
Chapter 3 The Savior Bamboo Horse

Chapter 3 The Savior Bamboo Horse
Teacher Mo looked at Mr. Zhuang carrying Tangtang with his mouth wide enough to stuff an egg.Mr. Zhuang's way of "carrying" children is really unique.Teacher Mo stared at Zhuang Weifan's back, leaning on the mirror frame and sighing repeatedly.According to legend, the youngest diamond king in City A, Laowu, has always been like the untouchable snow lotus on Tianshan Mountain, but just yesterday, there were rumors that he already had an illegitimate daughter.

At the same time, in the old house of the dealer.Zhuang Weifan's grandfather had just taken the medicine, he habitually opened the newspaper, glanced at the headline about Zhuang Weifan in the newspaper, and fell off the sofa with a "plop".He slapped the newspaper on the solid wood coffee table, furiously, pointed at the newspaper and said, "What's wrong with the eldest grandson? What's an 'illegitimate daughter'? This... What's going on?"

"Old Chang should know about this." Aunt Guan looked at Elder Zhuang carefully, and asked tentatively, "Do you want to ask Old Chang to come back and ask about the situation?"

Zhuang Lao didn't speak, his eyes sank: "No rush."

Tangtang's school work was done, so Zhuang Weifan couldn't stay at school and returned to the company.

Tangtang attended class for half a day at school, and was so bored that she dozed off. She couldn't accept the "low IQ" questions taught by the math teacher, but when she was most sleepy, the math teacher asked her to get up to answer the questions : "Student Zhuang Tangtang, please do the math on the question '46+27+18+78'."

"..." Tangtang stood up at the request of the teacher, and dozens of children in the class looked at her in unison.

"169." Tangtang got the answer with a blink of her eyes.

The children in the class gasped: The newcomer is so powerful, he dares to steal the class monitor's limelight!

After class, Tangtang always felt that someone was watching her. She glanced around sensitively, and made eye contact with a little girl with delicate eyebrows. The little girl stared at her eagerly.

She poked the little fat guy at the same table with a pencil, and asked, "Who is that girl? Why does she keep looking at me?"

Probably the same fat man, the tablemate showed an innocent smile at Tang Xiaopang.Then he sniffed his nose, bit the end of a pencil and answered her: "That's the monitor of our class, Zhou Xiaoxiao, you are miserable! If you offend the monitor, be careful they beat you!" The little fat man took out the correction fluid and drew a picture in the middle of the desk. Draw a [-]th line, "Don't exceed the [-]th line."


Tang Tang Fu forehead, she is an aunt in her twenties, tossing around with a group of six or seven-year-old children, she must be ashamed if she goes out, right?
The English class in the afternoon was taught by Teacher Mo. Teacher Mo knew that Tangtang had a good background, so he asked Tangtang to read a simple reading passage in English in front of the whole class.

Tangtang's voice is immature, but her pronunciation is very accurate, like a native American.

This time, Tangtang completely pissed off the class monitor and his group. During get out of class, a strong boy patted her desk and warned her, "Zhuang Tangtang, don't leave after school!"

After school, Tangtang packed her schoolbag and hurried away.I had a stomachache during the trip, so I went to the bathroom, but all my classmates were gone when I came out.

Zhuang Weifan asked her to wait for the bus at the supermarket opposite the school after school.With a pair of fat legs, she walked slowly towards the school gate.Just as she was crossing the road and waiting for a traffic light, she saw an old man fall off his wheelchair.

Adhering to the revolutionary spirit of doing good deeds, Tangtang little fat girl ran over jumping and jumping, grabbing the old man's arm with a pair of little fat claws, pulling hard, pulling hard, pulling hard...

"Master, you are so heavy, I can't lift it!" Tangtang looked at the uncle who fell from the wheelchair with incomparable sincerity, and said honestly.As soon as she finished speaking, a "miracle" scene happened before her eyes.The old man snorted, stood up and sat back on the wheelchair.Tangtang stared at the uncle dumbfounded, isn't the uncle crippled?Why use a wheelchair if you're not a cripple?
She was puzzled, and faced with such a "contradictory" old man, she asked suspiciously: "Master, your legs are fine, but why do you still need to use a wheelchair?"

The uncle looked at her very unhappy, and snorted again: "What do little brats know?"

Tangtang realizes a truth, although being a child is carefree, but sometimes you will always be rejected by adults, each has its own troubles.When I was an adult, I wanted to be a child; when I was a child, I wanted to be an adult again. This kind of ambivalence probably exists in everyone.

"Children, come here and beat my legs." The old man gave Xiaopangtang a sideways look, and beckoned her.

Tangtang blinked her big clear eyes, poked the back of his wrinkled hands with her little fat fingers, and said sincerely, "Master, don't you have hands?"

The old man looked a little annoyed, he blew his beard and stared at Tangtang inexplicably: "Little friend, you should respect the old and love the young, do you understand? It's such a simple truth, didn't the grandson teach you?"

Tangtang raised a pair of small bushy eyebrows, and immediately understood.It turned out that this old man was Zhuang Weifan's grandfather, and he should have come to test her character as a child after learning that Zhuang Weifan had adopted a child.It stands to reason that she should show some face to the male god's grandfather, but when she saw that the old man was so stingy and as knowledgeable as a "child" like her, she immediately thought of anti-teasing. She raised her little fat leg and pointed at Zhuang The old man said: "Come on, uncle, help me beat it."

Mr. Zhuang still blew his beard and stared: "Hey, you little girl, don't you really know what 'respect the old and love the young'?"

Tangtang blinked her big eyes and spoke innocently: "Master, you help me beat my legs, you love the young! Don't tell me, at your age, don't you know what 'respect the old and love the young'?"

Mr. Zhuang was so angry that he tugged at his own white beard. He looked like a child, folded his arms and turned away from his face, and muttered: "It's unreasonable! Why are children so poor now?" It seems that the eldest grandson adopted a tall man. IQ children.

Seeing that Mr. Zhuang was really angry, Tangtang beat his leg with his little meat hammer as soon as his heart softened, and asked him in a waxy voice, "Grandpa, are you comfortable?"

Seeing the little chubby girl compromise, Mr. Zhuang's depression immediately dissipated.While enjoying the kid's meat hammer, he said, "Little girl, call me grandpa."

"Hi, Grandpa." Tangtang removed "Tai" and tried to be on the same level as Zhuang Weifan in terms of address.She doesn't want to be inferior to Zhuang Weifan for no reason, how strange is that?
Grandpa Zhuang's face darkened, but he still didn't let go: "Call me Grandpa!"

Tangtang's two small thick eyebrows were bent, and her tone was soft: "Grandpa!"

