The day of the chief favor is coming

Chapter 42 Lin Zixuan's Entanglement

Chapter 42 Lin Zixuan's Entanglement
Little do they know that it is important to be famous sometimes, but losing such a good girl will make people regret for life.

He still has to thank Lin Zixuan, who has no eyesight, otherwise he can change his name and pursue her in a legitimate way.

Presumably Qi Yue has spent a lot of time thinking about his empathy recently, otherwise his emotions would not be so ups and downs.

Yin Chenzhe really wants to say to her at this moment: He doesn't cherish you, someone else cherishes you like a treasure.

Qi Yue entered the training camp early in the morning and was arranged in a practice room on the 5th floor, with a total of 10 people.

In addition, there are 6 people who have just been selected by their group, so they are familiar, and 4 people are seeing each other for the first time.

They had a lukewarm face-to-face meeting with each other. After all, they were all competitors and it was not easy to be honest with each other.

But they didn't have more time to worry about these things, and they didn't miss any training from vocal training to physical performance.

Soon, many people couldn't take it anymore and lamented again and again, complaining that their throats couldn't stand it, their backs hurt.What kind of training camp is this? It's a devil training camp.

Qi Yue also learned some basics of dancing when she was young, but after all, it was useless after not dancing for many years. For a while, this kind of intensive practice was a bit overwhelming.

But she gritted her teeth and couldn't relax, and she definitely couldn't get discouraged and had to go straight ahead.

Finally, the dance teacher clapped his hands to indicate that we can disband in the morning, and we will gather here on time at 1 pm.

Qi Yue then went to the locker room to change out of her practice clothes, splashed water on her cheeks in the bathroom, her body covered with sweat.

I have to go to the restaurant on the first floor to have lunch. I don't think I can do without eating today, or I might not be able to support the training in the afternoon.

Just as Qi Yue came out of the practice room, she ran into someone she hadn't expected in the corridor—Lin Zixuan.

I saw that he changed from his normal casual clothes to a more formal dress today, as fresh and elegant as ever.

When he saw Qi Yue's slightly tired figure appear, his sunny and handsome face was full of surprises. It was the girlfriend he had been thinking about and looking for these days.

"Yueyue, why are you here?" Lin Zixuan lowered his voice and asked, his expression had recovered from shock to nervousness.

Qi Yue didn't intend to talk to him at first, but she couldn't swallow the breath in her heart. "Lin Zixuan, you are very funny, only you are allowed here and no one else is allowed here."

Qi Yue felt that there was nothing more to talk about between the two of them, she had already recognized the status quo in these two days, and she and him were already on the same road.

Qi Yue just wanted to leave here, and didn't want to communicate with him any more.She was about to walk quickly, but Lin Zixuan followed closely.

"Yueyue, I've always wanted to explain to you what happened that day, but I couldn't get through to your phone." Lin Zixuan followed closely and quickly, with a slight panting sound.

"By the way, don't call me from now on." Qi Yue said coldly, only looking at the elevator ahead.

"Yueyue, what do you mean? I'm already working hard for our original dream. It won't take long to realize it." Lin Zixuan was very hurt by her attitude, and subconsciously stretched out his hand to grab her arm to stop her pace.

"Let go!" Qi Yue had the feeling that his hair would explode when he touched it, as if what touched her arm was something extremely disgusting.

Lin Zixuan was stunned by the cold light in her eyes. He thought that he was suddenly caught on the street that day, and he could explain it to coax her back later.

(End of this chapter)

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