
Chapter 11 Meteor Shower

Chapter 11 Meteor Shower

At around three o'clock in the afternoon, the three of them arrived in Lin County.Zhuang Weifan parked the car in the county, and hiked into the mountain with Xiao Yulin and Fat Tang carrying equipment on their backs.

The road into the mountain is not easy to walk, and Tangtang's two fat legs can't stand it after walking halfway. It's more tiring than climbing stairs.She sat down on the rock decadently, and said coquettishly: "I'm not leaving! I'm exhausted! You two big men have such long legs. How can I run faster than you with my little fat legs? No, I To change back, to become a beautiful girl with long legs."

Xiao Yulin wiped the sweat off his brow, he felt he had to do something: "Xiaotang, I'll carry you!"

"Okay!" Hearing Xiao Yulin's words, Tangtang hurriedly jumped off the rock.

Xiao Yulin squatted down, patted himself on the shoulder and said, "Come on, Xiaotang, come up quickly."

Tangtang unceremoniously lay on his back and grabbed his shoulders: "Alin, I'm done, you can get up!"

Xiao Yulin tried to get up, but what she didn't expect was that Xiaotang was heavier than a rock.He counted to 3 silently in his heart, and carried Tangtang back with difficulty.Tangtang was very upset when she heard him whispering "123——" and asked him, "A Lin, do you think I'm heavy?"

"Where, our little candy is so light, it's like a lump of cotton." Xiao Yulin has recently learned to flatter her.

After hearing Xiao Yulin's words, Zhuang Weifan couldn't help but joked, "60 catties of cotton is not light."

"... surnamed Zhuang! You will die if you don't argue with me!" Xiao Yulin walked a few steps with Tangtang on his back, panting and sweating profusely.Why is Xiaotang... so heavy!

Xiao Yulin struggled up a stone step with Tangtang on his back, his feet slipped, and he almost fell down.Fortunately, Zhuang Weifan was quick and helped them up.Zhuang Weifan supported his shoulder and asked him, "Can you do it?"

"Nonsense! I can't do it, can you do it?" Xiao Yulin panted heavily, and was furious when he saw him.

Zhuang Weifan snatched Tangtang from his back without saying a word, and took advantage of the opportunity to carry Tangtang on his shoulders.He carried the bag in one hand and the little fat girl in the other, and asked someone who was holding on to the tree for breath, "Mr. Xiao, can we go?"

Xiao Yulin was dumbfounded, this little fat girl surnamed Zhuang who was carrying 60 jin was not under any pressure at all.They entered Mangshan Mountain with the large group of people who went into the mountain to watch the meteor shower. On the way, several young girls who were photographing together came up to strike up a conversation and invited them to take pictures of Zhuang Weifan.The drowsy Tangtang, who was carried on his shoulders, was also stained with light, and was photographed in the camera.

The sunset on the top of Mangshan Mountain is infinitely beautiful, and the green lawn is dyed with a golden light.The top of the mountain is crowded with dozens of camping tents, which is very spectacular.Someone started making a fire, and someone else started fiddling with a camera stand.There are also couples who found a bare stone, sat down with each other, and waited for the Geminid meteor shower to come.

Zhuang Weifan took out the blanket from his bag, wrapped Tangtang around his body, and told her: "When the meteor shower comes, if your body changes, wrap yourself tightly with the blanket, understand?"

"Understood." Making a wish on the meteor shower to change back, the chances of this kind of chance are too slim, Tangtang almost has no hope.She followed Lao Zhuang over the mountains and ridges, just to watch the Geminid meteor shower with him.

Zhuang Weifan knew that Tangtang loved to eat pineapple cakes and beef jerky, so he brought a lot of them.He opened the package and fed Tangtang slowly, Xiao Yulin was very jealous and wanted to open his mouth to ask Zhuang Weifan to give him a piece too.

Tang Tang wrapped herself in a blanket and sat between the two men waiting for night to fall.Brown Tang Tang was a little sleepy before the day, and his head rested on Lao Zhuang's shoulder, drowsy.She opened her eyes again, and the starry sky above her head was so vast and low that the stars could almost be touched.

Zhuang Weifan was afraid of the strong night wind in the mountains, so he pulled the blanket for her and wrapped her tightly.Seeing Tangtang leaning on Zhuang Weifan, Xiao Yulin was unhappy, so he also leaned on Tangtang. Tangtang pushed him in disgust, but he couldn't push his big head away, so he had to give up.

Around eleven o'clock in the evening, the dew on the mountain was getting heavier, and the wind was biting cold.Tangtang yawned, but the Geminid meteor shower came with her yawn.Suddenly, Pop pierced through the vast night sky, dragging its tail and shining dazzling light in the dark blue night sky.Like golden fireworks, they drilled into the dark blue night sky flexibly.Tangtang held Zhuang Weifan's hand tighter and tighter, and her heart was inexplicably moved.

The most wonderful thing in this world is to watch a meteor shower with the one you like.Xiao Yulin rubbed against Tangtang's body through the blanket, feeling sweet in his heart. The most wonderful thing in this world is to lean on Xiaotang to watch the meteor shower.

Frost, cold and dew in the mountains made it quiet, and people who watched the meteor shower began to go down the mountain together one after another.Tangtang's shoulders were so tired from being leaned on by Xiao Yulin, she sat up and sighed: "Your body hasn't changed."

Knowing that she was very disappointed, Zhuang Weifan comforted her: "We saw a meteor shower tonight, we are not at a loss."

