Chapter 55
After getting married, my sister returned to the airline to work as a flight attendant, and Mu Zheng rarely expressed any objection.Of course, we all know very well that objections are useless, and he is definitely not the one who has the final say in their family.

When my sister was pregnant, I had just successfully proposed to Xiaoxia, and I was finally about to enter a new stage of life.She was pregnant with a daughter, and I suddenly said in a whimsical way: "Why don't I hold the wedding when she grows up to be a flower girl? She and Brother Long's youngest son just happen to be a golden couple, so cute!" "

She patted me on the head without hesitation, gritted her teeth and said, "Are you going to piss me off? You agreed that I'm married and it's your turn next. If you procrastinate, I'll introduce another man to Xiaoxia." friend!"

I stuck out my tongue, Mu Zheng had already carried her away.Now I have changed my name to call him brother-in-law, and my brother-in-law told me: the pregnant woman has a hormonal imbalance and has a very hot temper, so don't provoke him, I actually forgot again.

My wedding was held as scheduled, and my elder sister was still busy inside and out with her huge belly, lest she didn't do it well and wronged the girl.

In fact, Xiao Xia is already very capable, and she has never been the kind of arrogant young lady.She was worried that my sister would be tired, so she put a chaise longue in the dressing room so that my sister could lie down and rest when she was tired.

On the way, I accompanied Xiaoxia back to touch up her makeup, and I happened to see my sister resting halfway on the couch. Mu Zheng poured a glass of water, put it to his lips to test the temperature before handing it to her.

I never thought that Mu Zheng, who is as rebellious as Mu Zheng, would have such a tender side. Maybe in the past, I still didn't understand that there is nothing really impossible in this emotional world.

You think it's impossible, just because you didn't meet the right person at the right time.

"Dad, my shoelaces are untied."

Mu Zheng looked down, knelt down and carefully tied her daughter's shoelaces, then looked up at her, "Why are these shoelaces so disobedient today?"

"It's because Dad didn't tie it tightly, so it wouldn't be the case if Mom tied it for me." Xueer said innocently, licking the lollipop.

Mu Zheng smiled, "I taught your mother how to tie her shoes."

"Liar, mom never wears shoes with laces!" Mom always wears beautiful high heels.

"It's because she doesn't know how to tie it, so she doesn't wear it. She always ties the shoelaces into dead buckles." Mu Zheng spoke convincingly, pointing to the opposite side, "If you don't believe me, you can ask her yourself later."

Xueer looked at the majestic building of the hospital, and shrank behind him, "Dad, are you coming to the hospital to give me an injection?"

Mu Zheng smiled, "We're not sick after studying, so what kind of injections are given? We are here to accompany mother and younger brother. You are going to be an older sister today, are you happy?"

"Happy!" Xueer smiled, and took out two other lollipops from his pocket, "I also prepared a gift! This is for my younger brother. The younger brother who comes out first can eat the bear, and the younger brother who comes out later can eat the little frog." .”

"How do you know they came out one after the other?"

"Mom told me!" She tilted her face proudly, "She said that twins come out first, and the other comes out later. Just like you and Uncle Fifth, you come out 10 minutes before him, and he has to Call you brother."

"You know a lot." Mu Zheng pinched the tip of her nose lovingly, and hugged her, "It's getting late, we have to leave quickly, your mother should be angry if you go late."

In fact, not long after Liang Zhixuan woke up, the doctor in charge went to the hospital bed to inquire about today's situation. She was half lying on the bed, smelling the aroma of food from the aisle outside the door, and said plaintively: "Everything is fine. Just...very hungry!"

I really want to eat fried dough sticks, soy milk, siu mai, rice noodles, golden flatbread, or even a bowl of porridge!

The doctor in charge smiled. Just as he was about to speak, Mu Zheng walked in with his daughter in his arms. When he heard the words just now, he immediately frowned and said, "Haven't you had breakfast yet? I'll buy what you want!"

The doctor recognized him and said with a smile, "the operation is about to take place. Before the operation, the patient must be fasting and cannot eat. Mr. Mu, please come to the office with me to sign the operation consent form, and then talk to your wife to encourage her more." ,It's fine."

Mu Zheng gave Liang Zhixuan a complicated look, and went to the office with the doctor.

Xueer kicked off the shoes on his feet, nimbly climbed onto the hospital bed, put his little head on his mother's belly, and asked curiously while listening, "Are the younger brothers awake? Do they know that they are coming out today?"

Liang Zhixuan stroked her fluffy hair with a smile, "Maybe they know! They swung their arms and stretched their legs in my stomach all night yesterday, making me so noisy that I didn't sleep well all night!"