As a result, the two fell into a dead end, arguing endlessly about the appellation.Elder Zhuang snorted coldly in anger, folded his arms and ignored her.

On the other hand, Zhuang Weifan went to school to pick up Tangtang after the meeting. When he arrived at the school, he saw his grandfather sitting in a wheelchair arguing with Xiaopangtang about the title, the old and the young staring at each other.The old one relied on the old to sell it, and Tangtang had to be called grandpa; the young one managed to become a child again, so of course he would not give up this willful opportunity.

The old man was sitting in the wheelchair, snorting coldly; Tangtang put his hands on his hips, stared at a pair of big and clear eyes, and pouted to confront the old man.

...Which song is this sung?Zhuang Weifan pulled the car over to the side of the road and stopped.Before he could walk over, Tangtang ran towards him and hugged his thigh.He was about to say hello to the old man, but he didn't expect the old man to see him, he stood up from the wheelchair, snorted coldly, passed him by, and got into a black car.

Zhuang Weifan was about to go over to say hello to him, but he didn't expect that as soon as he walked over, Mr. Zhuang rolled up the car window, threw an orange peel from it, and smashed it on his face impartially.Zhuang Weifan wiped his face and looked puzzled at Elder Zhuang in the car. The people inside glared at him to show his anger, and then asked the driver to drive away in the car.

"..." Zhuang Weifan was thrown an orange peel all over his face, expressing his innocence.He turned his head and saw Tangtang's expression, which was more "innocent" than him.

With a sigh, he took Tangtang back to his car.Xiaopangtang climbed into Zhuang Weifan's car and sat down, put on his seat belt, and asked him: "Old Zhuang, does grandpa hate me?"

"It's nothing, the old man has such a weird temper." Zhuang Weifan sneered and explained, "He is willing to get angry, and he is willing to throw orange peels at me, which means that he just wants to lose his temper and is not really angry. I will go back and see in a few days Look at him, comfort him a few words, and his anger will disappear."

"Old Zhuang, you said that I am your illegitimate daughter, so you really don't need to go on a blind date?" Tangtang knows that there is a very important reason why he is willing to "adopt" himself, and that is because he wants to rely on her" Escape" forced marriage at home.

Zhuang Weifan didn't expect her to ask so bluntly, and couldn't help but feel apologetic: "Tangtang, no matter what my original intention of adopting you is, it won't prevent me from being nice to you, you know?"

After getting along for more than a week, Zhuang Weifan liked her very much and really regarded her as a relative.Tangtang is obviously a child, but sometimes he thinks she is like an adult, and most of the time, he treats her as a relative of the same generation.

No matter how upset he is by being tossed about by work every day, when he comes home and sees Tangtang obediently fetching him slippers and helping him arrange the changed shoes, that little touch is enough to warm his heart for a long time.

Zhuang Weifan has been suffering from low back pain for the past few days. I don't know if it's because he didn't sleep well, or he stood for too long in the company meeting.

The two returned home and entered the entrance, Tangtang was the first to sit on the small chair where the shoes were changed.In order to avoid the recurrence of back pain caused by Lao Zhuang bending over, she took a pair of men's slippers and poked Zhuang Weifan's leather shoes habitually: "Lift up."

Zhuang Weifan raised one foot slightly.

Tangtang took off his leather shoes effortlessly with his two chubby hands, carefully took off his dark socks, helped him put on his slippers, straightened the socks, and threw them into the laundry bag.

After a day of meetings, Zhuang Weifan was already very tired, so he dragged his tired body to the restaurant.The food was already set on the dining table, and it was still steaming.These meals should be cooked by Lao Chang, and they left after picking out the time when they came back.

Lao Chang, who cooks, expressed his heartache: My old waist has not healed yet!
Sitting at the dining table, Tangtang stared blankly at the table of food: "There are so many dishes! Can the two of us finish it?" This sentence was quickly proved by Tangtang's practical actions. Not only can she finish eating, but also Can eat clean.

Maybe it was because she was too tired from school, Tangtang ate three bowls of rice in a row.You know, her imperial bowl is bigger than her face.And Zhuang Weifan seemed to have adapted to her appetite, and kept adding chicken legs and braised pork to her bowl.

At the end of the meal, Tangtang really couldn't eat any more, and hurriedly protected her big bowl: "Enough is enough, I'm full."

Zhuang Weifan was still relentless, the chopsticks jumped over her hand, and a big piece of fat fell into her bowl.Adhering to the principle of never wasting food, Tangtang swallowed the piece of soft stewed fat in one go.

Almost every time she finished eating, she was in the same state: holding her round belly, she leaned on the chair very contentedly and comfortably, and at the end, she let out a long breath: "I'm so full".

Every time Zhuang Weifan saw her satisfied face, he was also satisfied in his heart, and the complicated emotions at work were immediately thrown away.

Tangtang seemed to think of something. Although she had asked the company for a two-month vacation, she would usually deal with some work matters, so she had to have her own computer.She raised her head and said to Zhuang Weifan: "Old Zhuang, the teacher said that in the future, extracurricular extensions will be done online. Lao Zhuang, can you give me a laptop? Don't worry, I will pay you back in the future!"

Before she finished speaking, Zhuang Weifan interrupted: "Tangtang, you can spend Lao Zhuang's money as you like! You don't need to think about paying it back." His tone was heavy, and he seemed a little angry.

Tangtang nodded obediently, and Zhuang Weifan generously asked Lao Chang to buy her a laptop.

After the meal, Lao Chang came to deliver the computer, she pulled on the radiant plush slippers, and happily carried the computer upstairs.Then he locked the door and sat at the small desk to fiddle with his new computer.

In the past few days, she has been following her parents' Facebook updates, knowing that they are staying in Italy and will not be coming back for a while.

She opened her work mailbox, seeing dozens of work emails made her temples throb and hurt, she took a deep breath and started to work.By the time she finished her work, it was already one o'clock in the middle of the night.She was about to lie down when she suddenly thought of a problem: I haven't written my homework yet!
Nanchen Primary School has always been strict with students. The amount of homework assigned is twice that of ordinary schools, and the difficulty is also twice that of ordinary schools.Originally, these homeworks were no problem for her, but the Chinese teacher left them a composition question: write a paragraph "My Father", and replace the words that you don't know with pinyin.

This made Tangtang very troubled. The most difficult thing for her was that this composition had to be read to the parents, and the parents had to sign it!

Tangtang expressed that she was about to cry. When she was a child, she wrote about her dad very happily. She always wrote "I have a sugar daddy who loves me as much as Coke's mother..."

But now, she can't write "I have a father of Lao Zhuang..." can she?

