Unruly Xiaohuangxian: God asks for a hug

Chapter 30 Expelled from the God Realm

Chapter 30 Expelled from the God Realm
Mitu Shangshen gave him a glare and ignored him. The most important thing now is about Ming Qing.

So he turned his head and said to Li Jin, "It's time to start."

It caused Li Jin's god to roll his eyes, whoever hired someone to do things, he really deserves a beating for his bossy look.

He swung his fist fiercely when the lost Shangshen turned around, and then withdrew his hand in embarrassment when he met Mo Shu, who seemed to be smiling but not smiling, and touched the back of his head, pretending that he hadn't done anything .

Lost here, God threw Ming Qing into the Shenquan Pool, let her purify her scriptures and wash her marrow, then a ball of flames rose from her hand, dried Ming Qing's wet wings, and carried her to a place not far from the Shenquan Pool .

According to reports, there was an open space a hundred steps away from the Shenquan Pool, and Li Jin, Mo Shu, and Chong Ming were already waiting nearby.

Seeing one god and one phoenix approaching, Master Mo Shu quickly retreated to a place not too far away to make room for the three of them without hindering himself from watching.

After God Li Jin waited for the two to approach, he signaled God Mitu to put Ming Qing on the white jade platform that had been set up in advance.

He raised his hands, and the white jade platform under Ming leaned in a silver light. He waved his hands in the air and kept chanting mantras, drawing out complicated and cumbersome patterns bit by bit. The bright yellow light Sheng.

The silver on the white jade platform and the bright yellow in the air complement each other, and the dazzling light makes Ming Qing unable to open his eyes, so he can only close them tightly.

As soon as Li Jin's gesture of drawing the pattern was withdrawn, his finger quickly pointed to the white jade platform, and punched the bright yellow pattern into the white jade platform.

Ming Qing was shrouded in two rays of light, lying on the white jade platform, looking very decadent and lifeless.

Meanwhile, God Mo Shu, who was watching the excitement, put away his evil smile, his face was full of seriousness, and he stared at Ming Qing in the light without blinking.

God Li Jin withdrew his hand, and leisurely said to God Lost: "It's your turn."

Mitu Shangshen nodded lightly. Since just now, he has not relaxed, and his brows have been furrowed, fearing that this unreliable Li Jin will make a mistake along the way.

Seeing that Li Jin's smooth drawing of the pattern was equivalent to half the success of the regeneration technique, he was slightly relieved, but he was still very cautious.

A ball of flame shot up from the hand of the Lost God, hitting the white jade platform.

"Shu La—" The fire quickly spread to the entire platform, and the raging fire wrapped Ming Qing's whole body in it.

Ming Qing only felt that the surrounding temperature was very high, and she was surrounded by a burning sensation, her whole body seemed to be half melted by the fire, even her blood was screaming and boiling.

She couldn't bear the extreme temperature, so she had to curl up her body, and hissing sound came out from her mouth, announcing her pain at this moment.

Mitu Shangshen was blessing the Pure Yang Fire outside, and at the nearest place to Ming Qing, listening to her screams of pain, his heart seemed to be gripped by an invisible hand. This feeling was very strange to him, but he could not ignore it.

Hearing the immature voices, Chongming couldn't help but feel distressed for Mingqing, and whispered to Mo Shu, "I'm afraid even a few of the gods can't bear the pure Yang fire of the lost gods. Mingqing's voice is so Miserable, must have been very painful."

Mo Shu kept his eyes on Ming Qing, and when he heard Chong Ming speak, he looked away and replied, "The Phoenix family is not as weak as you can see. Even if they are expelled from the God Realm, they still have the blood of the beast."

(End of this chapter)

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