Chapter 24
"Did I do something wrong?" He looked up at a point in the void, "I shouldn't have let her go out that day, so that she wouldn't come into contact with sick children or get caught in the rain."

Mu Rong has given up hope for his emotional intelligence in love. Such a courageous, capable, and profitable person is like a fool when he meets someone he really likes. He doesn't even know what's wrong.

He suddenly felt that his brother was a bit pitiful, so even if he had something to say, he could only comfort him at this time: "Don't blame yourself, this is also an accident, it is not a disease that adults will get, who would have thought of it?" ? Besides, didn’t you drive out to pick her up that night? I can’t blame you if I didn’t pick her up. "

In fact, if you want him to say, the blame is that these two people get along too awkwardly, what kind of awkwardness must be, so that they refuse to call each other in such a storm?

Liang Zhixuan had just received an injection, and the doctor refused to let him in. They had to sit outside and watch the family members of the patients come and go in the aisle. Occasionally, they heard the doctor call the patient's name, ask the family members to sign or go in to talk.

In fact, they have also experienced similar scenes. In the year when their mother passed away, they spent a lot of time guarding the door of the ward like this.At that time, they were still two weak teenagers, and they couldn’t understand most of what the doctor said, and the Internet was not as developed as it is now. If Mu Zheng didn’t understand, he would ask, or simply write down every sentence, and then go to other hospitals to ask other doctors. Views.

Such memories are helpless and sad. The most important person in their lives may pass away at any time, and if they don't care, no one cares.

Since when did the relationship between Mu Zheng and his father become more alienated and worse?In Mu Rong's impression, it seems that it started at that time.

Mu Rong knew that she was a child at heart, playful, and sometimes came to the hospital after school with a school bag on her back. I was told that I was critically ill again, and I was so sad that I wanted to cry.

But Mu Zheng is not like this.He rushed over from the boarding school, wearing a black suit-style school uniform, tall and thin, and never sat outside the door of the ward, always standing with his hands in his trouser pockets against the wall, looking like a young man.The doctor said that the medicine was effective but hard to buy, so he tried his best to buy it; he had to pay the money and go through the formalities; his mother was going to use a wheelchair later, and he was as proficient in folding and placing the wheelchair as if he was playing with other children. When there were no elevators in some places, he carried the wheelchair up and down.

They were devoted to their mother, and she knew it, and saw it all, but in the end they couldn't keep them, and she left.

On the day of his mother's death, Mu Zheng didn't cry a single sound. Correspondingly, he seldom even smiled afterwards.Mu Rong felt that the two brothers had diverged since then—his own character stayed in his youth and never grew up, while Mu Zheng was just the opposite. Be independent like an adult, think like an adult, and make money like an adult.

Mu Rong thought that this was the life his brother wanted and that he would be happy, but now that he faced the same situation again, he realized that he was also fragile and fearful.

He was not happy at all, and he couldn't bear to be separated again.

"Why are you making things difficult for yourself?" Mu Rong took the opportunity to get a glimpse of the truly fragile part of his heart and asked him, "You should know that every time you make things difficult for other girls, you are making things difficult for yourself. So Liang Zhixuan How did you provoke you? What are you guys arguing about? Why don't you tell me the truth! I'm not a child anymore. She has suffered such a serious illness. You don't want to be so awkward anymore, right? Tell me , don’t torture yourself and don’t torture her anymore.”

His temperament does not affect that he is actually an adult who can take care of things, so he has the right to know the knots between the two of them related to him.

The blisters on Liang Zhixuan's face have begun to scab, and the pneumonia is still not healed, but the condition has finally stabilized and is developing in a good direction.

When she woke up, she saw the man sitting by the bed and moved her lips: "Mu Rong."

This time she was right, Mu Rong leaned forward: "Wake up, do you want some water?"

She nodded, and he helped her sit up, carefully holding the water glass to her mouth.

She wanted to push him away, but he said, "Hey, you are a patient now, so don't be embarrassed."

Liang Zhixuan said, "I'm afraid of infecting you."

He chuckled: "My brother and I have had this thing when we were young, and we are immune for life. Who is like you, who has a child's disease at this age, so dangerous, we are almost scared to death by you .”

She lay back a little limply, looked around, but did not see Mu Zheng.

"Don't worry about it. He went out to smoke. Smoking is banned everywhere in this hospital. It's suffocating him these days."

She tried her best to smile: "Thank you for your hard work, go back first, you don't have to stay here all the time."

"I'm not the one who's been guarding you here, I'll just bring you some food and drink. The one who's guarding here day and night is my brother."

Liang Zhixuan was not surprised either, in fact, she felt it.I won’t talk about it during the day, but a few times when I woke up very late, I saw Mu Zheng sitting next to him, still with a cold and indifferent expression, he was not very warm no matter what she said, but he would help her up to drink water, Even carried her to the bathroom.

At first she felt embarrassed, but then it was fine.Only once, she just fell asleep and heard him lose his temper. It seemed that her infusion hand was swollen like a steamed bun, and there were too many needle holes in the other hand, so he scolded the nurse on duty. a meal.Later, the needle went in through her foot, and she fell into a drowsy sleep. In fact, she didn't feel any pain. She just opened her eyes by chance and saw him holding her needle-off hand to her lips. Suddenly, her heart felt like being stabbed by the needle point To the same jerk.

