Chapter 11
After two consecutive days of rest, it was four consecutive days of flying missions.

Tongfei's colleagues complained endlessly, but only Liang Zhixuan felt a secret joy in his heart.

In this way, she would not have to deal with Mu Zheng for at least four days.

She didn't see him very much after the quarrel at Longting Hospital that day. Mrs. Wang said that he came back very late every day and didn't see anyone until early in the morning. She had already gone to bed, and it was rare that he didn't come to harass him. she.

The night before she left, she deliberately waited until he came back.After drinking, he came upstairs with weak footsteps. He didn't seem surprised to see that she was still awake, so he tore off his tie and asked her, "What's the matter?"

"I'm going to fly tomorrow. I'm on a four-day flight. I want to tell you." She smelled the alcohol in the air, "Have you been drinking?"

He turned his head to look at her as if hearing a joke: "Why, are you still going to take care of me?"

In fact, even if she asked her to take care of it, she didn't want to take care of it, but at this time, she didn't want to offend him, and tried her best to say in a gentle tone: "You just had a stomachache a few days ago, it's better to drink less alcohol."

"Do you know that you are really annoying." He showed an impatient look on his face, "Have you finished? Go back to your room and go to sleep!"

He staggered towards his room, and when he was about to open the door and go in, Liang Zhixuan finally took a deep breath and said, "Can you lend me some money?"

After much deliberation, she finally used the word "borrow".Sure enough, Mu Zheng asked amusedly, "Borrow? How much, and how do you plan to pay it back?"

She raised her head: "All my things are in your house, and you can pay me back whatever you want."

Barefoot is not afraid of wearing shoes, she has nothing to lose now.

She is really short of money now, and a penny is hard for a hero, not to mention that she is not a hero, but an ordinary woman, someone else's daughter, sister, so she has to pay back the credit card debts owed, her father's illness She has to find a way to cure it.

Mu Zheng smiled: "You don't need to put on such an expression of righteousness and awe, your most important thing is not with me. That's right, I have plenty of money, but when you spend money on women, you have to let me spend it happily."

She expected him to refuse, because she had really upset him earlier.

Some things cannot be compromised, but some things are already numb. Almost without thinking, she threw herself on his neck and kissed him, holding her breath, tossing and turning.The loose nightgown on her body was ripped open, revealing the delicate and sexy underwear inside, which she carefully chose to wear just to please him.

Mu Zheng was unprepared for her sneak attack, he turned his face away, and his lips stuck to hers.His hands instinctively caressed her waist, the temperature of the skin-to-skin contact and the effect of alcohol made his body seem to burn, and he almost turned back and pressed her against the wall.

In the end, he pushed her away violently, wiped his lips with his thumb, and gritted his teeth: "You will use this trick to ask me for money, do you know what it looks like?"

Like a whore, how could she not know?
Mu Zheng came over and pinched her chin, and said in a tone that was almost pitiful: "You asked me for money, just to subsidize your unsatisfactory father and brother, I gave you the best choice, yes You don’t like it yourself. Now you’re asking for money again, and there’s no door!”

He closed the door mercilessly, leaving her alone in the hallway.

Being refused even begging for food was probably the biggest humiliation that he, the benefactor, had done to her prison bird.

On the four-day itinerary, stop at Ancheng on the last day, and then return to Nancheng from Ancheng after staying overnight.The plane arrives at noon, so I plan to stay in Ancheng for a day and a night.

Liang Zhixuan dragged her suitcase and took the crew shuttle to the hotel with her colleagues. As soon as she arrived in the lobby, she found a familiar figure on the sofa. She was flipping through a magazine in her hand. When she heard the movement, she raised her head and met her eyes. catch.

It's Lei Xiaoming.

The colleagues around all booed: "Hey Xiaoxuan, Captain Lei has come to see you."

"Yeah, it's so romantic to take the flight to meet you in advance!"

