Chapter 29: We Were in Love (3)
The whole family at the dining table enjoyed themselves happily. Such a scene was familiar but unfamiliar to Liang Zhixuan.All the elders in her family passed away early, and there were no brothers and sisters in the generation of her parents. Never before had so many family members gathered around to have a lively meal.But that small, simple family of four also has many warm memories, especially talking and laughing at the dinner table, which is a scene that happens almost every day.At that time, I didn't think it was so precious, but now that the whole family can't fill a dinner table, I understand why some people pursue such ordinary happiness all their lives.

Such a big separation, such a small reunion.

"Hey, why don't you eat? What are you looking at?" Mu Rong was sitting next to her. Seeing her looking at Mu Wannan and Yu Leyan, who were opposite, she smiled and said, "Are they in a good relationship? You haven't seen my second brother yet." , he said hello to the second sister-in-law!"

Liang Zhixuan smiled, she was often involuntarily drawn to the Mu Wannan couple and their two children, probably because they were like her previous home - the husband and wife were loving and harmonious, with two children, and the elder sister always took care of the younger brother.

Yu Leyan was adding vegetables to the bibimbap, Mu Wannan peeled the shrimp and fed it directly to her mouth. When she saw that the drink in her cup was empty, she got up and went to add it to her.The two children were very good at eating, and Sisi would give him a sip of the walnut milk that Pieda drank.

Liang Zhixuan lowered his eyes and clenched the chopsticks in his hand.When she was a child, she loved to eat the marinated eggs made by her mother, but she didn't like to eat egg yolks. She was always afraid of waste and dared not eat more. When her younger brother knew about it, he helped her eat egg yolks. Force it in.

Brotherhood, there are more or less memories of sharing joys and sorrows and sharing happiness, and it does not happen overnight.Thinking about it now, my chest feels tight. I don't know where Liang Wendong has gone. Is he eating now?

Suddenly there was a peeled shrimp in the bowl, she looked up and saw Mu Rong wiped his hands naturally, and greeted, "Eat, this shrimp is very fresh and delicious."

Just as she was about to say thank you, Mu Zheng had already picked up the shrimp ball with his chopsticks. While eating, he said leisurely to Mu Rong, "She can't eat hair now. If you are free, you can give me all the peeled shrimp."

After the meal, the little birthday boy blew out the candles and divided the cake. The two children couldn't stay idle, running around the room while eating.Mu Wannan and his wife were busy taking care of their two children, and the old lady called the other grandchildren to the patio to sit down and talk.

Mu Rong wanted to sneak away, but was caught by the old lady, "What's the matter with the long nails on my chair? You can't sit still for a minute? Sit down, and you won't bring back a decent girlfriend. You can't even chat with me." Can't you do it?"

It turned out that she knew from the very beginning that Liang Zhixuan was brought back by Mu Zheng.

Mu Rong salivated and said with a smile: "How can I? I haven't seen Liao and Sisi for a long time. Do you want to play with them for a while? Besides, I am so handsome and handsome, how come I don't have a girlfriend! It's just that the timing is too late. Immature, she is shy... yes, shy, so I didn't bring her this time."

The old lady rolled her eyes at him, she didn't bother to listen to his nonsense, she turned her head and asked Liang Zhixuan how old she was and who was in her family with a pleasant face.

Liang Zhixuan answered very vaguely: "My father used to be an accountant, and my mother was a teacher. A few years ago, my mother died of illness, and it was only me and my father...and a younger brother."

Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Mu Zheng, but he didn't respond.

The old lady showed a bit of pity: "Mother is gone early, and the girl will have to suffer a lot. It's not easy. I heard that you are a flight attendant. You work very hard, right?"

"Fortunately, I like this job and am not afraid of hard work."

The old lady nodded approvingly: "Then how did you meet our fourth child? Did you also meet on the plane?"

This time Mu Zheng spoke up: "Grandma, have you watched too many TV dramas?"

