Chapter 4
"You can tell her mistakes. If it makes sense, this deity will return your justice, how about it?" In fact, Mitu Shangshen didn't know what Ming Qing meant, but he was just teasing her, and wanted to see how she would blacken her. To put it bluntly.

"She insulted me first when she spoke rudely, and she bullied me later." The more Ming Qing said, the more wronged she became, and even her fiery red eyes filled with tears, as if the tears were about to drop when he said something that disagreed with her. drop down.

Mitu Shangshen saw her Xuanxuan about to cry, panicked, and felt that he had teased her too much.

He hugged Xiao Huang'er who was on the table, and smoothed her hair.If the other gods in the God Realm see those gentle eyes and careful movements, they will rub their eyes vigorously to see if they are dazzled. The most popular person in the Six Realms actually has such a tender side .

Mitu gently coaxed the little guy in his arms, and spoke earnestly,
"You passed into Nirvana without being watched by anyone, and there is no one from your family to guide you to restore your pre-Nirvana body shape and exercises, so you can only present a prototype. Your cry is also the original voice, and you can't speak human words. Qingluan understands your The words are all because you two belong to the same bird, so you are of the same clan."

"Furthermore, Qingluan recognized you as," he saw that the little thing in his arms seemed to have calmed down, and listened to him carefully, and continued: "It's the deity's fault that I recognized you as a chicken. Phoenix has chicken head, swallow jaw, The neck of the snake, the back of the turtle, and the tail of the fish are colorful, and they are the length of a hundred birds. Your whole body is burnt black, so it is only natural that you cannot be recognized."

Ming Qing curled her lips, although in her heart she agreed with Lost God's words, but she still had an arrogant look on her face, and said, "But I don't know when my wings will grow, and others will definitely make fun of me for it. "

"No one dares to make fun of you." The man said domineeringly. Although his tone was tough, the meaning of what he said was very touching.To be able to coax Lost God in such a way is probably the only one in the six realms.

"If others were making fun of me behind my back, how would you know?" Ming Qing retorted softly.

"Qing Ming and Qing Luan are not such villains." Lost God frowned, as if he did not agree with Ming Qing's words.Qingming and Qingluan have followed him for tens of thousands of years, and he believes in them.

"They won't, someone will."

"In the Lost Palace, there is no one else except the two of them. You don't need to worry."

No matter what she said, Mitu Shangshen could always refute her, and Ming Qing couldn't help feeling a little anxious.The more anxious she became, the louder her voice became, and she yelled anxiously:

"They are your subordinates, not mine. I don't trust them."

"What do you want?" The man didn't know how to satisfy the little Huang'er in front of him, so he simply asked her to make her own conditions, and he just satisfied.

"I, I want you to help me grow my wings as soon as possible." After finishing speaking, as if afraid that he would disagree, he said anxiously: "This is the fundamental way to solve the problem. Look, if my wings grow out , no one will admit that I was wrong again, and there will be no problem of making fun of me, and the problem of trust and distrust will also disappear? This is a once-and-for-all solution.”

After she finished speaking the first sentence, God Lost knew that this was her ultimate goal.Unexpectedly, this little huang'er actually dug a hole for herself and led him to jump down step by step, which can be described as well-intentioned.

(End of this chapter)

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