Chapter 26
So perhaps for those who play the piano, the most difficult thing is to play the piece to that person face to face.

Liang Zhixuan stood by the door, such a sad and beautiful piano sound made people feel sad but nostalgic for no reason.

If the person playing the piano wasn't Mu Zheng, she might have been moved.

He played it over and over again, and when she walked over, he finally raised his eyes to look at her, and he pulled her to sit down on the piano bench after his fingers landed the last note on the keys.

"Do you know this song?"

"Well, Romeo and Juliet."

He smiled, "That story sucks, but the tune is not bad. Can you play it?"

She shook her head honestly.In fact, she has played it before, but after so many years of practice, she has long since become unfamiliar with it, and she really cannot be called good at it.

He was not angry either, and pointed his finger on the score, "Look at the score, I'll teach you."

She didn't look at the score, but at him.He didn't seem to notice, he took her hand and put it on the keys. Seeing that her wrist was limp, he gently lifted her wrist up with his index finger.

Just like that, it seemed like an electric current went directly into her heart from the place where the skin of the two touched.

The tacit understanding and intimacy that the two of them have shared in bed countless times in the past, and the love story in the music he told countless times just now failed to really move her. The energy seems to be gathered on this light support.

The complex and delicate emotions in her heart twisted into a fishy and sweet taste and rushed to her throat. It was not joy or sadness, but similar to the desire to escape when she accidentally opened her eyes and saw him holding her hand to her lips when she was in the hospital. of fear.

Liang Zhixuan didn't want to go out, and Mu Zheng didn't go to the company. The two stayed at home for two days, and they lived in peace.

What she does most is to feed the cat, take a book and sit on the swing chair with the cat to bask in the sun.

In the afternoon, Mu Zheng changed his clothes and went downstairs, pulled her up and pushed her upstairs, "You go and change your clothes too, we are going out tonight."

She was a little confused, "I don't want to go." The scabs on her face haven't healed yet, going out like this will scare others.

Mu Zheng didn't force her, "Alright, then I'll ask Guan Long to tell that child that you're not going."

Liang Zhixuan really pulled him back, "What child, Yuan Bao?"

She was a bit confused after being ill, but the child's memory is superb. She had promised to accompany him to Guan Long's KTV for a buffet when he recovered, and now it's time to fulfill her promise.

It's just that she didn't expect that Mu Zheng would be willing to go together, probably Guan Long said that he wanted to give his good friend this face.Cheng Jie visited her once when she was in the hospital, and he drove her away very unkindly, just annoyed that the disease was transmitted from her child.

Mu Rong told her these things later, which made her very embarrassed.

When she went out, she saw a Beetle parked in the driveway outside, very retro light blue, she couldn't help but take a few more glances.

Mu Zheng simply stopped, "Like it? Why don't you drive this car today."

She was surprised: "Is this your car?"

"I don't have such bad taste, you women like this kind of car." He was a little disdainful, "From now on, you will drive this car when you go out by yourself, and you won't be drenched in wind and rain."

The feeling of wanting to escape came back, she tried her best to calmly say: "This time it was just an accident, you don't need to buy me a car."

It was rare for Mu Zheng not to sneer, so it was hard for her to say anything more. The two of them finally had a few days of quarreling, and she didn't want to break the merits just before leaving the house.

He didn't mean to drive, probably because he felt that it was not decent for such a big man to sit in front of such a cute steering wheel, so Liang Zhixuan had no choice but to drive by himself.

She has had a driver's license for many years, but she has very few opportunities to drive and is not skilled, especially when Mu Zheng is sitting next to her, she is even more trembling.

Because the car was driving too slowly, I arrived at KTV half an hour later than the agreed time.Mu Zheng didn't say anything, she felt a little embarrassed, "I'm sorry, I'll explain to them later."

"No need, it's not an important party." Guan Long's place is his home game, and Mu Rong's foodie will definitely come, as for Cheng Jie and that brat, they can't wait.

He pulled her up the stairs, and when he got out of the elevator, he was touched by someone who was about to go in. His hand slipped from her wrist and grabbed her palm.

The intimacy of interlocking fingers is a small gesture between real lovers. She even thought that Mu Zheng didn't even bother to do it.

His palms were warm, with slender knuckles, and the strength to hold her hand was neither light nor heavy.