"That's right, Xiaotang, we saw a meteor shower tonight, we won't lose but gain." Xiao Yulin twisted his neck and made a crisp "creak" sound, "It's getting late, let's go down the mountain too."

Tangtang got up wrapped in a blanket and her feet were numb from the cold. She grabbed Zhuang Weifan's fingers and stood up staggeringly, with a low voice: "Old Zhuang, I... my feet are numb."

Zhuang Weifan tightened the blanket for her, and threw the two flashlights in his hand to Xiao Yulin: "I'm going down the mountain with Tangtang in my arms, and you will show us the way from behind."

"Why did Xiao Tang give you a hug? Don't you eat tofu?" Xiao Yulin held the flashlight and murmured, the jar of vinegar was overturned.

Zhuang Weifan glared at him: "Why don't you hug?" Xiao Yulin was exhausted after walking the mountain road for a day, how could he have the strength to hug Tangtang?I had to keep my mouth shut and not speak.

As soon as the group of them reached the halfway up the mountain, it began to drizzle.In less than half an hour, the dry mountain road became muddy.The three of them were exposed to the cold and cold, the two men were still in good health, but Tangtang was not.When going up the mountain, Tangtang had a bit of a cold, and started coughing non-stop after being exposed to the rain.

When they reached the foot of the mountain, they walked around half the village before finding a family at the end of the village who was willing to take them over.

The villagers who received them were two couples, about forty or so, who seemed honest and friendly, and entertained them warmly.Bringing them into the house, calling them to sit down, the husband and wife hurriedly brought clean clothes for them and boiled boiling ginger water.

The hostess glanced at Tangtang wrapped in a wet blanket. The little chubby girl's lips were purple from the cold, and her face was pale. When she touched her forehead again, it was very hot, which means she had a fever.In the middle of the night, and it was raining heavily, no doctor could be found.

The hostess helped Tangtang change into clean clothes, and asked her husband to bring an electric oven to bake in front of Tangtang.

Tangtang had a fever, and Zhuang Weifan was a little anxious. He borrowed the host's military coat and took a flashlight to go out: "Where does your doctor live? I'll go find a doctor."

"The doctors are all in the town. There is no car in the middle of the night. How do you get there? It will be tomorrow morning when you come back. How about this, I will give the little girl a pack of cold pills first. If the temperature rises again, we will find a way. How is it?" The hostess paused and said, "My child used to catch a cold too. He drank cold medicine and covered his body with sweat, and he was fine the next day. This little girl looks strong, so she shouldn't have too much trouble." question."

Zhuang Weifan glanced outside, so he had no choice but to listen to the hostess first.The hostess mixed Baomao granules for Tangtang to drink. The granules are strong and bitter.Tangtang took the medicine bowl and poured it down his throat, frowning and not yelling because of the bitterness.She put down the bowl, raised her sleeve and wiped her mouth, then raised her head and said to Zhuang Weifan, "Old Zhuang, I'm fine, I'm strong, I'll be fine after drinking cold granules and sleeping, and I'll be fine after sweating."

Zhuang Weifan gave a "hmm", patted her head and said, "Okay, you go to bed early."

Xiao Yulin changed into the clothes of a peasant uncle, feeling uncomfortable all over, always feeling that his rustic attire took away his handsomeness.In the middle of the night, Xiao Yulin and Zhuang Weifan were afraid that Tangtang's high fever would not subside, so they guarded her together.

Zhuang Weifan was afraid that Tangtang would be frozen at night, so he specially gave her his quilt, wrapping her tightly so he could rest assured.Tangtang fell into a hazy sleep, her body began to sweat, and she tried to lift the quilt several times, but was stopped by someone.She wanted to expose her feet to the quilt to get some air, but after a while, she was grabbed by a pair of thick hands and stuffed into the quilt.

Xiao Yulin didn't have the patience of Zhuang Weifan, he leaned on the chair and dozed off for a while, and when he woke up, he saw Zhuang Weifan stuffing Tangtang's feet into the quilt, he actually felt that Zhuang Weifan was virtuous.He stopped dozing off, yawned and got up, patted Zhuang Weifan on the shoulder, and said in a low voice, "Come out with me."

Before leaving, Zhuang Weifan pressed the bedding under Tangtang's body, and he followed Xiao Yulin into the main room, thinking that Xiao Yulin was going to say something serious to him.Unexpectedly, the guy sat down on the stool, put his elbows on the table, patted the table, and said to him: "Chuang, come here."

"What are you doing?" Zhuang Weifan stood in front of the table with an indifferent expression.

"I want to wrestle arms with you!" Xiao Yulin said aggressively, curling his five fingers in the air, "Come if you're a man, don't be so grumpy!"

Tangtang was still feverish, he really didn't want to mess around with him, so he frowned and turned around.

Xiao Yulin held him back: "Don't leave! You must win against me!"

Zhuang Weifan's eyes turned dark, is the structure of this person's brain different from that of ordinary people?For Tangtang's sake, he reluctantly sat down and put his elbows on the table, ready to compete with him.

Xiao Yulin looked at him and muttered: "Zhuang, I know what you're thinking, do you think I'm naive? Let me tell you, Xiaotang said when she was a child, the boy who chased her had to beat me in the arm wrestling to be eligible Chase her, otherwise nothing will be discussed!"

"Oh." Zhuang Weifan responded lightly, and when he was unprepared, he grabbed his hand and knocked him down in an instant.

Before Xiao Yulin could react, he was already defeated.He has always been thick-skinned, and he said shamelessly: "The surname is Zhuang, can we be fair? I'm not ready yet! Do it again!"