Tangtang stuffed the essay into her schoolbag and lay down on the bed angrily. She was in her twenties, living the life of a six-year-old child, she was absolutely insane!In the end, Tangtang really had no choice but to bring Zhuang Weifan into his own father, and wrote a paragraph against his conscience.The words describing his father were nothing more than "I have a good father, he is so handsome", and Zhuang Weifan was flattered.

When eating breakfast the next day, Tangtang buried her head and didn't say a word because she wrote something against her will last night.

She stuffed a hard-boiled egg into her mouth, looked up at Zhuang Weifan, and said, "Old Zhuang, plug your ears so tightly that it will be fine for 2 minutes!"

"What are you doing?" Zhuang Weifan cut half a piece of chicken breast and gave it to her.

"Oh, you just need to plug your ears anyway! Don't ask why! Hurry up, hurry up!" Tangtang leaned on the back of the chair, acting coquettishly with her stomach full. Zhuang Weifan had no choice but to plug her ears.

Tangtang said again: "Close your eyes."

Zhuang Weifan obediently closed his eyes again.Tangtang took out the composition as quickly as possible, coughed in front of Zhuang Weifan, cleared her throat, and began to read the passage "My Father" that she wrote last night crisply.In order to prevent Zhuang Weifan from cheating and eavesdropping, Tangtang specially read in Xiachuan dialect, speaking very fast, and finished reading in one breath.Zhuang Weifan, who plugged his ears, said: What is the little girl muttering about...

As soon as he opened his eyes, the little guy handed the homework book to him, and then covered the passage of "My Father" with a pair of chubby hands, and poked the blank space in the lower right corner of the book with his chubby fingers, "Here, Sign here."

"Tangtang, what is this?" Zhuang Weifan picked up the pencil, looked at him with a puzzled face, and signed his name neatly as if signing a document.

Seeing that he had signed his name, Tangtang hurriedly put it away.

Zhuang Weifan put the cap on the pen, feeling a little helpless, he said thoughtfully: "Tangtang, if someone bullies you at school, you should tell the teacher, you understand?"

Tangtang breathed a sigh of relief, and lazily said, "Are you childish?" Complaining to the teacher was the thing she despised the most when she was young.

Zhuang Weifan also imitated her arrogant tone and snorted, and asked her insincerely: "Tangtang, what do you think of your teacher Song? Do you like her?"

Tangtang looked at him vigilantly, stuffed a steamed bun into his mouth, and asked vaguely, "Why?"

"Your Teacher Song seems to be interested in me." Zhuang Weifan said solemnly after taking a sip of soy milk.

Tangtang's face turned from cloudy to cloudy, and her voice followed in a gloomy voice: "What do you want to do?"

Zhuang Weifan joked with her, "I can use the beauty trick to let her cover you at school, what do you think?"

Tangtang snorted: "Not at all! You used the beauty trick, what will you do if you get yourself involved?"

"Then let her be your stepmother!" Zhuang Weifan continued jokingly.

Tangtang was drinking soy milk, choked on what he said, and accidentally sprayed soy milk on his face.She felt a sharp pain in her chest from choking, and coughed fiercely while lying on the dining table.

Seeing that she was choking, Zhuang Weifan quickly patted her on the back with his hand: "Drink slowly, no one will grab you!"

Tangtang raised her head, her face flushed red.She felt a little bored, and lost her temper at him: "Zhuang Weifan! You are not my father, and you married Teacher Song and she is not my stepmother! You liar, didn't you say you don't want to get married?" Well, she admitted her emotions Excessive.Whether Zhuang Weifan gets married or not, what does it have to do with her?
The emotional little guy doesn't want him to get married. Zhuang Weifan didn't change his face, pretending to be serious: "That was before, but it's different now. Don't you have you now? I think that Mr. Song is good, he is beautiful, and he is your teacher again. It’s much better than the ladies my grandfather introduced to me, what do you think, Tangtang? How about it?”

"Shameless!" Tangtang couldn't think of anything to refute him. She jumped on the ground, stomped her feet, snorted, and taught him patiently: "The kindergarten teacher taught me, you must respect the teacher! Teacher Song is my teacher, why don't you Can you get her idea? Besides, you only met her once, do you want to chase her because of her beauty? Your impure thoughts are blasphemy to Teacher Song!"

Zhuang Weifan was just making a joke to the child, but she didn't expect that she would get angry, and even plausibly said a lot of words to reprimand him.

After saying those words, Tangtang glared at him, put her small schoolbag on her back, turned around and left angrily.She put on her shoes and went out, and the old car happened to be parked in the yard waiting for her.She climbed into Lao Chang's car and asked Lao Chang to drive to school quickly.

When Zhuang Weifan chased him out, Lao Chang had already left with Tangtang.He stood still thinking about Tangtang's words just now, and really felt that she didn't look like a child, she looked like an adult in her tone and tone.

Sure enough, rough children are precocious!He is well aware that Tangtang is unhappy when he offends him, and he is also worried that his "bad image" will be branded in Tangtang's heart. In order to redeem himself, he plans to take Tangtang to eat delicious food at night.

Chuang's Group started as a gourmet food company, and now there are 43 food cities across the country. The architectural design of the 43 food cities is all the same, and they are distributed all over the country.Zhuang Weifan was the vice president of the group at the age of 24. He was full of vigor when he was young, and his strength matched his reputation.It took only two years to prove his strength to the board of directors and successfully served as the president of the group.

He has always been rigorous in the company, and in the eyes of his subordinates, he is a cold-hearted president who "doesn't eat the fireworks of the world".The young Mr. Zhuang didn't have any scandals, so he used the media to catch rumors, saying that Zhuang Weifan liked men.He himself didn't care, but Mr. Zhuang was anxious, and that's why there was a blind date for him with great fanfare in the future.

After the news of Zhuang Weifan having an "illegitimate daughter" was exposed, everyone silently regarded Zhuang Weifan as a male god, saying that he has never married because of his first love. There are very few handsome, rich and infatuated men like him in the world!
In the company's office building, even the aunt mopping the floor couldn't help but stop her work and gathered around to discuss him: "It's no wonder such a handsome and capable guy hasn't had any sex scandals, so he was thinking about his first love, but it's a pity that his first love Died, leaving only one daughter... Hey, sadomasochistic love!"

The aunt who was wiping the floor was also saddened: "There are not many young men who are so infatuated now."

When Zhuang Weifan was waiting for the elevator, he heard the cleaning aunt not far away making fun of him, so he couldn't help rubbing his temples, what the hell.He went to the office to have a cup of tea, and sat in front of the computer to help Tangtang keep an eye on the updates of S.H.I.E.L.D.Seeing that two episodes have been updated, he hurriedly took out his phone and texted Tangtang: "Tangtang, S.H.I.E.L.D. has been updated, wait for me to download it, and watch it together when I get home tonight, okay?"

