Peerless Peasant

Chapter 759 Exploring the Abyss of Death

Chapter 759 Exploring the Abyss of Death
Originally, Feng Canglan's strength was much weaker than Tunxu's, let alone Feng Canglan's consumption was huge, and his strength was less than half of his peak.

If Tunxu wanted to kill him, he could have killed him instantly with one move. Moreover, when he was in Fengshen Palace, it was Feng Canglan who launched a large formation to suppress him. If it wasn't for Li Hongbin's order, he would just be arrested. , don't hurt him, otherwise, Feng Canglan will be in tragedy, but he wants to be in tragedy anyway.

With a claw, Tunxu grabbed the one who had no ability to resist, and a force of attraction appeared beside the two of them.

Tunxu knew that this was the pulling force of Li Hongbin's world, and he didn't resist, so he appeared in that world with this force, and when he came to this terrifying world again, a trace of fear flashed in Tunxu's eyes, he It is here that I can deeply appreciate Li Hongbin's strength. Here, even if your strength is strong, it is useless. Here, Li Hongbin is the master. If your strength is strong, you have to let him manipulate you.

However, what surprised him slightly was that this world seemed to have changed a little, it was not as desolate as before.

Tunxu kneeled respectfully in front of this black figure, and said, "Master, I have already brought him in."

Li Hongbin nodded and said, "Okay, you've done a good job, leave it to me here! Feng Canglan and I still have some deadly grievances to deal with, so you can go outside and guard it!"

"Yes, this subordinate will retire"

Feng Canglan looked at this scene in shock, who is this black-robed man in front of him, who can even subdue a monster like Tunxu? Human respect, but more of fear.

Who is Tunxu, that is a fierce beast from the ancient times!A fierce beast that even his master Zhuge Qingyi might not be able to defeat.

But now, there is a trace of fear for this black-robed man in his eyes, who is he, how strong should he be, and where is this, why can't he feel it? With a trace of heaven and earth spiritual energy, one cannot feel a trace of life, and one cannot even feel the existence of the God Realm.

"Feng Canglan," Li Hongbin said casually, "Are you afraid now? Or are you afraid, or are you still wondering?"

"" Feng Canglan stared at the black-robed man in front of him, and said, "you... who are you, what are you going to do to me, there is no enmity between you and me, why did you deal with me?"

"Hehe, haha" Li Hongbin laughed strangely a few times, and said, "There is no grievance or enmity between you and me. It really surprised me that you said this sentence from Feng Canglan's mouth. Didn't you want to know about my relationship with you?" Who is it? Who do you think I am?"

As he spoke, the black robe on Li Hongbin fell off, revealing Li Hongbin's appearance.

"What?" Feng Canglan was stunned for a moment, looked at Li Hongbin in shock and said, "It''s you, is this possible, how could it be you"

"Hehe" Li Hongbin smiled and said, "Why can't it be me? Feng Canglan, do you still dare to say that there is no grievance between us? You Fengshen Palace chased me a lot! But , I don’t seem to have offended you Fengshen Palace before this! All this is because you Fengshen Palace wanted to covet the artifact in my hand, but these are not the most important, the most important thing is you Feng Canglan "

"I" Feng Canglan was slightly taken aback, and said, "Where did I provoke you?"

"Hehe" Li Hongbin smiled coldly, and said, "Feng Canglan, you and I know very well that Lord Hanyue is my wife, and you dare to have thoughts about her. When you have such thoughts, you are doomed." It's over, my wife, Li Hongbin, is not what you can imagine."

"Hmph! How can you, you little boy, be favored by Fairy Hanyue? Why?" Feng Canglan said angrily, "Fairy Hanyue belongs to me, and I belonged to Feng Canglan. What kind of abilities do you have, kid?" !"

"Okay, very good." Li Hongbin said, "Feng Canglan, you are courting death."

"Looking for death, it's not certain who will die." Feng Canglan said with a stern look on his face, "Before I was trapped in the big formation, I couldn't do anything to you, but now, you are the one who will die, boy, do you think you will die?" Is your strength my opponent?"

"Hahaha" Li Hongbin laughed a few times, and said Feng "Canglan, I have to say, you are very confident, don't you wonder, I could kill you before, but I didn't kill you, Tunxu You know the strength, if he wants to kill you, he can do it with one move, and if you can reach it, you will not doubt why Tunxu is afraid of me? Why am I so confident and dare to face you alone?"

"" Feng Canglan was slightly taken aback, and said, "Why, boy, I don't believe that you are stronger than me"

After seeing Li Hongbin, due to the hatred and jealousy towards Li Hongbin in his heart, he temporarily forgot what happened before. Now after Li Hongbin reminded him, he finally remembered, and even Tunxu showed fear towards this kid The expression on his face, what kind of ability does he have, that even makes Tunxu fear him.

