Peerless Peasant

Chapter 8 Sister

Chapter 8 Sister
A few days passed, and the more than 30 fairy fruit trees had grown to the height of half a person.

This made Li Hongbin slightly surprised. Why was he surprised?He did some experiments with an ordinary sapling, and he used the power of life to quickly grow it. Within a day, he had grown into a tree more than ten meters high.

And within one day, Li Hongbin injected life force into this tree three times.

In comparison, it took several days for these fairy fruit trees to grow into this shape. Unlike the small trees in the experiment, Li Hongbin can be said to have been nourishing him with the power of life for these more than 30 fairy fruit trees. Basically, it never stopped, but it just grew into what it is now.

This made him have to sigh, the fairy fruit tree is the fairy fruit tree, and the tree of the fairy family is different from the tree of the mortal world!
What Li Hongbin has to do is to hoe the weeds every morning when he comes here. The power of life and the spirit energy are sufficient to make these weeds grow fast, but this is not the slightest bit for those fairy fruit trees. Threatening, the fairy fruit tree absorbs the energy of the fairy, and they only absorb nutrients.

It's just not very beautiful, so we have to hoe the weeds every day.

After removing the weeds, he just checked the three formations to see if there was anything wrong, or there were not enough fairy crystals. After that, he sat with his legs crossed under the tree of life to feel it. There are different methods of comprehension, but what is Li Hongbin's method of comprehension?Just play the flute.

Ever since he played a piece of music with great interest that day, he integrated his perception of life into the sound of the flute, and found that his perception of life had advanced to a new level, which made Li Hongbin very excited.

The God of Life told him before dissipating that each person pursues a different way, and the way to pursue it is also different.

And Li Hongbin obviously found his own way to enter Taoism. Someone once said that music can open a person's heart, and through music, he can see through a person's heart. Beautiful music can make people quiet, and make people feel The beauty of this music.

With eyes closed and a smile on his face, a beautiful piece of music came out of Li Hongbin's mouth.

Li Hongbin may not know what kind of tune it is, but he just played a tune based on his own thoughts, adding his own perception of life, and following his own heart.

The whole person was immersed in the music. At this moment, Li Hongbin seemed to be one with the whole nature.

An inexplicable artistic conception surrounded everything around here. The birds beat happily on Li Hongbin's head, chirping and chirping happily, and butterflies surrounded him. Li Hongbin's side.

At this moment, everything around here seems to have life, as if nature gave them life.

The leaves of the small tree were trembling, as if they were moving with Li Hongbin's rhythm. A trace of life force emanated from Li Hongbin's body, circled around here, and then returned to his own body. body.

"Xiao Bin."

At this moment, a familiar voice suddenly came from afar, waking Li Hongbin up from this realization.

Looking up, he found that his old father was jogging over with a smile on his face. Li Hongbin frowned. Seeing his father like this, could it be something happy? He went out, looked at Li Changshun and said, "Dad, run slowly! Your legs are just right, don't exercise too much."

Li Changshun gave Li Hongbin a reassuring look, and said, "Xiaobin! I am very clear about my situation, and there is nothing wrong with it."

"Yeah." Li Changshun looked around, and said with a trace of surprise on his face, "Xiaobin, you made these. These days you are working in the back hills, are you planting these trees? Hmm? And you I have never seen the big tree behind me, although I haven't been to the back mountain for a long time, but I still have a little reflection."

"Yes." Li Hongbin nodded and said, "I planted these trees, and they will bear fruit in a short time. As for this big tree, I don't know it very well. I see, it may have grown up in the past two years!"

"Not bad, not bad." Li Changshun nodded with a smile and said, "Look at your fruit trees, they are growing very well, and they will be full of fruit by then, and they are all fruit trees that I have never seen before. They are worthy of college students, hehe .”

Li Hongbin couldn't help laughing, not only you have never seen these fruit trees, but maybe no one in the whole of China has seen them, they are only something in the fairy world.

"By the way." Li Hongbin asked, "Father, seeing how happy you are, has something good happened? Could it be that I have another younger brother?"

"Little bastard." Li Changshun couldn't help but kicked Li Hongbin, glared at him and said, "Dare to make fun of your father, see if I don't beat you, it's your sister who came back, and brought our little nephew back, go back quickly Take a look! You two siblings haven't seen each other for several years."