"Okay." Zhuang Weifan said lightly again.Xiao Yulin moved his wrist, gathered enough strength, held his hand, concentrated all his strength on his wrist, patted the table and said, "I'll count to 123 and start! Say it first, if you lose, you can't chase Xiaotang !"

Zhuang Weifan didn't respond to him, just stared at the fist.When Xiao Yulin counted to "3", he easily turned the opponent's hand to the other side.Seeing that he was about to lose, Xiao Yulin quickly grabbed Zhuang Weifan's fist with both hands, trying to pull it back with all his strength.

Zhuang Weifan glanced at him lightly, and with a strong wrist, he firmly pressed Xiao Yulin's hands on the table.Xiao Yulin was very frustrated in losing, he couldn't believe that his two hands were no match for Zhuang Weifan's one.He lay down on the table, sighed, and muttered: "Although you are qualified to chase after Xiaotang now, but let me tell you, I and Xiaotang's childhood sweetheart, I have more advantages than you."

Zhuang Weifan looked at him seriously: "Do you like her?"

"Aren't you talking nonsense?" Xiao Yulin rubbed his wrist and glanced at him.

Zhuang Weifan really didn't understand the brain structure of the person in front of him: "You never told her?"

"...she will know who treats her best in the future, and she will also know that I like her." Xiao Yulin leaned on the table, looked at the incandescent lamp and sighed, "I don't know what Xiaotang fell in love with you. I liked you when I was in college. You still like you now, isn't she tired of crooked?"

Zhuang Weifan got up and looked at him: "You asked me to come out, and you said these words, do you want me to retreat? Do you want me to leave Tangtang?"

Xiao Yulin hugged Bo and "hummed": "You and Tangtang have no chance, just give up!"

Zhuang Weifan smiled and looked at him calmly: "I don't think there is anyone in this world who can love her more than me except her relatives."

"...I have been taking care of Xiao Tang since I was a child, did you come out halfway to grab credit?" Xiao Yulin said angrily.

"Get credit? I don't need to grab credit. I really know how to take care of her better than you." Zhuang Weifan glanced at him and said, "What happened to Tangtang before has nothing to do with me. But I will take care of everything about her now. Is it good for a person or not? Actual actions are the truth. What do you just say? By the way, last time you caused Tangtang to fall off the fence, and I haven't settled the debt with you yet."

"..." Xiao Yulin lost again, and there was no chance of turning over.

Zhuang Weifan finished reasoning with the boring people, and when he returned to the room, he found that Tangtang had kicked the quilt again.He was worried that Tangtang's throwing off the quilt would make his condition worse, so he simply turned on the stove to keep warm, wrapped himself in a thin blanket, and lay down beside her bed to sleep.

Tangtang had a nightmare last night. When she woke up from the dream, she saw Zhuang Weifan who was dozing beside her. She pushed him awake with her hand, and said in a crisp voice: "Old Zhuang, I'm having a nightmare, can you hug me up?" ?”

Zhuang Weifan reached out to hug her up, but the little fat girl wrapped her around her neck: "Old Zhuang, can you show me my abdominal muscles?"

Seeing that there was no one in the room, Zhuang Weifan simply lifted up his clothes to show Tangtang.Tangtang was wrapped in a quilt, and her arms and legs gradually grew.The clothes Tangtang wore were originally the hostess's clothes. Not only did she not tear the clothes after her body grew bigger, but the clothes fit them well.

She jumped out of bed, put her arms around Lao Zhuang's neck, put her chin on his shoulder, panted and said: "Old Zhuang, I dreamed that I was dead, and you will hug my princess when I die. Now think Thinking, I feel so sad, can you hug me? Princess hug."

Zhuang Weifan is not used to being hugged by the adult version of Tangtang like this.His hands were frozen in the air, not knowing where to put them.He sighed softly, touched the back of her head, and comforted her softly: "Dreams are the opposite, don't be afraid, Lao Zhuang is here."

After listening to his comfort, Tangtangbi finally burst into tears. "If the dream was the opposite, would you never hug my princess for the rest of your life?" She let go of him, stood on tiptoes, looked up at him, and held his clothes tightly in her hands: "Old Zhuang, I I like you, I have always liked you, I have liked you since college, can you show me something?"

"What do you want to express?" Zhuang Weifan looked at her with an aggrieved expression, and didn't know what to say for a moment.

"Hold me." Tangtang stretched out her arms and said softly, "I want the princess to hug me, now, immediately, immediately."

Zhuang Weifan looked at her with tears in his eyes, hesitated for a moment and hugged her horizontally, and it was the most standard princess hug.Holding Tangtang in his arms, he walked around the narrow room a few times, and didn't stop until his hair became dizzy.With a straight face, he lowered his head and asked Tangtang who was nestled in his arms: "Is it enough?"

"Enough is enough!" Tangtang nodded with a smile, put her arms around his neck, and kissed the side of his cheek.Being kissed by Tangtang like this, Zhuang Weifan's face was flushed red.He put Tangtang back on the bed, and said: "Okay, it's still early, you sleep a little longer, Laochang will pick us up after dawn."

"Yeah." Tangtang got into the quilt, only her head was exposed; she blinked and looked at Zhuang Weifan: "Old Zhuang, do you... like me a little? Do you think it's those girls who went on blind dates with you before?" Pretty, or am I pretty?"

Zhuang Weifan pulled the quilt for her, and said in a soft voice: "You look good, you look good, hurry up and sleep for a while." His voice was full of helplessness, with such a suitor who would grow and shrink, he There is really no way.

