Peerless Peasant

Chapter 838 Destroying Thunder Temple

Chapter 838 Destroying Thunder Temple
Li Hongbin was also surprised when he saw this temple. He felt a strong coercion from this temple.

This is a coercion that he has never felt before. The coercion made Li Hongbin feel breathless. Li Hongbin couldn't help but said, "What the hell is this stuff? It looks like Very ferocious look"

"What is this?" Motian in the distance, when he saw the phantom of this temple in the sky, his heart throbbed for a while. Feeling the threat from above, he couldn't help sneering, and said, "Qingxuan, this kid is dead!" It's settled, even I feel threatened, I don't believe that with his current strength, he can survive this catastrophe. After all, what is this temple? Why have I never seen such a temple? "

With Mo Tian's knowledge, how could he know?This Thunder Temple is the number one powerful force in the Origin Realm.

But no matter how powerful it is, it is not enough to look at Li Hongbin's previous lives. From the tone of that villain's speech, it can be seen that he has never put Thunder Temple in his eyes.

But Li Hongbin was different. When he felt this coercion, he couldn't help feeling a little fear in his heart.

Why is it a little different from the last catastrophe? I thought this catastrophe was the same as last time, but I didn’t expect such a change. The seventh catastrophe turned out to be a temple. It looks like A very grand temple.

The voice of the Sword of Punishment came from the "Thunder Temple" and said, "This is the phantom of the Thunder Temple, master, be careful."

"Thunder Temple, what is this?" Li Hongbin said, "This is a top force in the Shiyuan world." The Sword of Punishment said, "They are in charge of the thunder between heaven and earth, and they are the masters of thunder. Thunder is all derived from the thunder pool in the Thunder Temple."

"Damn it," Li Hongbin said in surprise, "it's so powerful, the thunder between heaven and earth is derived from them, the sword of punishment, what about you?"

"Cut" Sword of Punishment said disdainfully, "The thunder between heaven and earth is derived from their thunder pool, yes, but it is acquired thunder. Do you know why I am called an innate artifact? When the master created me , when the sword body was cast, the innate thunder crystal was used, and a trace of thunder spirit was injected into it, and later this trace of thunder spirit became me, and the thunder of the temple of thunder, that is completely two different thoughts, I am innate, they are acquired, they are not at the same level at all.”

"Eh," Li Hongbin said in surprise, "Punishment, I didn't expect you to be so powerful."

"That's that" said the Sword of Punishment proudly, "I don't even look at who I am? I am a powerful Sword of Punishment. Even the inhabitant of the Temple of Thunder, a powerful existence known as the Lord of Thunder, stood in front of me. Then you have to bow your head and bow your head.”

"Ahem" Li Hongbin coughed and said, "Is it in front of you or in front of me?"

"This..." Punishment Sword said embarrassingly, "Of course it is in front of the master." Every time when he talked about the power of thunder, Punishment Sword was very proud, and it was inevitable that he would brag twice. Unexpectedly This time Li Hongbin saw through it.

"Hehe." Li Hongbin smiled and said, "Of course, you are also very powerful? You are born!"


A voice full of supreme majesty came out from the temple of thunder, like the power of heaven, a human-shaped lightning rushed towards Li Hongbin at a fast speed, feeling the power of this thunder, Li Hongbin He showed a cautious expression.


Holding the sword of punishment in his hand, he slashed down at this human-shaped lightning bolt. This human-shaped lightning bolt has already reached the extremely high state of Little Perfection. It will be finished, it can be seen that it is powerful.

Originally, with Li Hongbin's strength, it would be very difficult to survive this catastrophe.

But with the Sword of Punishment, it's different. Li Hongbin may not have understood the meaning of Xiantian Thunder and Acquired Thunder before, but at this moment, he understood. When the sword was slashed out, the human-shaped Lightning was slightly stunned. , not surprise, but fear.

The Sword of Punishment made him feel a little fear. Although it was a phantom, he also had the feeling from the body, the fear of the Sword of Punishment.

Acquired Thunder's fear of Innate Thunder was the sword at this moment, Li Hongbin's sword scattered this human-shaped lightning, and the powerful thunder sword slashed at the phantom of the temple in the sky.

"Hey," said the villain in Li Hongbin's body, "Back then, this deity entered his Thunder Temple one by one with one sword, and killed him seven in and seven out. These people should still have a little impression, the Lord of Thunder , I don’t know what happened to this old boy.”

The Temple of Thunder is in charge of the thunder in the world. Naturally, the Heavenly Tribulation is almost controlled by their Temple of Thunder. This is also a kind of power of rules.

Back then, Li Hongbin's strongest life was naturally very perverted. Therefore, when he was growing up, he was often taken care of by the Temple of Thunder, which made him very dissatisfied with the Temple of Thunder. It is in the hands of Thunder Temple.

