Laugh at the world forever

Chapter 102 Princess, You Should Wipe Your Eyes

Chapter 102 Princess, You Should Wipe Your Eyes (3)
Seeing what she said, Su Jinping admired her a little bit, she can bear it, it seems that she is still a character!
"Since the princess has said that you don't care about it, you can go down." Huangfu Huaihan's cold voice sounded, and there was a little worry in his tone that he didn't realize.No matter how you say it, the odds of winning against Murong Shuang in her capacity are not great, it's better to go down earlier.

Su Jinping also wanted to go down, but she also knew that they would never allow her to go down.Sure enough, as soon as Huangfu Huaihan's words fell, Murong Shuang's voice rang out: "Your Majesty Dongling, the Princess of the county came all the way with her cousin. As the saying goes, you are a guest. But this little maid is so bold that she won't give it to the county." The lord salutes, that's all. The princess taught her a few words, but she was lucky enough to suggest that the princess become a nun. A small court lady can also satirize the princess like this, and she also asked His Majesty Dongling to give Mu Yang is in charge."

This Murong Shuang is also very smart, knowing that if he tells Huangfu Huaihan an explanation, he may not only not get what he wants, but also anger the emperor, so it is better to soften his posture and ask him to make the decision. Come, no matter what, he will give himself an explanation.

As soon as the words fell, there were gasps one after another in all directions!Isn't this court lady too courageous?How dare she suggest that the princess of another country go to become a nun? This, this... Huangfu Ye and the others are a little unbelievable. Although they know that she is courageous, this is no longer pure courage, but ignorance of the severity. This is not true The behavior she would have on weekdays.

Huangfu Huaihan also turned cold: "Su Jinping, why do you explain this?"

"The slave girl sees that Princess Muyang looks like a fairy, and he is also extremely kind and amiable. I feel that such a person who is out of the world, merciful, and has the heart of a Bodhisattva should go to save all living beings. How can he Are you still staying in this filthy mortal world? That's why the slaves feel emotional for a while, and they definitely don't mean to be disrespectful to the princess." Just kidding, she doesn't have the ability to argue at all, she doesn't need Murong Shuang to kill her, she can already directly to die!
But Jun Linyuan, Mu Yueqi and others, who knew the whole process of this matter, had the corners of their mouths slightly twitching. They were really eloquent and eloquent. It was clearly a taunt, but when it came to her, it turned into a compliment!

Huangfu Huaihan suppressed his smile, turned his head and looked at Murong Shuang: "Princess, what do you think?" Every time he was deflated, and then angrily faced those people who wanted to laugh but didn't dare to laugh, today he suddenly showed a Seeing other people's misfortune in this woman's hands as a bystander, he actually felt an indescribable gloating feeling. Maybe he has been angry with this damn woman for too long, and his psychology has become a little distorted!

Murong Shuang's complexion couldn't be more ugly, and the way she looked at Su Jinping gradually changed, it seemed that she underestimated her opponent, her vermilion lips curled up, there was a faint light in her eyebrows and eyes, and the smile on her lips The meaning also slowly emerged, and the more powerful the enemy was, the calmer she became, so she was not particularly annoyed at the moment, but smiled, and said in a warm voice: "Since this is the case, naturally the princess will not There is a lot to say. It’s just that His Majesty Dongling, the princess was outside the palace just now, but he saw this maid and set up lanterns. As far as Mu Yang knows, no matter which country the palace is, the maids are not allowed to leave the palace without permission. , Mu Yang suggests that you should be punished with small punishments and large punishments!"

As soon as these words came out, something flashed in Su Jinping's mind, but she ran too fast and she didn't catch it.She always felt that Princess Muyang was looking for something strange, but she didn't know why, so she changed her mind, wait... to go out of the palace and put lanterns?The phoenix eyes narrowed slightly, and her heart gradually became clear.I see!
Seeing her leaving the palace, she also saw Baili Jinghong, which could explain where the jealousy in her eyes came from from time to time, and she only mentioned seeing herself, but never mentioned Baili Jinghong. It is a serious crime for a court lady to have a private meeting with a man. Even if she does not die, she will have to shed her skin. She will not be narcissistic and think that Princess Muyang is so kind, so she wants to leave her a way to survive, so she will not mention a crime, but In order to maintain Baili Jinghong's reputation, she had to think deeply about the relationship between these two people.

"Bold! Su Jinping, how dare you leave the palace without authorization?!" Huangfu Huaihan stared at her fiercely as if extremely angry.In fact, how could he not know that she was out of the palace, and generally speaking, when encountering such a matter, it is enough to hand it over to Shen Xingsi directly, and he, the emperor, does not need to take care of it himself, but she can't die now, because she is still useful to him .

This roar made Jun Linyuan's lips have a smile with a deep meaning. If it was an ordinary court lady, she could just drag it out and chop it off, but Huangfu Huaihan repeatedly gave her the opportunity to argue.It seemed that Baili Jinghong was not the only one who was moved, the emperor was also a little special to this woman!
"Your Majesty, this servant is wronged! This servant is a weak woman with no strength to restrain a chicken, how can she escape so many guards and run out of the palace? Isn't this a big joke in the world?" Su Jinping looked deeply frightened. Looking at Huangfu Huai Han.

The corner of a certain emperor's mouth twitched uncontrollably when he heard the words "without the power to bind a chicken", and the scene of this damned woman robbing the toilet paper came to mind. I am afraid that there will be no strong people in this world.

"You mean that I, the majestic princess, want to wrong you, a little maid?" Murong Shuang immediately became stern.

"The Princess is a noble person, so naturally she won't wrong the servants. It's just that things are similar and people are similar. It's not unusual for the princess to see it wrong for a while. The servants once heard a folk remedy, saying that people's eyes It is a kind of eye disease that is often not clear, or even sees blindly at every turn. This kind of eye disease is not difficult to treat. You can put your hand on the corner of the eye and gently wipe it a few times to wipe out the dirt inside, and the eyes will immediately recover. This method is tried and tested! Maybe it is also useful for the princess, who can try it when she has nothing else to do." Su Jinping calmly argued and did not forget to pour a basin of dirty water on Murong Shuang.

Everyone immediately came to their senses, what kind of nonsense folk remedies, the method she just mentioned, isn't it just the action of people wiping eye poo?To put it bluntly, he was satirizing Princess Muyang's eyes covered with gum, so he was dazzled!As soon as he thought it through, there were snickers one after another from all around.Even Ziyuan couldn't help whispering in Mu Yueqi's ear: "Miss Mu, this girl is really a second person!"

These words made the smile on Mu Yueqi's face fade a bit, and then she raised a smile that she didn't know whether it was gratification or self-deprecating, and said lightly: "How can an ordinary woman get into the eyes of the Prime Minister!"

As soon as these words came out, Zi Yuan stopped talking immediately, and even though she wanted to laugh, she couldn't.

Although Murong Shuang has been humiliated several times today, he has never been insulted like this, his pretty face was livid with anger, and he was about to explode when he saw a man running out from the nobleman's banquet. The man whom Su Jinping taught him knelt down in the center of the hall: "My Majesty, Caomin has something to say!" Although he has a prominent family background, he has no official title, so he can only call himself "Caomin".

(End of this chapter)

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