Chapter 79
When Hua Xiangxue was thinking about this, the bamboo raft had completely disintegrated, and she also fell into the water.She didn't swim, letting her body sink.

Although the ink is called ink, the water is very clear. However, Hua Xiangxue tried to open her eyes wide, but she still couldn't see the bottom of the water. One can imagine how deep the water here is.

The further she went down, the colder the water became, which made her limbs stiff and trembling. She felt bad, and if something attacked her at this time, she would have no power to fight back.

She began to move her arms vigorously, and swam upwards. She glanced down inadvertently, and a black shadow was rapidly approaching her position.

Hua Xiangxue's eyes widened in surprise, there was really something under the water, and with his speed, Hua Xiangxue could conclude that his cultivation was higher than her own.

She speeded up, but the black shadow was in front of her in an instant.

At this moment, she could already see the black shadow clearly, it was a dragon, a black dragon.

The dragon looked at Hua Xiangxue carefully with its big lantern-like eyes, nodded in satisfaction and said: "The person sent this time is not bad, pretty enough, and has a high level of cultivation."

He made a lot of comments, stretched out his claws to Hua Xiangxue, and said: "Beauty, my Highness is very satisfied with you. If you serve my Highness well, I can consider letting you live a few more days."

Hua Xiangxue was going to throw up when she heard this, if she was not unable to speak in the water, she would definitely not be able to hold herself back from yelling.

Now, she just wants to lure this ugly monster to the surface of the water as soon as possible. This is her task.

Originally, this matter should be done by Ming Qing. After all, among the three, she is the strongest among them, and she can also destroy it directly in the water.

But Mingqing is afraid of water, so she can only do it.

Now it seems that they made a mistake, this ugly monster is stronger than expected.

Before she had time to think about it, she made a move directly, and slapped the ugly monster with all her strength, causing a splash of water.

The ugly monster took a few steps back from the beating, but he was unscathed. When the water sprayed away, the woman was no longer in sight.

His angry roar shook the river to stir up thousands of waves.

Ming Qing, Zhu Cheng, and Shui Yun'er arrived at this time, the river surface was covered with waves, rolling up thousands of piles of snow, Hua Xiangxue came out of the water, and was slapped on the rocks by the impact of the huge waves.

Ming Qing swooped down, quickly came to Hua Xiangxue, helped her up, and said with concern, "Are you all right?"

A bloodstain spilled from the corner of Hua Xiangxue's mouth, she leaned limply on Ming Qing's body, shook her head, and replied, "It's nothing serious."

Zhu Cheng and Shui Yun'er also landed on the rock where the two of them were.

"How?" Both of them asked with concern at the same time.

"It's okay." Hua Xiangxue replied weakly, then pointed at the ugly monster that emerged from the water, "It should be playing tricks."

She said with contempt, her tone was very contemptuous, this ugly monster didn't even look at herself in the mirror, and dared to tease her with words.

Several people looked in the direction of Hua Xiangxue's finger, and suddenly saw a huge strip-shaped black monster.

"Oh my god, it's a dragon." Shui Yun'er uttered in horror, trembling all over, obviously being well aware of it.

"No." Zhu Cheng denied.

"No? What is that?" Hua Xiangxue asked aloud. The royal families of all countries believe in dragons. As a princess, although she has never seen the real body of a dragon, she has seen many reliefs in various paintings, and she still has a certain understanding of dragons. of.

It's just that the records in the palace are all golden dragons, and black dragons must not be a good thing.

"Jiao," Ming Qing said, "According to records, except for Canglong, the emperor of the dragon clan, who was born as a dragon, all the dragon clan in the lower realms have to evolve step by step. The phoenix turns into a jiao in 500 years, and the dragon turns into a dragon in a thousand years." , the dragon will turn into a horned dragon in 500 years, and a Yinglong in a thousand years, but it will never turn into a blue dragon.

Jiao has scales but no horns, and the rest is no different from dragons, but its strength is much different from dragons. "

She supported Hua Xiangxue against Zhu Cheng's body and said, "Take care of her."

After walking a few steps outside, his eyes met the oncoming black flood dragon.

Shui Yun'er suddenly grabbed her sleeve, with a face full of horror, shook her head, and said cowardly: "It's better not to go, Sister Hua has been rescued."

Ming Qing gave her a strange look, frowned, and wondered if she was stupid. The current situation was not a question of whether she should deal with the black dragon, but that there was such a thing standing in front of them, and they could leave if they wanted to. No way.

Although he was slandering in his heart, he said on his mouth: "It's okay, he is not my opponent."

Zhu Cheng supported Hua Xiangxue to sit down, leaning against a protruding stone beside her, let her meditate to recover from her injuries, then stood up, and said, "I'll be with you."

"No, you take care of them."

That being said, she pouted at Shui Yun'er.

"I don't worry about you alone..." Zhu Cheng wanted to say something, but was interrupted by Ming Qing.

"I'm very good." Ming Qing said mischievously, to relax the atmosphere and not let the other party worry.

"But, it's still very dangerous." Shui Yun'er's weak voice came.

Ming Qing was a little impatient, why was she so timid and cowardly, and she said she was fine, and kept rebutting there, and the weak voice seemed like someone bullied her.

Although she thought so in her heart, she didn't say anything. Anyway, she just met halfway, so she didn't need to say so much. The reason why she meddles in this nosy business is because she has her own purpose.

Ming Qing's tone of voice to Zhu Cheng was mischievous, but she was a little impatient with Shui Yun'er's words. Treating the difference in their tone of voice, one can easily see the closeness of their relationship.

"Have you guys had enough chatting? Do you want to go back to His Highness's palace to continue chatting?" Hei Jiao, who was half suspended in the air, said impatiently.

He had been watching him for a long time, but those damned people didn't even look at him, they only cared about chatting, damn it.

"Roar—" he suddenly roared, feeling the cliffs on both sides tremble.

"What's the name? It's so ugly." Ming Qing was already standing above the water, her red clothes flying fiercely, and her light words made people think of a word, flying and domineering.

She also stretched out her little finger and picked her ears, as if the roar of the black dragon polluted her ears, and she wanted to clean them up.

This playful action doesn't match her flamboyant demeanor, it looks playful and cute.

It's just that this provocative action instantly angered Hei Jiao, he opened his mouth to spit out a huge water ball, and threw it at Ming Qing.

Ming Qing casually dodged to the side, sideways attacking.She looks slow, but in fact she moves very fast.

He folded his arms around his chest, Qing Ling's voice was utterly empty, and his tone was arrogant: "That's all you have."

(End of this chapter)

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