Because of Tangtang's matter, Zhuang Weifan has delayed too much work.Before the Spring Festival, the work is gradually heavy. A game he invested in is in the important stage of internal testing. In a few days, there is still a project bid to be submitted. There are many tasks waiting for him to review. So much free time to take care of Tangtang.

Tangtang turned back into a child when she woke up in the morning.Everyone gathered around the table to eat breakfast. The breakfast in the farmhouse was very simple. Each person had a bowl of fermented glutinous glutinous rice balls. Tangtang was the most blessed. There was only one goose egg in other people's bowls, but she had two in her bowl.Seeing that Zhuang Weifan looked haggard, Tangtang clumsily manipulated the chopsticks and picked out the goose egg to Zhuang Weifan: "Old Zhuang, you worked hard last night! Eat more to supplement your nutrition."

Xiao Yulin took a bite of the glutinous rice balls, and said in a sour tone, "Tangtang, I also worked hard last night."

"Hand over your bowl." Tangtang smiled sweetly, and Xiao Yulin stretched out the bowl happily.

Tangtang quickly finished the last glutinous rice ball, left a mouthful of soup, and generously poured it to Xiao Yulin.

Xiao Yulin, who only got a mouthful of fermented glutinous rice soup, was in a bad mood. Xiaotang is really partial!Eat goose eggs for the surname Zhuang, and soup for yourself!
It was already ten o'clock when Lao Chang arrived, and he brought the doctor with him.The doctor checked Tangtang's body, and seeing nothing serious, the group drove back to the city.Back in the urban area, Zhuang Weifan asked Lao Chang to take Xiao Yulin home first, and he took a taxi back with Tangtang.

Xiao Yulin folded his arms and snorted, "You have a conscience."

After sending Xiao Yulin away, Zhuang Weifan was not in a hurry to take Tangtang home, but took her to a nearby shopping mall that sold luxury goods.Tangtang was very puzzled, it was full of adult clothes, what are you doing here?
He took Tangtang into a brand store selling women's professional suits, and bought several sets of professional suits of different styles according to the size of the large version of Tangtang.When paying, the shopping guide looked at him a little strangely.

After coming out of the shopping mall, night has fallen, the lights are on, and the city's neon lights are intertwined and complicated.Tangtang raised her head, looked at Zhuang Weifan who was covered by street lights, and asked him with her neck tilted: "Old Zhuang, what are you thinking?"

"I was thinking, what position should I arrange for you." Zhuang Weifan looked down at her and said, "From now on, you will stay by my side as an adult."

"You bought these professional suits because you want me to work in your company?" Tangtang sighed, "Although I extended my vacation with my boss, I didn't really resign. If I go to work in your company, I just My company breached the contract, and our company’s liquidated damages are not a small sum.”

Zhuang Weifan said: "I have already arranged the liquidated damages for you. You can come to work in our company at any time. As for what position to arrange for you, let me think about it."

"If you have anything else to think about, just let me be your life assistant." Tangtang said.

"Are you trying to steal Lao Chang's job?" Zhuang Weifan rubbed her head and said, "Don't look at Lao Chang's age, he is a strong hand in doing things. If he knows that you are stealing his job, he may not know how to deal with it." You little girl."

Tangtang thought of the old man who had flinched because of hugging her, and somehow found it funny.A kind old man, what is she afraid of?
In the next few days, Zhuang Weifan seldom went home due to his busy schedule. In order to successfully enter Zhuang Weifan's company, Tangtang helped their company test a martial arts online game that was going to be launched.According to Zhuang Weifan's instructions, she completed the internal test report ahead of schedule and sent it to Zhuang Weifan's mailbox.After a while, he received Zhuang Weifan's email, opened it, and found that it was Zhuang Weifan's... semi-nude photo!

Zhuang Weifan in the photo was wearing black trousers, with his hands resting on the belt, wide shoulders and narrow waist, and his muscles made her sigh.Her gaze went from Lao Zhuang's eyebrows, down to his neck, and then to his bronze chest muscles.A breath of international male models rushed over.Looking at such photos, Tangtang couldn't help but feel his heart throbbing. When her eyes shifted to Lao Zhuang's eight-pack abs, her heart was beating violently and her cheeks were hot. She couldn't help it, and she was nervous as she covered her face." Aww" called out.

This photo was taken very formally, and the overall tone is gray. It can be seen that the photographer's skills are very good.The light hit Zhuang Weifan's side face, showing his deep outline. Holding the photo, her body began to change, and her fat arms began to stretch thin and long.

The loose pajamas on her body gradually became tighter, and her limbs were stretched thin and long.Her round face gradually transformed from immature to mature, and her apple face faded from immaturity to a white and smooth bun face. The skin on her cheeks was rosy, so tender that she wanted to pinch her.

Turning back into an adult, she couldn't wait to open the closet and find out the professional suit that Lao Zhuang bought for her a few days ago.Tangtang has been working as a programmer after graduation and has never worn professional attire.Putting on the shirt and the hip-wrapping skirt, she looked at herself in the mirror, feeling awkward no matter what.She always felt that the exquisite woman in the mirror was not her.

Early the next morning, she went downstairs in her professional suit, and Zhuang Weifan had already prepared breakfast in the restaurant downstairs.She didn't know when Zhuang Weifan came back. Seeing him, she hurried down, turned around in front of him, raised her head and asked him: "Old Zhuang, is it pretty?"

"Come over for dinner." Zhuang Weifan took off his apron, didn't answer her, but opened the dining chair for her gentlemanly.

