Peerless Peasant

Chapter 64 Acquaintances

Chapter 64 Acquaintances
Li Hongbin kept this matter in his heart all the time, and this was the first time he told anyone about it.

After all, this is not a good thing. Ordinary people hide him in their hearts and bury him forever. Even the person they trust the most will not tell, but it is not good to do so. It is very uncomfortable to hold one thing in my heart, but if I say it, it will feel better.

Like Li Hongbin who is here now, after telling this matter, he took a deep breath, and his mood immediately improved a lot.

The shadow that had been buried in his heart for more than two months gradually dissipated. After hearing Xu Qingxue's words, Li Hongbin was still a little moved. Seeing Xu Qingxue's appearance, he remembered the person named Xia Qingfeng in his heart , if you have a chance, you must give him a good meal.

Li Hongbin is kind and will not fight against ordinary people like you, but I am different, I am a woman, if I see you, I must give you a good meal.

Li Hongbin was explaining just now that people like them can't do anything to ordinary people, otherwise they will be in trouble, so he won't do anything to ordinary people unless it is absolutely necessary.

This is actually Li Hongbin's nonsense, but he thinks so, there are definitely immortal cultivators in this world.

They have great strength, so they cannot be restrained by any secular laws or regulations. In this case, they are completely lawless and can do whatever they want, because the secular world can't control them, and they can't control them. I can't control it, it won't work.

Therefore, Li Hongbin thought in his heart that he must find an opportunity. It would be great if he could gather all the cultivators in the world together.

Then it's up to you to announce your own rules, standardize and restrict their behavior, among which you can't do anything to ordinary people, this must be added, because they are so powerful, if they do something to ordinary people, that's not enough It is absolutely impossible to kill and injure a large number of people in one shot.

"Okay." Li Hongbin took Xu Qingxue's hand and said, "I've told you everything I can tell you. I haven't been here for more than two months. Let's go in for a stroll."

"Yeah, yeah." Xu Qingxue nodded, and said, "The Xia family look down on you and don't want you. It's their loss. They don't know what an excellent son-in-law this son-in-law is. Let them cry then!"

Li Hongbin smiled, all this may have been arranged secretly.

In fact, I can have the strength I have now, and I can become the supreme god. I really have to thank those people in the Xia family. The following things will happen, and I may still be a young man who is struggling for his family.

It was the members of their Xia family who promoted all these developments, drove him out of the Xia family, returned to Xianyou Village, and met his master, the God of Life, all of this is often such a coincidence.

It is the few people you hate the most in your heart that make you who you are today.

So, in Li Hongbin's heart now, he actually doesn't feel any resentment towards those members of the Xia family, but he doesn't have any gratitude at all. unhappy.

However, if Li Hongbin is destined to obtain the inheritance of the God of Life, there are other ways.

"By the way." Li Hongbin stopped, and asked Xu Qingxue, "Qingxue, can you tell me about your past? Before this, you could have such a strong strength and the scars on your body. There must be some story."

"It's nothing." Xu Qingxue said indifferently, "You should also know that in a family like ours, patriarchy is very important. It is believed that only boys can accept everything in the family, and girls only I can help from the side, but unfortunately, my old man doesn’t know if it’s not possible or what’s going on, so he only gave birth to me, a daughter, and no son.”

"Pfft." Li Hongbin couldn't help laughing, this Xu Qingxue really can say anything, I don't know what will happen in his heart if Xu Haitian hears his daughter saying that he can't do it What do you think?

He gave Xu Qingxue a thumbs up and said, "Qingxue, you are powerful."

"Hehe." Xu Qingxue smiled and said, "Of course, I must be strong. My old man is only my daughter, and those old men are thinking about whether to choose Xu from my uncles." The heir of the family, choose from among my cousins, but how can I agree? If I am a boy, all these are mine, but I am a daughter, and I have given up my rights. Until now, it is a society where men and women are equal, so."

"So, you have to prove that you are no worse than those boys." Li Hongbin said, "Well, as expected, my husband understands me." Xu Qingxue continued, "So, from the time I was sensible, I treated myself as a boy." Yes, I started to practice ancient martial arts at the age of six. At the age of 12, under the arrangement of the old man, I joined the special forces of Huaxia, and it was the kind that performed missions outside all the year round. So, from the age of 12 to the age of 16 For a period of time, I was almost abroad, spent under the hail of bullets."