None of them seemed to be here for singing, so Guan Long simply arranged the private room in the large private room closest to the self-service bar.Mu Zheng led Liang Zhixuan into the room. On the big screen was a full-blown sports game, not relying on joystick operation but relying on physical sensations. Mu Rong was playing with Yuanbao completely ecstatically.

Cheng Jie came up to meet her, and grabbed Liang Zhixuan to look left and right, "How is it, are you feeling better? It's all my fault, and you have suffered such a big crime for no reason."

Liang Zhixuan said: "Sister Cheng, don't say that, my resistance is too weak, I can't blame you."

Guan Long also came over, silently expressing concern, and she nodded towards him.

Only then did she realize that there was another person sitting on the sofa, and she strolled towards them only after they had finished greeting each other.

Mu Zheng obviously saw it too, he tightened his hand slightly, and called softly, "Brother."

Mu Wannan wore a pair of trendy black-framed glasses. Although he was older than Mu Zheng, he didn't look old, with a calm and introverted demeanor. He looked at them, nodded and smiled, "It's not easy to see you, recently, I am busy?"

Mu Zheng said: "It's not very busy, I have other things."

Mu Wannan understood what his "other things" meant, looked at Liang Zhixuan and said, "This lady looks familiar, why don't you introduce me?"

"Liang Zhixuan." He also simply pulled her forward, "This is my elder brother, Mu Wannan."

"Hello." She greeted with some difficulty, not because of Mu Wannan's aura, but because of the terrible scab on her face suddenly exposed in front of a stranger, it was really embarrassing.

Actually, it wasn't the first time they met, many years ago, he happened to be on her flight, and she did him a small favor.

Mu Wannan's name is very famous. In addition to the famous photovoltaic project company under her name, she also heard some anecdotes about him from Mu Zheng. Absolute prestige, every brother and sister respect him very much.

He came to Nancheng suddenly, and asked them out to meet with ease. It didn't look like a business, but it seemed that he was here specifically for Mu Zheng.

Mu Zhengyun glanced at Guan Long calmly, and Guan Long whispered beside him apologetically, "Brother Nan and I have been friends for many years, and he suddenly came over and said that he would arrange to meet two and I There is always one to blame."

So you choose to offend him?Mu Zheng sneered coldly, let him remember this account first, and it will be settled on him in the future.

Mu Wannan was very kind, not as cold and serious as in the legend, and poured a cup of tea for Liang Zhixuan himself, "I'm just here, I hope you don't think it's too abrupt. I heard that you just had a serious illness. Although the young man recovered Hurry up, but you still need to take a good rest. If Mu Zheng bullies you, you can tell me that there are people in the family who can clean him up and help you vent your anger."

This statement was very fresh. She looked at Mu Zheng curiously, and he raised his chin with a grim expression, "Aren't you hungry? Go eat first."

Mu Rong wanted to avoid the sharpness of her elder brother and her own brother, so she took Yuanbao and hid out a long time ago. Now she has brought back a lot of food, and she is waving at her from the other side of the table.

She was not suitable to participate in the topics of men and family members, so she got up and walked away without a bow.

Mu Wannan glanced at her back, then looked at Mu Zheng who was drinking tea with downcast eyes, "That's her?"

"What her, which her?"

Mu Wannan raised his face and smiled: "The Spring Festival of the year I separated from your sister-in-law, we celebrated the New Year at the old lady's house, you went out after answering the phone on the eve of the New Year's Eve, you didn't come back all night, and let I'm playing cards for your seat, you forgot?"

Mu Zheng caressed the edge of the porcelain cup with his finger, "Forgot."

"You haven't forgotten me, I believe Ms. Liang hasn't forgotten either, right?" He kept smiling, "At that time there was no engagement between you and Feng Xiaoxiao, and anyone who asked about your new love in Nancheng would just say it was just a joke. Women can't do it right. But she comes here on New Year's Eve, and you leave the whole family behind and go to accompany her, so what's the reason?"

There are many things, as time goes by, he really thinks he can't remember, whether it's about her, or about all the memories of being with her.It wasn't until someone mentioned it intentionally or unintentionally, or someone related to her broke into his world intentionally or unintentionally, that he realized that the so-called not remembering was really just what he thought.

