Chapter 142 Rescue
Cang Lan's feet were stiff, and he lowered his head slowly, only to see that his ankle was pierced by a fiery red twig, and the twig sent something into his body, and the branch was still bulging Yes, there is fluid flowing in it.

He wanted to chop off the twig with his sword, but found that his movements were stiff and slow, as if he had been deliberately slowed down.

Then he saw other twigs flying towards him at an extremely fast speed, wrapping around his body, pulling him down from mid-air, and fixing him on the ground.

Ming Qing also discovered the situation here, she used her hand as a blade, overcame thorns and thorns, and finally came to Cang Lan.

The man was already stiff.

Cang Lan felt that his blood was congealing, his senses were disappearing, his limbs were stiff, and his mind was in a daze.

Only eyes can see Ming Qing, calling him anxiously, desperately chopping off the twigs wrapped around her body.

No matter how hard Ming Qing tried, these twigs could not be finished.

When Ming Qing was in despair, those twigs suddenly loosened, let go of Cang Lan's entangled body, retracted, and then gradually calmed down.

Ming Qing was overjoyed, although she didn't know why they retreated suddenly, but they did.

However, her surprise didn't last long, and she was stunned by the scene in front of her.

Cang Lan was still fixed in place, unable to move, from his toes to his shoulders, unexpectedly... turned red, with rough lines like tree bark, and his sword-wielding arm was also frozen The shape turned out to be a stretched branch.

He... Cang Lan... Except for his head, everything has obviously turned into a coral tree.

Ming Qing lightly touched Cang Lan Shuhua's arm, remained motionless, and said in disbelief: "This is not true, no, this must not be true."

How can a person turn into a coral tree? This is really amazing.

However, the facts were before her eyes, and she couldn't help but not believe it.

Ming Qing put her hand on the position of Cang Lan's heart again, didn't it beat?not……

No, no, Ming Qing comforted herself in her heart.His eyeballs are still rolling, yes, that's it.

Ming Qing patted Cang Lan's only flesh and blood face, and said, "Hey! You change back quickly, do you hear me?"

However, the person in front of him did not move at all. After thinking for a while, Ming Qing walked around to Cang Lan's right side, facing his ear, took a deep breath, and shouted: "Hurry up and change back, hear No?"

On the other side of the trench, the lost God is like entering a land of no one. Wherever he goes, everyone hides.

That's right, Lost God has such a powerful aura.

Suddenly, a familiar voice came from next to his ear, God of Lost Road frowned, changed direction, and continued walking.

Soon, I saw a coral forest with red as fire and silver and white flowers.

"Fire trees and silver flowers." Mitu God took a look, then followed the direction of the voice just now, and approached the coral forest.

However, before he took a step forward, Coral Forest took a step back as a whole, repeating this, God got annoyed when he lost his way.

He opened his mouth and said: "Get out of the way." The voice was thick, domineering, and impatient, and it actually made the coral forest tremble in shock, and then Sarah made a sound and opened a way.

Only then did he lift his leg in satisfaction, and entered the Fire Tree and Silver Flower.

According to the direction transmitted earlier, he can easily identify the direction.

When Mitu Shangshen arrives, Ming Qing is "hands-on" to Canglan.

The truth is, Ming Qing tapped Cang Lan's body left and right, trying to arouse Cang Lan's consciousness, but the effect was ineffective.

When she saw Lost Shangshen, she was surprised, and a huge surprise followed.

I couldn't help but think, did God Venerable know that she was in danger, so he came to save her on purpose?That is to say, God Lost said angry words at that time.

The more I thought about it, the more I felt right. Lost God had always had a bad temper, and it was normal for him to lose his temper.

But for the sake of him coming here to save me, I just forgive him.

However, the next sentence of Mitu Shangshen shattered Ming Qing's imagination.

Mitu God asked blankly, "Why are you here?" He frowned as he spoke, as if she shouldn't be here.

Click—a sound,
That was Ming Qing's heartbroken voice, and she didn't come here specially to find her.

The smile that Ming Qing had not yet had time to hang on the corner of her mouth froze on her face.

She shouted dryly: "God." Then, the grievance welled up in her heart, and her eyes became hot.

Turning her head away, deliberately not looking at him.

Seeing Ming Qing's suddenly red eyes, Mitu Shangshen was taken aback for a moment, he thought Ming Qing would be angry with him and burst into tears, but he didn't expect her to turn her head away silently like this.

The atmosphere froze for a while, Ming Qing kept facing Cang Lan, and God Lost also saw the tree-like Cang Lan.

"Why trespass on Fire Tree and Silver Flower?" Mitu God suddenly asked, his expression was a bit cold, and his tone was very severe.

Don't you know that everything is dangerous here?
Mitu Shangshen spoke cryptically, so Ming Qing naturally couldn't understand the worry in his words.

Turning around quickly, he roared angrily: "Where am I going, why should I tell you? Who are you to me?"

Mitu Shangshen's complexion changed, it became darker and darker, okay, it's only been a while, and he will follow him against him.

It's just spending a few hours with Cang Lan.

Mitu God directly put this account on Cang Lan's head.

Perhaps it was because of the frightening eyes of the Lost God, and perhaps because of the long-term coercion of the Lost God, Ming Qing immediately regretted it after yelling this sentence.

She shrank her neck unnaturally, facing the ground, not daring to raise her head.

"Of course this deity is not who you are." Anxiously lost, God left this sentence, turned and left.

Did it just go away?
Seeing the man's shoes getting farther and farther away, Ming Qing raised her head abruptly.

Sure enough, only the back of the man could be seen.

Ming Qing was in a hurry, his action was too fast for his mind, and he directly reached out and grabbed Lost God's wide cuff.

Lost God only felt his sleeves tighten, and looked down, only to see a hairy head,
"What?" Asked God Mitu.

He naturally knew what Ming Qing meant, and he didn't really think about leaving just like that, but was pissed off by her.

Ming Qing was still bowing her head, but she was holding onto the sleeve of God Lost tightly.

He didn't speak, he was very stubborn.

In the end, God was still lost and surrendered.

He brushed Ming Qing's hand away slightly, sighed, and said, "Let go of this deity first."

Ming Qing shook his head.

"You obstruct him like this because you don't want the deity to save him."

Ming Qing listened, lost her mind and let go of her hand.

So happy and quick, Mitu Shangshen felt even more upset, as soon as he heard that he was going to save the little golden dragon, he immediately let go.

Mitu Shangshen felt a sense of sourness spreading.

However, he still turned around to investigate Cang Lan's situation.

Then, he stretched out his hand towards one of the coral trees, and that coral tree rushed over, and in front of the three of them broke off a section of its own twig, and respectfully handed it to God Lost.


It really is differential treatment!

(End of this chapter)

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