Peerless Peasant

Chapter 85 Xia Qingqing

Chapter 85 Xia Qingqing

In a small attic of Xia's house, a woman sat there, looking at the fish in the pond in front with a hint of envy.

At this time, she was wearing a long skirt and a veil on her face, so she couldn't see her face clearly, but from the noble temperament exuding from her body, it can be known that this woman is definitely not an ordinary person. The sound is like the sounds of nature.

"Qingqing." I heard her say without a trace of emotion, "You still can't let go of your family, don't you want to follow me?"

"Master." Xia Qingqing looked at the woman apologetically, and said, "Master, I'm sorry."

"I know." The woman said, "It's normal for you to let go of everything and follow your teacher to practice. However, as long as you follow your teacher, I won't treat your parents badly. Applying supernatural powers to the teacher can greatly improve their bodies and let them live for decades. What do you have to worry about? Moreover, as long as your skills reach a certain level, you can still come back to see you parents."

Xia Qingqing shook her head and said, "Master, what I worry about is not my parents, but rather."

There was a trace of displeasure on the woman's face, she frowned and said, "Don't tell you, you don't want to leave with your teacher because of a man."

With a hint of helplessness on Xia Qingqing's face, she nodded and said, "Master, I'm sorry, I really can't let him go, I'm the one who's sorry for him, it's my family who hurt him deeply, it's me who's sorry for him, if you want If it wasn't for me, he wouldn't have been hit like this, and I'm sorry for him."

"Huh." The woman snorted coldly, and said, "Gently, it's not a good thing to be infatuated with the mundane world. It's not good for your cultivation. You have to know that your physique, like being a teacher, is a rare choice in a thousand years." The spiritual physique was born for cultivating immortals. He is just an ordinary man in the mortal world. The two of you are not from the same world. You two are destined not to be together. He is not worthy of you. So, get along with him earlier. Severing ties is best."

"No." Xia Qingqing said, "If there is a choice between him and cultivating immortals, he would rather not cultivate immortals."

"You. You." The woman pointed at Xia Qingqing and said angrily, "Qingqing, are you going to die of being a teacher! Since you are obsessed with obsession, don't blame the teacher. If you don't come with me, I will Go and kill that man, and from then on, I will cut off all thoughts and let you practice with one heart and one mind."

"No, Master doesn't want it." Xia Qingqing said very firmly, "Master, if you kill him, I will kill myself immediately in front of you."

"You, you, you dare to threaten to be a teacher, okay, very good." The woman said angrily, "But it's okay if I don't kill him, as long as you follow me back to the teacher's door, abandon love and love from now on, and follow him wholeheartedly. Master cultivation, don't think about other things, not only can I not kill him, but I can also give him a fortune."

"This...this." Xia Qingqing hesitated and said, "Master, before I leave, can I take a look at him."

"No, this is absolutely not possible." The woman said decisively, "Qingqing, as a teacher, not killing him is already giving you the greatest degree of grace. It is impossible to see him, and it doesn't matter whether you see him or not. Maybe he I don't want to see you now, well, I won't say much, let's go back with my teacher!"

There was no expression on the woman's face, as if he was not interested in everything in this world, or her character was born like this.

Xia Qingqing herself didn't know who this woman was, but she only knew that one night more than 20 days ago, she was walking in the yard when she suddenly saw a person descending from the sky, like a fairy in legend, with a noble and elegant temperament, With a tinge of coldness and arrogance, when he looked at Xia Qingqing, his eyes moved a little, and after that, he kept that cold look.

Before Xia Qingqing could react, the woman had already grabbed her hand and said, "Sure enough, it's mystical spirit physique, good, very good, it actually allowed me to find a second mysterious spirit physique in this world, very good , Hurry up to apprentice! From now on, I will be your master."

For Xia Qingqing, she was both surprised and delighted. She never thought that she would encounter such a thing, just like the protagonists in those novels.

I have a special physique, and one day I suddenly meet a master who has a good physique, and he takes him as an apprentice. This is exactly the same as the plot in the novel, but I didn't expect this. It actually happened to me.

Moreover, I saw this woman falling from the sky before, could it be that she is a fairy in the sky.

Originally, Xia Qingqing was an extremely intelligent girl, but at this moment, she seemed to have lost the ability to think. Moreover, this woman's voice seemed to have some kind of special ability. She is a teacher.

After apprenticeship, the woman was going to take Xia Qingqing away, saying that the secular world is not conducive to cultivating immortals, the mortal spirit is too heavy, and there are many factors that are not conducive to cultivation, so she took Xia Qingqing to leave, but Xia Qingqing There is a lot of reluctance in my heart.

