Peerless Peasant

Chapter 905 Suppression

Chapter 905 Suppression
The Lord of the Five Elements is an old man, how could he be influenced by Li Hongbin's words?
All he did was to delay time, use himself to hold back Li Hongbin, and then let the other palace masters set up a large formation in the dark, and use the power of the source world to suppress Li Hongbin, even if it is Li Hongbin's power When he is powerful, when facing the Shiyuan Realm, one of the three realms, he can only be suppressed.

Li Hongbin knew the existence of this formation long ago, and also knew that to activate this formation, the masters of the Eighteenth Halls had to act at the same time to complete it.

Originally thought that the lord of the most yin had joined him, and this grand formation would not be completed, but they did not expect that they would use the lord of the most yin's younger sister to replace her. Originally, the launch of this great formation depended on her control of the rules , only the lord of the most yin can perfectly control the rules of yin.

But now, the Lord of the Most Yin has betrayed Chaos, and under the influence of Chaos' will, the Lord of the Most Yin's younger sister has become the new Lord of the Most Yin.

At this moment, the yin rule of the Shiyuan Realm is in her hands, and she will cooperate with the launch of the heavenly formation to kill Li Hongbin with the power of the Shiyuan Realm. She is using it as a trump card. At some point, take the most critical role.

The masters of the Eighteenth Palace appeared above Li Hongbin, eighteen people formed a circle, and a rule representing them appeared behind them.

The eighteen rules intertwined and fused together, and they saw a phantom of a world appearing above their heads. Force down.

The Origin Realm, as one of the Three Realms, is many times stronger than the God Realm.

If the Shiyuan Realm is compared to the sea, then the God Realm is just a little water. Li Hongbin can smash the God Realm with one punch, but in front of the huge world of the Shiyuan Realm, he can only be suppressed.

Nine innate rules, nine acquired rules, and eighteen rules were fused together, and then fused together with the phantom of the Shiyuan world.

In an instant, it seemed as if a new world had appeared. This world was exactly the same as the original world. People who didn't understand might think that this was the original world?It's just that they use the heavenly array to communicate with the original world and use the power of the original world.

The Lord of Order laughed loudly, and said, "Dao Zun, let's see how you resist this time, you, a guy who disrupts the order of the world, accept the judgment of the Shiyuan Realm!"

The other hall masters also laughed triumphantly. Seeing Li Hongbin being suppressed by the power of the source world, they all smiled triumphantly, as if they had seen the end of Li Hongbin, the master of order, the master of light , Lord of Death, these three people are the happiest.

Forcibly bearing the pressure from the Shiyuan Realm, Li Hongbin couldn't move, stared at these people coldly, and said, "Do you think that this is enough to kill my Daoist? Hehe, you are so stupid "

"Huh! Daoist, you are still stubborn when you are about to die, see how I deal with you, the power of light, purify"

A beam of light shot out from the projection of the Shiyuan Realm, and pierced through one of Li Hongbin's feet, making him half kneel on the ground. Under the pressure of the Shiyuan Realm, Li Hongbin's body never bent.

"Dao Zun, let's see how long you can be hard, chain of order, lock me up"

The chain of order flew out of his body and tied Li Hongbin up. As long as the rules of order are still there, his chain of order will not be destroyed. Li Hongbin was bound into a zongzi in one fell swoop.

The other hall masters shot at Li Hongbin one after another, they would not let go of such a good opportunity.

Only the Lord of Thunder hesitated several times when he wanted to attack Li Hongbin. The Lord of Darkness shook his head and said, "Lord of Thunder, you are really not a man. Dao Zun has become what you are now. Why don't you dare to fight against Li Hongbin?" Where did he make a move? I am ashamed of you as the master of one side’s temple of rules.”

"you you"

"What am I?" said in the darkness with disdain, "It is very easy for you to prove that you are a man. Now use your most powerful moves to attack Dao Zun, so that you can prove that you are a real man, otherwise If you say that, you are always a coward. I really don’t know how you became the Lord of Thunder. You were so frightened by the Daoist. Now that you are dying, you dare not attack him.”

"Hmph! I'll prove it to you right now, I'm a man, a real man"

"Thunderstorm" roared loudly, and the projection in the source world seemed to be angry. Suddenly, there was lightning and thunder, and thunder danced in the sky. Under the operation of the Thunder Lord, all the thunder was vented on Li Hongbin's body body.

In the process of enduring all the attacks of the hall masters, Li Hongbin never made a sound.

This makes the masters of the main hall feel a little bit embarrassed. Is it because their attack power is too weak to be effective against the Daoist? Originally, they could directly use the power of the Shiyuan world to suppress and kill Li Hongbin, but when they think about it, They couldn't let go of how they were bullied by Dao Zun before, and they must torture him well.