Tangtang didn't say a word, just sat down decently, took the knife and fork and started to eat breakfast.Zhuang Weifan looked at her silently, seeing that her long hair covered half of her face, he put down the tableware in his hand, got up and went to the living room to get a black rubber band.Then he walked up to Tangtang, stretched out his hands to pinch her hair, and carefully tied her into a ponytail.

Tangtang enjoyed Lao Zhuang combing her hair very much, when Lao Zhuang's fingertips touched her scalp, there was a slight tingling sensation.It feels like enjoying a head massage, very comfortable.

Zhuang Weifan finished tying her hair and sat back at the dining table. He told her while eating: "I don't have any suitable positions for you at the moment. You can go to other departments to buffer. The department I arranged for you is on the next floor of my office. Playtest."

Tangtang was anxious: "It's okay if you ask me to be a programmer, but let me test the game, isn't it a little...wrong?"

Zhuang Weifan gave her half of the ham in his bowl, and continued: "You are so smart, you can definitely do it."

So far, Tangtang has nothing to say.She nodded and continued to eat.It is already very happy for her to go to work with Lao Zhuang.

After eating, Tangtang and Zhuang Weifan went to the company in two ways.

On Tangtang's first day at work, she is treated coldly by her colleagues.Except for Tangtang, everyone in the office is a man, no one speaks in the whole office, only the sound of typing on the keyboard.Tangtang didn't know what to do at all, when everyone was busy, she just sat on a chair and browsed Weibo with nothing to do.

The male colleague passing by who was pouring water glanced at her, and said casually: "New colleague? Is it okay to pour coffee for everyone."

After being "pointed out" by a colleague, Tangtang reacted dully, and hurriedly brought tea and water to the seniors in the office.When it was almost noon, Tangtang wanted to go upstairs to have dinner with Lao Zhuang, but was stopped by the department head.The supervisor explained many things to her, but Tangtang didn't listen to a single word.

Coming out of the supervisor's office, Tangtang almost fainted from hunger.Before she had time to take a sip of water, she was stopped by her colleague again.Colleagues asked her to pack lunch in the company cafeteria.Tangtang looked pitifully at a group of men: "I didn't eat it myself..."

A colleague as thin as a monkey said to her without raising his head: "Now you are the most leisurely person, why don't we go buy food for you?"

The truth is the same, it seems that except for her, everyone is busy.Tangtang looked up at the sky, dragged her tired and weak body, and limply went to the company cafeteria.Aunt Dafan packed the braised pork and rice for her. She rolled up her sleeves, carried four lunch boxes in one hand, and walked towards the office.Halfway there, she suddenly remembered that she was about to turn back into a child, so she rushed towards the bathroom with a box of lunch.She put the boxed lunch on the sink before going into the toilet, and came out after she finished viewing the photos... The boxed lunch had already been cleaned up as garbage.

Tangtang was dizzy with hunger, and when she came back from the canteen to buy lunch, it was already two o'clock in the afternoon, and the group of hungry wolves in the office wanted to kill her instantly with their eyes.

She distributed the lunch boxes to her colleagues, and was about to rub her stomach and sit down to have a good meal, but was called by her colleagues to deliver the test report.Tangtang looked at her colleague: "Senior, can you let me finish my meal first?"

"You're so free, when can't you eat? This report is in a hurry, hurry up." Li Li, a colleague, was not at all polite when talking to Tangtang, and he didn't mean to be sympathetic at all.

Tangtang didn't want to embarrass Lao Zhuang, so she bit her lip and reluctantly dropped the pork ribs rice, and went to deliver the test report for her colleagues.When she returned to the office, it was already four o'clock in the afternoon, and Tangtang was already too hungry to eat anything.

In her previous company, her boss and colleagues used her as a treasure, but when she came here, she became a bullied errand.Tangtang lay on the table, holding the ribs and lamenting.Not long after she got down on the ground, she heard a colleague complaining about her: "What are you recruiting a woman for? Can you play games? You don't even know what a dungeon is..."

"Senior, what you said, I don't even know the dungeon, what are you doing here?" Tangtang was upset when she heard this, and she said, "I finished testing this game before you guys, you can play a Spider King dungeon What is there to be proud of with this ability?"

Everyone took out their earphones and stared at the brazen Tangtang.She got up and pointed to their screens and said, "Senior, I have already tested the dungeon you downloaded. For a level [-] dungeon, one person is enough. If you play together in a team, as a Swordsmen with healing attributes will definitely pull points, but instead give the Spider King a chance to rebound bloodthirsty."

A few colleagues glared at her, really brazen!They manipulated the game characters in their hands and continued to fight with the Spider King in the dungeon.After a while, Ruoran entered Tangtang's words, the swordsman was pulled apart, and was bloodthirsty to death by the spider king. The spider king, who had only a layer of blood left, was full of blood again.

Everyone was about to vomit blood. After fighting for an hour, the spider king was finally beaten until only a layer of blood remained. Now, the opponent was resurrected with full blood.Doesn't that mean they have another hour to fight?
Tangtang couldn't stand it anymore, she poked the colleague in front of her with her finger, motioning him to get up.She sat in the position of the swordsman, took a Resurrection Pill, resurrected on the spot, and said to everyone in an orderly tone: "Get out of the way, retreat behind the stone tablet, and don't enter the bloodthirsty area of ​​the Spider King."

Colleague Li Li weakly asked: "Can you do it alone?"

"Don't underestimate women." Tangtang controlled the swordsman, changed to a sword with weak attributes, and used pure physical attacks to hit monsters.