That New Year's Eve was Liang Zhixuan's first flight back to Beijing after being with him. She called him, not because she wanted to reunite with him out of genuine joy, nor because she was lonely, she was just trying to curry favor with him.

At that time, her mother had just passed away, and her father's matter was still pending. The whole family was suffering, and the end of the year was the most sad.She was afraid that he would go back on his word, so she clumsily tried to please him.

He was really mad and felt like a fool, and she knew he was a fool for making that call.

So he drove to her hotel, and played tricks on her all night. She was about to cry in the morning, and then he choked up and said that she hadn't eaten all night on New Year's Eve.

He ordered two bowls of wanton noodles from the hotel, probably because it was too unpalatable, and he still remembers the taste to this day.

He didn't expect Mu Wannan to know about this. It turned out that everyone who sees the scenery is really the scenery in the eyes of others.

For so many years, he has already practiced the ability to hide his emotions and anger, but after all, Mu Wannan is his brother who played with him since he was a child. After he became sensible, because of the big difference in personality with Mu Rong, he and his elder brother's brother in the whole family were on the contrary. The person with the best relationship and the most trustworthy is also him.That's why Mu Wannan seemed to be able to see what was on his mind that he was covering up with silence at the moment, "Don't think I'm a shit, the reason why I remember it so clearly is because I took Sisifei to find Leyan early the next morning. I still remember all the big and small things that happened in the year I separated from Le Yan."

He is someone who has experienced it, and the lost treasure can still be found, so what about Mu Zheng?

Mu Zheng didn't answer, and asked after a cup of tea: "Tell me, what did you want me for?"

Mu Wannan smiled and said: "You are really impatient. Don't worry, I am related to everything. Since this Miss Liang is so important to you, I hope you will take her back to Beijing."

"Why?" Mu Zheng frowned.

Mu Wannan sighed: "You haven't been home for a long time, and you don't know many things. The old lady's health is not good, and she barely survived another winter, but her spirit is getting worse and worse, and the doctor can't say no." Can I survive this year? Sometimes she suffers from back pain and can't sleep all night, and refuses to go out at home, so she looks through old photos of us when we were young, and always talks about you. You and Xiaowu have not resolved the lifelong issues. She couldn't be relieved, she felt that it would be impossible for you not to have a real mother, so at least she brought someone back to show her. Your sister-in-law was enthusiastic and arranged a blind date for Xiao Wu, so he hid this matter and came to you. What about you? The emperor is far away from Shangao, your sister-in-law can’t control her, so she sent me here. I’ll tell you, I’m not my third uncle and Feng Yaru, you don’t need to fool me by dealing with them. The old lady used to be in pain You, no matter what, don't let the old man remember her so much."

The more Mu Zheng listened, the higher his brows became: "Grandma is not in good health, why didn't Mu Rong tell me?"

"Tell you so that you can drive him back?" Mu Wannan took a breath, and said jokingly, "He is probably afraid that you will be forced to marry by the family just like him. Aren't you still worried about Feng Xiaoxiao? He It’s really your brother, always thinking of you.”

Mu Zheng glanced at Liang Zhixuan and said nothing.In terms of worrying, compared with her serious illness this time, the matter between Feng Xiaoxiao and Liang Wendong seems to be less important.

Mu Rong actually planned to leave, so he only asked Liang Zhixuan a few days ago if he wanted to go to Beijing with him.

Mu Zheng clenched his fists. What is this kid's plan? He wants to take her back to deal with the old lady at home, right?

Mu Wannan didn't know the deeper fears in his heart, and continued: "Li Da is going to celebrate his fourth birthday soon, and you're coming back, and it happened to be lively together. When you saw him last time, he just knew how to walk, right? Now It's terrible, he is the new overlord of the Mu family."

When mentioning the youngest son, Mu Wannan's face had the special brilliance of being a parent, and Mu Zheng also calmed down: "I also said that this kid was directly pulled into my arms last time, such a big piece of 'gold'. I don't even know him now." I am the fourth uncle."

"That's not enough, isn't there Xiao Wu? You two were printed in the same mold anyway, if you recognize him, you will recognize you."

Mu Wannan didn't know how unhappy he was to be mistaken for Mu Rong now.

Mu Zheng put down the teacup in his hand, and said with determination: "Okay, I'll go back next week."

"Don't forget to bring Miss Liang with you."


(End of this chapter)

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