Peerless Thief: Miss Arrogant Fourth

Chapter 156: Secret Assassination 02

Chapter 156: Secret Assassination 02
Jing Yi pulled Beitang Lanyou, and after a few laps around the area, he led the hermit guards to the secret entrance leading to Lingshan.

Walking to the entrance, Jing Yi pressed the mechanism on the body of a thousand-year-old tree. After hearing a "click", the thousand-year-old tree moved a few meters away, and a dark cave appeared. In front of Beitang Lanyou.

For these institutions, Beitang Lanyou didn't think it was too strange, after all, she had seen all kinds of institutions in her previous life!

Jing Yi took Beitang Lanyou's hand, and the two jumped off first.

"Come down!" Jing Yi ordered Mu Qiu and the hidden guards.

Beitang Lanyou looked at the little bats resting in their arms, then at the group of mutated vampire bats still following them, and ordered the little bats: "Let them follow!"

Thinking about the dangers she experienced along the way, Beitang Lanyou felt that it would be safer to bring this group of mutated vampire bats with her.

It's always good to have an extra life-saving trump card!

After listening to Beitang Lanyou's order, the little bat gave an order to the mutated vampire bats, and those mutated vampire bats flew in after the hidden guards entered the secret passage.

After all the mutated vampire bats came in, the little bat became the size of a butterfly and fell into Beitang Lanyou's hands.

Seeing this, Beitang Lanyou put it into her sleeve.

After everyone had come in, Jing Yi pressed a mechanism hidden on the stone wall, and there was another "click" sound, and the entrance to the secret passage above was gradually closed again.

It wasn't until the entrance to the secret passage was completely hidden that Jing Yi ordered to Mu Qiu and the others: "Take off the black cloth!"

The hidden guards lifted the black cloth, although they were a little curious about the place they were in, but no one looked at it indiscriminately, and no one asked aloud.

"Take out the Ye Mingzhu lighting, everyone come with me!" Jing Yi said, holding Beitang Lanyou's hand, and walked forward.

It was almost the fourth watch now, if they couldn't get to the Fengxuan Cave on the fourth watch, then they wouldn't be able to return to Lingshan today.

Fortunately, it is only 1000 meters away from the Fengxuan Cave. Jing Yi believes that with their speed, they will definitely be able to catch up.

However, at this moment, Beitang Lanyou suddenly felt that there seemed to be a strong murderous aura nearby.

Beitang Lanyou turned his head and looked at Jing Yi, but at this moment, he tightened Beitang Lanyou's hand.

Beitang Lanyou was startled, it seemed that Jing Yi had also noticed it.

Not only Jing Yi noticed it, but also the hidden guard who followed them.Mu Qiu rushed to Beitang Lanyou and Jing Yi immediately.

"Protect the young master!" Mu Qiu ordered to the hidden guards.

Just as Mu Qiu finished speaking, he saw silver lights shining and countless hidden weapons shot from all directions.

The hidden guards danced the swords in their hands into protective shields one by one, protecting Jingyi and Beitang Lanyou in them.All of a sudden, not a single hidden weapon shot in.

However, the hidden weapon shot at them like endlessly.

Seeing this, Beitang Lanyou couldn't help feeling a little anxious.

Those who shoot hidden weapons will naturally save much effort than those who resist hidden weapons. If this continues, after the hidden guards' physical strength is exhausted, it will be their death time!

She turned her head to look at Jing Yi, but saw that Jing Yi's face was flickering, and the expression in his eyes was even more complex and changeable.There are surprises, anger, bloodthirsty murderous intent, and more unbelievable...

(End of this chapter)

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