Laugh at the world forever

Chapter 105: Magpie Bridge Poetry Club

Chapter 105: Magpie Bridge Poetry Club (2)
"I've seen the Emperor Dongling." The five words were just a greeting, shaped like an orchid orchid and a jade tree, with a tall and straight figure, without even bending over.

Naturally, Huangfu Huaihan would not take this as a crime. If he was only the prince of Nanyue, he could still question him, but he is a proton.A smile was forced from the corner of the cold lips: "There is no need to be polite, come here, and give the third prince of Nanyue a seat!"

Originally thought that with his temperament, he turned around and left when he had finished what he wanted to say, but unexpectedly he said: "Thank you, Emperor Dongling." Then, under the guidance of the eunuch, he sat in his seat.

So the eyes of those famous daughters basically focused on Baili Jinghong.Now Murong Shuang's eyes became even more proud!Her future husband doesn't need to do anything, he can be the focus of course!Only such a man is worthy of her, Murong Shuang!
But Liu Changyan and Zi Yuan stared wide-eyed, looking at him in disbelief, the third prince of Nanyue, the one who was outside the palace with Su Jinping? !God, what's going on? !

With the arrival of Baili Jinghong, the atmosphere became more and more strange.Su Jinping stood in the center of the hall, the beads of sweat from her palms miraculously disappeared. For some reason, when she saw this person coming in, she felt an inexplicable sense of peace of mind, and even felt that she was It should be fine today.

At first, everyone basically forgot about Su Jinping, but Jun Linyuan reminded at the right time: "Brother Huaihan, since Jinghong is here, let's deal with those disappointing things quickly, so we can have a good drink!" Come to think of it, Baili Jinghong is his future cousin-in-law and also his future county horse of Beiming, so calling him this is considered flattering.

Su Jinping only believed in beautiful things today, but they are all poisonous!For example, this inhumanly beautiful Emperor Beiming seems to be determined to kill her today!
But at this moment, Su Jinqiu didn't know what state of mind he was in, so he said with a smile: "Your Majesty, although my sister acted recklessly, in the end it was just a quarrel with the princess. Today is the Mid-Autumn Festival, a great day for the reunion of the two people. , Su Jinping can be regarded as a concubine's natal family, so I ask the emperor to make a big deal smaller and spare her!"

She didn't want to intercede for her concubine sister at all, whether it was because of Su Jinping's lowly status or because she had beaten her, but her father said that she was still useful, and today her father said he was sick and didn't come, if she didn't hear it now The one who asked caused her to be killed, and she didn't know what consequences she would face, so she pleaded for mercy.

"This empress!" Murong Shuang didn't know Su Jinping, but looking at her luxurious clothes and sitting position, it was not difficult to see that she was a high-ranking concubine, so she called her like this, seeing Su Jinqiu looking at her, she immediately Then he continued, "Your Majesty, if you marry into the imperial palace, then you are a member of the imperial family. From now on, you should only have your husband's family in your heart, not your mother's family. Now you are here to intercede and hinder His Majesty Dongling's decision. What's the reason?"

It seems that these two cousins ​​must kill her!There was a bloodthirsty smile on the lips, and the phoenix eyes were also stained with obvious murderous intent, as if looking at Jun Linyuan's graceful neck, and Murong Shuang's upright chest.

As soon as these words came out, Su Jinqiu's face became a little ugly, but he didn't stand up and apologize, but just sneered: "What the princess said is very true. But I have heard for a long time that the princess Muyang, one of the two sisters in the world, is humble Thick and generous, see you today, but that's all!"

She, Su Jinqiu, is the first-rank imperial concubine of Dongling, and she is second only to the empress in real terms. If the other party is the princess of Beiming, she may be more patient, but she is a princess of the opposite sex, so what right does she have to be arrogant in front of her? !
"You!" Murong Shuang became a little annoyed. She found that today's situation seemed to be very unfavorable to her. She usually had a gentle and noble image, but today she was forced by this pair of sisters to almost run away, and she repeatedly revealed her true colors. , and usually when men see themselves being ridiculed, they should say a few words for themselves, but today there is no one who speaks for her.

How did she know that she is as beautiful as she is beautiful, but Su Jinping and Mu Yueqi are not inferior to her in the slightest. At this moment, one of them is gentle and demure, and the other is pitiful. If men want to pity them, they will naturally pity them. Such a narrow-minded person , The hypocritical and domineering princess, there is nothing to pity!
A pair of beautiful eyes swept Huangfu Huaihan, hoping to hear the words to dispose of Su Jinping from his cold thin lips, but he sat on the golden and expensive dragon chair, drinking wine from the Panlong wine glass, dark purple Their eyes never looked this way, as if they were waiting for them to argue for an answer.In fact, he was waiting, waiting for Baili Jinghong to intercede for Su Jinping, to determine whether this woman has weight in Baili Jinghong's heart, and if so, how much weight does she have!

Murong Shuang turned his head, and said to Jun Linyuan: "Cousin!" It seemed that he was asking him to seek justice for himself.

Jun Linyuan raised his phoenix eyes, and shot Murong Shuang fiercely with a cold look!Originally, it was Murong Shuang and Su Jinqiu who were arguing, but this idiot yelled at himself because he couldn't do it by himself, did he want to speak for her?At this time, I helped her speak and spread the word. Wouldn't it be that Emperor Beiming helped his cousin to quarrel with Emperor Dongling's concubine, making people laugh so hard!
With his cold glance, Murong Shuang immediately calmed down, and knew that his behavior was wrong, and when he wanted to say something, he heard a voice like heaven: "Princess, naturally she is the most generous woman." The voice was deep and deep. Loneliness, as cold as the moon like his own.

As soon as these words came out, those famous ladies who were staring at Baili Jinghong unconsciously showed disappointment. It seems that the third prince of Nanyue cares about his fiancée very much. After helping her speak, do they still have hope?

But Mu Yueqi couldn't help lowering her head and chuckling lightly.

Ziyuan was a little puzzled: "Miss Mu, what are you laughing at?" Miss Mu really wanted to help that Su Jinping?Now the third prince of Nanyue obviously has no intention of speaking for Su Jinping.Miss Mu is laughing!Also, isn't the third prince of Nanyue the man who was with Su Jinping on the street at that time?Why not speak for her but praise Murong Shuang instead?How strange!

"Keep watching, and you'll know." Mu Yueqi didn't have any intention of explaining, her beautiful eyes swept across the hall, but she always inadvertently put them on Shangguan Jinrui who was opposite.

Ziyuan scratched her head, and then looked, but another thing happened that she couldn't figure out even scratching her head!
I saw that Murong Shuang's exquisite face was livid with anger, her willow eyebrows were tilted horizontally, and the flames in her beautiful eyes were even more raging. It was hard to tell whether it was jealousy or anger, but in the end she had to hold back and squeezed out a trace of anger from her lips. Si gave an extremely forced smile, and Qingcheng's face was a little distorted, she gritted her teeth and said, "Brother Jinghong praised you, although this court lady made a mistake, it is not a big mistake, please forgive her Majesty Dongling. Mu Yang looked at her and felt that she was very close, I wonder if His Majesty can let this little palace lady join us to attend the Magpie Bridge Meeting later?"

(End of this chapter)

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