Laugh at the world forever

Chapter 107: Magpie Bridge Poetry Club

Chapter 107: Magpie Bridge Poetry Club (4)
Now everyone has gone from believing three points to eight points.And the person who sat quietly for a long time without opening his mouth slightly curled his wimpy lips: "You mean, I escaped from the palace and came back again?"

As soon as these words came out, the audience fell silent!That's right, why didn't they think of this? If it's true what Liu Changyan said, the third prince of Nanyue ran out, shouldn't he try to find a way to abscond and return home?Why are you still running back eagerly and continuing to be a proton with no status or status?Is this stupid?Thinking about it this way, everyone thought Liu Changyan was lying!
Even Concubine Rong couldn't help asking: "Brother, did you admit the wrong person?"

"No, I will definitely not admit my mistake! The emperor will know as long as the witness comes up." The tone is still full of certainty, but there is also some uncertainty in the heart, because no one in the audience seems to believe him.What he said is inappropriate both emotionally and rationally.

"Come here, the owner of Chuanyueji Pastry Shop!" Huangfu Huaihan's voice was a little cold.

Su Jinping also frowned a little, he didn't expect to involve witnesses, damn it!
But Baili Jinghong was sitting steadily, as if he had a plan in mind.

Yueji was very close to the imperial palace, and after a while, the couple was brought in. Looking at the royal dignified room, they were a little weak in fright!

Su Jinping couldn't help but clenched the box containing the sweet-scented osmanthus cake in his hand, wondering if he had killed them before they opened their mouths, but thinking of the enthusiastic face of the proprietress at that time, he felt that he couldn't do it!
"I ask you, have you ever seen the third prince of Nanyue and that woman appear in your shop?" He pointed to Baili Jinghong and Su Jinping.

The couple looked at the two, looked at each other, then turned their heads, and said in unison: "No!"

"What?!" Liu Changyan's jaw dropped in shock. He absolutely did not believe that what he encountered today was his own illusion, so he gritted his teeth and said loudly, "Your Majesty, don't listen to their nonsense, you can call My servant comes in, and I..."

"That's enough!" He slapped the dragon case hard, "Are you playing tricks on me? Someone..."

"Your Majesty, forgive me!" Concubine Rong and Yong'an Hou's family immediately knelt down and begged for mercy.

The emperor looked at them, took a few deep breaths, his anger seemed to subside a little, and said in a cold voice: "Drag it down, hit a hundred big boards again!" If the hundred big boards go down, if the body is not good, I'm afraid they will go !

So Concubine Rong opened her mouth and wanted to plead for mercy.But Huangfu Huaihan said again: "Whoever intercedes again will be punished with the same crime!"

He opened his mouth, but in the end he didn't say anything, and sat back in his seat honestly, but the eyes he looked at Su Jinping were full of hatred!
Mu Yueqi covered her lips and said quietly: "Did you expect this to happen?"

Su Jinping shook her head honestly, she didn't know why the couple lied.

This commotion delayed a lot of time, Huangfu Huaihan said impatiently: "Okay, the Magpie Bridge will start, go to the Star Picking Platform!"

This time, everyone got up together, went outside the hall, followed the emperor through a magnificent corridor covered with carpets, and arrived at the "Star Picking Platform". , too beautiful to behold.Tables and chairs had already been set up all around, but they were square tables made of crystal with stools made of glazed jade. Everyone took their seats according to their identities.

A round of bright moon hangs high in the sky, illuminating this high platform, and it really feels like picking up stars!

"Since it is the Magpie Bridge Poetry Club, you don't have to be cautious, just pretend that I don't exist." Huangfu Huaihan is a rare good temper.

Jun Linyuan also smiled very beautifully, but the faint cold light fell on Su Jinping's body from time to time, this woman cannot be kept!
I don't know who opened the mouth: "I have heard for a long time that Miss Mu is so talented. I don't know if I can ask Miss Mu to compose a poem. Let me wait to admire Miss Mu's demeanor!" The three beauties here, Murong Shuang is Don't think about it, Su Jinping is a maid of honor, compared to Mu Yueqi who is the most valuable.

Mu Yueqi covered her lips and smiled: "Young Master, you are absurd. There is no such thing as elegance or elegance. A little girl can write a poem. It's just a matter of throwing bricks to attract jade. It's hard to get into the elegant hall. Please don't make jokes."

"Since ancient times, autumn has been sad and lonely. I say that autumn is better than spring. When the sky is clear and a crane floats above the clouds, the poetic sentiment will be drawn to the blue sky!" He spit out these four sentences faintly, his face full of humility.

The audience burst into thunderous applause instantly, good!This poem is really well done!And it is very suitable as the beginning of this magpie bridge meeting, "then draw poetry to the blue sky"!

Su Jinping was a little surprised. He didn't expect that in his era, a famous sentence written by an open-minded man would be written by a woman in this era?What kind of disposition does this Mu Yueqi have!

"Miss Mu is indeed the daughter of Old General Mu! She is so talented and courageous!" The emperor took the lead in complimenting her, and everyone's praises were like pearls falling on a jade plate, countless.

"The emperor's praise!" He still had a modest and cautious look, and he didn't show any complacency because of the emperor's praise.

"Unfortunately, this princess also got a song!" Murong Shuang interrupted, obviously not liking others stealing her limelight.Everyone was dissatisfied, but because of Jun Linyuan's face, they didn't dare to say much.But Jun Linyuan's complexion is quite ugly. If there were not so many people present, he would have scolded her severely. Murong Shuang is smart, but she is too vain. She only knows how to show herself and doesn't know how to judge the situation .

"Oh? Then I want to listen too." Huangfu Huaihan looked at her with an interested expression.

I saw her pretty face was reddish, her beautiful eyes looked forward to Gu Shenghui, and she looked at Baili Jinghong: "Red beans grow in the southern country, and a few branches will come out in spring. May you pick more, this thing is the most lovesick!" After reading, then Zhang Jiaoqiao's face was a little reddish, and her eyes were lowered, as if she didn't dare to look at his reaction.

Although everyone didn't like her interruption, they had to admit that it was a good poem, and couldn't help but praise it.

But Baili Jinghong, who was the rightful master, didn't show any emotion at all, just sat quietly with his eyes closed, as if he didn't hear anything.Murong Shuang was annoyed for a while!
But Su Jinping, who was sitting on the side, didn't know why, after listening to Murong Shuang's obvious confession poem, he was very annoyed!I also couldn't bear the way this guy looked at Baili Jinghong, and felt uncomfortable all over. Although she didn't understand where her discomfort came from, she blurted out without any thought: " Sure enough, spring is here!"

As soon as the seemingly irrelevant words came out, the surroundings suddenly became silent.Immediately after, there was a burst of snickering, no, it is really insulting to the gentlemen to make such obscene poems and songs in front of so many people!She still expressed her lovesickness to her fiancé in public, I really don't know why she has such a thick skin, as expected, spring is here, and the good season of yearning for spring has arrived!

(End of this chapter)

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