Therefore, when he achieved success in his skills, he entered the Temple of Thunder with the Sword of Punishment, and beat everyone in the Temple of Thunder to pieces.

Especially the Lord of Thunder, the boss of the Temple of Thunder, was defeated by Li Hongbin's strongest sword in his life, and almost killed him by the sword, because he understood one thing, the Lord of Thunder cannot die , he is the product of the rules between heaven and earth, he is the leader of the thunder between heaven and earth, he cannot die, if he dies, the rules of thunder between heaven and earth will be disordered, so, as a last resort, for the sake of world peace, he did not kill he.

However, although he didn't kill him, he didn't let him go easily, and tortured him severely.

This made the Lord of Thunder terrified of him. He didn't expect this guy to be so powerful. Why didn't the Heavenly Tribulation kill him back then?I have tried my best to kill him, because the rules limit that it cannot exceed a certain range, so there is no other way.

That him back then made the entire Thunder Temple terrified.

Therefore, when feeling the power of the Sword of Punishment, the phantom of the Thunder Temple in the sky had an instinctive fear, as if it had encountered a natural enemy.

A ray of sword energy killed the past, and the Temple of Thunder actually had a feeling of dodging and not daring to fight back.

Li Hongbin was taken aback for a moment, and said in doubt, "Punishment, what's going on here?"

Sword of Punishment smiled and said, "Of course they are afraid of me. Back then, the master took me into the Temple of Thunder and scared them. When he sees me again, he will naturally be afraid of me. However, I haven't recovered"

"Eh..." Li Hongbin was taken aback, and said, "Punishment, then can you handle the Thunder Temple!"

"If it's the real Temple of Thunder, unless I'm back to my peak, otherwise, I won't be his opponent," Xing Xing said, "But if there is only a phantom, I am naturally not afraid, but this is your catastrophe, or Get through it on your own!"

"Punish, punish, punish, you guys actually violated the rules of this piece of heaven and earth, and attempted to break the rules of this piece of land, this is absolutely not allowed, punish"

"Boom!" Accompanied by that majestic voice, suddenly a divine soldier descended from the sky, and human-shaped lightning struck Li Hongbin one after another. Holding the sword of punishment, a fighting spirit erupted from Li Hongbin's body. The sword faced and beheaded the past.

With his right foot in the air, he went up to kill the divine soldier.

A terrifying sword energy erupted from the sword of punishment. At this moment, Li Hongbin was no longer suppressing his own strength, and his combat power at the level of gods burst out. Between the peak of the god king and the realm of gods, the strength is not at the same level at all. , definitely more than ten times.

At the peak of the God King Realm, Li Hongbin had the combat power of the Small Perfection Realm, but now that he has reached the God Venerable Realm, Li Hongbin's combat power has reached the Great Perfection Realm.

Moreover, even in the realm of Dzogchen, it is still a top existence.

A sword qi slashed out, directly shattering a human-shaped lightning, the right foot was a little empty, and teleported to another human-shaped lightning, and a sword slashed out, and another terrifying sword qi burst out. Smashed the humanoid lightning.


With a loud shout, Li Hongbin's momentum rose again, directly shaking away a human-shaped lightning around his body. A powerful thunder light emanated from the sword of punishment, and a layer of thunder power surrounded Li Hongbin.

"Thunder Fury"

Killed with a single sword, the fury of thunder, this is the most powerful sword that Li Hongbin can slash at present, in an instant, the thunder in the sky was replaced by the thunder that erupted from Li Hongbin's body, and the sky was full of thunder. The humanoid lightning shattered instantly.

The human sword merged into one, Li Hongbin and the sword of punishment merged into one, and rushed towards the Thunder Temple.

With the shattering sound of "bang, bang, bang", the Thunder Temple was instantly shattered under Li Hongbin's sword, and the seventh catastrophe passed.

"Hehe, not bad, it is indeed the reincarnation of the deity, as fierce as the deity back then." The villain said with a trace of excitement, "Hehe, these thunder powers are not bad, it can make the deity feast."

"Damn, you are indeed the boss, this is too powerful!" Feng Jue said with a trace of admiration in his eyes, "Boss, you are my idol"

"The boss is the boss." Xiaoyaozi also said excitedly, "Hey, the Temple of Thunder, why does it feel a little familiar? When did you see it, the Temple of Time, what kind of place is this?"

"Bastard, Qingxuan kid, I didn't expect your strength to recover to this level." Mo Tian said cautiously, "This will make it even more difficult to keep you. You have just broken through to the realm of God Venerable, and you have such combat power. I won't let you go"

"Hoo, hoo," Li Hongbin took two deep breaths, and said, "This feeling is very good, very powerful, hehe, the Temple of Thunder is nothing more than that, I really look forward to what the eighth catastrophe is, come on! Let's fight!" !"

(End of this chapter)

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