They are all familiar colleagues from the same company. It is very common for single men and women to spread rumors and jokes.She was close to Lei Xiaoming when she first joined the job, and she saw through his serious and upright appearance that there was a gentle and meticulous heart, and she was not as afraid of him as other people, so there was indeed a period of time when many people regarded them as one right.

If there were no family accidents and Mu Zheng, maybe they would really be together.

However, the cruelty of life is that there is no if, and there is no turning back.

He had a confrontation with Mu Zheng that day, but he left after sending her and her father home from the hospital. She still owed him an explanation.

He walked towards her, and she said with some embarrassment: "Aren't you on vacation, why are you here?"

"Well, I'm on vacation, but I have to come here for something." Lei Xiaoming ignored the jokes of the others, and stood in front of her, "Do you have time? I have something to tell you."

Colleagues cheered her up and ran away laughing. Liang Zhixuan asked, "What's the matter, please come to my room and talk about it?"

"It's about your brother. He and that girl named Feng Xiaoxiao also visited Ancheng a few days ago."


"Well, my friend has been helping me keep an eye on it, especially since you said that your mother's hometown is also nearby, so I think he must be right."

Liang Zhixuan's heart was beating very fast. She thought that Liang Wendong didn't know that there was such a place to hide temporarily, but he had grown up after all, so it was hard to tell how many things he kept from her.Maybe he knew about this place a long time ago, thinking that it was remote and difficult to find, so he brought Feng Xiaoxiao here to avoid the limelight.

But if this is the case, maybe Mu Zheng will come and catch him.

She was in a hurry, so she grabbed Lei Xiaoming and said, "Do you know where he is? I want to find him."

"I've already looked for the hotel where they stayed in Ancheng. They only stayed for one night and then left. Didn't you say that your mother's hometown is in the mountainous area of ​​Lu'an County? Maybe they went there. Do you want to go and have a look? ?”

In fact, Liang Zhixuan had such thoughts on this trip to Fei'an City, and wanted to visit Lu'an County, which is only about an hour's drive from downtown Ancheng.But just think about it, don't say that Liang Wendong is unlikely to be there, even if she is, she will fly again the next afternoon, and she may be late and delay work by taking the bus back and forth.

Now that Lei Xiaoming brought such news, she had to make a trip no matter what.

"Brother Ming, wait for me here. I'll go up to the room to put my luggage, and then I'll come down after changing clothes."

"Well, don't worry. There is a severe drought in Lu'an this year, and the conditions in the county are not good. It may not be convenient for you to take a shower. You can take a shower first and pack up before you come down. I will wait for you here. I rented a car and we will drive by ourselves. Go, in time."

He knows that she likes to be clean, and he also knows that she is afraid of delaying work, so he has considered everything for her.Liang Zhixuan's face was slightly hot, she nodded at him, and hurried back to the room by the elevator.

She hurriedly took a shower in the bathroom, changed into casual and light clothes and flat shoes, and while drying her hair with a hairdryer, she thought about what she would say to her brother if she really saw him.

Do you scold him and take him home, or do you hug him and cry with mixed feelings?After all, how many days he had been away, she had been in fear for so many days. This feeling was too uncomfortable.

There is no definite answer, maybe only when you really see people can you follow your true inner thoughts, it's useless to think about anything now, A Dong may not even be there.

Liang Zhixuan still cheered up 12 points. It was the first time she had such definite news since her younger brother left. She had great hopes.No matter what the result is, she is grateful to Lei Xiaoming.

Before the hair was completely dried, someone rang the doorbell.She threw down the comb and hair dryer in a hurry to open the door, feeling sorry for herself, wondering if she had delayed too much time and made Lei Xiaoming wait anxiously.

She licked her dry lips, pushed her hair behind her ears a little before running to open the door, "Brother Ming..."

However, the person standing outside the door was actually Mu Zheng.

She froze, never expecting him to appear here.

No, in fact, she expected him to come, but she didn't expect it to be so soon... When she came back to her senses, her first reaction was to slam the door shut.Mu Zheng raised his hand to block it, looked at her with a half-smile and said, "You don't welcome me so much? Who are you waiting for after grooming so cleanly, Lei Xiaoming?"

