Chapter 95

"Say." One word, Ming Qing said melodiously, she was very dissatisfied with Mitu's teasing, and the gods really did, teasing her like this every time.

"He has excess yang energy." Mitu restrained his joking look, and spoke seriously.

After receiving the questioning gaze from Ming Qing, he explained: "Generally, excess yang energy cannot appear on mortals. Those with peak yang energy are either immortals or gods, or have powerful artifacts on their bodies."

"But he is an ordinary person, and he has no trace of a cultivator at all, so how could he have a divine weapon." Ming Qing said that he could not believe the statement of the god.

Bu Kangyu is just an ordinary person, not a fairy, let alone a god. In the latter case, he has no ability to obtain and keep the artifact. The theory of being lost is completely untenable.

Generally speaking, artifacts have owners, and the holders of the artifacts will leave their own consciousness on them, so as not to lose them in the future and facilitate retrieval.If the master of the artifact dies unfortunately, it will be impossible to tame it if he does not meet a master who is stronger than the previous one, and he will be backlashed.

But Bu Kangyu is not someone who can control a divine weapon.

"What if he absorbed the blood essence of a god or an immortal?" Mitu said casually, which really shocked Ming Qing.

Is this possible?
Ming Qing subconsciously turned her head to look at Xuan Ruogong, if that was the case, then Bu Kangyu's crime would be serious.

There was death in his brows and eyes, but there was an excess of yang. It was definitely not a good thing for such a contradictory thing to happen to a mortal.If he really absorbed the blood essence of a god or immortal, it must be a long-term process, and the consequences have already begun to appear.

"Let's go back and check again." Ming Qing said that the wind is the rain, turned around and walked back, but was blocked by a strong arm.

"Three days later is the ceremony of offering sacrifices to heaven. He will definitely make full preparations at that time, and he can go there at that time. There is no need to scare the snakes now." Mitu stopped her and analyzed.

Mitu frowned tightly where Ming Qing couldn't see, in fact, he didn't agree with Ming Qing getting too involved in this matter.

Although at the beginning he also agreed that Ming Qing could intervene in Hua Xiangxue's matter, but things were not too bad at that time, and he could let her go with confidence.

But now, it is obvious that someone behind the scenes is pushing the direction of the whole thing, and they are probably all played into the applause.

What he didn't tell Ming Qing was that Nanyang's luck suddenly became stronger, and it became more and more powerful, and it seemed to dominate the world. Someone is stirring the wind and rain in it.

He didn't want to intervene in the affairs of the human world, but someone dared to cause trouble in his nose and do things that violated the rules of the heavens. Wouldn't it mean that he despised the gods who lost his way and didn't pay attention to the gods.

It was night, a man in black climbed up the city wall of Nanyang Imperial Palace neatly, and came straight to a desolate and abandoned palace deep in the harem.From the fact that he easily dodged numerous patrolling soldiers and was able to step into the depths of the inner palace without making a fuss, it can be seen that he has extraordinary skills.

Another woman in black stood calmly in the yard. Seeing the man in black jumping in, she grabbed him and walked into the house.

For a long time, both of them looked at each other in silence, and a quiet atmosphere circulated between them. Finally, the man in black spoke first and asked, "Have you made a decision yet?"

"I still can't believe it." The woman in black murmured in a low voice as she removed her veil, revealing her sad face.When the man in black spoke, she kept her head down when she said this, not daring to look directly at the man.

"No, you have already believed it, you just don't want to accept the truth." The man in black hit the nail on the head.

No one can accept that the person who was closest to her not only killed her relatives, but also treated her well in order to make better use of her.Therefore, he knew that the woman would say this, and he probably believed it, and had already discovered the clue.

"I still want to ask for proof again, so I should give him a chance." The woman said in a sad tone.

"Okay." The man in black said, he seemed to have expected the woman to say so, and said his arrangement neatly, "Two days later will be Nanyang's ceremony to worship the heavens, and the guards on the altar will be unprecedentedly strict, and the opposite , the defense of the palace will be relaxed. Bu Kangyu will stay at the altar for one night to show respect to the gods, this is your only chance."

"En." The woman in black nodded.

"We will meet here at that time." The man said again.

"You want to go with me?" The woman in black raised her head in surprise and stared at the man in disbelief.

The man in black smiled warmly, stroked her face lightly, nodded, and said, "I don't worry about you being alone."

The woman in black raised her eyes, the autumn water cut the shadows, the water was long, and she said in a soft voice: "After this matter is over, can we go to Dream Flower Valley to live in seclusion?"

"As long as you like it." The voice of the man in black makes people feel like a spring breeze, full of sweet pampering.

The woman seemed to be very intoxicated, with a gentle smile on her face, she was dazzled by it.After a long while, she finally came back to her senses, she seemed embarrassed, and urged: "You should leave quickly, don't be found out."

The two of them have been here too long and might be spotted by patrolling guards.

"I'm afraid it's too late." The man in black waved his hand and said helplessly, but there was no trace of anxiety in his tone.

"There are assassins, catch the assassins." There was a loud noise from outside, obviously someone had broken in and was searching for them.The movement outside confirmed the man's words.

The woman glared at him fiercely, and said angrily, "Don't you know how to be anxious and want to be dragged out to dismember the body?"

"Hehe, it's good to have you here." The man in black said flirtatious words, which immediately aroused glaring from the people around him.

The guards who searched were getting closer and closer, and the woman was very anxious, but the people around her were still so calm, and they didn't pay attention to anything.

She didn't dare to speak loudly, so she could only stare at him fiercely again. Suddenly, the man in black changed his face, and picked up the woman and jumped onto the beam. The woman was a little confused by his action, and only heard him whisper : "Don't move, someone is there."

The woman heard the words and looked at the door vigilantly.

A fiery red figure sneaked in through the door.How should I put it, her movements were very cautious, and her eyes were also very cautious, but the fiery red clothes completely exposed her.

The woman in black held her forehead, this guy, really!Before doing this kind of thing, don't you know how to change your clothes, at least don't be so ostentatious in red, you can tell who it is from a distance, okay?

Ming Qing stepped in and looked around, but saw no one.

It's strange, she obviously saw someone here, so how could she disappear.This place is so big, where else can people hide, maybe they have already run away, but she didn't see anyone leaving.

(End of this chapter)

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