"What's the matter, I can't ask? It may not be there in the reality of TV dramas. What is it called... Oh, art comes from life!"

Mu Zheng didn't speak, and Mu Rong couldn't help but sweat for them.

It was Gao Yue who interjected from the side: "Hey, grandma, do you still need to ask? He is so crazy that Miss Liang can't fall in love with him! He must have fallen in love with him at first sight and tried his best It's the stalking that makes people have to obey."

Although it was just a joke, it meant that it was a slap in the face.The old lady asked Mu Zheng: "Is it true? Really love at first sight?"

Mu Zheng lowered his eyes slightly, but didn't speak.

Mu Rong finally couldn't help it anymore, "Grandma, don't force him, don't you know his virtues? Just think about it and like it in your heart. Don't let him say it, it will destroy the atmosphere! "

The old lady is naturally aware of her grandson's personality, but thinking about it, his temper was not developed in a day or two. It was always negligent at home and owed him something, so she just looked at him with hatred, Then she turned to ask Liang Zhixuan: "Xiao Liang, do you like our fourth child? The kind that you like from the bottom of your heart and plan to spend the rest of your life with him?"

When the hydrangea was thrown at her, everyone's eyes were on her.Her heart was beating like a drum, beating fast but chaotically.

She didn't like to speak against her will, and even mischievously thought about what it would be like to tell the truth about their acquaintance and getting along at this time.

Would a sensible old lady like his grandmother stand on his side to protect his shortcomings, or would she speak for her?

Her mouth was parched, and the words couldn't flow out of her mouth, and if she didn't say a word, the atmosphere would become very awkward.

Sitting opposite her, Mu Rong stretched out her long legs from under the table, and kicked her lightly while no one was paying attention.

She saw the anxiety and pleading in his eyes, not all for his own brother, but also for this kind-hearted grandmother.

Gao Yue at the side also quietly waited for her answer, with some amusement in her eyes.

Only Mu Zheng, she couldn't see his expression, nor could she feel his emotions at the moment.Maybe he already knew the answer, and he had an indifferent attitude towards it, or he was simply reckless and didn't speak like he did just now, but there were still people who could smooth things out for him, and he came prepared for what she said.

"Hey, don't be shy, why are you like my brother, you two are really a match made in heaven." Mu Rong finally couldn't help but come out to smooth things over, and gave her winks overtly and secretly.

It wasn't too hot in the evening, but beads of sweat were already appearing on his head, probably because of his anxiety, he broke out in a cold sweat.

Liang Zhixuan's heart sank, she suddenly raised her head to look at Mu Zheng, put her hand in his, clasped his palm hard, and smiled shyly: "Yes, I like it."

Mu Zheng was neither happy nor angry, he still sat there with no expression on his face, the little hand in his palm was soft but cold.She tried her best to make the old lady happy with such words against her will. In fact, she might not be really afraid of him, she just couldn't bear to hurt his family.

When she looked at him with such beautiful eyes, there was no trace of tenderness, but only envy and submission.

So when he heard that sound of liking, he thought he would be happy—whether it was true or not, at least it was the first and only time that she said that she liked him, but in fact it didn't .

She lied, not even because of him.

"Thank you just now, I thought you were going to keep silent to the end!" Mu Rong and Liang Zhixuan walked in the garden behind the mansion. There is also a swing chair here, which is probably prepared for children. She sat on it habitually. Mu Rong stood beside her and talked to her.

The old man's spirit is not very good. After chatting for a while, he went back to the house. After laughing and laughing with the children, he had to rest. Today's party is about to end.

Liang Zhixuan smiled: "This trip is to make your grandma happy, and it's the kid's birthday, how could I be so disappointing?"

He looked a little gloomy: "So you don't mean it, you don't like my brother at all?"

Liang Zhixuan stared at her hands on her lap, but did not answer.

Mu Rong took a deep breath and sat down beside her, shaking the swing chair lightly and said, "When something happened to your family, you actually wanted to come to me to intercede for your father, right?"