It was the first time that Zhuang Weifan sent a text message to a woman on his personal mobile phone, and the other party was their cute creature Tangtang, so he was a little excited.After sending the text message, he sat in the office and waited for a long time without receiving a reply.He is depressed: Is Tangtang still angry in the morning?

Tang Tang Du's displeasure kept popping up in his mind, as if there were ants crawling in his heart.The female assistant just came over to deliver the documents, so he hurriedly grabbed her and asked, "Why is the girl not replying to my message?"

The female assistant was taken aback, she looked down and saw Mr. Zhuang holding her arm "intimately", her heart fluttered... The female assistant thought about what he said carefully, and said "huh": "Is there any need for Mr. Zhuang?" The girl who texted back?"

Zhuang Weifan withdrew his hand and scratched his head irritably: "My Tangtang."

"Tangtang?" The female assistant took the liberty to ask after a while, "Is it Mr. Zhuang's daughter?"

Zhuang Weifan nodded in annoyance, then shook his head: "If Tangtang knows that I treat her as a daughter, she will definitely be even angrier!"

"..." The female assistant was in a mess in the wind, what happened to the usually rigorous Mr. Zhuang?She then asked, "Is Miss Tangtang at school?"

Zhuang Weifan nodded, staring at the phone with a melancholy expression.

The female assistant said to him very helplessly: "Miss Tangtang should be in class at this time... If you are really worried, Mr. Zhuang, you can call the teacher at the school."

After receiving the "dialing" from the female assistant, Zhuang Weifan was suddenly enlightened. He glanced at the time and found that Tangtang seemed to be in class.So, he sat up straight, returned to his usual deep look, and waved to the female assistant: "Go out."

Mr. Zhuang's aura was almost instantly chilled, which made the female assistant very uncomfortable.It is said that changing a woman's face is like turning a book, and she felt that Zhuang Weifan's temperament changed as fast as turning a book.

After the female assistant left, Zhuang Weifan subconsciously imitated Tangtang, propping his chin with his hand lazily.When Tangtang did this action, he looked like a chubby panda propping his chin, but when he did this action, he was like a handsome monkey, with a different cuteness.

Zhuang Weifan had never had such a sitting posture before. When he found out that he had learned Tangtang's posture, he felt a lot easier sitting in front of the computer.Taking advantage of nothing to do in the morning, he applied for a Taobao account and bought a lot of snacks and toys for Tangtang.

Inadvertently, he wandered into a store selling children's accessories, poked his mouse into it, and the dazzling array of hairpins almost blinded his eyes.Zhuang Weifan remembered that when he signed up for Tangtang that day, all the girls in the class had beautiful hair ornaments on their heads, and their braids were neatly combed and beautiful.

Zhuang Weifan's brain-filling Tangtang looks like wearing a princess dress, hairpins, and braids... must be cute!
He sorted out the shopping cart and paid directly without looking at the price.

After a while, the customer service sent him a message: Sir, do you wholesale hair accessories?If you sign a contract with us for a long-term cooperation, the price will be even cheaper!

Lao Zhuang of Tangtangjia: I don’t do wholesale, I buy it for the children at home.

On the other side of the computer, the customer service lady looked at Zhuang Weifan's shopping list: hundreds of hair clips, hundreds of headbands, hundreds of jewelry for children...

You can joke, sir!

Due to the large number of orders placed by the customer of "Tangtangjia's Laozhuang", the customer service lady reminded him to use logistics instead of express delivery, and the items would take about a week to arrive.

Zhuang Weifan thought about it in front of the computer, and felt that it was not appropriate for him to go to a jewelry store as an old man. If he asked his assistant to buy it, it would seem that he was not sincere enough. But if he bought it online, the things were carefully selected by him, Tangtang knew. If he is so caring, he must be very happy.

He had just finished paying when the phone rang in tritones, and the sender was Tangtang.

"Old Zhuang, I'm sorry, what happened in the morning was my fault."

Zhuang Weifan read the text message and felt warm in his heart: What a sensible child!
He quickly wrote back: Good boy, Tangtang, have a good time in class.

After receiving Tangtang's apology text message, Zhuang Weifan could hardly walk.During the meeting in the afternoon, he changed from his usual seriousness and smiled at the employees throughout the whole process, which made everyone uncomfortable.

After the third class was over, Tangtang habitually took out her mobile phone, saw the text message sent by Zhuang Weifan, remembered what happened in the morning, and felt a little guilty.Zhuang Weifan was so kind to her, but she sprayed soy milk on his face.

After hesitating, she decided to apologize to him.

The fourth class is an ideological and moral class. The teacher in the class asked the class leader to read extracurricular books to everyone because of temporary errands to manage the class order.All the students in the class moved stools and sat around the class monitor Zhou Xiaoxiao, listening to her reading extracurricular books, but Tangtang sat alone, doodling on the paper with a pencil.

She recalled the day when she became a child, and drew the environment of that day on paper.

In the suburbs with few vehicles, near the intersection...

At that time, she fell down and her whole body was in torn pain, and then Zhuang Weifan's car hit her... She thought about Zhuang Weifan's words again, and after careful consideration, she felt that it was not a coincidence.

"Zhuang Weifan", "Car", "Suburb", "Intersection"...

Tangtang wrote these key words on the paper, and then drew the surrounding environment stroke by stroke according to the memory of that day.Her drawing skills are sloppy, and the lines are drawn crookedly. The only bright spot on the whole paper is the beautiful and mature handwriting.

She was painting vigorously, when suddenly a small tender hand reached out and snatched her painting.She turned her head and found that Zhou Xiaoxiao was looking down at her: "Okay, Zhuang Tangtang! The teacher asked you to listen to my extracurricular books, but you are here to draw!"

Tangtang's eyes sank, she stretched out her hand and said, "Give me back the painting!"

Zhou Xiaoxiao snorted, and tore her painting to pieces: "I am the class monitor, the teacher is not here, I am the boss! Zhuang Tangtang, I am ordering you to stand on the podium for punishment until get out of class is over!"

Tangtang stretched out her hand and rubbed her temples, expressing her helplessness to this naughty little squad leader, arguing with children really lowers IQ.

"I order you now to stand on the podium!" Zhou Xiaoxiao pointed at the podium angrily, "If you don't go, I will tell Teacher Song now!"

Tangtang took out her mobile phone, dialed Teacher Song directly, pressed the speakerphone, and then handed the mobile phone to Zhou Xiaoxiao. "Let's talk now." After all, it was a child. Hearing Teacher Song's voice coming out of the phone, the children in the class immediately sat up straight on conditioned reflex.