She wanted to escape as if she had glimpsed some shady secret, so she hurriedly closed her eyes in panic.

He didn't know that she saw that scene, or maybe he didn't care about being seen by her at all. In the past few days in the hospital, except that he no longer spoke harshly and ridiculed her, the relationship between the two of them was still the same as before.

The herpes scar on her face was very itchy. She couldn't help but want to reach out to scratch, but was stopped by Mu Rong: "Hey, don't scratch, scars will disfigure you! Look at me, here, and here …See, the pimple marks were all scratched when I had chickenpox before, but now they remain on my face like pockmarks, which affect my image. It doesn’t matter if I am a man, it would be a pity to have pockmarks if you have a beautiful face.”

She carefully looked at the place he pointed, and couldn't help laughing: "How can you exaggerate what you said? It's so shallow that you can't see it. Are you sure it's not from acne?"

He snorted: "I was a school girl when I was in school. Can I have such a big pimple? If you don't believe me, ask my brother, he couldn't help scratching the chickenpox he had with me. But smooth, not a single scar."

Liang Zhixuan remained silent.Mu Zheng is good-looking and has good skin. Some men look good from a distance, but they look like the surface of the moon when they get closer.

Probably he has high demands on himself, requires perfection in everything, and can't bear to scratch when the pain is unbearable, especially when he was only a child at that time.

In fact, Mu Rong also pays great attention to his own image. The flaws that he usually hides are now exposed to others. This sacrifice is not ordinary.He dragged the chair closer, and leaned forward to get closer: "So there are still quite a few differences between me and my brother. If you look carefully, you will definitely be able to tell the difference, and you won't make a mistake again."

Liang Zhixuan was slightly taken aback: "I didn't admit my mistake today."

If it weren't for the misunderstanding of preconceived thinking, in fact, the two brothers are still different from appearance to temperament, and if you are familiar with one of them, you won't be mistaken.But according to what he meant, did he know something? Did Mu Zheng tell him everything about that year?

Although she also imagined that Mu Rong might know what happened back then one day, she really couldn't think of how to face him.

"I know, but I confessed wrong last time, didn't I? Let's talk about admitting the wrong person. Have you ever heard the joke about twins taking a bath? It's that my mother took my brother to take a bath, and put him back to wash my brother after washing. In the end, I couldn’t tell the difference. The two brothers took my brother to wash it again. It’s similar, we often meet, especially when we were young, we also wore the same clothes. Similarly, Xiangyou Xinsheng's appearance also changed, and gradually became less alike, but there are always people who admit his mistakes, and we are all used to it. He is more cold and likes to scare people with a stinky face. I am different from him, and I like it Just kidding, let others remember me, that's why I teased you like that last time, who knows that it made you angry. Don't worry, we will meet more often in the future. You will always feel uncomfortable when you see me. How bad."

She took a deep breath: "I'm not angry with you."

She was actually angry with herself, blaming herself for being confused, blaming time for passing by like water, and never going back to the past.

"That's good, I know you're kind-hearted and won't care about me." He smiled openly, "Then don't make trouble with my brother, don't look at him as crazy as 10, he is actually [-] years older than me [-] minutes, sometimes I don't like to call him brother. He is also very childish, so you should be more patient..."

"Who are you calling childish?" Mu Zheng stood by the door, looking at the two people in the ward calmly.

"Ah, I'm naive, I'm naive!" Mu Rong also reacted quickly, immediately stood up and gave the chair out, and said dog-leggedly, "I came back from smoking so soon, I thought you didn't smoke enough and bought it again! "

Mu Zheng didn't answer, and stared at Liang Zhixuan on the hospital bed: "I have the energy to talk to him so much, do you feel better today?"

"Yeah." Liang Zhixuan also looked at him, and put his hands on his chest unconsciously, "Smoking less, it's not good for the lungs."

When there is no disease and no disaster, I really don't realize the importance of health. Only after a narrow escape like her, I feel that my body is my own and must be cherished.

Especially this time, it was her lungs that were injured, and when she coughed up blood and phlegm, all the muscles in her body were pulled and hurt, which was really uncomfortable.

The complexion on her face was almost transparent when she was sick, her eyes were watery, and she had a kind of delicate beauty like Daiyu.Mu Zheng turned his eyes away from her, but his tone was much softer: "The doctor said you can go out to get some air, do you want to go for a walk in the garden?"

It was uncomfortable to lie in bed for so many days, but Liang Zhixuan actually didn't want to stay in the hospital. She thought Mu Zheng's villa was a cage before, but she would rather hang around there than the hospital.

Mu Rong seemed to see what she was thinking, and said a little mysteriously: "I don't want to stay here, right? Where do you want to go? Is there any place you want to go in particular? If not, why don't you come to Beijing with me?" ? It’s comfortable now, it’s time to get hot after a while, I’ll take you to have a good time, and eat something good to make up for you!”