"Hehe" Li Hongbin smiled and said, "Feng Canglan, you can try to attack me and see what you can do to me."

"Hmph! Boy, you are looking for death. I, Feng Canglan, want to kill you. It's not easy. What kind of conspiracy do you have?" Feng Canglan said, "There is no conspiracy. Feng Canglan, you are afraid and dare not face it I'll take the shot." Li Hongbin said with a smile, "You will be afraid, that's for sure, after all, Tunxu is afraid of me, and you have no reason not to be afraid of me."

"Hehe, boy, I will be afraid of you, don't laugh to death"

"If that's the case, then you're going to make a move." Li Hongbin said indifferently, "Feng Canglan, use your most powerful move and see if you can kill me."

"" Feng Canglan stared at Li Hongbin tightly and said, "Boy, since you want to die, then I will help you."

"All dharmas are empty, the sword breaks all dharmas"

As soon as the sword came out, the powerful sword energy came to kill Li Hongbin. Feng Canglan had a ferocious smile on his face, as if he saw that Li Hongbin was twisted into pieces by the sword energy under his sword. Fragments, Li Hongbin also had a smile on his face, as if he didn't care about all of this.

Just when this sword energy was about to pierce his body, the corner of his mouth moved, and he spit out a word slightly.


Words follow, Li Hongbin's words represent the rules of this world, if he says that exists, then it exists, if he says something that doesn't exist, then it doesn't exist, if he says you are a dead person, then you are definitely not a living person, He is the ruler of this world.

Feng Canglan's powerful sword energy just dissipated out of thin air, as if nothing had happened, and the two of them just stood there quietly.

"This...this..." Feng Canglan stared at the boss, looked at all this in disbelief, and said, " is this possible, did you do it, why did my sword energy suddenly dissipate?"

"Hehe" Li Hongbin said with a smile, "Feng Canglan, you should try again, the move just now was not strong enough, you can use a more powerful move to see."

"" Feng Canglan said angrily, "Boy, dare to underestimate me, I'm going to kill you"

"Hehe, I didn't pay attention to you at all," Li Hongbin said, "Feng Canglan, make a move! Use your most powerful move! This is your last chance, otherwise, you will die." no more to play"

"Hmph! Kid, you're looking at my sword, the sword breaks everything!"

With one sword strike, Feng Canglan believed that this sword of his would definitely be able to kill this boy under his own sword. Often the imagination is very beautiful, but the reality is very cruel. Just like before, Li Hongbin lightly Lightly uttered a word, his sword energy suddenly disappeared, as if it had never happened before.

"This...this..." Feng Canglan couldn't help taking a few steps back, and said, " is this possible, how can you crack my sword energy"

"Hehe, it's hard." Li Hongbin said disdainfully, "Looking at you like this, it seems that your strength is very strong, and your sword energy seems to be invincible in the world. Is your Feng Canglan's strength just like that? Don't you want to know? Why? Let me tell you, because you and I are not on the same level at all, I am a god in the sky, but you are an ant on the ground, do you think you can hurt me?"

" is this possible?" Feng Canglan said, "You are the ant"

"Hehe, don't you believe me?" Li Hongbin said, "Feng Canglan, your knowledge is really too small. Don't you know that there is another realm called the Fate Realm? It's a realm that surpasses the realm of the gods."

"You... you, you are a strong man in the Fate Realm." Feng Canglan said in surprise. How could he not know about the Fate Realm?That is the realm in the legend, and he also got the news from Zhuge Tsingyi. Above the peak of the God Venerable, there is the Realm of Small Perfection, and above the realm of Small Perfection, there is the Realm of Great Perfection. Among them, there is a legendary realm, the Fate Realm. When one reaches this realm, one's destiny will be reduced to nothingness, and one can already say that one is immortal.

"Hehe, Fate Realm," Li Hongbin said, "If you want to think that way, it's okay, after all, you only know so much, and what's more, the place you are now is no longer in the God Realm, but in my world Among"

"In Your World"

"Yes, it is my Li Hongbin's world. In this world, I am the ruler, and my thoughts are the rules. If I want you to die, you will die. If I want you to do, you can do whatever you want. Your sword energy You can't hurt me. In my world, your strength is strong. In my eyes, you are also an ordinary person."

"This... how is this possible, this is completely impossible"

"Okay, it's impossible to care about you." Li Hongbin said coldly, "Do you know why I have to tell you so much?"

" want to kill me" Feng Canglan said in horror, "That's right, your senior brother and junior brother died here, you go down and be with them! You can make such a contribution to the recovery of my world. It's a credit, Feng Canglan, I will remember you, but you don't remember me, okay, goodbye"

As he spoke, he waved to Feng Canglan, and Li Hongbin's figure suddenly disappeared in front of him.

Li Hongbin reappeared outside and said, "Tunxu, what you said is true, there is a powerful artifact deep in the abyss of death"

(End of this chapter)

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