Teacher Song answered the phone, but he didn't know who it was. After a while, it didn't work. He thought someone had made a wrong call, so he hung up.

On the other end of the phone, the children in the class admired Tangtang very much. Her unruffled aura even dared to call Teacher Song in class. She was so domineering that she had no friends!
Zhou Xiaoxiao didn't expect that she dared to call the teacher. Looking into her eyes, she was inexplicably afraid of her. For a moment, she felt like a peaceful leopard that might explode at any time.

Zhou Xiaoxiao swallowed her saliva and returned to her seat. The atmosphere in the class cooled down, and the heavy atmosphere lasted until Teacher Song came in with the test paper.

Teacher Song gave the papers of the monthly exam last week to the students in the front row and asked the students in the front row to distribute them.

"Last week's mock exam results came out, and the monitor is still selected based on the results." Teacher Song looked around at the students in the class, and his kind eyes fell on Tangtang, "Student Zhuang Tangtang broke the previous record in this exam, The grade is the first in the class, so for the next month, Zhuang Tangtang will be the monitor of the class.

The children in the class were puzzled, Zhou Xiaoxiao winked at the study committee member, and the study committee member immediately raised his hand to refute Teacher Song, "Teacher, when we took the exam, Zhuang Tangtang didn't come yet, why is she number one?" ?”

Teacher Song frowned: "Zhuang Tangtang took the exam when she entered school, and her grades are the highest in our class."

Zhou Xiaoxiao bit her lip and looked at Tangtang angrily.So Tangtang took over the position of monitor under the envious eyes of the whole class.

After class, Tangtang followed Teacher Song to the office.Teacher Song pushed her comfortable swivel chair for her to sit in, and then served her tea and water, with a gentle voice, "Tangtang, are you used to it in class? Are you keeping up with the course progress?"

Tangtang nodded, "I can keep up."

Teacher Song smiled Yanyan, "Don't go to the cafeteria to eat at noon, the teacher invites you to eat outside, okay?"

"..." There is nothing to be courteous about, it's either rape or robbery!Tangtang shook her head and refused, "No, I like dining in the cafeteria."

Unexpectedly, Tangtang would refuse. Teacher Song was stunned for a moment, and then asked her with a smile, "Tangtang, the teacher asked you a question, what type of girl does your father like?"

This time it was Tangtang's turn to be stunned, she stared at Teacher Song in a daze: Teacher, can you be more reserved!I'm afraid it's not good to ask students' parents what kind of woman they like?
Teacher Song thought Tangtang didn't understand what she meant, so she said it more bluntly, "What kind of girl does your father like to hang out with? What kind of girl does he like more?"

Tangtang snorted, "He likes to hang out with Lao Chang." She has lived in Zhuang Weifan's house for so long, and she has only seen Zhuang Weifan have contact with Lao Chang.

Teacher Song's eyes lit up, thinking that the "Old Chang" in Tangtang's mouth was a woman, and hurriedly asked, "What kind of character is Lao Chang?"

"Old Chang——" Tangtang drew the ending of Lao Chang, and said with a smile: "Old Chang is very nice and gentle. He can cook, clean, drive a car, and carry a bucket of rice on his shoulder. Wonderful!"

Teacher Song's mouth twitched: Mr. Zhuang's taste is really unique.

She subconsciously squeezed her little arm, and it was so difficult to carry the rice on her shoulder with the bucket in hand!
"Tangtang, you are a new classmate transferred here, and now you are the class monitor. The teacher wants to visit your home. How about you, go back and tell your dad, let's make an appointment." Teacher Song smiled, and gently stroked the on her head.

This Teacher Song also worked really hard to get in touch with Zhuang Weifan, so he just killed his family?
Tangtang suddenly felt the hostility from Mr. Song, and subconsciously regarded Mr. Song as a "rival in love".

She didn't intend to tell Zhuang Weifan that Mr. Song wanted to visit home, but Mr. Song called Zhuang Weifan directly at night.

The teacher asked for a home visit, and Zhuang Weifan naturally couldn't refuse, so he had to agree.When he turned around and saw Tangtang's complexion was not good, he lost his mind.

He sat down beside her with a fruit, and asked her tentatively, "Tangtang, to be honest, did you cause trouble at school?"

Tangtang reached out and took an apple into her mouth, and said calmly, "Ms. Song wants to chase you. She asked me today, what kind of girl do you like?"

Zhuang Weifan sat cross-legged on the sofa, took a bite of an apple and sighed: "As a teacher, I am ashamed of her for daring to touch the parents of students! Don't worry, Tangtang, even if I find you a stepmother, I will not find your teacher! "

Tangtang propped her chin, feeling quite helpless, "Old Zhuang, why are you being so nice to me? I'm not your own."

"We, the old and the young, depend on each other. If I'm not good to you, who is good to me?" Zhuang Weifan leaned on the sofa and stretched his waist.

"You regard me as your own daughter?" Tangtang looked at him in a delicate mood, and she felt very awkward being treated as a daughter by the former male god.

Zhuang Weifan pondered for a while, then shook his head and said, "I have never had a daughter, so I don't know what it's like to have a biological daughter. But Tangtang, I regard you as a relative."

On the weekend, Tangtang went downstairs after taking a shower, just in time to see a few couriers entering the house carrying a few big boxes.She thought that Zhuang Weifan had bought some furniture, so she jumped up and down to watch.When the courier left, she raised her head and asked Zhuang Weifan, "Old Zhuang, what are these?"

Zhuang Weifan played tricks: "Guess."

"Furniture?" Tangtang guessed.

"No." Zhuang Weifan couldn't wait to open a few big boxes, revealing a bunch of dazzling shiny hair accessories.He frowned at the tangled rhinestone hair accessories, only to realize sadly that he had done something stupid.

Tangtang came over to take a look, and said, "Old Zhuang, are you going to open a jewelry store?" Then, she reached for a hairpin and put it in the sun to watch. The beautiful butterfly hairpin was inlaid with a row of hairpins. The drainage drill shines brightly in the sun.The refracted halo is soft and dreamy, and for a moment Tangtang really thinks that she has returned to her childhood.

Zhuang Weifan grabbed a few strings of dazzling hair accessories, sat back on the sofa and waved to Tangtang: "Tangtang, come here." After receiving Lao Zhuang's kind call, Xiaopangtang ran over obediently, took a small bench and sat down. to him.

Zhuang Weifan removed her freshly combed ponytail, picked up a wooden comb and combed her hair, "These are all for you."