When it was dawn, I slept well for a while, and I had enough energy, and I was about to go to the operating table.

Xue Er's eyes were as bright as stars, "Ah... Dad didn't sleep well last night either."

"Huh? Why, how did the baby know?"

"I woke up to pee in the middle of the night, and I smelled smoke." Xue Er whispered in her ear, "Don't tell Dad that I told you, he doesn't know that I saw him. He just sat on the piano chair Smoking on the bed, holding Totoro's music box in his hand."

Smoking is harmful to health. You must know that Dad hasn't smoked at home for a long time.

Liang Zhixuan was stunned. The two music boxes brought back from Hokkaido were originally placed side by side on the piano. Later, when he was naughty, he pushed Mr. Rabbit's one to the ground. Fortunately, there was a carpet for cushioning, and only one ear was broken.Mu Zheng has always been obedient to his children. Since he was born in school, he has always loved him as a apple of his eye. He has never lost his temper with the child, and his face changed when he was angry. But the music box was properly put away, and it would never be displayed again.

What was he thinking of sitting in the living room with the music box in his hand last night?

When Mu Zheng returned to the ward, Xueer was sitting by the bed with two short legs swinging. Liang Zhixuan had already changed into a clean hospital gown, her hair was neatly combed, and she was about to get out of bed and put on her shoes.

With a full-term belly and pregnant with twins, bending over is already a difficult movement for her.Mu Zheng hurriedly stepped forward to help her, put on the shoes for her, then picked up the small children's shoes and said to the daughter beside him, "Come on, put the shoes on."

The shoelaces came loose again, and Xueer took the opportunity to complain to his mother: "Dad can't tie my shoelaces well today, and the shoelaces keep falling apart."

Liang Zhixuan looked at him with a smile, "Oh, is that so?"

Mu Zheng said calmly, "I promise we won't break up this time."

"Well, your dad is just a little nervous."

Learned and asked curiously: "What is tension?"

Liang Zhixuan's smile deepened, and she gently pushed Mu Zheng with her belly, "Hey, your daughter asked you, what is nervous?"

Mu Zheng ignored her, hugged his daughter down and said, "The third aunt is coming later, you go with her to eat some delicious food, and then buy some flowers back."

"Why do you want to buy flowers?"

Mu Zheng glanced at Liang Zhixuan, "Because Mom likes it."

"Did my mother give birth to my younger brother by then?"


As expected, Gao Yue came to visit her, and she happily followed her after learning. Before leaving, she was a little bit reluctant and worried, and said to her mother's belly: "You guys have to be good, I will wait for you to come out. Eat a lollipop."

Liang Zhixuan laughed, and Mu Zheng hugged her, putting his hands on her swollen abdomen, "How do you feel now?"

"I don't feel anything. It's still a week before the due date, and the two little guys are still eating and sleeping inside."

Because she is pregnant with twins and she has reached the age of advanced maternal age, the doctor still advises her to have a caesarean section just to be on the safe side.

As soon as Mu Zheng thought of the knife on her body, he couldn't help but clenched his hands tightly.

She patted the back of his hand lightly, "Didn't the doctor tell you to comfort me, why are you more nervous than me? Relax, it's okay."

"If I knew I was taking such a big risk, I shouldn't have let you get pregnant again."

Learning, smart and cute, she is their caring little padded jacket. He is already very satisfied, and he didn't want to let her have a second child.On the fifth anniversary of their marriage, they revisited their old places and went to Hokkaido to see the snow for a vacation with their school. They probably couldn't help themselves, and they got pregnant again by accident.

The accident of the accident was that she was pregnant with a pair of twins. The Mu family, Mu Zheng, had never had twins in this lifetime. The elders in the family were overjoyed when they found out.

In fact, Liang Zhixuan was also happy, and the only person who hesitated was Mu Zheng.

He was worried that Liang Zhixuan would suffer. When she was pregnant with school, she had a severe pregnancy reaction at first. She vomited until the esophagus bleeds, and she went to the hospital to hang water in the middle of the night.Learning to be born was a natural birth, and he couldn't imagine how hard it would be for the child to be pushed out of the birth canal. Just seeing Liang Zhixuan's weakness when he was pushed out from the delivery room, he felt that this kind of suffering was enough once.

She was right, he was really nervous, he was so nervous that he couldn't control his hands and feet, and his palms were covered with sweat.

Fortunately, the caesarean section went well. He saw the two little ones who had just left their mother's body and were held in the hands of the doctor and rinsed in water. His heart was so soft.Even through the glass wall, he couldn't help but reach out and want to touch it.

Liang Zhixuan was very conscious, but seemed a little tired.He held her hand tightly in the ward, and pressed his forehead against hers, "Thank you for your hard work."