Li Hongbin couldn't help but shook his head and said, "It's really unexpected that you, a girl, can do this, and I start to admire you a little bit."

"Really." Xu Qingxue said in surprise, "Honey, do you really admire me a little?"

Li Hongbin nodded and said, "Yes! When others were 12 years old, they still acted like a baby by their parents? You have already joined the special forces, and I really admire you a little bit. What about after you are 16 years old? "

Xu Qingxue said with a hint of reminiscence, "In the past four years or so, we have carried out many missions, and the people who died in my hands all have triple digits. When they were 16 to 20 years old, they mixed into a group called Assassin's killer organization made a killer."

"Be a killer." Li Hongbin couldn't help but said in surprise, "You actually became a killer."

"Yes." Xu Qingxue couldn't help shivering as she recalled that period of time, not knowing how she got here.

"During the days in the special forces, my strength has improved rapidly, but I have reached a bottleneck, so my old man asked me to be a killer, so that I often hover between life and death, which can greatly increase my strength. , It’s really because of this that I was able to reach the innate state when I was 20 years old, and I was able to rank on the list of potential dragons, how about it, it’s amazing!”

"Excellent." Li Hongbin gave a thumbs up and said, "Qingxue, I really didn't expect that you still have such a past! You are not afraid of dying in a mission failure."

"No." Xu Qingxue said with certainty, "How could I sacrifice? I haven't met your husband yet, how could I die, so God won't let me die." Seeing Li Hongbin put the suspicious Xu Qingxue smiled and said, "Actually, when I was very young, my old man took me to meet an eminent monk, a very powerful monk, whose name is Master Yuanwu. No matter who we are, we all treat him very well." Respect, he said that I am a person with great luck, and I will get a big chance in the future, and the chance is also a marriage."

He looked at Li Hongbin and said, "Now I know what my fate is. I just met you. You are my fate and marriage."

"No way!" Li Hongbin said with a hint of surprise, "Who is that master Yuanwu, he can even figure out this, it's really amazing! But, you really believe it! It doesn't work either?"

In fact, Li Hongbin was a little shocked in his heart. You must know that he is a god, transcending the three realms and not in the five elements. It is a bit miraculous that Xu Qingxue will meet him.

Xu Qingxue shook her head and said, "To be honest, don't talk about me, even my old man and the old man don't know who Master Yuanwu is."

"Oh! That's it! I'm interested to meet this Master Yuanwu and see who he is." Li Hongbin said, thinking in his heart that this Master Yuanwu must be a cultivator, and he should be a powerful one. Cultivator.

"After I was 20 years old, after I got the approval of those old men, I returned to the Xu family and slowly tried to accept and deal with the affairs of the Qinglong Society."

Li Hongbin nodded again, gave Xu Qingxue a thumbs up and said, "Qingxue, I really can't see that although you are a woman, you have a strong heart, the heart of a woman."

"Hehe, yes, I am a woman." Xu Qingxue said with a smile, "Now that I think about it, I really miss my life back then. Time to get together."

For Huaxia Agricultural University, Xu Emotion was not familiar with it at all, and she would not come here. It is because of Li Hongbin that she is also very familiar with Huaxia Agricultural University. The two walked under a big tree unknowingly. It's class time now, and everyone basically goes to class.

"Honey, do you still remember that time? I'm here to confess my love to you."

"Hehe." Li Hongbin smiled and said, "How can I not remember? At that time, Qingqing and I were walking here, and you rushed over. At that time, I was taken aback, thinking what are you going to do? I didn't expect you Saying that made me terrified."

"Why are you scared?" Xu Qingxue asked, "Why did you say that I was scared? You came to kill me several times before, and suddenly said that you like me. Are you scared?"

"Hehe." Xu Qingxue smiled.

At this moment, I suddenly heard a noise coming from the front, as if someone was arguing, and the two couldn't help but look over. Although quarrels often happen, they happened in front of them. It doesn't matter if you take a look, and Li Hongbin seems to feel a little familiar when he hears this voice.

I saw a group of people in front of me, a boy was holding a girl by the hand, pointing at another person and yelling at him arrogantly.

Seeing this person, Li Hongbin couldn't help but smiled and said, "It's him."

(End of this chapter)

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