The day of the chief favor is coming

Chapter 33 Finally Passed

Chapter 33 Finally Passed

This girl's defensiveness is really low, so she doesn't know how attractive such a charming and pure posture is to a man.But it undoubtedly also shows the trust in him.

Yin Chenzhe settled down and took the coat and lightly draped it over her lower body, covering her legs.

At this time, there was a knock on the door of "dong dong dong...", Yin Chenzhe frowned, and quickly walked to the door and turned the handle.

Before Gu Fei could get in, he had already walked out the door, "What's the matter?"

"Boss, there is an urgent document here that needs your review." Gu Fei didn't want this to disturb his rest time.

"Wait for me!" Yin Chenzhe went back to the room after putting it down, picked up a pen and quickly left a note on the coffee table.

When he went out and closed the door, he turned the handle again to make sure it was locked before leaving.

Yin Chenzhe's series of actions, as well as the expression on his face, it turns out that he can be so approachable, gentle and considerate.

This made Gu Fei completely stunned. It seems that the cold-faced big boss is about to become a thing of the past.

Qi Yue woke up when the alarm clock sounded, and found the man's coat on her body, and she was the only one left in the room.

She stood up slowly and saw a sticky note on the bright glass, and stretched out her hand to pinch it.

It reads like this on the note: I have a business to deal with and go ahead, waiting for your good news!

The font is thick, strong and powerful, and it is unexpected that his handwriting can be so beautiful.

Qi Yue encouraged herself, come on!

The stage in the afternoon was still the same place, but this time the stage was cleared, and no one whose turn it was was waiting backstage.This is also good to avoid any outstanding situation.

Qi Yue is ready to give it a go, this opportunity cannot be missed.

Soon it was Qi Yue's turn to appear on the stage. This time, I don't know whether it was luck or something, the song she had practiced in front of Young Master Yin.

When the accompaniment sounded, the secret love he told her floated in her mind, and she gradually controlled her mood and gently opened her pink lips until the last note was a perfect curtain call.

Judgment Shen re-examined the young girl on stage, but she didn't expect her to comprehend at such a young age, the kind of sweet, slightly bitter and uneasy inner knot that is rare in this love song.

This kind of entangled and repeated emotions will be difficult to express for a while, so most people will sing this song as a very ordinary love song.

In this way, if the singer's singing level is high enough, it will make up for the lack of artistic conception.

But she has always attached great importance to this deep level of collision and communication.

Qi Yue saw that the song was over, and the male judge had already turned on the light, but Shen judge didn't press it for a long time.

She felt that since she was a child singing, she had never been so nervous like this moment, and her palms were full of sweat.

After waiting for nearly half a minute, Shen Juan finally pressed on the belated light, the light of hope that determined her fate.

The joy that seemed to be lost and found at that moment could no longer be suppressed, and she was almost speechless with excitement: "Thank you... two teachers for giving me a chance!"

"Come on!" Judging Shen, who always cherishes words like gold, rarely gave 2 words.

Well, Qi Yue didn't know how she got off the stage in the end, she just felt a little confused.Finally she managed to take a step out.

She was the first to call Fang Liang, who seemed to be busy on the other end, and she thought of her recent preparations for the internship unit.

But Fang Liang was also very happy for her, and said to go back to the dormitory to celebrate.

(End of this chapter)

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