Liang Zhixuan shuddered slightly, never expecting him to mention the events of the year so bluntly at this time.

What can be faced and what cannot be faced is actually seen now, and she also understands that Mu Rong already knows what happened back then, so there is nothing wrong with being able to talk openly and honestly.

The summer air in the imperial capital is quite transparent. At the beginning of the night, it is a deep indigo blue, but there are not many stars. It happens to be a full moon today, and the round moon hangs in the sky like a silver disk.

Mu Rong raised his head, took a deep breath and said, "At that time I played in a band and traveled all over the country. Because my brother and dad were both in Nancheng at that time, we often went there. Our keyboard player happened to be there that time. I went home for some business, and found a few temporary were among them, right? I remember very clearly, she was a beautiful girl, she didn't play the piano very well, and she was a little stage frighted, but she showed up for every rehearsal, Helping everyone order meals, pick up clothes, and collect musical instruments. In fact, you have many opportunities to talk to me, but why didn’t you say it? I don’t even remember your face and name. When I see you again Almost no memory at all.”

Liang Zhixuan smiled self-deprecatingly: "I can't be a keyboard player at all, so I stayed to do odd jobs to help. Although I was looking for you for my father's affairs, I didn't want you to be distracted and delay the business. I originally wanted to wait for your last I'll tell you after the show is over, and later... there's no need."

He turned his head to look at her: "Because you met my brother?"

"On the day of the performance...he also came and sat under the stage. I was packing up the performance props backstage, and when I heard they said you were leaving, I quickly chased him out and ran into his arms head-on. I didn't know you were twin brothers, I didn't even think about it..."

Thinking of that erroneous misrecognition, the banter in Mu Zheng's eyes and the merciless plunder later, she still can't help but tremble slightly when talking about it.

Mu Rong didn't know how to comfort her, he raised his hand as if it was wrong to hold her, and it was not appropriate to hold her hand, so he had to pat her lightly on the shoulder, "At least he accomplished your goal for you. To be honest, if you entrusted me at that time, your father's affairs may not have ended like today." He also laughed at himself a little bit, "You know, I don't touch business matters, in the company, in my father I can't even talk to you. I don't know how serious your father's matter is, so if you speak casually, it may make the situation worse."

So from the perspective of the most direct bystander, if it were him, he would either not be able to help back then, or the more he helped, the more he would help.

Perhaps it was destined, when she met Mu Zheng, she had a compromise solution to her family's affairs, but the price was heavy.

He also couldn't figure it out, based on what he knew about his own brother, what kind of woman did he want?But why did he put so much effort on Liang Zhixuan and still refuse to let go?
As he was talking, he suddenly heard a commotion in the living room.Mu Rong stood up and said, "Is anyone still here at this late hour? Don't move, I'll go and have a look."

Liang Zhixuan sat on the swing chair and waited. After a while, Mu Zheng and Mu Rong came out together. Mu Zheng walked up to her, pulled her up and left, but was stopped by Mu Rong, "Aunt Feng is outside, where are you taking her?" ah?"

Liang Zhixuan froze for a moment: "Feng Yaru is back?"

Mu Zheng ignored her, pushed Mu Rong away and said, "You don't need to worry, I dare to bring someone back, are you afraid that she will know?"

Without further ado, he dragged Liang Zhixuan to the living room, and sure enough, he saw Feng Yaru sitting on the sofa talking with the old lady, and when he saw them, he stood up: "Fourth brother, you are back too."

It has to be said that Feng Yaru has a high emotional intelligence and knows how to behave in the world. He gets along well with other members of the Mu family and has something to talk to the old lady.Even though he suddenly appeared here at such a late hour, it didn't make everyone feel any obvious unpleasantness. He even brought a birthday gift for Pimple, and bought supplements and the old lady's favorite agarwood. He couldn't be more thoughtful.

Mu Zheng held Liang Zhixuan's hand tightly, and asked with a smile, "Where is my dad, why hasn't he come back?"

