Therefore, a trace of aura emanating from the source of life merges into the nearby land and water, and through various channels, the people in the village absorb it. Even if it is a slight aura, it accumulates over the years It is not a problem to let the people in the village live longer and be free from disease and disaster.

It is also because of this that the stream in the back mountain is so clear and has a sweet taste.

Now, the source of life has its master. As long as Li Hongbin has a thought, powerful vitality can flow from the source of life, and there is a tree of life here. Compared with before, as long as they continue to drink from the stream With more water, their bodies will be better and their lifespan will be longer. There is no problem at all to live a hundred years easily.

"Yes, yes!" Li Changshun nodded and said, "Immortals will protect good people."

After breakfast, Li Hongbin carried his hoe to the back mountain to go to work again. Walking along this road, Li Hongbin saw a group of people surrounded here, and several people surrounded there. What they talked about made Li Hongbin smile slightly .

What are they talking about?It was the miraculous event that happened last night.

Old man Li at the head of the village is a very ordinary old man. Five years ago when he went up the mountain to cut firewood, he accidentally fell and broke his right hand. He just asked someone to straighten my bone and did not receive any treatment. , so his right hand is basically useless, but when he woke up this morning, he found that his hand can move, just like his left hand, the previous pain is gone, and he can move freely.

This made him overjoyed, his right hand was finally healed, old man?They are all very superstitious, so they ran out and said that this is the blessing of the gods.

At the beginning, everyone still didn't believe it, but when they found that his hand really healed overnight, they couldn't help but nodded their heads and believed it a little. At the same time, a family not far from Li Hongbin's house , a single man named Deng Xianhong, went out to work two years ago and accidentally got into a car accident and broke his legs. Just this morning when he came together, he found that his legs were healed.

There were still a few such things, which made them believe that there were gods in their village who were protecting them.

Otherwise, how to explain this? There are also a few people in the village who have read a lot of books and believe in science, but the current incident really makes them unable to explain it clearly.

Moreover, it was rumored from Li Changshun's family that his legs were healed, and even Li Hongbin believed that the gods had blessed them.

This made them believe even more. Li Hongbin is a college student, and he has the most knowledge. Even if he said so, it must be true. Therefore, on the same day, the people in the village were at their home, Lighted incense, prayed, and let the gods continue to bless them.

Regarding these, Li Hongbin smiled silently, and said silently in his heart, "Don't worry, the gods will always protect you."

When we came to the land in the back mountain, the tree of life was much taller than yesterday, and now it was almost five meters tall. Moreover, Li Hongbin took a closer look and found that his roots had covered several miles around.

Throwing the hoe to the ground, he twisted his waist, clapped his hands and said, "It's time to start work, and the plan will officially start from today."

With a sweep of divine sense, there was no one around, snapped his fingers, and slowly raised his right hand, and saw the land in front of him tumbling for a while, and the land that was originally formed into one piece became very loose, which was very suitable for farming.

With a slight scatter with his right hand, he saw seeds flying out of his hand and falling into the land.

"Hehe, I didn't expect Master to leave so many good things behind. These are all the seeds of fairy fruits."

(End of this chapter)

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