Peerless Peasant

Chapter 795 The Dark Demon Appears

Chapter 795 The Dark Demon Appears
In fact, what happened in Shura Palace and Fengyun Town back then was not as rumored by the outside world.

After all, legends are legends, not facts. What are facts?Back then, Feng Jue was seriously injured and fled to Fengyun Town. Seeing that the Shadow Demon Guards were about to catch up, if he fell into the hands of the Shadow Demon Guards, there would be only one consequence for Feng Jue.

At this time, without hesitation, he took out a life-saving talisman that Qingxuan had left for him, which was actually a formation diagram, the formation diagram of the killing god formation.

Under the control of Feng Jue, the formation map instantly turned into a large formation. The first killing formation in the heavens, the killing god formation, enveloped Fengyun Town in it. The first God of Killing killed the Shadow Demon Guards in an instant, giving Feng Jue a chance to breathe.

After witnessing the power of the killing god formation, the Shadow Demon Guard did not dare to act rashly.

If you are not careful, you will die. They still know about this great formation of killing gods. The title of the first killing formation in the heavens is not called for nothing. The strong fall into the formation are all close to death.

However, Feng Jue must be killed, otherwise, keeping him in this world will always be a disaster.

However, the large array of killing gods is here, making it difficult for them to do anything. If they want to kill Fengjue, they must destroy this large array.

They believed that this big formation would not stay here forever, and would be weakened one day. However, after trying several times and the Shadow Demon Guards killed several masters, they canceled this plan. It's really a bit powerful!

At that time, Feng Jue had already been seriously injured by the black demon. The black demon was confident that Feng Jue would never have a chance to survive after being hit by him.

Therefore, there was no further pursuit of him.

However, I still sent people here to monitor the movement of Fengyun Town. If there was any movement, it would be like a report from above. As time passed, there was no movement between the two parties. Feng Jue was seriously injured. It is impossible to come out by guarding outside, and the Shadow Demon Guard knows the power of the Great Slaughtering God Formation, so it is impossible for him to rush in and die.

Just at this moment, a fool from Shura Palace appeared here in Fengyun Town.

Let one of the Shadow Demon Guards suddenly think of an excellent plan, let Feng Jue fight with the people from the Shura Palace, and let the people from the Shura Palace weaken the power of the killing god formation .

So he went to confuse the disciple of Shura Hall, saying that there was a shocking treasure hidden in Fengyun Town.

If anyone gets this treasure, there is absolutely no doubt that he will dominate the God Realm. When the disciple heard it, his heart was moved, but he also had a trace of doubt in his heart. How could such a good thing happen to him?
However, he was still a little tender, and under the constant bewitchment of the Shadow Demon Guard, he attacked Fengyun Town.

Then, it was a tragedy for him, he was instantly killed by the massacre of the killing gods, and then, after being fueled by the shadow demon guards, he provoked the anger of the Shura Palace against Fengyun Town, and finally launched an attack on Fengyun Town .

However, the strength of the Killing God Formation cannot be cracked by the so-called masters like Shura Temple.

In the end, after several losses of soldiers and generals, the people from Shura Palace chose to escape, and just died inexplicably. If they continue to entangle, their losses in Shura Palace will be even heavier, and it will only create opportunities for their hostile forces. , and then the only choice is to be slapped in the face, as if nothing happened.

Originally, the Shadow Demon Guard's plan was to make Shura Palace and Feng Jue fight to the end.

Feng Jue saw their conspiracy, and at the last time he made a move to frighten Shura Xuejue and let him know how powerful he is. In front of the strong man in the realm, there is an ant-like existence, which scares him away at once.

The Shadow Demon Guard's plan fell through, so he could only continue to stay outside, waiting for Feng Jue to die from serious injuries.

Just now, the black demon felt that the imprint he had left in Feng Jue's body had been removed, and with the news that Qingxuan was not dead, he immediately guessed that Qingxuan must have healed Feng Jue's wound , and, at this moment, Qingxuan is here in Fengyun Town.

Without hesitation, they mobilized nearly half of the strength of their Shadow Demon Guards.

The Shadow Demon Guard has a total of eight teams. Among the eight teams, the weakest members are the peak gods, and the eight team leaders are all strong in the realm of small perfection. As for the Black Demon, there are several people in charge , are all powerful in the realm of Dzogchen.

This time, the Black Demon directly dispatched four teams, almost half the strength of the Shadow Demon Guard.

I saw a large group of men in black descending on the sky above Fengyun Town. Judging from their aura, each of them is a peerless powerhouse. If anyone is taken to a power like Xuanqing Palace, they are all at the level of a great elder. Now, among the Shadow Demon Guards, he is just a small member. This is the gap.

