Peerless Peasant

Chapter 642 The Great Powers Gather

Chapter 642 The Great Powers Gather
Standing in front of the Conferred God Platform, feeling the supreme power of the Conferred God Platform, Li Hong showed a puzzled expression on his face.

The reason why the Conferred Gods Terrace is said to be conferred in nine steps is because there are only nine steps in the entire Conferred Gods Terrace, and nine is the extreme number. These nine floors are very easy to climb, but in fact they are also very difficult, unless you have mastered some skills.

Of the nine-story God Conferred Altar, only the sixth floor can be seen, and the top three floors have already soared into the clouds, making it impossible to see with the naked eye.

As for the divine sense, there is no such fool who would let go of the divine sense to check, because there are already several people lying around, just because they want to use the divine sense to observe the Fengshentai, and then it is a tragedy. Shang Shenwei was shocked, and he still doesn't know whether he is alive or dead. If anyone wants to investigate with them, then go and investigate!

"Ninth Floor" Li Hongbin said slightly, "It seems that this Conferred God Platform is really an ancient artifact, and it must have reached the level of an innate artifact."

Even the Sword of Punishment and the Source of Life in Li Hongbin's body trembled slightly, as if they were responding to Li Hongbin's words. Both the Sword of Punishment and the Source of Life have a little fear.

This is the second time such a situation has occurred, the first time it was the ancient pagoda I met in Xunxian Temple.

Thinking of this ancient pagoda, Li Hongbin felt slightly depressed. He originally wanted to check this ancient pagoda, but because of Su Ruoxuan's matter, he temporarily gave up, and later because of other things Forgot, don't remember.

That ancient pagoda can help others realize the Dao and elevate their realm, and now this Conferred God Platform can allow people to achieve the realm of the Divine Dao.

Is there a connection between the two?Li Hongbin thought, because the functions of the two are very similar, it is hard for people not to think about it, and these two are very powerful ancient artifacts.

Looking at these big characters that appeared in the sky, it was good fortune through the ages, and the Conferred God Platform appeared, and gods could be conferred on the Conferred God Platform.

Li Hongbin can understand the last two sentences, this eternal good fortune has something to do with Fengshentai!Could it be that if you get this altar of conferred gods, what kind of good fortune can you get?

Suddenly, at this moment, Sikong Zhaixing pulled Li Hongbin's hand, hid behind Li Hongbin and said, "Boss, you can cover me later!"

Li Hongbin was a little puzzled, why did Time and Space Zhaixing suddenly say such a thing?His own strength is not low, and after warming him up with the power of life, his injuries have healed to a good extent, and his strength has almost recovered, as long as he adjusts his breath for a period of time. , It's just that the Conferred God Stage appeared too fast, so he didn't even have time to adjust his breath, so the breath in his body was a little chaotic.

Sikong Zhaixing looked at the sky in fear, and felt several powerful auras suddenly appear in the sky.

"Shen Zun" Li Hongbin couldn't help but said in a little surprise, that's right, there was a faint coercion in this aura, that was the coercion of the God Zun, fortunately, this was not the first time Li Hongbin met the God Zun It was relatively calm. As for the other people, when they felt this breath, their bodies couldn't help shaking, and some even fell to the ground.

This is a real deity, and it's not the same concept as Li Hongbin's half-baked one. Not only does he have such coercion, but he also has such strength.

Li Hongbin pushed Sikong Zhaixing with his elbow, and said, "Sikong Zhaixing, those people must be from your Fengshen Palace! Aren't they all from your own family? Why should you be so afraid? Before the time comes, you Once you get the Fengshentai, let’s see what else they can do to you.”

Sikong Zhaixing said with a troubled face, "Boss, these old bastards want to tear me to pieces. If they find me, the consequences will be disastrous."

Li Hongbin smiled and said, "Sikong Zhaixing, do you want me to shout out now, Sikong Zhaixing of Fengshen Palace is here, look at the seals of those old men, I think their attention is now on Fengshentai above, won't notice you"

Hearing Li Hongbin's words, Sikong Zhaixing said flatteringly, "Boss, you are my real brother! Can you stop scaring me like this?"

Looking up at those people in the sky, Sikong Zhaixinghou said in fear, "There are more than a dozen gods here, boss, you should understand what kind of concept this is, I'm not enough for them to stick their teeth together, one person with one look Come here, I’m going to die, you must cover me.”

"Ahem" Li Hongbin was slightly taken aback, and said, "How can I cover you? My current strength is so low? It's not even one-hundredth of what it was in its heyday. It's about the same strength as yours. I can't even handle myself. Covering you, just pay attention when the time comes.”

