Unruly Xiaohuangxian: God asks for a hug

Chapter 59: The Sea of ​​Fire

Chapter 59: The Sea of ​​Fire (6)

"How do you care what I know? You just need to know, I know as much as you do." Ming Qing said disdainfully, throwing out a sentence like a tongue twister, as if completely ignoring the predicament in front of him.

However, only she herself knows that she has no way to break the illusion, so saying so much is just bluffing.

She knew that the more she asked the woman in front of her to do it with her, the more scrupulous this woman would be.

Originally, she planned to pretend that she didn't know anything, just waiting for the lost God to find her.But in his current situation, he couldn't wait anymore, because she found that her consciousness was becoming more and more blurred, her spirit was declining, and dream flowers were eating away at her consciousness.

"You, you are just at the end of your strength. You should stay here forever. Don't even think about leaving." Hua Xiangxue spoke indiscriminately. The "Lost God" on the side has long since disappeared.


Ming Qing was extremely angry, and waved a few red lights indiscriminately, and shot them out in all directions, but they all fell silent like stones sinking into the sea.

She didn't even know where the exit of the illusion was, so it was possible that she really wanted to stay in this ghostly place for the rest of her life.

Ming Qing kept throwing red light around, and the place she passed was a mess, she shouted loudly: "Hua Xiangxue, come out, come out, or else,"

She attacked the hut, and with a bang, the hut fell down in response, accompanied by Ming Qing's roar: "Otherwise, I will destroy this place."

This threat is too weak.

"It's up to you. If you have the ability, go for it. Anyway, it's just a matter of my mind to restore it to its original state."

Hua Xiangxue's voice came from the void, she didn't seem to care.

Ming Qing attacked indiscriminately as if venting, plopped, and knelt on the ground, her strength was exhausted.

So tired, so sleepy, so uncomfortable, as if she was about to suffocate, this was Ming Qing's last thought.

There was some blur in front of her eyes, a black figure was dangling in front of her, the figure was very familiar, it was clearly the back of the Lost God, but why were there endless flames all around?
Are you having this horrible dream again?Fortunately, the Lost God appeared in this dream.

However, even though he only appeared in the dream, she was also very happy, at least she could feel safe in the dream.

But when she was alone and trapped in the Dream Flower Field, the helplessness frightened her.

The more Ming Qing thinks about it, the more sad she feels, her eyes turn red quietly, but she stubbornly doesn't want it to fall down.

Now, even in a dream, she still couldn't help asking loudly: "God, where did you go? Why haven't you come to save me, I'm about to die."

There was fear in Qingling's voice, and it was also mixed with longing that she didn't even notice.

Feeling extremely sad, the God of Lost Way has been missing for a long time, making Ming Qing feel like being abandoned by the person she trusts the most, and a huge sense of loss sweeps her whole body.

Hearing Ming Qing's crying voice, the man turned around quickly and said angrily, "Did you forget what I told you?"

"Eh." Ming Qing was taken aback, what did you tell her?
Mitu Shangshen saw Ming Qing standing there dumbfounded, couldn't help but stepped forward, and slapped Ming Qing hard on the head.

After that, I sighed silently, alas!Xiao Huang'er has transformed into a human being, so it's not easy to throw it around.

He looked very regretful, as if he had suffered a big loss.

 There was only one update yesterday, and it will be added today.

  There are two more.

(End of this chapter)

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