One of the members of the Shadow Demon Guard said, "Captain, what should we do, should we go in now or..."

A team leader frowned and said, "Go in, we have experienced the power of the killing god formation tens of thousands of years ago. If we rush in so rashly, we will definitely not get any benefits."

"Then...then what should we do, should we just wait like this?"

A cold look flashed in the team leader's eyes, and he said, "Huh! After so many years, even in a powerful formation, it will rot. Lord Hei Mo said that there is another very evil person who left behind the evil that year. The important people hide here, no matter how much it costs, they must be killed"


"So, you can go to hell"

At this moment, Feng Jue's voice appeared in front of the couple of Shadow Demon Guards, with a wicked smile on his face, he said, "Everyone of the Shadow Demon Guards, long time no see! I was just thinking , Shadow Demon Guard and I haven’t seen each other for tens of thousands of years, should we catch up with our old friends and have a chat? You guys came here automatically, this is really the right time! Could it be that you guys want to see each other too me"

Seeing Feng Jue's appearance, the team leaders couldn't help taking a few steps back, and said in surprise, "Feng Jue..."

"Hehe" Feng Jue said with a smile, "I never thought you would know me! Where's the black devil? Why didn't he come, so I sent you little shrimps here? It's a bit too contemptuous of me, Feng Jue!"

"Hmph! Feng Jue, don't try to be brave here. I know that you are already at the end of your battle. Back then, you were hit by Lord Black Demon's move. You were lucky if you didn't die. I'm afraid how much of your current strength can be preserved. Any one of us could kill you"

"Hehe" Feng Jue smiled and said, "You believe this, even I don't believe it myself, if you can kill me, then come! My current position is not within the scope of the big formation , you can try it, is it just like what you said, just anyone can kill me?"

He said so verbally, but he was not sure at all in his heart.

After all, Feng Jue was once a strong man in the Dzogchen realm. If he was in his prime, killing him would be a piece of cake, but in his heart, he still stayed at that moment when Feng Jue was seriously injured by the black demon, and he was almost on the verge of death.

The imprint on Feng Jue's body had already been removed, and the black demon hadn't told them yet.

The important person inside is Qingxuan, and he didn't tell these people that if they knew that the person who was chasing and killing this time was Qingxuan, they would be more or less afraid, so he just told them a very important thing. Those who can be captured will be captured, and if they cannot be captured, they will be killed.

Turning his head, making a clicking sound, Feng Jue said, "Since you don't do it, then I will do it. I haven't killed anyone for tens of thousands of years. My hands are almost numb. I don't know if I can do it again." If you want to kill someone, I will use you to practice."

Clenched his right hand in the air, at this moment, everyone present felt a breeze blowing over their bodies.

The little captain was vigilant, and said in surprise, "No, he's going to do something."

However, he seemed to be a bit late. The moment he just said this, he saw his body was chopped into pieces by countless wind blades. Coming out, it seems to be from the outside world, and it seems to be from the person's body.

In an instant, his body turned into a cloud of blood mist, and even his soul was chopped into randomness.

Feng Jue opened his hands, his body was floating in the air, with an intoxicated expression on his face, he said, "The long-lost wind! It's been a long time since I felt the power of the wind, and it's good to have the wind. The Shadow Demon Guards, It's going to be windy, so be careful."

That's right, what Feng Jue has mastered is the power of wind, and his comprehension of wind has reached an extreme.

As his right hand was slowly raised, a gust of wind blew from nowhere, blowing his sleeves, and it seemed to dissipate a little bit, and he saw a sunny smile on his face, On the contrary, I saw a trace of fear on the face of the Shadow Demon Guard.

The power of Feng Jue is much stronger than them, this is already the rule of Feng, it is not something they can compete with.

Shaking his head, Feng Jue said, "The Black Devil really looks down on me a little bit? You even sent people like you to deal with Feng Jue, hehe, if that's the case, then I'm not welcome, since the Black Devil wants you If he dies, then I will let him get his wish."

"The Wind Kills the World"

Under the control of his right hand, the entire space was enveloped by a world full of wind. As soon as the powerful wind blade passed by, a Shadow Demon Guard was chopped into a blood mist by the wind blade, and his soul Followed by silence.

"Kill demon"

A cold, angry voice appeared in Feng Jue's ear.

I saw a black long knife descending from the sky, cutting it down, cutting the world of wind in half, and the wind blade in the space was instantly shaken away as soon as the domineering knife aura came out.

A masked figure appeared in front of Feng Jue, and said, "Feng Jue, long time no see, I never thought you were still alive."

Feng Jue smiled and said, "Thanks to your black devil's blessing, I, Feng Jue, are not dead yet."

(End of this chapter)

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