As soon as he spoke, he felt Mu Zheng's eyes swishing over him, but he pretended not to see him, as if he didn't exist.

Liang Zhixuan didn't think so much, but subconsciously refused: "No, I have to go to work..."

"What job do you go to when you're so sick?" Mu Zheng frowned, but couldn't help but be mean, "I'm going to ask Yunlang Airlines, if it's because the flight attendant can't get on the plane these days without you gone."

"Then I have to ask for leave too."

"Don't bother, I've already taken care of it." She had been sick for so many days, and if she didn't ask for leave, it would be considered absent from work, and she had been fired many times before.

Liang Zhixuan fell silent, but Mu Rong looked at him excitedly.It was only then that Mu Zheng realized that he had helped him invisibly, and now Liang Zhixuan had no reason to refuse, and he could go to Beijing with him after he was discharged from the hospital.

He groaned inwardly, and didn't even bother to refute.

After her condition recovered, the doctor allowed her to be discharged from the hospital. Liang Zhixuan felt uncomfortable after being bored for so long. She was very happy to hear that she was discharged from the hospital, but the blisters on her face that did not get rid of the scab still bothered her.

On the day she was discharged from the hospital, Xiao Zeng drove to pick her up, and Mu Rong was also there, enthusiastically helping to clean up and running errands for her.

She felt very embarrassed: "I've troubled you these few days, I'll just do it myself."

"Don't be polite to me. I have nothing to do anyway. If I really do nothing and just sit here with my brother, he probably will drive me back to Beijing in two days. It's so boring."

She was a little curious: "don't you have to work?"

He chuckled: "My job is more flexible, I can do whatever I want, and I don't have so many restrictions like you."

Liang Zhixuan nodded: "This is very good, it suits you!"

"Why do I feel that what you said is hurting me?"

Liang Zhixuan also laughed.It was strange, Mu Rong and Mu Zheng were twin brothers, they were older than her, but getting along with him easily reminded her of her younger brother A Dong.

Maybe it's because they have somewhat similar personalities, or maybe it's because they have no burden to get along with each other, and it's easy to have a sense of intimacy. In short, the rumors are true, he is really different from Mu Zheng.

It's been a long time since I heard from Liang Wendong. She was seriously ill and her mood has changed a bit. The anger and resentment he felt when he just left home, now there are only longings and worries left.

Seeing that she lost her smile again, Mu Rong asked, "What's wrong, did I say something wrong again?"

She shook her head: "No, I just think of someone."

"Your brother?"

She looked up at him: "You know?"

He smiled: "Xiaoxiao and I are considered family members. It is impossible for me to be ignorant of such a big incident! But I only knew that the kid who took her away was my brother's little follower. I didn't know It's your younger brother. I thought he was very courageous. I don't know how to be so bold as to flirt with that young lady Xiaoxiao. But I don't think it's strange to see you. You are the first A woman who dares to talk to my brother."

"Feng Xiaoxiao dare not?"

"Her? She's just relying on my brother to make her dare not do anything to her so she can be lawless! But that's also in front of outsiders, and she doesn't dare to make a big noise with our brothers. She gave Mu Zheng warmth when she was a child, just to show her face."

Liang Zhixuan felt that no matter what came out of his mouth, it became a joke, so he couldn't help being a little funny: "What is sending warmth?"

"You know that Mu Zheng was raised away from home when he was a child, right? My parents couldn't take care of them, so they always sent him to full-time care, and he went to boarding school when he was older. Not long after my mother left, my father was with Feng Yaru. He I have a big opinion on this matter. I didn’t get close to my family at first, but I didn’t go home at all. It was cold and I didn’t have thick clothes to change. It was so cold that Xiaoxiao sent the clothes to school for him; it’s rare to be sick. I live at home, no one cares about him, and Xiaoxiao takes care of him to take medicine and eat. He doesn't say anything on the surface, but he remembers who treats him well in his heart. As he grows up, he also cares about Xiaoxiao. Dad and the others will be happy to see it succeed!"

This is similar to what Mu Zheng said. He also mentioned it when they were trapped in the mountains last time, but he didn't say it so specifically.

But Liang Zhixuan could feel that Mu Rong didn't like Feng Xiaoxiao very much, both inside and out, and obviously had a different view on this step-sister.

She didn't ask in detail. There are many subtleties in the relationship between family members that should not be revealed to outsiders.

Mu Rong comforted her: "It's okay, don't think too much, your brother will come back one day, and my brother will not really do anything to him. In fact, he is also very embarrassed when your family is not around. This time you are sick and hospitalized , Many times the doctor asks the family members to sign and they can’t find anyone. My brother wants to sign and they still don’t agree. You don’t know how aggrieved he is. When will you really become a family?

Two people who are not related to each other get together and just support each other and rely on each other.

Liang Zhixuan just shook her head slightly, she could hardly imagine the day when she and Mu Zheng would become family members.

Back at Mu Zheng's villa, Mrs. Wang and Butler Zhao both came back. When Mrs. Wang saw her, she came up to her and hugged her, her voice choked up as soon as she spoke, "How did this happen? Why are you so sick when you are fine... ..."

(End of this chapter)

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