The wind that came in through the door passed through her hair that was not yet dry, bringing a hint of coolness.She couldn't stop shaking, she didn't have enough strength to stop the person outside the door, she was pushed hard by him and staggered back a few steps.

Mu Zheng broke in, and the moisture and fragrance from the bathroom rushed towards his face. He stopped his pace, turned around and looked at her with a sneer, "You are really... hungry."

Lei Xiaoming was downstairs, and she couldn't wait to take a shower and change clothes. It's not surprising that he would think in that way about these red men and women, dry firewood and fire.

Liang Zhixuan pursed her lips tightly, no matter what he thought now, she was unwilling to explain to him.

"Why are you here?" Her voice was flat, trying not to reveal her emotions.

He probably didn't know that she had received news from Liang Wendong and the others, thinking that she was only here because of a flight mission.

Mu Zheng didn't speak, walked into the room, looked at the hastily opened suitcase, sat down on the bed, and lit a cigarette.

Just as Mu Zheng hated her pretending to be obedient with her low eyebrows, Liang Zhixuan couldn't stand his expression of being very angry but silent, who he was angry with, and so unpredictable.

She bent and squatted down at his feet, put away the suitcase, took a bag with her, took the room card and planned to go out.

He was willing to be angry, and he was willing to sit here and smoke one cigarette after another. It was up to him, and she went to do her thing.

"Where are you going, are you looking for Lei Xiaoming? There is no need to run in vain, he has already left."

Liang Zhixuan stopped and turned around: "What did you tell him?"

Mu Zheng smiled: "What do you think I should tell him? He's a pilot, and I don't know much about airplanes, but men can't talk without money and women, so I'll just tell him about your behavior in my bed. Begging me for money to dress like that. Tsk tsk, purple transparent lace, this is what it looks like..."

He was gesturing in front of her, Liang Zhixuan waved his hand away, his chest rose and fell rapidly, and two words came out from between his teeth: "Dirty!"

She turned to leave, but was dragged back by him, leaning her back against the TV cabinet.He leaned forward and pushed the last blue-gray smoke ring into her mouth, choking her so much that she coughed endlessly.

"Let's be clear, who is obscene?" His lips moved to her neck, as if he could bite off her carotid artery with a little force, "Then tell me how to not be obscene, Are you waiting downstairs like Lei Xiaoming? Don't be stupid, he doesn't understand your tricks to get you, don't I? Let's just skip the steps of these pure love games, I still prefer you like that night directly."

Liang Zhixuan choked and coughed into embarrassment, but couldn't push him away, so she had to raise her leg and kick between his legs.However, when he was on guard, she couldn't hurt him at all, but was restrained by him, so she had to use the simple self-defense techniques she learned in training to deal with him.

The two wrestled and rolled onto the bed. Mu Zheng's watch caught her hair, and he simply grabbed her long hair and twisted her into an extremely uncomfortable awkward position, forcing her to raise her head.

Liang Zhixuan didn't feel the pain, but felt it was ridiculous: "What are you doing? Didn't you want me to hug you that night? Why are you bringing it up again now? Do you regret it and want to make up for it?"

Sorry, no more, even if Canary sings a song to make the master happy, it depends on the mood, let alone she is a person!
Mu Zheng tightened his long hair in his hands, and said with a sneer, "You're right, I'm just now in the mood."

He grabbed her hair with one hand and stripped her clothes with the other.The casual clothes she had just changed into were very baggy, and half of her shoulders were exposed when he pulled her away.

Mu Zheng smelled the fragrance of her body, which was the smell of the shower gel she was used to and her own feminine fragrance.Originally it was just a faint and quiet point, but at this moment, it was extremely strongly stimulated by the emotions of the two of them, and he lost all reason.

Especially thinking that she might have prepared this for another man, he felt a strong desire to destroy.

He bent down to kiss her, clasping her body with his hands, like hugging a twisting and disobedient child, the more she struggled, the more he refused to let her go.

