Chapter 24
Li Jin Shangshen was muttering at the side: "Everyone is talking about their gods, and they don't know what charades they are playing."

Mitu smiled and said nothing, while Ming Qing stared at him curiously.

Ming Qing never saw another person beside him, to be precise, a god.

The man's appearance is very handsome, standing there without moving, he has a refined temperament, although he is slightly inferior to the bewitching man who left just now, but he is still a heavenly figure.

As far as the few gods she knows now, she has to sigh in her heart, the gods in the god world have different temperaments, but they all have a good skin.

Seeing that the people had left, Li Jin Shangshen changed the subject and asked Mitu Shangshen, "Why did you ask me to come? If there is nothing else, let's continue playing chess."

Mitu Shangshen hummed lightly, and said, "Let's go to Huayang Palace and talk about it."

"Is there anything that can't be said here?" Li Jin Shangshen complained.

At this time, the figure of God on the Lost Way had disappeared, so he had no choice but to lift his heels to follow.

In Huayang Hall, High God Li Jin looked at High God Lost, as if waiting for him to say something.

Mitu Shangshen put Ming Qing down and said, "You go to the side hall to play for a while."

Ming Qing pursed his lips and walked slowly towards the side hall, whispering in his mouth: "If you don't let me hear it, I still don't want to hear it."

I couldn't help but wonder in my heart, what made Mitu Shangshen so mysterious.

She came to the corner of the side hall, turned sideways, hid herself behind the curtain, and listened with her ears up.

It's a pity that Mitu Shangshen waved his hand and set up a sound-proof barrier, Ming Qing couldn't hear what the two of them were saying no matter how hard his ears were pricked up.

Lost on the road seemed to know that Ming Qing would eavesdrop, turned her head, and shot Ming Qing with a sharp gaze, which made her take a step back in fright, and patted her small chest in a panic.

With a sound of "Boom~", the candlestick behind her fell to the ground, but Ming Qing, who was intent on eavesdropping, didn't pay attention at all, and continued to poke her little head out.

A smell of burnt feathers came to Ming Qing's nose, she subconsciously looked at her own tail, as expected, the fire was burning violently, and thick black smoke was still coming out.

Ming Qing let out an "owwow", jumped up from the ground, grabbed something in her hand, and patted herself on the tail.

But the thing in her hand was the curtain she was twisting in her hand just now, the fire naturally grew bigger and bigger, and then the whole curtain also ignited.

She quickly put down the burning curtain, rolled on the ground, crackled, and there was a sound of things falling, and finally the fire on Ming Qing's body was extinguished by her.

She stood up from the ground, and before she breathed a sigh of relief, she felt very hot all over her body.

It was belatedly that she realized that she seemed to have gotten into trouble again, almost everything around her was on fire, and Ming Qing was in a sea of ​​flames.

She anxiously walked around in place, annoyed at her misfortune, how could she always go against the fire.

By the way, Yunyan Magic Brush, Lost God said that Yunyan Magic Brush can sweep away obstacles, and maybe it can also put out fires.

She took out the Yunyan magic brush from her chest and waved it like cleaning the Tianji Palace, the fire became smaller and smaller.

Mingqing breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, there is the Yunyan magic brush. Last time Qingluan said that among the many benefits of the Yunyan magic brush, one of them is that it can change the size according to the user's mind. It is very small and hangs around the neck as a necklace.

(End of this chapter)

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