Chapter 16
Is this blocking him with what he said?It's really different to have the courage to drink, even he has to look at her with admiration.

Mu Zheng didn't know where the anger came from, he would accompany her if she wanted to drink, even if her stomach hurt as if being stirred by a stick, she refused to put the cup.

Liang Zhixuan's drinking style is a bit like his. He drank quickly and poured it like drinking water, regardless of the stamina.But when she touched her face, her cheeks soon became unreasonably red, and it looked even more tragic when she raised her head and poured wine.

Lei Xiaoming failed to snatch the cup from her hand, but fortunately Cheng Jie came back with Yuan Bao at this time, and when she opened the door, she was surprised by the posture and said, "What's going on here? Xiaoxuan... Xiaoxuan, what are you drinking?" So much wine?"

She finally let go, covered her mouth with the back of her hand and looked at Mu Zheng with a subtle expression.He put one hand on the gift box, and while watching her pouring wine glass by glass, he tapped the surface of the box lightly with his knuckles, as if impatient and bored, but also as a deliberate reminder.

Seeing her staring at him, he finally put down his glass, held the gift box in his hand, and planned to get up.

"You..." Liang Zhixuan felt the smell of alcohol rising again as soon as he let go, stood up before him staggeringly, pointed at him and said, " come with me, what do you want...let's talk alone. "

Lei Xiaoming was a little surprised, and wanted to stop her, but she waved her hand and said, "Brother Ming, sit down... I can handle the matter between me and him."

Mu Zheng was right behind her. She staggered to the door of the box, and as soon as she opened it, the world spun, and he was directly pulled into the empty box next door.

The lights next door were not turned on, so she was blocked by his lips before she could see anything clearly, and he kissed her until she was almost suffocated before letting go.

Mu Zheng was also short of breath, his chest heaving up and down uncontrollably: "You have to be patient, to fight with me to protect other men? It's only been a few days since we saw each other, so soon? He knows that your family It's a mess, do you know that you have followed me?"

His high-pitched voice pierced into her tympanic membrane sharply, she couldn't avoid it and couldn't move, any movement would touch his body and his lips, that would only make her feel ashamed.

Her lips trembled slightly: "You don't need to threaten me, Brother Ming knows everything...I told him everything."

"Really?" He had a weird smile on his face, "Then why didn't you dare to open this box just now? What are you afraid of?"

I don't know if it was because of fear or the effect of the alcohol in her blood, she trembled even more, and even her voice changed, and she could only say two words: "Mu Zheng..."

"Well, that sounds really nice. It's been a long time since I've heard you call me so decently." His thumb twisted her lips ambiguously, and quickly slid along the contours of her cheeks to her earlobe, stroking gently , "So you should still remember, we took some 'beautiful' photos, and the evidence of your father's fraudulent accounting is still in my place, you can take it out at any time, as a birthday present, New Year's gifts are also good, they are all good enough!"

Liang Zhixuan couldn't speak anymore, tears streaming down her face: "You promised me that you wouldn't take it out..."

"That's right, I promised." He suppressed his smile, and changed into a stern look, "Then do you remember what you promised me?"

She didn't speak, and the tears fell even harder.

"Did you think that last time we went to Ancheng to make a fool of ourselves, so let's forget about your brother? He is not in Ancheng, and there are other places to go. The world is not big, so I will dig it Di Sanchi also wants to dig him out! Shall I remind you again, until he reappears with Xiaoxiao, you have to stay by my side, otherwise I don’t know when I will call you To recognize the person or to recognize the corpse!"

In fact, there was no need for him to remind, such a condition lingered in her mind like a curse, and even appeared in a midnight dream to wake her up.

"As for the photos, I can enjoy them myself, but if you and Captain Lei are so indifferent, I don't mind letting him see them too. Men are all inferior, and those who can't get it and those who are superior are the best , once I see you like that..." He paused, then clicked his tongue, "Maybe I'll find it boring, or put it in another place and share it with other people, I'm not sure."

She wanted to say that Lei Xiaoming was aboveboard and wouldn't do such a thing, but her mind went blank, she couldn't say what she wanted to say, and her body and language were already out of control.

She just felt tired, she slid along the wall and sat on the ground, tears kept streaming out, and she didn't bother to wipe them.

But Mu Zheng didn't seem to think that was enough, he looked at her contemptuously and said, "Didn't you be so proud when you were fighting for wine, what's the point now? Get up, grab your things and follow me. I'm going back to Beijing tonight."

She sat there motionless as if she hadn't heard.

Mu Zheng covered his stomach with his hands and frowned. Not only was his patience almost exhausted, but also his stomach ached from the alcohol burn, which was unbearable.