The spider web kept spraying spider webs, Tangtang was flexible in her operation, and jumped onto the Spider King's head with a big leap. She used sword skills to attack while complaining: "This game is one of the weak points, the operation is too smooth."

Tangtang could jump onto the back of the Spider King and stab straight at the back of the Spider King, but because of the lag in the operation, he only jumped to the head.The colleague sitting next to Tangtang witnessed Tangtang's hand speed, and his mouth was wide enough to stuff an egg.

This woman is not human!The hand speed is too fast!

So Zhuang Weifan came down to look at Tangtang with desserts, and as soon as he entered the office, he saw a group of elders surrounding Tangtang, expressing their surprise by swearing non-stop.A group of elders were stunned by Tangtang's game technology and couldn't speak. They could only express their admiration for Tangtang by patting the table and thighs.

Zhuang Weifan stood behind them and coughed while holding the dessert.However, the exclamation of the group of elders continued, and they did not notice the arrival of the elder boss at all.

"What are you doing?" Zhuang Weifan opened his mouth, and the backs of a group of elders were stunned.A group of men immediately dispersed and stood in a row, shouting in unison, "Mr. Zhuang."

All the people stood up and said hello to Zhuang Weifan, only one person was still sitting in front of the computer and fighting wildly with the mouse.All the elders admire Tangtang very much, on the one hand because of her handsome operation, and on the other hand because of her courage.

The male colleague poked her back with his finger and told her in a low voice: "The boss is here." When Tangtang heard it, she gave a faint "oh" and manipulated the mouse. The swordsman in the game raised his sword and cut the weak spider king Get poked to death.Her three bursts of swordsmanship was done in one go, so handsome that everyone sighed for a while.

"Dead!" Tangtang breathed a sigh of relief, looked at the time, a little disappointed, "Yesterday at home, it only took 10 minutes, but today it took 4 minutes."

"Little girl! You are already very handsome!" the male colleague praised Tangtang.

Tangtang got up, looked back at Zhuang Weifan, was in a happy mood, straightened her back, and said loudly, "Mr. Zhuang!" Zhuang Weifan glanced at her indifferently, coughed and said, "Thank you, everyone, I brought afternoon tea for everyone. "

The male colleagues looked at the large box of desserts and expressed no interest.These rough men, who like to eat the dessert that this little girl loves?Desserts are really detrimental to a man's dignity.

It happened that Tangtang, who hadn't eaten, was cheap, and she took the dessert from Zhuang Weifan with a smile, and couldn't wait to take a mouthful with a spoon.

Seeing that Tangtang was eating sweetly, Zhuang Weifan coughed and said to everyone, "If you have any needs in work, you can directly ask your supervisor."

Everyone said that there is no big problem at work.With food in her mouth, Tangtang also nodded and said, "Well, it would be great if someone would come to deliver meals to the seniors at noon every day. I've been so busy that I haven't eaten anything yet."

Zhuang Weifan frowned, and glanced at the company employees: "Are you short of food delivery?"

Everyone froze for a moment, then quickly waved their hands and said, "No, no shortage, no shortage, we can go to the cafeteria by ourselves at noon."

Tangtang swallowed a mouthful of the cake, looked at Zhuang Weifan with a smile, and said in a sweet and sticky voice, "It would be great if Mr. Zhuang could come to deliver desserts every day."

All the colleagues stared at Tangtang, sighing.This new little girl really doesn't know the heights of the heavens and the depths of the earth!
After Zhuang Weifan left.The male colleagues came over to show their courtesy, and beat Tangtang's shoulders and back. Tangtang was flattered, and ran away with the cake: "Hey, men and women can't kiss each other! Don't take advantage of me."

Colleague Li Li rushed over with a cup of coffee: "Master, let me introduce myself. My name is Li Li. I was the one who didn't know Taishan just now. Your lord forgive me a lot. Master, what's your name?" Tangtang's game operation ability, Already at the level of great gods, they are willing to bow down when they are "rookies".

Tangtang took a sip of the coffee and nodded with satisfaction: "Actually, I'm not a great master, but you are too bad. My name is Tangtang, the sugar of candy, and two candies stacked together is 'Tangtang'."

Colleague Lin Cong also extended his hand to Tangtang, and introduced himself, "Hello, my name is Lin Cong."

Tangtang politely shook hands with the other party: "Call me Tangtang."

Everyone introduced themselves one by one. It turned out that these people were all fresh graduates of University A, who were two years younger than her.Tangtang stuffed the last bite of the cake into her mouth, hiccupped her stomach, and smiled at a group of juniors, "A group of brats, call them seniors."

Colleagues watched Tangtang stuff a cake for eight people into their stomachs.Li Li took a bench and sat down close to her: "Sister? You are also from A University?" Under Li Li's lead, everyone surrounded her with benches.

Lin Cong also asked, "Are you classmates with the big boss and Supervisor Zhuang?"

Tangtang took a sip of the black coffee and said, "That's not right, I'm their junior, and I'm only two years older than you."

"Tang Tang! You won't be the student god of the previous two sessions, Tang Tang, right?" Li Li suddenly remembered a legendary figure in the Computer Department of University A, the female student god——Tang Tang!
"Well, it's a bit embarrassing to say, it's all because of my classmates yelling, I'm not as good as they say." Tangtang scratched the back of her head embarrassingly.

At this time, someone asked: "What is the god of learning?"

Li Li was extremely excited, wishing he could kneel down in front of Tangtang, his idol!

"Student Tang Tang, you don't even know! The legendary hacker of the computer department of University A... Oh no, Bai Ke! According to legend, there is no computer that she can't hack into!"