"..." Tangtang is in a bad mood, is it true that a man's brain circuit is different from a woman's?I bought piles of hair accessories, and the styles were all the same. It's just... Can the aesthetics be improved?
Tangtang smiled stiffly, afraid of hurting him by saying the wrong thing, she said helplessly, "I like... I like it."

Zhuang Weifan picked up Tangtang's hair and combed it one by one. Tangtang lowered her head to play with her mobile phone. After a while, Zhuang Weifan patted the top of her head: "It's done."

Tangtang put down her phone, picked up the mirror on the coffee table and took a picture, saw the eight braids on her head and full of hair clips, she was almost scared to death.She roughly estimated that there were at least twenty crystal hairpins on her head, which made her eyes hurt.She stared at the mirror silently for a while, then turned around and asked Zhuang Weifan, "Old Zhuang, do you think my hairstyle looks good?"

Zhuang Weifan smiled kindly and proudly: "Cute, really cute."

--cute?Enough is enough!Zhuang Weifan, did you do it on purpose?
She raised a pair of chubby claws, and reached out to tear apart Zhuang Weifan's "hairstyle"; just after removing two, someone asked her pitifully, "Don't you think Tangtang looks good?"

Tangtang really couldn't bear to hurt his aesthetics, so against her own conscience, she lowered her head and said, "It looks good, and I like it too." She looked at herself in the mirror, holding her mouth and wanting to cry, in order to ease her emotions , she shook her little fat legs and began to hum: "It's him, it's him, our friend little Nezha!..."

However, she now has braids all over her head, more Nezha than little Nezha!
But the more she was afraid of something coming, the moment she finished speaking, the doorbell rang.

Zhuang Weifan walked to the entrance, looked at the surveillance camera, turned to Tangtang and said, "Tangtang, it's your Teacher Song."

"Teacher Song?" Isn't Teacher Song coming to visit on Monday?Tangtang looked at him suspiciously.

"She said she would visit home on Monday, but I changed it to the weekend, and you were at home on the weekend." Zhuang Weifan explained to her, and went to open the door for Teacher Song.

Taking advantage of this time, Tangtang hurriedly looked into the mirror to get the hairpin, but the operation was too fast and her hair was messed up.As soon as Zhuang Weifan brought Teacher Song into the door, he saw her disheveled hair like a lion in the wind, standing blankly at the entrance.

Zhuang Weifan looked at her in a daze, then quickly turned to Teacher Song and said, "This kid just woke up and hasn't combed his hair yet."

Mr. Song expressed understanding to his colleague, who was also puzzled, "Does Tangtang not remove her hairpins when she sleeps? This habit is very bad, and it is also very dangerous."

Zhuang Weifan, as the host, sat down in the living room in front of Teacher Song, and poured her another cup of coffee.Tangtang was sitting on the sofa, looking at Teacher Song very seriously, showing respect and not being rude.

"I'm here this time to care about Zhuang Tangtang's condition at home." Teacher Song sat in a well-behaved manner with a kind face.

"Our Tangtang is doing very well at home." Zhuang Weifan praised Tangtang, "This child has just arrived in a new environment, teacher, please take care of her."

Teacher Song's face blossomed with joy, "That's natural, that's natural."

The two chatted for a while, and it was almost noon.Tangtang winked at Zhuang Weifan, touched his stomach to express that he was very hungry.Zhuang Weifan understood, got up and said to Mr. Song: "It's lunch time now, do you want to have lunch with Mr. Song?"

Zhuang Weifan was also very polite and didn't really mean to keep her.Who knew that Teacher Song was not reserved, and nodded hurriedly, "Then trouble Mr. Zhuang."

"..." Tangtang was a little speechless, but Teacher Song was really honest.

Zhuang Weifan is dressed very casually today, wearing a light gray sweater, with a rib knit overlapping V-neck revealing a white shirt collar, and a small collar with contrasting colors.The lower body is matched with light blue slacks, and a pair of well-regulated blue slippers are pulled on the feet. The whole body is dressed in business casual yet elegant and fashionable.

Teacher Song stared at his back and lost his concentration, let go of the teacher's reservedness like a ghost, and said to Zhuang Weifan who was walking to the kitchen: "Mr. Zhuang rarely cooks, right? Let me help you."

Zhuang Weifan had just walked into the kitchen when he heard Mr. Song's voice and stopped. He looked back at the shy Mr. Song and nodded simply, "Okay, but it's disrespectful." After finishing speaking, he made a gesture of invitation.

Teacher Song was very excited when he saw that he agreed. He hurriedly put the backpack on the sofa and walked into the kitchen with small steps.Teacher Song never dreamed that he could cook in the same kitchen with Zhuang Weifan, and the feeling of cooking with the male god is really wonderful.

She even started fantasizing about Zhuang Weifan chopping vegetables and cooking them.Zhuang Weifan peels garlic, the wonderful scene of her cutting garlic...

Zhuang Weifan saw Teacher Song in a daze in front of the cupboard, and called her, "Mr. Song?"

Teacher Song just woke up like a dream, and smiled at him, "Then... let's start cooking!"

Zhuang Weifan had no expression on his face, he hummed lightly, pointed to an item in the kitchen and said: "This is a cupboard, here are the seasonings, this is soy sauce, this is vinegar, don't confuse the salt box with the MSG box. Oh yes Oh, Tangtang doesn't like too much spicy food, so Mr. Song doesn't want to put chili in his cooking."

Then he patted Teacher Song on the shoulder, and said with a long way to go: "Mr. Song has worked hard." After finishing speaking, he turned around and took some fruits and Tangtang's favorite snacks from the refrigerator, left Teacher Song, and pulled Slippers are out of the kitchen.

Teacher Song was stunned for a long while in the kitchen: Don't you cook with her?
Tangtang was watching Conan in the living room, and he was watching with enthusiasm. Zhuang Weifan sat down next to her with snacks and fruit.Zhuang Weifan handed her the potato chips in his hand, pointed to the old man with white beard on TV and said, "I guess he is the murderer."

"No, that woman with glasses is the murderer!" Tangtang snatched potato chips from Zhuang Weifan's hand and stuffed a handful into her mouth.

Sure enough, Little Conan pointed out that the woman wearing glasses was the murderer through Mouri Kogoro's mouth.Tangtang glanced at Zhuang Weifan, Zhuang Weifan stuffed a cherry into his mouth calmly, and said, "Actually, I've already seen it is this woman."

Tangtang squinted at him, "Aren't you going to cook?"

Zhuang Weifan didn't take it seriously, "Your Teacher Song recommended himself, give her a chance to show off."

Tangtang, "..."