He didn't care much, and stretched out his hand to pull her wrist to ask her to stand up and follow him.But her consciousness was already a little dissociated, and she let him pull her in ignorantly, her body just didn't move.

He became angry and wanted to lift her up by supporting her shoulders, but when he bent over, his stomach hurt like a stone.In fact, he also drank too much and couldn't control himself. He didn't know who he was competing with, and he finally supported her to stand up. When he saw her looking at him with empty eyes, he couldn't help but startled.

"Uncle Mu, Aunt Liang, what are you doing?"

Yuan Bao poked his head in and saw Mu Zheng pressing Liang Zhixuan against the wall, thinking they were playing a game.

Liang Zhixuan was suddenly awakened like a hypnotized person, covered her mouth and rushed to the next bathroom.

Yuan Bao didn't understand the situation, so he raised his head and asked Mu Zheng, "What's wrong with Aunt Liang, why did you vomit?"

Mu Zheng cleaned up the emotions in his eyes, and said coldly: "Who told you to come here, get out!"

Yuan Bao was still a little scared of him, but since the last time he heard him play the piano, he was not as scared as before.He pointed to the door and said: "Mom and the others are next door. If you and Aunt Liang don't go back for a long time, they think you have left."

He walked into the bathroom and saw Liang Zhixuan sitting on the ground vomiting, he thoughtfully took out a tissue from his pocket and handed it to her.When she saw Yuan Bao, her eyes were finally in focus, she took the tissue in his hand, as if she had finally found a small fulcrum, she hugged him and cried even harder, "Yuan Bao..."

The little guy didn't know why, so he touched her face, touched her tears, and his little mouth pouted: "Aunt Liang, why are you crying? Don't cry...don't be sad."

Liang Zhixuan drank too much and couldn't control her emotions. The grievances and troubles accumulated on weekdays could only be vented by crying at this time. The purity and tolerance of the child allowed her to not have any burden.

Xiao Yuanbao comforted her like a little adult, Mu Zheng could only watch from the side, and finally turned his eyes away in a little embarrassment.

He has never been able to get involved in her world, not even such a child.

At this time, Mu Zheng's driver Xiao Zeng knocked on the door and came in, "Fourth Brother, if you don't leave, you will miss the plane."

Mu Zheng glanced at Liang Zhixuan, then looked at Shang Yuanbao with curious and puzzled eyes, and finally turned around and walked out with Xiao Zeng without saying anything.

The car was driving towards the airport, and Mu Zheng was sitting in the car looking at the street scene and backed away frequently, like frames of unfamiliar images sliding past before his eyes, but what always appeared in his mind was Liang Zhixuan's drunken, blurred and slackened look just now.

"Fourth brother, are you alright?" Xiao Zeng knew that he had a stomachache, so he couldn't help asking when he saw him clutching his heart from the rearview mirror.

Mu Zheng didn't answer, and after a while he said: "Exit the front, turn around and go back, and tell them that the trip has been cancelled, and I won't be going tonight."

Xiao Zeng didn't dare to ask more questions, turned the steering wheel, and did as he instructed.

Mu Zheng's cell phone rang in his coat pocket, and he groped for a long time to find it and connect it. The person on the other side blazed: "I said brother, where have you been?"

He resisted the pain in his stomach: "What's the matter, tell me!"

"Didn't you say you were coming back tonight? Why did I hear they said it was cancelled? Did you fall into another gentle town and be dragged away by your honey? Hey, guess I'm here right now where……"

Mu Zheng didn't speak, and waited for the other end to talk enough before calling out: "Mu Rong."


"It's nothing, I'll hang up first."

"Don't tell me, what's going on? The old lady always talks about you, and you say that you don't have time to come back after a year; the big brother's baby bump is next month, and if I ask you, you may not have time. I bought a plane ticket to go back when it was snowing. How many years has it been since you saw snow? It was good for us to get together after a long time, but why did we cancel it? Let me tell you, this is the last time in Beijing. It’s snowing, if you miss it, you’ll have to wait until next year!”

"I came back to have a serious business, who said I came back to see the snow."

"Hey, I heard what Xiao Zeng said by your side, didn't I want to bring your new love to see? I also said why you suddenly understand romance..."

This time before he finished speaking, Mu Zheng hung up the phone, and then gave Xiao Zeng a hard look.

Xiao Zeng didn't dare to look at him, and concentrated on watching the road and driving.

He closed his eyes and leaned on the back of the chair, and touched his side with his hands, but he couldn't see the gift box. He presumably left it in the box in a hurry just now, and wondered if Liang Zhixuan would pick it up.

Thinking of the expression on her face when she heard that he was going to give her a gift, he couldn't help but smile.

He can't give the real gift, so that's fine, and she probably doesn't care about it.

(End of this chapter)

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