The Lord of Light snorted coldly, and said, "Daoist, you are still stubborn when you are about to die. Let's see how long you can be stubborn, and the light will judge."

Li Hongbin sneered and said, "Lord of Light, you old man, you don't know who is about to die, you people! You are really stupid. You don't know if you are used by others, and you are still stupid when you are sold out." Silly counting money for other people, a bunch of stupid things”

"" said the Lord of Light angrily, "Dao Zun, you...what did you say?"

"Are you deaf? I told you a bunch of stupid things, you don't know about being played around by Destroyer, and you are still here to help him do things. I can tell you that once I die, Destroyer will be the first to kill me. you"

"This is impossible." The Lord of Light said very firmly, "Destruction is the messenger sent by the will of Chaos. He is the messenger sent by Chaos. How could he kill us? Dao Zun, stop deceiving people here Yes, we were bewitched by you back then to deal with Lord Destroyer, we will never be fooled by you, we know very well that you are the real sinner who wants to destroy the people in the Origin Realm"


Li Hongbin shook his head and said, "Lord of Light, it's hard to say anything about you. Yes, he is the messenger of Chaos, but do you know what Chaos Will wants to do? He wants to destroy the world, he wants Destroy the Origin Realm"

"Hahaha, hahaha"

The Lord of Light laughed loudly and said, "Daoist, you treat me as a three-year-old child! How could the will of chaos want to destroy the Origin Realm? Our Origin Realm was created by him, and we are all equivalent to him. As the saying goes, a tiger does not eat its own son, how could he want to destroy us?"

"It's you," the Lord of Order said, "Daoist, it's you, you are the one who wants to destroy the Origin Realm and the will of chaos, you deserve to die as a traitor!"

"A group of people who can't be saved, how stupid! Hehe, you are completely hopeless," Li Hongbin said, "Only fools will listen to the words of destruction, and it will be too late for you to regret it. Did you break through to the Da Luo Good Fortune Realm?"

"It's absolutely impossible"

"Once you reach the state of Da Luo, you will be out of the control of Chaos Will. He will never allow such a thing to happen. Once you reach your level, you will know who is right, Chaos Will It's impossible for all this to happen."

"After I die, the will of chaos will be the first to kill you potential threats, and then start to destroy the world, destroy the three worlds, return everything to chaos, let his power be sublimated, and become the only one, hahaha, You fools!"

The masters of several halls said angrily, "Master Daoist, what Master Destroyer said is not wrong, you really said that, you are the cancer in this world, only by getting rid of you can the world be completely stabilized, let your mouth Can Lianhua, we won't believe you, Dao Zun will die!"

"Hahaha! Come on, let me see how powerful your eighteen great temples are together, the power of chaos, let's break out!"

"Drink" Li Hongbin's bent legs slowly stood up again, and he even withstood the pressure from the Shiyuan Realm. The masters of the Eighteenth Palace showed surprise expressions. Dao Zun's strength is too strong!
The power of chaos filled Li Hongbin's entire body. The power of chaos was pure power, which gave Li Hongbin the strength to support the origin world.

With a sudden kick on the ground with his right foot, a powerful rebounding force came up, which was about to shake the projection of the Origin Realm away.

"No, Dao Zun is too fierce, he can bear the power of the original source world, increase the strength, must suppress Dao Zun, kill him"

"The Law of Light"

"Dark Law"

"Law of Life"

..."Five Elements Rule"

Eighteen kinds of laws were extracted from the void by them. They were the rules of the source world. They merged with this projection and suppressed Li Hongbin again.

Grandma, Li Hongbin couldn't help cursing in his heart, the suppression power of the Shiyuan Realm is too strong, if the entire Siyuan Realm is suppressed, then he will definitely not be able to withstand it, but it's best now up.

What these palace masters never imagined in their dreams was that all their attacks on Li Hongbin were absorbed into his world by him.

Their world is considered perfect if it only lacks two things, one is rules, and the other is life. Now their attacks on these rules have been absorbed into the world by Li Hongbin. This is the best nourishment. Grow up quickly.

The reason why Li Hongbin is strong is his world. As long as the world grows and becomes stronger, his strength will become stronger.

He looked very cruel on the outside, but in fact he was extremely excited. This was an excellent opportunity.

At a certain moment, I heard the Lord of Light coaxing loudly, saying, "Everyone is working harder, Dao Zun is about to be unable to withstand it, and we will try our best to kill Dao Zun!"

Li Hongbin sneered, and said, "Lord of Light, it's impossible for you people to kill me Dao Zun. Don't dream there, you can't kill me."

I was shouting in my heart, hurry up, hurry up and launch the big move, the rules in my world are about to mature.

(End of this chapter)

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