In the kitchen, Teacher Song was busy.Because I am not familiar with seasoning, I used sugar as salt, and pepper oil as vegetable oil... The last plate of stir-fried vegetables was too hot, and the fire slammed into the sky, and Teacher Song's hair was burned by the fire. The originally straight and soft bangs were curly and dry due to the fire.

Teacher Song came out embarrassingly carrying a plate of charred green vegetables. He stood in the dining room and looked at the large and small living room through the partition of the wine cabinet.Biting his lip, he has no face to stay here anymore...

Hearing movement in the restaurant, Tangtang and Zhuang Weifan turned to look at Teacher Song at the same time.When they saw Teacher Song's "curly hair" shape.Tangtang's mouth is big enough to fit an egg.Zhuang Weifan had an expression of "I guessed it would be like this", and said lightly: "It's so ugly..."

His voice was not low, and Teacher Song heard his "pertinent" evaluation, put down the soy greens in his hand, and raised his hand anxiously to cover his bangs that were scorched by the fire.

Tangtang and Zhuang Weifan walked into the restaurant, Zhuang Weifan looked at the fried vegetables on the plate, frowned and clicked his tongue.Teacher Song's wounded little heart hadn't been comforted yet, so he heard Zhuang Weifan say to Tangtang: "It's a pity that a plate of vegetables..."

"..." Tangtang looked at Teacher Song's ugly face, and sighed. Is this how Zhuang Weifan treats the woman who chased him?

Simply too ruthless!

Teacher Song came to visit the house with the attitude of admiring the male god.At first she saw that Zhuang Weifan had a good attitude towards her, and thought that he also had some affection for her.

She thought that she had the upper hand, so she "made an inch" and wanted to use cooking to win Zhuang Weifan's favor.Who knows that in the end, he lifted a rock and smashed his own foot.Teacher Song came in a splendid manner, and left in an extremely embarrassing manner.When she left, Zhuang Weifan waved to her with a warm and elegant voice, "Teacher Song, have a good journey."

As soon as he finished speaking, Teacher Song turned his foot, limped out of Zhuang Weifan's house, and took a taxi to leave.

Tangtang looked at Zhuang Weifan, "Old Zhuang, are you going too far?"

Zhuang Weifan didn't answer her directly, but just rubbed her head and said, "Children, I don't understand."

Tangtang rolled her eyes, feeling very sympathetic to Teacher Song.She almost forgot that Zhuang Weifan's rejection of girls at school back then was even more ruthless than rejection of Teacher Song.

Although Teacher Song left, the kitchen was in a mess.In a hurry, Teacher Song scattered all kinds of pots and pans around the kitchen.The bottle of soy sauce and vinegar was tilted on the sink, and the lid of the box containing salt and sugar was not closed, and water soaked in.The chopping board was even more messy and greasy.

Zhuang Weifan wanted to clean it, but when he saw the greasy area, he retracted his hand, raised his hand and rubbed his temple, feeling a little annoyed.He shouldn't have let that teacher into the kitchen!Bai ruined his clean and tidy kitchen.

He called Lao Chang and told him to come and clean up the kitchen for him, while he planned to take Tang Tang to the restaurant.Zhuang Weifan proposed to eat western food, but Tangtang had a soft spot for a quack dish in the gourmet city, and insisted on dragging him to eat that quack dish.The name of the restaurant is quite distinctive, and the name of the store is "Three bowls but no post".

Because it was the weekend and there was a traffic jam on the road, it was already two o'clock in the afternoon when they arrived at "Three Bowls But But Gang".Standing in front of the store are two waiters in ancient costumes and gray headbands. The waiters warmly welcome the customers, which looks very funny.

The decoration of the store is also very distinctive. The surrounding walls are imitated rural mud walls. There are a lot of bacon sausages, red dried chili peppers and dried corn hanging on the walls, which is quite farmhouse.There are solid wood red lacquer carved square tables, matching red lacquer benches, and even the drinking bowls are ancient earthen bowls in the countryside.

Tangtang habitually beckoned to Xiaoer: "One or two rice wine, a bowl of roasted white meat, a plate of old bacon, and braised wild pork! Another plate of pork liver, a plate of beef with wine, chili noodles with MSG bean noodles, coriander Take more."

The waiter in the shop quickly wrote it down, thinking that this kid is really good at ordering.The waiter turned his head to look at Zhuang Weifan, and asked with a smile, "Is there anything you want to add, sir?"

"No wine." Zhuang Weifan stared at Tangtang, she seems to be familiar with this place?

The waiter was about to cross out the rice wine, but Tangtang insisted: "I want to drink rice wine! Lao Zhuang, the rice wine here is very authentic, you should try it too."

Zhuang Weifan's face darkened, but he still insisted: "No wine, other things as usual."

The more the shop waiter looked at this handsome guy, the more familiar he looked. He tilted his neck while holding the menu and thought about it for a while, and finally remembered.Isn't this the big boss of the Food City, Mr. Zhuang?Seeing his insistence, the waiter directly crossed out the rice wine, and then shrugged helplessly at the "little girl" Tangtang.

Tangtang slammed his chin on the table, a little disappointed: "The wine here is really good."

"What kind of wine do children drink?" Zhuang Weifan looked at her seriously: "Tangtang, you used to eat here often?"

After he asked such a question, Tangtang remembered that he was a child now, Xiao Tangtang.She quickly explained: "Mom came to take me to eat a few times, and then she didn't want me anymore." This topic should be very sad, she buried her head, her voice was husky, pretending to cry.

Zhuang Weifan's heart softened, and he comforted her softly: "It's okay, I'm here."

Every time Zhuang Weifan said such words to coax children, Tangtang felt very safe.Tangtang raised her eyes and asked Zhuang Weifan, "Old Zhuang, if I were not a child, but an adult who was not a few years younger than you, would you still treat me so well?"

"No." Zhuang Weifan replied without thinking: "The difference between an adult and a child: the former can be independent, while the latter is not capable enough."

Tangtang continued to ask her: "Would you believe me if I said that I was an adult and turned into a child in the end?" She looked at him seriously, her round and full apricot eyes seemed to contain a pool of hot spring.Zhuang Weifan couldn't help laughing at her "false seriousness", pulled the corner of his mouth up, and laughed at her: "You have a better imagination than ordinary people, you can try to write some fantasy compositions."

Tangtang was discouraged, folded a pair of fleshy hands on the square table, and got down again.

The first dish served was a plate of old bacon, the fat part was transparent and shiny, the thin part was yellow and red, as thin as a blade, and the plate was beautifully arranged.Tangtang reached out to pick it up very politely, and ate four slices in one sitting. The old bacon was fat but not greasy in the mouth, and the tongue was wrapped in gravy. It felt quite ecstasy.

