Chapter 19 Fighting
The gods of the god world need to use complicated and complicated spells to drive the divine power in their bodies, while the immortals of the fairy world use fairy arts to circulate the fairy power in their bodies. Similarly, the demons of the demon world form their own demon power through cultivation. If you want to cross the limit of the power of the law of heaven, you will go against the sky and you need to suffer a catastrophe.

Moreover, each world has a strict hierarchy between heaven and earth. The ghosts in the underworld are the most humble, followed by the demons, and then they are respectively demons, humans, immortals, and gods. God does it, and there are not a few successful ones.

But what surprised her was that there were almost no immortals in the Ascension God Realm, and she couldn't figure out why.

"Chirp~" A crisp bird song resounded through the sky. Before Ming Qing could react, a violent wind swept towards her. Ming Qing couldn't dodge in time, and her whole body was blown away. If it wasn't for her claws Holding on to the branch tightly, she was afraid she was about to fly out.

Ming Qing wanted to open her eyes to see who was attacking her, but the wind was so strong that she was hurt by the strong wind as soon as she opened her eyes, and she could only see a blurry sky blue figure through the corner of her eye .

She wanted to resist in a hurry, and chanted the magic spell in a hurry, and spit out a ball of fire from her mouth, heading towards the vague figure that attacked her.

Unexpectedly, there was another strong wind, which directly blew back the fireball she spit out. The strong flame touched her feathers and burned violently. Her hands and feet were so hot that she was unsteady, and she fell directly from the branch and rolled into a lump.

"Hahaha..." There was a burst of wanton laughter, which made her even more furious.

She stood up from the ground, burning all over, and looked towards the source of the laughter. At this moment, she finally saw the appearance of her attacker.

The shape and size are like a chicken, the wings are radiant, and the tail feathers are very similar to their own, but the color is different.She is fiery red all over, and her tail feathers are more like burning flames, which is extremely beautiful; while the tail feathers of the person opposite is in a gradual change of color, from sky blue to dark blue, and finally dotted with a touch of bright red at the end of the tail.

On the head is a rose-purple crown, which is dazzling, and the neck is the same color as the tail feathers, but it is a transition from red to light blue.

The strangest thing is that her eyes turned out to be one eye and two pupils.

Ming Qing glared at the visitor angrily. Although she was red all over and could breathe fire, it didn't mean she liked being burned, especially her beautiful wings were turned into ashes along with the flames.

"What are you laughing at?" Ming Qing asked angrily, anyone who was attacked and ridiculed for no reason would not have a good tone.

"When you encounter something funny, just laugh." The person on the opposite side said casually, with an air of superiority, as if he didn't pay attention to anyone, which made Ming Qing very angry.

"You, you're going too far." Ming stammered angrily, he had never suffered such a big loss except under the hands of God Mitu.

The person on the opposite side just glanced at her and didn't answer, it seemed provocative in Ming Qing's eyes.

"Pheasant, why did you attack me?" Ming Qing now only felt that the fire on her body had scorched its feathers, and even burned into her heart, as if there were lumps of fire burning in her heart.

"Who are you calling a wild pheasant?" The person on the other side said unconvinced, obviously losing his temper.

"Who else is there besides you? Don't call you a ghost."

Judging from the fight just now, it was obvious that Ming Qing couldn't beat her, and could only use his tongue for a while.

"I didn't expect you to be small and have a good temper. I want to see what other abilities you have besides being lip-smacking." The person opposite said, a burst of blue light rose from the whole body and enveloped her In it, when you look at it clearly again, it has already become a stunning beauty.

(End of this chapter)

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