Liang Zhixuan gradually stopped moving, her rapid breathing turned into sobs and sobs. When he kissed her, salty tears flowed down her cheeks and onto his.

The flames that had exploded in his body seemed to be extinguished by cold water, Mu Zheng slowly let go of her hand, propped himself up and looked at her: "Why are you crying?"

She didn't answer, and buried her face sideways on the bed, tightly clutching the sheets under her body with both hands, the originally neat bed had been rubbed into a mess by them.

Mu Zheng sat up and found that her hair was still tangled on his watch, so he lowered his eyes and untied it little by little, and said as he untied, "You don't have to pretend to be so pitiful, your captain can't see it no matter how hard you cry. .Didn’t you ask for money? Now that you have taken care of me, I can think about it.”

Liang Zhixuan still didn't move, she already had the urge to give up on herself and want to cry, even when she was forced under him just now, she had the idea that it would be better to just die like this.He was probably bored too, he lost his patience and couldn't bring up any interest, he pulled her clothes up and pulled her up, "Okay, I won't move you today, get up and pack your things and go out with me."

He forced her to go out, stuffed her into an off-road vehicle outside the hotel, and drove out of the city.

As expected, she didn't see Lei Xiaoming in the lobby, and she didn't need to ask him where he went. No matter what Mu Zheng told him, one thing is certain, she doesn't need to explain to him anymore.

The car was heading towards Lu'an County, and there were only her and Mu Zheng in the car.He drove the car without looking at her, "There is water by the car door, if you are thirsty, you can take it yourself."

Liang Zhixuan didn't respond, she just stared out the window as if she didn't hear it.

The sun has been going west, the trees and villages and towns on the roadside are far away, and there is the smell of cooking smoke that has not been seen for a long time. They are all very ordinary scenery. Happy people can see warmth and hope, but her heart is There is sadness.

Mu Zheng finally glanced at her, and said with a sneer, "You don't have to give me shame, I know why Lei Xiaoming came to you today, and you should understand what I'm taking you to do now. You want to find it before I do." Your brother, okay, I'll take you with me to let you be a witness, whether to live or die depends on his creation."

She stared back at him stupidly: "If you kill my brother, I will definitely kill you too."

He sneered: "Okay, let's wait and see."

It was evening when they entered the boundary of Lu'an County, and it was still dark.Mu Zheng drove the car to the gas station to refuel. Next to him was the foot of the mountain, which was blue and black in the twilight.

Mu Zheng walked a few steps away to smoke. Liang Zhixuan only had a little plane meal for lunch. She was a little hungry at the moment and wanted to go to the supermarket to buy something to eat, but he was caught out in such a hurry that she forgot her wallet in the hotel Here, when it was time to check out, I found out that I didn't have any money on me.

She hesitated at the entrance of the supermarket, and wanted to call Mu Zheng, but when she thought of his ridicule and humiliation when she asked him for money, she swallowed the words back abruptly.

She had to put all her things back in embarrassment, wrapped her coat tightly and stood there drinking the mineral water in the car.The urban-rural interface is crowded with people. Many passing trucks and trucks are waiting in line for diesel fuel. Drivers gather in twos and threes, and they all gather around the entrance of the supermarket. I can’t help but see such a beautiful and dazzling young woman. Look back frequently.

This kind of feeling for people to watch and lust is really not good. She wanted to go back to the car, but Mu Zheng hadn't finished smoking yet.

A young and courageous truck driver came over to strike up a conversation: "Hey, do you want to buy food and don't bring any money?"

Liang Zhixuan frowned tightly, and replied out of politeness: "There is food in the car, I don't need to buy it."

A few people next to him booed: "It's okay, if you really don't have any money, you can ask him to borrow it, he is very generous."

Another burst of laughter.

Liang Zhixuan was fed up with this kind of teasing, she lowered her head and was about to walk to the car, but those people were blowing out smoke rings at the same time, and her eyes were filled with smoke.

(End of this chapter)

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