Feng Yaru also smiled: "We went to Macau some time ago. He was lucky and won some money this time. When he was excited, his blood pressure soared and he stayed in the hospital for a few days. The doctor asked him to rest, and he couldn't take the plane. I heard that the old lady I have been unwell recently, and I have been thinking about it in my heart. My sister-in-law went to visit her relatives with my elder brother. Only Wannan and the others are here, so I want to come back and have a look. It just so happens that the baby is going to have a birthday, and all of you children are coming back. It doesn’t work if people talk about it, so I rushed back alone.”

Mu Zheng remained calm, "Going here just for family matters? It's hard enough."

Feng Yaru ignored what he said, and said generously and calmly: "You will take care of the company's affairs, and there will be no problems. Your father and I can rest assured." She said and looked at Liang Zhixuan, "It turns out that Liang Zhixuan Miss is here too, can you get away from work?"

Liang Zhixuan said truthfully, "I took a long vacation."

The old lady was a little curious: "Why, Yaru and Xiaoliang... have you known each other before?"

Feng Yaru leaned down to talk to her, lowered her voice and said, "Xiaoxiao is not sensible and ran out with that boy. She is that boy's older sister."

Although her voice was not loud, it was clear that this was a family matter that should not be publicized, but everyone in the room could hear it clearly.The other juniors more or less already knew about this relationship, and even Gao Yue, who didn't know it before, didn't show too much surprise, but raised her eyebrows with the same playful expression as before.

Only the old lady's face changed, and her eyes passed Liang Zhixuan again, but she didn't say much, she just asked Mu Zheng: "Is this true?"

Mu Zheng was silent for a while before saying, "It's true."

The old lady didn't speak anymore, she seemed to think of something, she took a long breath, then waved her hand and said: "It's late today, let's go! We will meet again tomorrow, it's rare these days, you are all here, family members Get together more..."

Feng Yaru went to help her upstairs, but she said no, pointing to Mu Zheng and said, "It's rare for the fourth child to come back, and he hasn't been home yet. You also pack up and let him go back to his own home for two days comfortably. Don't let your tongue out and say that children don't come into your house."

Being a stepmother is afraid of being criticized for treating her husband's children badly. How could Feng Yaru not understand, she said with a smile: "It has been prepared a long time ago, the rooms are all ready-made. I just came from home and changed the mattress and sheets. Want him to go back. His room has always been the same."

She is so good at being a human being that no one can make mistakes, and the old lady seems to be satisfied. She originally wanted to stay with Mu Zheng for a night, but now she wants him to go back.

Mu Zheng only had a sneer on his lips, and waited for them to go upstairs before he led Liang Zhixuan and turned to leave.

Mu Wannan said: "Are you okay? If you don't want to go back, you'd better stay at my house tonight, and I'll tell the old lady."

But Mu Zheng said: "It's okay, she's prepared everything. If I don't go back, I'll be unreasonable. If I turn around, I'll make the old lady unhappy. Mu Rong and I will go back to live tonight."

Mu Rong scratched her head: "I don't care, anyway, I've been living at home..."

Yu Leyan had another worry, and asked Liang Zhixuan in a low voice: "How about you, why don't you go to our house? It's not convenient for you to live together with the elders."

Mu Zheng pulled him into his arms with a little force, "It's not inconvenient, Feng Yaru and my father lived in my house when we were not married."

Mu Wannan frowned: "Fourth!"

Mu Zheng stopped talking, borrowed his car and left. When he got to the door, Gao Yue called out from behind: "Xiaoxuan."

Liang Zhixuan turned around in surprise, because she didn't expect Gao Yue to call her instead of Mu Zheng.

Gao Yue handed the thing in her hand, "You dropped it in the yard just now, I picked it up. I didn't want to return it to you, but after thinking about it, I'd like you to think about it again."

She actually spoke very clearly, looked up at Mu Zheng again, and walked away with her hands folded.

Both Mu Zheng and Mu Rong saw the medicine box in her hand, with different expressions.

(End of this chapter)

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