Chapter 1 Vision
A setting sun spreads across the water, half river rustling and half river red.As the sun goes down, the clouds in the sky are stained with a blood-like red, which accumulates and becomes deeper and deeper.At the same time, all the immortals in the fairy world stared at the strange and strange Tianwaitian, and they all began to feel uneasy, guessing what happened, which caused the ominous omen to come to the world. Although Hongxia is common in the world, But in Tianwaitian, which has been like a day for decades, it is indeed a sign of great danger.

Sky Rift Valley, with a "crack", the sound of eggshell breaking was especially clear in the quiet and empty surroundings, the fluffy little head carefully poked out from the shell, shook his head to explore left and right, and then protruded out of the shell Her little red paws, then her fiery red body, and finally a long colorful tail feather, when she crawled out, the eggshell behind her burst into flames and turned into ashes.

Ming Qing pecked at her beautiful wings, and flapped her wings, allowing her wings curled up in the shell to stretch out.Then he happily walked towards the people not far away.

The man waved his sleeves, and Ming Qing was already in the man's arms. He caressed his fiery red wings and muttered to himself: "The Nirvana of the Phoenix brought a vision to the God Realm. I don't know if it's a blessing or a curse, hehe .” Then he threw Xiao Huang’er on the ground, turned and left.

Yes, Ming Qing was thrown on the ground, and there was a "ji" sound, and a piercing scream, as if it hurt from the fall, and seemed to be accusing the man of his brutality.Then he rolled around on the ground and chased after him tremblingly.

The man noticed the voice behind him, turned his head and saw Xiao Huang'er who was following him step by step, frowned, and said impatiently, "Why are you following me?"

"Jiji" father, Ming Qing shrank his neck and called out softly.

Only then did the man realize that this little phoenix probably didn't remember his relatives, so he took the first person he saw as his father.

Phoenix Nirvana, burnt out the previous life, burned the memory, there are many dangers, if you succeed, you will get a new life, and your magic power will be upgraded to a higher level, if you fail, your soul will be scattered and turned into fly ash.This is why the Phoenix family is known as the undead birds, but the reason why the tribe has always been a small number.Therefore, the Fenghuang family is very cautious about the matter of Nirvana.

It was really not easy for this little huang'er to succeed in nirvana in this wilderness.

The phoenix is ​​not a sycamore tree but not a habitat. The members of the Phoenix family all live in the fairy tung forest. This one that appeared in the Tianrift Valley should be a wild one.But this is not something he should consider when he is lost.

If he hadn't seen that this little thing was not easy to be reborn, with his temperament, he would have thrown her out long ago, and he would have allowed her to peck at the corner of his clothes while he was not paying attention.

However, he still raised his leg and threw her out, but kindly reminded: "The Phoenix clan all live in the fairy forest, where you go, you can find your fellow clan."

Ming Qing saw that she was lost and wanted to go, so she hurriedly chased after her, but the person in front of her was walking too fast, and disappeared in Ming Qing's eyes in the blink of an eye.In desperation, it fluttered its wings, flew up tremblingly, and followed the lost figure.

The air fluctuated slightly, and Ming Qing came rushing with fluttering and flapping her wings, and fell at the feet of Lost. It was obvious that the long-distance flight had exhausted her physical strength.She paused for a moment, then leaped vigorously onto Lost's shoulder.

(End of this chapter)

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