He wanted to say something else at first, but she looked at him with misty eyes, and suddenly burst into tears, which startled him, and asked quickly: "What's the matter, does the wound hurt...or is there something wrong?" Comfortable?"

Liang Zhixuan shook her head, crying and said, "The anesthetic hasn't worn off yet, I don't feel any pain at all..."

Mu Zheng's whole heart was pulled together, "What's the matter? Tell me, I'll call the doctor!"

"I felt that the scalpel had made a big gash on my belly, and there must be a long scar..."


Mu Zheng was a little speechless, but she cried angrily when she thought that she had a scar the size of a sesame seed on her forehead when she had chickenpox. Now that she has a centipede-like scar on her body, it must be difficult for her to love beauty so much.

Fortunately, he is different from back then, and he will not bluntly say that if you leave a scar, you will leave a scar, but coax her: "Nowadays, many ointments for removing scars are very effective, and when your wound heals, it will gradually fade away." .”

"...It's so long, it won't fade away, it's so ugly, woohoo..."

"Who says it's ugly? I just think it looks good. Anyway, only I can see that position."

"No more bikinis."

Mu Zheng thought it was just right, why wear it out to attract other people's attention.But he still said: "There are so many styles of swimsuits you can choose, and you don't have to wear a bikini. You look good in anything, really."

He said almost all the sweet words in this life, but Liang Zhixuan was still sobbing and crying.

He sighed secretly, it seemed that his hormones were still out of balance.He remembered that it was the same time when she finished school, and she shed tears inexplicably for two days. He thought that she had done something wrong to make her sad, or remembered something unhappy in the past, in short, she was terrified.Later, several experienced sister-in-laws and sisters in the family told him that the postpartum hormone imbalance is normal, so don't worry too much.

He just couldn't see her cry, probably because of a conditioned reflex, when she shed tears, his heart felt like it was soaked in lye.

It was useless for him to persuade and coax. At this time, the nurse pushed the crib cart in, and Liang Zhixuan stopped crying immediately.

The two little babies who looked exactly the same lay in the same swaddle and were sent to the arms of their parents.The elder brother in Liang Zhixuan's arms was still soundly asleep, while the younger brother opened one eye and glanced lazily at the father who was holding him.

The couple, who were about to be turned into cuties, looked at each other and smiled tacitly. Mu Zheng said, "The eyes are so beautiful, just like you."

Liang Zhixuan said: "Look at this little demeanor, I still think it looks like you."

Just like Xueer, some people said she looked like her when she was born, but she grew a little longer. From facial features to demeanor, she was a complete replica of Mu Zheng.

I thought that the son would be more like his mother, but now it seems that Mu Zheng's genes are as domineering as his character.

The two little guys are called Da Mao and Xiao Mao, and they learned from their own sisters, but such literary names are incomparable.But after they were able to crawl and walk, they became the most popular characters in the Mu family. They had exactly the same small faces, wore exactly the same clothes, ran from across the room to this end, and begged each other when they saw people. Hug, with a babyish voice, not as quiet as the older sisters, and not as noisy as the little devil in Mu Wannan's family.

But Mu Zheng's favorite is always Xueer, and he takes his daughter with him wherever he travels, not the pair of cute twins.

On the plane, Liang Zhixuan poured orange juice and sent it over, and saw Mu Zheng was concentrating on reading, with one hand resting on the table in front of Xueer, his fingernails were colorfully painted.

The little girl has learned to love beauty, she likes to imitate her mother's make-up, and paints and smears all kinds of dolls at home. Of course, having a living man like her father as a model cannot be let go.

Mu Zheng also followed her.In the past, when I fell asleep on the rattan chair, I would be woken up by the fifth child, but now when I wake up from a nap, my head is sometimes covered with pigtails, and my fingernails and toenails are colorful.The nail polish daughter didn't let him wash it, so he really didn't wash it, and went to the company for a meeting with ten colorful fingers.

It was outrageous to go out like this, Liang Zhixuan confiscated her small makeup box and coaxed her to sleep for a while.

Xue Er was always very good on the flight she was on duty, but the child couldn't hide what was going on in his heart, and whispered to her that he must wake her up before the plane landed. There was a surprise, and she didn't want to miss it.

Liang Zhixuan happened to have her birthday today, needless to say, the surprise was naturally the cake and gift prepared by Mu Zheng.

Not once or twice did he fly with her and juggle presents from the cabin, but each time she had a new throb.

Bloom like a flower, like first love.

The thorns and bumps on the road of love have finally become a long-lasting memory.Looking back and joining hands again, it will be a lifetime.

(End of this chapter)

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