Zhuang Weifan had never eaten bacon, so he picked up a chopstick and sniffed it, disliked the strange smell: "What is this?"

"Bacon!" Tangtang looked at him very surprised, "Old Zhuang, have you never eaten bacon?"

Zhuang Weifan put down his chopsticks and shook his head.Tangtang picked up a chopstick of bacon, stepped on the long bench, stretched his hand over the table full of food, and handed the meat to his mouth: "Try it, this bacon is delicious!"

He opened his mouth to hold the bacon delivered by Tangtang, and as soon as he bit his teeth, the bacon juice overflowed in a mouthful, making his mouth full of greasy rippling.Zhuang Weifan still couldn't accept this unauthentic meat taste, swallowed it with difficulty, and resolutely refused to eat second chopsticks.

Immediately afterwards, the roasted white and braised wild pork were served. The fat and thick meat made people feel unappetizing.Zhuang Weifan rinsed his mouth with white water, frowned and looked at Tangtang, children have really weird tastes, these dishes are delicious?

From the beginning to the end, he didn't eat any meat dishes, and just ate a bowl of rice with a plate of soy rapeseed to fill his stomach.Tangtang cleaned up all the meat dishes by himself, wishing he could even lick the plates clean.In the end, with pickles, I asked the waiter to add two bowls of rice.

The man at the next table kept staring at Tangtang, Zhuang Weifan noticed the man, and looked at him with a cold face.

"Old Zhuang, I'm full!" Tangtang rubbed her chubby belly, straightened her chest and waist, and looked at him with a smile.Seeing him frowning and staring at her back, she also turned her head to look behind her.Probably because the person behind appeared too suddenly, Tangtang fell off the bench while being "surprised", and fell on all fours.

The man at the next table was closer to her, so he quickly got up and hugged her.It was probably because she was too heavy, the man murmured in disgust: "Fat girl is so heavy." Tangtang gave him a very displeased look, and snorted proudly.Seeing her expression, the man exclaimed in surprise, "What a familiar expression!"

Tangtang was puzzled, didn't Alin come back at the beginning of the month?How come here?Zhuang Weifan heard the man "insulting" Tangtang, he quickly walked around the Sifang table, pushed the young man away, and snatched Tangtang away.

Tangtang did not expect to meet Xiao Yulin in a restaurant, and meet her childhood sweetheart who grew up with her.

Xiao Yulin is only one year older than Tangtang. He looks handsome, with phoenix eyes and a thin body. Even though he has a monstrous face, in front of Zhuang Weifan, his thin body is in stark contrast to Zhuang Weifan's majestic figure. The aura also becomes weaker.

Ah Lin was uncomfortable being watched by Zhuang Weifan. He felt the strong aura of the other party, and quickly explained: "I mean... the kid is so cute."

Zhuang Weifan frowned and looked at him, snorted coolly, then carried Tangtang on his shoulders to the counter to pay, and walked out of the restaurant with great strides.Tangtang's chubby belly rested on his shoulders, and he almost spit out what he ate just now.She hammered his back with her small fist, and Zhuang Weifan let her down.

——Zhuang Weifan really still can't learn to hold a baby?It's really weird to carry a child on your shoulders or something.

She leaned against the wall to cover her rolling stomach, feeling motion sickness and wanting to vomit.She pulled Zhuang Weifan's coat and said in a waxy voice, "Old Zhuang, wait for me here, I'll go to the bathroom."

The bathroom was at an intersection about ten meters away from them. Zhuang Weifan didn't want to be too close to the women's bathroom, so he stood there and waited for her.Just at this time, Zhuang Weifan had a call, Tangtang took advantage of his inattention and turned back the same way.

When Xiao Yulin came out of "Three Bowls But No Post", he saw the little chubby girl standing at the door just now, looking at him eagerly.The more he looked at the little girl, the more familiar he looked, his narrow Danfeng eyes raised slightly, and he looked at her with great interest.

Tangtang looked back at Zhuang Weifan who was on the phone, and hurriedly dragged Xiao Yulin's clothes to the corner.Xiao Yulin teased the little chubby girl: "My kid thinks my brother is handsome? Can you ask for a phone number for someone?"

Tangtang made a retching gesture towards him.She has seen narcissistic people, but she has never seen such narcissistic ones.She stretched her legs and kicked him unceremoniously on his calf: "It's me! Tang Tang!"

"Why do you kick people as soon as you come up? The name is the same as our Xiaotang." Xiao Yulin looked down at her as if, and sighed: "Tsk tsk, they look very similar."

Tangtang squeezed her fleshy fist and looked up at him: "A Lin, it's me, I'm Xiaotang!"

Xiao Yulin snorted: "Little girl is not bad, do you want my phone number?"

Tangtang stomped her feet anxiously, knowing that she would not be able to speak clearly for a while: "Xiao Yulin! You grew up with me! You won't recognize me when I become a child?"

Xiao Yulin opened his mouth slightly, with a surprised expression on his face.The tone and appearance of the little fat girl are very similar to Tang Tang's childhood.He reached out his hand to make Tangtang quiet: "Don't talk." He took out his phone, opened the space album, and found a photo of him and Tangtang when they were young.

He glanced at Tangtang, then at the photo in disbelief, and was speechless for a while in shock.

"Drunk, drunk..." Xiao Yulin raised his hand and rubbed his temples, and walked away with his long legs.Seeing that he was about to leave, Tangtang hugged his thigh anxiously.This is a good time for her to "get to know each other" with Xiao Yulin. If she misses the present, if she tells him the strange things she encountered through the Internet in the future, he will definitely not believe it. "Don't go!"

"Tangtang." At this moment, Zhuang Weifan's cold voice came from outside.Zhuang Weifan stood outside the corner, his face was buried in the shadow because of the light behind him.In addition, the clothes on his body are either black or white, which makes him look very deep.

Zhuang Weifan felt that the little fat girl was always sensible, but how could she hug a stranger's thigh now?

Zhuang Weifan's sudden appearance caught Tangtang by surprise.She didn't want to let Xiao Yulin go just like that, so she pointed at Xiao Yulin and said wittily: "Old Zhuang, this strange uncle hit me! He said he would sell me to a remote mountainous area!"

"!!!" Zhuang Weifan couldn't calm down when he heard it, and his blood surged up, he clenched his fists and swung fiercely towards Xiao Yulin's side face.He landed a solid punch on Xiao Yulin's face, causing the opponent to groan while leaning against the wall.He felt that just one fist was too cheap for this man, and another handsome side kick knocked him to the ground.

Tangtang looked terrified, swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and said silently: Ah Lin, I'm sorry for you...

(End of this chapter)

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