"So powerful?" Everyone sighed.

With this little episode, no one was in the mood to go to work throughout the afternoon.Someone proposed to have a departmental dinner at night, eat hot pot, and sing K.Speaking of which, Tangtang hasn't eaten hot pot for a long time, Zhuang Weifan pays attention to diet and never took her to eat hot pot.Thinking of the fresh and spicy hot pot, she couldn't help licking her lips, and without thinking about it, she agreed to the dinner party.

The first day of work was declared over, which was quite pleasant for TangTang.From being underestimated by everyone at the beginning, to becoming a god in everyone's hearts, this process is very delicate. After get off work, Tangtang didn't say hello to Zhuang Weifan, and went directly to the hot pot restaurant with her colleagues.A group of men surrounded Tangtang and walked into the hot pot restaurant; Tangtang didn't pay attention, and sat with everyone by the window on the first floor.There were seven men at a table, and Tangtang was the only woman. When ordering dishes, women were given priority. Tangtang ordered three bowls of white rice without any hesitation. The tripe, duck intestines, beef, and pork belly were five servings.

When the three bowls of white rice were served, Li Li teased her: "Senior sister, you won't eat three bowls of rice by yourself, right?"

"Eat three bowls of rice first to fill my stomach. I didn't eat at noon, but I was wronged to death." Tangtang took a bowl of rice and started eating with kimchi.

Oh my god, how hungry is senior?Just how miserable was they tormenting him?After everyone thought about it, they all felt that they were not a thing.Their behavior was comparable to that of beasts, causing the senior sister to be stunned and didn't even finish her lunch.After a moment of silence and reflection, everyone helped Tangtang blanch the beef belly and picked a big bowl full of vegetables for her.

Tangtang ate the bowl so fast that she didn't hear the vibrating sound of the phone in her bag.When the hot pot was halfway through, everyone took the initiative to toast Tangtang and apologize. Tangtang drank a sip of white wine, which made her jump on the spot.

Li Li raised his wine glass and proposed at the dinner table: "We have also seen the ability of senior sister, otherwise, how about we ask senior sister to be the boss?"

Lin Cong was the first to agree, holding a glass of wine: "I think it will work! From now on, Tangtang will be our boss!"

The other five people also got up one after another, raised their wine glasses, and said in unison, "Okay, let's drink to Boss Tang!"

Tangtang took two sips of wine, and within two hours, she carried her bag to the bathroom.She squatted on the toilet seat, and after admiring the photos of Lao Zhuang's abdominal muscles, she instinctively took out her mobile phone and saw that there were more than [-] missed calls from Lao Zhuang.She was taken aback. Due to the noisy environment, she didn't hear the phone ring just now.Tangtang hurriedly called Lao Zhuang back, but no one answered the phone.After coming out of the toilet, she kept looking down at her phone and accidentally bumped into someone.She subconsciously apologized to the other party, and was about to walk away, but was grabbed by the man.

"How do you see the road? You don't have long eyes!"

When I looked up, I saw that the other party was a black and thin woman with tattoos on the back of her hand, her hair was dyed purple by heat, she looked like a bad boy from society.Tangtang thought of the "left blue dragon and right white tiger" in the underworld, and quickly apologized.

But the purple-haired girl kept chattering: "You broke my wallet, don't even think about leaving if you don't pay six thousand!" The purple-haired woman's mouth was filled with the smell of alcohol, and Tangtang turned her face away in disgust.

"Sister, are you going to grab it? I just hit your arm. When did I hit you? The effect of force is mutual, and it hurts me too. Look, my elbow is bruised. In this way, you first Accompany me for 6000 medical expenses, and I will pay you another [-] yuan in your wallet? Forget it, for the sake of fairness, I will call the police first, and let the police or my lawyer discuss the issue of 'compensation amount' with you. Miss, what do you think? ?" Tangtang's witty words kept coming together, making it impossible for the other party to say anything.

The purple-haired girl gave her a hard look, stomped on her high heels, and left with her bag.

The big guys have almost eaten, and someone proposed to go to ktv to sing.Tangtang wanted to develop relationships with her colleagues, but thinking of Lao Zhuang, she... dared not go.

After coming out of the hot pot restaurant, the group of them stood on the side of the street and took a taxi.Tangtang struggled for a while before saying: "Forget it, you guys go play, I won't go, I have to go home early."

Lin Cong joked: "Sister, it's only eight o'clock, what are you doing home so early? Could it be that your boyfriend is waiting at home?"

As soon as this remark came out, another colleague interrupted: "Senior sister, if you are so good, your boyfriend must be good too, right?" This made Tangtang a little embarrassed, she scratched the back of her head, and said in embarrassment: "I ……not yet."

Li Li didn't believe it, and said: "Senior sister, you don't have a boyfriend, what are you doing in such a hurry to go back? Let's go and get together with us."

Tangtang hesitated as a group of monkeys tried their best.The purple-haired girl who was having a fight with Tangtang at the hot pot restaurant just now came out slowly, holding a man wearing a gold necklace on her arm.The purple-haired girl caught a glimpse of Tangtang, who was taking a taxi by the side of the road, and the man with the gold necklace, leading a group of younger brothers, walked over in a mighty manner.

Tangtang stood by the side of the road, reaching out to hail a taxi, she said to several male colleagues: "Let's get together some other day, I have something to do when I go home."

Seeing that she couldn't keep her, my colleagues were a little disappointed.

Tangtang was about to open the taxi door, but was held down by the purple-haired girl.