"Boss, I'm your little brother! You can't do this"

At this moment, a divine sense swept over from Li Hongbin, causing Sikong Zaixing to shake his body, quickly restrained his aura, let himself enter that special state, and hid his body behind Li Hongbin, After waiting for the divine read, Sikong Zhaixing was a little relieved, but he was still in that special state.

He patted himself on the chest and said, "Grandma, you really scared me to death. As expected of the gods, these old bastards are really fucking amazing. Didn't I just say a few words? They were almost given to me by them." I found out, I was scared to death, huhu"

Li Hongbin also touched the cold sweat on his forehead and said, "It seems that I have to think about whether I should take you in as a little brother. Looking at the situation, I feel a little unsafe, and I will always be tricked to death by you."

"Hey" Sikong Zhaixing smiled and said, "Boss, you can't go back on this matter, I'm your little brother now."

"What's the matter?" In the sky, an old man felt that his companion had swept his divine sense down, and couldn't help asking, "Feng Canghai, what's the matter, did something happen to you?"

The old man named Feng Canghai frowned and said, "I seem to have discovered the bastard Sikong Zhaixing just now."

When "Sikong Zhaixing" mentioned this name, the surrounding old men all looked angry. Just looking at their expressions, one could tell how angry they were towards Sikong Zhaixing.

Can you not be angry?Originally, only the people of their Conferred God Palace knew about the Conferred God Stage, but now, the entire God Realm knows about it.

He gritted his teeth with hatred for Sikong Zaixing in his heart, wishing he could tear Sikong Zaixing into pieces.

"Feng Canghai, you really discovered this bastard." An old man said angrily, "This traitor from Fengshen Palace dared to leak the secret information about our Fengshen Palace. You must not let him go so easily." , we must pull his skin and pull his tendons.”

Sikong Zhaixing couldn't help trembling below, and said, "What's going on, why is there a chilly feeling?"

Li Hongbin smiled and said, "I think those old men must be scolding you there."

Feng Canghai shook his head and said, "I don't know either. I seemed to hear Sikong Zhaixing's voice just now, but when I went to find someone, I didn't see it. I don't know if it's an illusion."

An old man asked, "Where did you hear the voice of Sikong Zhaixing?"

Feng Canghai pointed to the place where Li Hongbin was, and said, "That's right there, forget it, let this bastard live for a while, after we control the Conferred God Stage, we will deal with this bastard at that time. The altar is here, even if he escapes to the ends of the earth, he can still be found."

At this moment, Li Hongbin felt many pairs of eyes staring at him. Immediately, his heart beat faster, my dear!Those are all genuine gods!Any one of them, if you do it casually, you will become a scumbag.

But it’s okay, just after looking here, nothing happened and it flashed, but it also made Li Hongbin break out in a cold sweat. "Feng Canghai, what should we do now?" An old man asked, "How do we charge this Fengshentai?"

Feng Canghai shook his head and said, "I don't know too well. Back then, the Conferred Gods of our Conferred Gods Palace seemed to be able to master the Conferred Gods Platform after they climbed to the top of the Conferred Gods Platform. How did they master it? , I'm not too sure, the Cangling Warrior was the most trusted by the Conferred God, he should know."

Immediately, an old man said, "People of their lineage must not be allowed to get the Conferred God Platform, otherwise, there will be no room for us to survive in the future. We have suppressed them so much these years, once they get the Conferred God Platform , will definitely take the opportunity to retaliate against us."

Suddenly, Feng Canghai frowned and said, "Why are they here?"

The other old men were stunned and said, "Who?"

At this time, I felt a twist in the void, and suddenly a black hole-like gate appeared, a powerful sword intent erupted from it, and I heard a sound of sword sound coming from inside. come out.

Suddenly, there was a little restlessness among the crowd below, because the weapons in some people's hands trembled uncontrollably.

"This..." Li Hongbin said slightly surprised, "It's such a powerful sword energy."

"It's the people from the Sword God Temple." Sikong Zhaixing said, "Hehe, this is fun. Those perverts are here. Let's see how this old man will deal with it."

"Damn Sikong Zhaixing" heard Feng Canghai curse, "You even provoked all the people from the Sword God Temple, you better hope that I don't find you, otherwise, I will definitely not let you go"

There was a loud "boom", as if there had been a magnitude [-] earthquake, and the whole world trembled.

I saw a giant with hundreds of thousands of feet descending from the sky and landed on the ground. Suddenly, a powerful aura erupted. Those people who were closer to him were directly washed away by this airflow, and even those who were weak Little by little, the body was directly shattered by this airflow.

"The arrogance of the Temple of War God, this barbarian is here too." Sikong Zhaixing said with a smile, "This is fun, I wonder if all the top forces in the God Realm will come?"

At this moment, a pleasant celestial music came from nowhere.

(End of this chapter)

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