Unruly Xiaohuangxian: God asks for a hug

Chapter 65 Irrelevant People

Chapter 65 Irrelevant People
Although this explanation dissatisfied the Lost God, Ming Qing's almost worshipful trust was very useful to the certain God.

"You have to remember that every life in this world has its own value and its own path of existence. This is the rule set by the Dao of Heaven. No matter how powerful you are, you cannot easily kill any life."

Mitu Shangshen said seriously, this sentence can be regarded as an indirect answer to Hua Xiangxue's condition, as long as she is not dead.

And next, they will stay in the lower realm for a while, and there are some things that need to be explained to Ming Qing in advance.

"I see." Ming Qing nodded. Although she was a bit stupid in many things, she still attached great importance to big things.

Mitu Shangshen nodded with satisfaction. Although Xiao Huang'er was a little mischievous at times, she was still very sensible in general.

Mingqing lay back lazily, nonchalantly planning her trip to the human world with the lost God, and of course, a certain blood ginseng that stepped in halfway.

"Someone is here." Feng Yuxue Ginseng said suddenly, it crawled onto Ming Qing's body, burrowed into Ming Qing's arms, and hid itself in Ming Qing's clothes.

Ming Qing's reaction to it was nothing. When he first met him, he had already seen his cowardly nature clearly, and he would be terrified at the slightest sign of trouble.

On the contrary, Mitu Shangshen couldn't see it, so he pulled out Feng Yuxue Ginseng with a flash of divine light, glared at it, and warned sharply: "Don't drill around."

It's really heaven, I dare to go anywhere, and I don't see where it can hide.

Feng Yuxue Ginseng timidly looked at the Lost God, trembling a little, it was a natural fear of the superior.What's more, the person in front of him almost ate it.

Ming Qing looked left and right, really didn't understand, how did little Cancan provoke Mitu Shangshen again.

However, in order to prevent the flames of war from spreading, it was Feng Yuxue Ginseng who was unilaterally scolded by the Lost God, so she reacted quickly, reached out and stuffed Feng Yuxue Ginseng into her sleeve.

Then he quickly changed the subject, said something that didn't hurt or itch, and asked, "Is what Xiao Cancan said true? Is someone here?"

Seeing this, Mitu Shangshen's face turned better, and he replied, "It's just some insignificant people."

In the eyes of God Lost, there is no important person, of course, except for his old friends in the God Realm.

"Oh." Ming Qing didn't ask any further questions. In fact, whether someone came or not had nothing to do with her. She just wanted to find an excuse to divert the conflict away.

On the other side, those insignificant people in the eyes of God Mitu and Ming Qing stopped at the door of the hut.

A group of dozens of people looked very mysterious, each riding a horse, except for the young man at the head, all dressed in black clothes.

The leading man got off his horse, and the entourage behind him immediately stepped forward and pulled his mount aside.

The man ordered in a deep voice: "You wait here."

The people behind immediately dispersed, and methodically found a good position to guard around.

The man stretched out his hand and gently knocked on the door, but no one came to open the door for a long time. He didn't have time to think, as if he was afraid that something would happen to the people who lived here, he pushed the door open and rushed in.

"Xue'er, Xue'er?" He shouted anxiously, but there was no response. The man checked the hut inside and out, but still no one was there.

The followers behind came in and searched together with him, but still found nothing. He said in a deep voice, "Master, Your Royal Highness, maybe it's just that she went out and didn't come back. It may not be because of an accident. Do you want to send someone to look around?"

The man was silent, and waved to his entourage, motioning them to do it, while he walked slowly into the yard, sat at the stone table and waited for the news.

As time passed, the person sent to search did not report back any news, and Bu Kangyu became more and more worried. Could it be that he was a step too late, something happened to Xueer?
He knew that the national teacher's prophecy was very accurate, but what he didn't expect was that he had already set off early, but he still couldn't prevent things from happening.

No, he shouldn't think so, things haven't reached the point of pessimism yet, he comforted himself in his heart, his eyes stretched into the distance.

"Master, there is news." Zhu Cheng, the follower who spoke just now, stepped forward to report.

Bu Kangyu stood up excitedly, and said with urgency in his voice, "Speak."

"Just now a subordinate came back to report and said that he saw other people fifty miles to the southeast, maybe they would know something." Zhu Cheng quickly told the man about the news from under the tree.

"Bring them here, and I will inquire in person." The man said, although this is not good news, it is better than no news.

"Yes." Zhu Cheng cupped his fists, nodded, and stepped back.

After a while, he came back again, only this time with embarrassment on his face.

"What about people?"

Zhu Cheng directly knelt down on one knee and said, "I couldn't bring it back." As he spoke, he lowered his head in shame, and continued: "There is an enchantment around those two people, and none of us can get close to them. He is a practitioner."

There are also practitioners in the human world. They kill demons and eliminate demons, and restore the righteous way. The day they bring them is the time to become immortals.

But there are very few such people. After all, it is not easy to cultivate, and it is even more difficult to become a fairy. respect.

Bu Kangyu pondered for a moment, then made a decision and said, "Take me there."

Ming Qing was happily rolling up her sleeves and trouser legs at this time, ready to go fishing in the water. They were standing next to a small stream, the water was shallow and clear, and there were groups of carp Swimming around, she suddenly became interested, and after talking to God Mitu, she came here to play in the water.

Alas, who let Mitu Shangshen meditate all day long, so he has no time to talk to her, and Feng Yuxue Ginseng is also lazy, except for eating and sleeping, he can't do anything else.

Ming Qing, who has just arrived in the human world, is not in the mood to go sightseeing by herself because she got separated from God Lost.But now, with God Lost by his side, it can play well, so everything is novel.

Even the fish in the creek also suffered. She happily grabbed the fish and threw it on the bank, preparing to roast it for a while.

And she felt that the fish in the human world seemed much more stupid than the fish in the gods. After all, the fish in the gods wouldn't just stand there waiting for you to catch them.

Finally having had enough of playing, she walked out of the water, conjured up a bamboo basket, and picked up the fish from the shore one by one.

But the bamboo basket didn't seem to be suitable, as fish always leaked out, so this scene appeared under Ming Qing's feet, besides the fish all over the ground, bamboo baskets of different sizes were thrown around.

She focused on fighting against the bamboo basket, and didn't notice the group of people approaching behind her.

"Girl." Bu Kangyu opened his mouth and called her.

Ming Qing turned her head subconsciously, and accidentally got caught in a bamboo basket on the ground and fell to the ground.

 One more two thousand words.

  From tomorrow, it will be changed to two thousand chapters, two chapters per day.

  Jingxin student party, and the code word is slow, can't write so much, so please forgive me.

(End of this chapter)

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