Peerless Peasant

Chapter 893 Son of Time and Space

Chapter 893 Son of Time and Space
In Xianyou Village, among Xuantian Orthodox Sect, Li Hongbin looked at Sikong Zhaixing and Xiaoyaozi with a smile on his face.

Nodded, patted the two of them on the shoulders and said, "Good brother, you two are back too, hahaha, just in time"

Sikong Zhaixing is the son of the Lord of Space, the Holy Son of the Space Temple, Xiaoyaozi the son of the Lord of Time, and the young master of the Temple of Time. These two people have been good friends since birth, and they are often inseparable. Okay, but the competition between each other is also very fierce, everyone wants to step on the other side, and it's a breeze.

Just that year, when the two of them had a decisive battle, they were disturbed by the sudden appearance of Dao Zun.

But the two were very angry in their hearts. Someone dared to disturb their duel. They decided to clean up the person who disturbed their duel first. However, they didn't expect this person to be so powerful that even the two of them joined forces. opponent.

This surprised the two holy sons. The Temple of Time and Space, among the many temples, can be said to be one of the best, especially when the two temples are united, no one is their opponent. As the saints of the two temples Son, the strength is naturally very strong, among the people of their generation, the two of them can be said to be the leaders.

But I didn't expect that a person who jumped out so suddenly could suppress them at will.

While being surprised, I was even more dissatisfied. I was the Holy Son of the Temple of Rules, and even two unknown pawns couldn't suppress it. Talking about the Holy Son was simply embarrassing.

However, this is also their bad luck, who is not good to meet, but why did they meet the pervert Dao Zun?

In a big battle, there were only a few hundred gray and black, and Sikong Zhaixing and Xiaoyaozi were taken down by Dao Zun. If you win, you lose. There is nothing to say.

At that time, the two of them recognized Dao Zun as the eldest brother and hung out with him. In fact, they wanted to be by his side, hoping to surpass him one day.

However, this day is indeed infinitely far away. Under the witness of the two of them, Dao Zun's strength has become stronger step by step. big brother.

Perhaps in their hearts, besides their parents, Dao Zun is the person they respect the most.

Back then, when Dao Zun was fighting against Ruin, the two of them were the main forces beside Dao Zun. They fought alone to destroy the four generals under him. Xing killed the owner of the Blade of Extinction. As for the Messenger of Terror, the two of them also knew that she was Dao Zun's younger sister, and she was the one who wanted to lurk beside the Extinction.

In the first battle that year, both sides suffered a loss, and they reincarnated together with Li Hongbin to the land of exile.

Now, because of Li Hongbin's awakening, influenced by Dao Zun's breath, the memories deep in the souls of these two people have also awakened together. Once the soul memories are awakened, their strength and realm will directly rise rapidly. I broke through to the solipsism state, and I believe it will not be long before I can return to the former peak of the sourceless state.

There was also a woman who looked at Li Hongbin complainingly. This person was the God of Life, or the Holy Maiden of Life.

Li Hongbin looked at her with a smile, hugged her in his arms, and said, "I didn't expect you to come here with me, I really didn't expect it!"

Fairy Life couldn't help but glared at Li Hongbin, and said, "It wasn't you bastard who stopped me from kidnapping me here, hum! You are a big pervert, I didn't expect you to do such a thing to me."

"Hey." Li Hongbin smiled embarrassedly and said, "Isn't this all over? I mean, didn't you want to come out with me back then?"

"" the life fairy glared at Li Hongbin, and said, "Shameless, I just didn't want to be with the Son of Death, so I wanted to run out. I didn't expect to meet you and enter the Temple of Death, so I followed you We went out together, I didn't expect you to do such a thing to me"


Everyone looked at Li Hongbin suspiciously. Could there be some secret between the two? Listening to Fairy Life's tone, it seemed that Li Hongbin was forcing him. Li Junhao's guess before was correct. Fairy Life is the daughter of the Lord of Life. The saint of life was abducted by Taoist priest.

Li Hongbin smiled and said, "Is this what you want? Is it entirely your own will?"

After glaring at Li Hongbin, Fairy Life said, "Humph! I'll make it easier for you, a big pervert."

What's the matter?At that time, the Daoist and the Death Temple had an awkward relationship, and there was a little friction between the Daoist and the Son of Death. Due to his own identity, the Son of Death was definitely a small character, so there was no need to do it himself, so let his subordinates If someone goes to kill Li Hongbin, his majesty as the Son of Death cannot be violated.

But he didn't expect that things would get worse and worse. The person he sent over was killed by Dao Zun, and the battle between the two officially began.

How could the Son of Death be the opponent of Dao Zun?In the confrontation with him, it was repeated battles and defeats, which aroused the anger of the Son of Death, and vowed to tear Dao Zun's corpse into thousands of pieces, but he fell on such an unknown person.