Let her leave suddenly with such a strange woman, saying that she is going to practice in some deep mountains and old forests, she was shocked all of a sudden.

He has lived with his parents since he was a child, let her stay away from them all of a sudden, and not for a short period of time. Hearing this woman, it may take several years, or even decades, to practice. What a terrible thing this is The matter, she now has a little bit of clarity in her mind, why did she agree so early at the beginning, as soon as she heard that she said that she would be a teacher, she immediately became a teacher, but she can't go back on what she has done.

And I don't know what kind of person this woman is. If she is a female devil, it will be terrible.

Finally, under Xia Qingqing's many requests, the woman finally agreed to let her stay in the world for a while, but not for too long. Recently, this woman always asked Xia Qingqing to go back with her. There is not much time to take off, but the only thing she thinks about is.

It was enough for me to meet him again and apologize to him back then.

Xia Qingqing knew that she had caused him great harm, possibly an indelible harm. When she brought Li Hongbin back home that day, she felt that something was wrong with the atmosphere. Her mother took her out, saying that they were shopping together, but she didn't think much of it, but when she got home, she found that Li Hongbin was no longer there.

Suddenly, she realized that something was wrong, and his third uncle, third aunt, and his cousin kept saying that Li Hongbin was not good here or there.

At this time, after thinking about it, she knew exactly what happened during her absence. The most important thing about his uncle's family was who Xia Qingfeng was. She was very clear about it, and she felt it when she thought about it Things are not going well.

She wanted to go out to find Li Hongbin immediately, but her mother refused to let her go out, confiscated her mobile phone, and kept her out for a while.

Later, it was all from Xia Qingshan that she learned about what happened that day, and what Xia Qingfeng did to Li Hongbin afterwards. Unlimited guilt, feeling that I am sorry for him, and I have no face to see him.

After he was unconfined at her home, the first thing she did when she came out was to find Li Hongbin and apologize to him.

But what disappointed her was that there was no trace of Li Hongbin in this world, no matter where he went, he was nowhere to be found, as if the world had evaporated, which made her feel even more guilty towards Li Hongbin, he must be He got hurt and hid.

For this reason, Xia Qingqing cried several times, and quarreled with her family several times, especially with Xia Zhonghong's family. Since then, she has become like strangers. Wouldn't even look at them.

She has always been very guilty of Li Hongbin in her heart, maybe it is true, he will not want to see herself anymore, she knows Li Hongbin, he is a very strong person, but even if he doesn't want to see her, she still wants to tell him I'm sorry.

But now it seems that there is no chance, and I will compensate her when I have a chance in the future.

"Okay!" Xia Qingqing nodded and said, "Master, I'll go with you."

"Oh." The woman was stunned for a moment, and said, "Why don't you say hello to your family?"

Xia Qingqing shook her head and said, "I don't want to see them. They have never been sure to treat me like a daughter. In their eyes, I am just a toy, a toy they can manipulate at will. Master, let's go!"

"Okay, very good." The woman smiled, holding Xia Qingqing's clothes in one hand, lightly tapped her feet, and flew away with a whiff.

Li Hongbin stood in front of his orchard, stretched his waist, took two deep breaths, and said, "Hey! I'm finally back. It's better to be at home. The air here is the coolest."

"Yes!" Xu Qingxue also sighed and said, "This place is like a fairyland on earth. It's so refreshing to smell this fragrance."

Li Hongbin and Xu Qingxue, after playing in Yanjing for a few days, returned to their little nest. The outside is good, but in the eyes of these two people, this is the most beautiful place, in fact, it is also the most beautiful place. beautiful.

Under the transformation of Li Hongbin, this small hillside has become a fairyland on earth. It is full of refreshing fragrance everywhere, which makes people feel very refreshing. The flowers and plants along the way are like a year It seems that the four seasons will not wither, the butterflies in the flowers and grass, and the chirping birds all make people feel warm and warm, which is a natural feeling.

Those few bees who were guarding the orchard, after sensing Li Hongbin's return, they all happily flew around Li Hongbin.

These little bees are becoming more and more humane, especially the queen bee, who sometimes makes some human expressions. This queen bee is almost as big as a fist, and her strength is also very powerful Yes, even Zi Tianhong can't gain the upper hand in his hands.

"Cough cough." At this moment, he suddenly heard an old man coughing, and saw an old man covered in blood, standing not far away with a trace of exhaustion on his face.

(End of this chapter)

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