Chapter 216
Jing Yi's eyes were full of resentment: "My father left my mother's life not because he missed my mother, but because he hated my mother! He deliberately wanted to keep my mother's life Torture her!"

Beitang Lanyou was startled, looked at Jing Yi, and said, "Why does your father hate your mother?"

From what Jingyi said just now, it is not difficult to understand that the reason why Jingcheng is today is all thanks to Jingyi's mother and grandfather.So, what reason does he have to hate his mother Jing Yi?

If it makes sense to say that Jing Cheng attacked Jing Yi's grandfather because he didn't want to be held hostage by his relatives, then where did he hate Jing Yi's mother?

"My father married the second lady in the year when he became the city lord. At that time, my mother knew that my father had fallen in love with the second lady before marrying her. It's just that the second lady's family background is average and cannot help her. That's why he got married to my mother. After my father married the second wife, he rarely visited my mother's yard. And the second wife was also very proud of my mother, and he didn't treat my mother as a real person at all. Keep it in your eyes." Jing Yi said, closing his eyes, and after a while, he opened them again, and continued: "Once, the second lady insulted my mother in public, she was so angry that she stretched out her hand and hit her. Slap. However, I never thought that that slap knocked the second wife to the ground, and then caused her to have a miscarriage. Since then, my father hated my mother even more. However, at that time, he was still jealous of his grandfather, so, I didn't do anything to my mother."

"But after he wiped out my grandfather's family, he began to let the second wife humiliate my mother every day." Jing Yi said, his whole body became fierce: "In that year, when the second wife was giving birth to Jing Ye Difficult childbirth, although Jing Ye's life was saved, the second wife was not saved. My father vented all his anger on my mother at that time. He thought it was her slap back then that made the second wife die After giving birth, the second lady's body became weaker, which led to the final dystocia."

"My mother already felt that life was hopeless when my father killed my grandfather's family. At that time, she barely survived by looking at me when I was young. However, after the death of the second wife, my father Even such an opportunity will never be given to my mother again." Jing Yi hugged Beitang Lanyou's hand tightly, and continued: "My mother has never begged my father for anything in her life, but when she was about to die, she would beg my father for nothing. Hand over the jade to me, and beg my father to let me marry the person I sent the jade to."

After listening to Jing Yi's words, Beitang Lanyou finally understood what Jing Cheng said tonight.

However, when she heard Jing Cheng say those words, she still thought about the deep love between Jing Cheng and his deceased wife, but now that she understands the truth of the matter, she has a different situation in her heart.

"People outside don't know about these things, right?" Beitang Lanyou raised his head, looked at Jing Yi, and asked.

Stars flickered in Jing Yi's eyes, he nodded, and said: "These are the secrets of the Jing family, how can my father let the outsiders know? The outsiders also said that he has a deep affection for my mother, even if I My grandfather's family was wiped out, but he didn't take my mother's anger at it, let alone divorce her!"

After Jing Yi finished speaking, a sarcastic smile appeared on the corner of his mouth...

(End of this chapter)

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