So he finally let go of his body and went to hunt down Dao Zun.

However, his Son of Death is powerful, but Dao Zun is stronger than him. At that time, Dao Zun had already reached the state of no source, and Son of Death was only in the middle stage of the solipsistic state, and was completely abused by Dao Zun. And got seriously injured.

The Lord of Death is a very defensive person. After knowing that his son was seriously injured by others, he was furious and determined to tear Dao Zun into pieces.

He chased and killed Dao Zun again, and finally angered Dao Zun. The people in the Temple of Death are always so endless, and they hit the Temple of Death all at once. I have to teach them a lesson, otherwise, I always think that I am a good person. Bullying, but the strength of the Death Temple is really not built.

The Lord of Death is at the peak of the passive state, and the four elders are also at the peak of the passive state, and the eight guardians are at the late stage of the passive state.

At that time, Dao Zun had only reached the early stages of the Wuyuan Realm. Although he had the ability to leapfrog challenges, it would be no problem to overwhelm a peak of the Wuyuan Realm, but with five people, it would be a little difficult.

Provoking the temple of rules, this is something that has never happened in the history of Shiyuan, and Dao Zun must be killed.

After seeing the strength of the Temple of Death, Dao Zun also knew that he was too impulsive. Sure enough, there is no simple one in the Temple of Rules. However, there is nothing to regret if they have already done such a thing. Just fight!

It just so happened that the Lord of Life brought his daughter, the Holy Maiden of Life, to the Temple of Death to discuss the marriage, the marriage of the Holy Maiden of Life and the Son of Death.

For the Son of Death, the Saint of Life doesn't like him at all, and doesn't want to be with him, but the father's fate is difficult. It just so happens that at this time, I saw Dao Zun on the Temple of Death, and I was immediately attracted by him. His handsome back made her heart secretly promise that this is the man she likes.

Unexpectedly, as soon as she had such an idea, she was detained by Dao Zun, held hostage, and left the death temple.

This made the saint of life very upset. Although I have good intentions for you, you can't do that. That's how things are. Later, she has been following Dao Zun's side. As for the following things, That's love for a long time.

But this matter has always made the saint of life very upset.

This is also the reason why Son of Death is so reverent, and he must be killed.

First being teased by a small person, then being beaten by him, and finally robbing his fiancée, any man would be angry.

Because of Li Hongbin's awakening, the saint of life also awakened together.

Li Hongbin smiled and said, "Is it the past? If you still feel uncomfortable, I can ask you to deduct it once and back. As for whether it goes to the Temple of Life or the Temple of Death, it's up to you to choose."

"Go, get it cheap and be good, even if I detain you there, who would dare to keep your Daoist!"

"Why are you two laughing, is it itchy?"

Seeing Sikong Zhaixing and Xiaoyaozi snickering there, Li Hongbin scolded, "Should we practice some more! Although you have broken through to the solipsistic realm now, and I only have the Taixuan realm, but after the abuse You can still do it"

Xiaoyaozi and Sikong Zhaixing looked at each other, frowned involuntarily, and secretly said, "Hey! Do you think we should try it?"

Sikong Zhaixing's eyes moved, and he said via voice transmission, "I really want to try it out. Boss's strength is unfathomable. Are we his opponents?"

Xiaoyaozi said directly, "We used to be in the same realm, and the two of us were completely abused by the boss, but now, we are a whole realm higher than the boss. I don't believe that we are still his opponent if we join forces. The trick of Eternal Time and Space can threaten the Sourceless Realm, so I don’t believe I can’t beat the boss.”

Sikong Zhaixing's heart moved, and he said, "Give it a try"

Seeing the flirtatious looks of these two people, Li Hongbin said, "Okay, okay, you two should stop discussing in secret, I don't know what you're thinking, why don't you just try? Don't think Now I only have the Taixuan Realm, so I am no match for the two of you, let you know, the big brother is the big brother, no matter what time it is, it is unshakable."

Sikong Zhaixing smiled and said, "Boss, didn't we just wake up, our hands and feet are a little rusty, so we want to get back a little touch?"

Xiaoyaozi also nodded and said, "Boss, we are just to exchange ideas, there is no other meaning, you are still our most respected elder brother"

Li Hongbin smiled slyly and said, "Just to compete for a while, that's ok! The place is too small, let's go outside to compete for a while, my dear, do you want to go and have a look together?"

Fairy Life nodded and followed.

On the spot, Li Junhao shook his head, let out a long sigh, and said, "Hey! Sikong Zaixing and Xiaoyaozi are two idiots who really thought they could beat Dad with two hands. You two are guilty of it."

(End of this chapter)

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