"Sister, you're back with your little nephew." Li Hongbin couldn't help being stunned for a moment.

A figure can't help but appear in my mind, that sweet smile, the elder sister who has been protecting me since I was a child, the one who has always loved me and gave me all the delicious food, pretending that I don't like it, But hiding there secretly swallowing saliva.

Li Hongbin felt that he owed his sister too much, and the amount was a little unclear. What made Li Hongbin feel guilty the most was.

The two siblings are only one year apart, and both of them have excellent academic performance. From elementary school to junior high school, the two of them are No.1 in every exam. Because the family's financial conditions cannot afford the two to go to high school, so in Under such circumstances, my sister gave up the opportunity to go to the county to study in high school without hesitation, and gave up the opportunity to study to my younger brother. Li Hongbin has always felt very guilty about this matter.

A fourteen or fifteen-year-old child should have happily patted her schoolbag on her way to school, but what about her?Just go back home and help my parents with things.

Li Hongbin knew that her sister cried secretly for a few times because of this incident, and her sister was very eager to study, but she knew that the family situation did not allow it, and she couldn't afford both of them to go to high school.

When Li Hongbin went to university, shortly after he left, his sister Li Xiuyun also went out to work outside with her luggage on her shoulders.

Last year, I received a call from my family saying that my sister got married. Li Hongbin was so happy at that time!I wish I could rush back immediately, but there was something going on in the school at the time, so I couldn't go back.

From the phone call at home, I learned that the family my sister married seems to be pretty good, and I can't help but feel happy for my sister, and I don't have to suffer anymore.

The two siblings haven't seen each other for four years, so it's impossible not to miss them.

"Yes." Li Changshun said with a smile, "I knew you would be happy, go back quickly! Your sister is very happy to hear that you are back, and she will run to the back mountain to find you, okay Alright, pack up and go back! Today our family will have a good get-together."

As soon as he patted the dust off his body, his feet flickered, and he ran down.

Li Changshun who was behind couldn't help being startled, and said with a smile, "This kid, I want to see your sister, so there's no need to be so excited! It's good to be young! Vigorous."

As soon as he arrived at the door, he saw a delicate woman standing there with a touch of adult beauty. It was Li Hongbin's sister Li Xiuyun, who was holding a child in her arms and was teaching him how to walk.

Xu Caicai looked at the child with a trace of affection on her face and said, "Little nephew, come quickly to grandma and let grandma hug her."

Li Xiuyun supported the child with both hands, and said, "Xiao Ming, let's go, let's go to grandma and let grandma give her a hug."

Li Hongbin walked over slowly, looked at her back, and said with a choked voice, "Sister."

"Hmm." Li Xiuyun was stunned for a moment. Hearing this familiar voice, although he hadn't seen each other for more than four years, he knew who it was. His body trembled, and he put the child on Xu Caicai's body. Turning around, he hugged Li Hongbin and said excitedly, "Little brother."

"Come and let my sister take a good look." Putting his hands on Li Hongbin's shoulders, he looked left and right, squeezed his face a few times, couldn't help nodding, and said, "Little brother, I haven't seen you for a few years, and you have grown so old." You are so tall. I remember that when you left, you were about the same height as me, and now you are half a head taller than me. Also, the longer you grow, the more handsome you are. If you go out, you will definitely fascinate many girls. To be honest , Did you talk about a girlfriend outside! "

"Hehe." Li Hongbin smiled, the old lady is still like this, carefree, say what she wants.

He shook his head and said, "Handsome is a little more handsome than before, but there is no such condition for falling in love."

"Hey." Li Xiuyun sighed and said, "Brother, you are so handsome, it's their fault if they don't want you, do you want my sister to introduce you to some girls, I have several sisters, all of them are very good girls Oh boy."

He blinked while talking, Li Hongbin shook his head and said, "Sister, forget it! I don't want to talk about it now, let's say it in a few years!"

"Okay! Come on." Li Xiuyun pulled him over and said, "This is your little nephew."

"Xiao Ming, this is your uncle."

The kid turned around, glanced at Li Hongbin, his eyes lit up immediately, he opened his hands, and was about to throw himself on Li Hongbin, saying, "Hug."

(End of this chapter)

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