
Chapter 16 Prologue

Chapter 16 Prologue
For the introverted Lao Zhuang, he was really lucky to meet the little sweetheart Tangtang.He was also fortunate that Tangtang didn't give up on him because of his rejection back then.Fortunately, God gave him a "romantic relationship" with Tangtang.

There are many kinds of emotions.Love, family and friendship.

Some love is from strangeness to familiarity, then to knowing each other and loving each other, joining hands for a lifetime, and finally transforming into family love.But the relationship between Tangtang and Zhuang Weifan broke the rules and was a little different.

By chance, Tangtang turned into a little chubby girl. Although her body has changed, her pure essence remains the same.In the process of getting along with Zhuang Weifan, her innocent personality brought a lot of joy to Zhuang Weifan.Zhuang Weifan showed her the truest character without any scruples when facing Xiaopangtang.

Therefore, Tangtang, as a little chubby girl, saw him in his truest and purest form.

With this purest relationship, when the truth comes out later, it will be much easier for the two to get along.They can quickly accept each other and blend into love.

If you want to ask Zhuang Weifan what love is, he may not be able to answer. He will hold Tangtang's hand, look at her affectionately, and then answer in the most flat tone: "Probably in life, you can Tolerate me, I can tolerate you, and... I can't bear to leave each other, right?"

If you want to ask Tangtang what happiness is, she will probably say: "I can sleep with my arms around Lao Zhuang every day, and I can see him when I open my eyes. This is happiness."

For Tangtang, happiness couldn't be simpler.

When eating spicy strips, Lao Zhuang is willing to put down his body to eat with her, this is happiness.According to her words, "Happiness is like having a full meal. Just eat properly. No matter how much you eat, you will be full."

For feelings, it is good to be appropriate, sometimes you ask too much, but you lose more.

Some readers asked me, where did the inspiration for this article come from?Why do you always write some "weird" stories?Probably, this has something to do with my reading fantasy novels since I was a child. When I was in junior high school, I liked to try to write some bizarre stories, and my brain was so outrageous.

I started writing novels in Jinjiang in 12, and my original idea was very pure.Some people watch it, some people support it, and that's enough.

In the past few years of writing articles, I also thought about writing stories with some popular elements to cater to the market, but I couldn't satisfy myself in the end.I used to think about giving up because I didn't have the support of readers, but I couldn't let go of my love for "story" in the end, and I persisted in writing until now.

At the end of 14, I wrote this novel by chance. When I wrote this story, there were no gorgeous rhetoric, but only the little warmth of Lao Zhuang and Tangtang getting along.

I am also a very easy to satisfy person in life.It is enough for my novels to be supported and read by others.

Finally, thank you friends who supported this book, I hope you can be happy in your life.

(End of this chapter)

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