"What are you doing?" Tangtang frowned and looked at the purple-haired girl, "Why, you want to discuss the amount of compensation with my lawyer?"

There were more than a dozen men standing behind the purple-haired girl, all of them had fierce eyes and were very unfriendly.The purple-haired girl looked at Tangtang: "This is my territory, I advise you not to be too arrogant. Little girl, if you pay me a little money, this matter will be settled."

"What if I don't pay?" Tangtang folded her arms and looked at them.

"No compensation? If you don't pay compensation, my group of brothers will not agree!" The purple-haired girl threatened because of her large number of people.

When Tangtang's colleagues saw someone making trouble, they stepped forward one after another to support Tangtang.Tangtang turned her head and asked Li Li in a low voice, "Can you guys fight?"

Li Li glanced at the crowd, patted his chest and said, "One hits two, absolutely no problem! Senior sister, don't worry, with us here, we won't let them bully you!"

"There are twelve of them, you hit one one by one, and leave the other four to me." Tangtang said while clenching her fists.

"Sister, can you do it!" Everyone looked at her suspiciously.

While everyone was still wondering if Tangtang could do one against four, his colleague Lin Cong had already started fighting with each other!The situation became chaotic, Tangtang rolled up his sleeves and rushed over in order not to let the group of brats suffer.

Having not exercised his muscles and bones for a long time, Tangtang's hands and feet are a little rusty, and he is relatively slow in fighting.She was holding an arm in the confusion, and fell over her shoulder, knocking one of the strong men to the ground.The colleagues looked at Tangtang's skill and were shocked.No wonder the senior couldn't find a boyfriend, who dares to marry this tough guy?
Tangtang is a black belt in Taekwondo, and this is the first time she has ever beaten someone in a group fight.Unexpectedly, misfortunes never come singly, Tangtang was beating people up, and the police rushed in, detained them one after another, and brought them back to the police station.

Tangtang came to the police station for the second time in her life. Because she was too tough, she became a key interrogation target of the police and was treated as a dangerous person.

At nine o'clock in the evening, Zhuang Weifan came to the police station to pick her up.He was wearing a black woolen coat and a gray scarf, and he was standing at the door.His eyes were particularly cold and stern, and there was no expression on his face. .

Coming out of the police station, Tangtang kept her head buried, and followed behind him, not daring to speak.After getting in the car, Tangtang put on the seat belt obediently, looked at Zhuang Weifan timidly, and explained in a low voice: "Old Zhuang, those gangsters bullied people too much today, I..."

Zhuang Weifan was about to start the car, and when he heard her words, he turned his head and looked at her sternly: "Is it reasonable to fight? You are a girl, and you follow a group of men to eat hot pot and fight in groups! Miss Tang, you are really good!"

It's over... Lao Zhuang called her Miss Tang, and he seemed very angry.Knowing that she was wrong, she lowered her head and muttered, "I eat hot pot with them to promote the friendship among colleagues... I used to work, and I often went out to drink and sing with male colleagues. It's nothing."

"I didn't care what you did before, but now you have to be reserved!" Zhuang Weifan was full of anger, and his voice was a few decibels louder when he spoke to her, "As a girl, you think it's an honor to go out drinking and singing with men ?”

His tone was weird, which made Tangtang feel uncomfortable. She argued: "What do you mean? We're just playing together, why do you call me like a hostess! Zhuang Weifan, can you take care of me?" say!"

"What's the difference in nature between the two?" His tone sounded a bit contemptuous.

For the first time, Tangtang felt that he was unreasonable: "Zhuang Weifan, you don't respect women at all! You transferred me to a department full of men, and you made me work hard! What's wrong with me having dinner with my colleagues? How did it happen? Are you eating or drinking with me? You are simply sick!" She almost yelled these words, and she felt relieved after yelling.She unbuckled her seat belt, opened the door, and got out of the car with her bag.

So in Zhuang Weifan's eyes, is she that kind of girl?

The more Tangtang thought about it, the more wronged she became, and when she walked to the intersection, she looked back.Finding that Zhuang Weifan didn't get out of the car to chase him, she couldn't hold back her emotions any longer, squatting on the side of the road and crying bitterly.

Think about it too, Zhuang Weifan is not her boyfriend, why did he get out of the car to chase her?The more Tangtang thought about it, the more sad she became.

She squatted under the street lamp, her shadow was short and short, she looked like an earthen grandson, as funny as it could be.

Not long after, a stalwart black shadow appeared on the ground, covering her tightly. .

Zhuang Weifan bent down slowly, stretched out his hand to pick her up, and apologized softly: "I'm sorry."

He took out a handkerchief, wiped her tears, and explained: "I was too anxious just now, so I said those nonsense, don't cry, okay?"

Tangtang sniffed her snot, and asked him with a sob: "I fight, I eat with male colleagues, drink and sing, why are you so anxious? I'm not your girlfriend!"

Zhuang Weifan paused, and his tone was extremely calm: "Let's take it for granted in the future."

Tangtang's crying stopped abruptly, she looked up at him in disbelief: "What did you say?"

"Instead of letting me control you without a status, it's better to give me a status." Zhuang Weifan looked firmly, "We can try to get along with each other as boyfriend and girlfriend."

Tangtang was a little dazed, happiness came so suddenly... She buried her head on his shoulder and wiped her snot on his clean woolen coat.

Not only did Zhuang Weifan not dislike her, but he rubbed her head with his hands: "Give me a title, and it will be natural for you to rub your nose in the future."

Hearing his gentle voice, she was a little confused.Shouldn't it be her who said things like fame?
(End of this chapter)

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