Peerless Thief: Miss Arrogant Fourth

Chapter 30 How to Repay Gratitude 01

Chapter 30 How to Repay Gratitude 01
But after a while, there were only Beitang Lanyou mother and daughter left in this yard.

It was only now that Bai Lianqiu came back to his senses and finally believed that their mother and daughter had escaped this catastrophe.

"The show is over, shouldn't it be time for you to show up too!" Beitang Lanyou said to the outside while supporting Bai Lianqiu to walk into the house.

After a moment of silence, a handsome man in blue clothes with a folding fan appeared in the courtyard of Beitang Lanyou and Bai Lianqiu.

The man was tall and tall, with starry eyes and sharp brows, and a face like a crown of jade.Coupled with the folding fan in his hand, there is an indescribable romance, an indescribable style.

"Chu Lanyou, I really didn't expect that you, who usually look so weak, are so powerful! You sent Mrs. Chu back with a few words!" The man smiled at Beitang Lanyou, and said.

Beitang Lanyou looked back, but couldn't help but startled, with a hint of surprise in her tone: "It's you?"

The man looked at Beitang Lanyou, smiled slightly, and said, "It's me!"

At this time, Bai Lianqiu also turned his head, looked at the man in surprise, and couldn't help shouting: "Young Master Cao!"

That's right, the man who came was none other than the number one son of Liangzhou - Cao Shaojie, Chu Yingying's sweetheart.

"Why did you help me?" Beitang Lanyou looked at him and asked.

Just now, when Beitang Lanyou shot for the second time, when she shot at the ten guards with leaves, she actually restrained all the guards with one move. At that time, she felt that something was wrong.

Later, she felt it carefully, and knew that someone was hiding in the dark and helped her this time.However, she never thought that the person who helped her was actually Cao Shaojie.

A strange look flashed in Cao Shaojie's eyes. He took two steps forward, walked up to Beitang Lanyou, and said, "What kind of attitude is this? Since you know that I helped you, shouldn't you thank me?" ?"

Beitang Lanyou sneered and said, "Tell me, what is your purpose?"

She remembered that she had no friendship with Cao Shaojie, so she didn't believe that Cao Shaojie would help her for no reason.

When Cao Shaojie heard this, he couldn't help being startled, and then a hint of interest flashed in his eyes.

He has known her since before, but in the past, she was always like a humble grass, following Chu Yingying and serving Chu Yingying.And now she is like a different person from the previous one.

That night, he accidentally saw Beitang Lanyou sneaking into Chu Yingying's room.

However, he didn't have any good feelings for Chu Yingying, and even hated her a little. Therefore, when he saw all this, he didn't stop her, but followed her to see what Beitang Lanyou wanted. what to do.

However, he never imagined that Beitang Lanyou would throw Chu Yingying into the beggar's nest, let those beggars insult her, and ruin Chu Yingying's innocence.

Since then, he has developed a strong interest in Beitang Lanyou, so after returning to Liangzhou, he followed.But I didn't expect to see such a good show here again.

When he saw Beitang Lanyou being besieged by those ten guards and seeing her in danger, he finally couldn't help but help her.

He was just curious at first, but he didn't expect that Beitang Lanyou would think that he had some intentions.

Looking at it like this, if he didn't have any intentions, this Beitang Lanyou might not believe it.

That being the case, let him try it!

However, Cao Shaojie looked around, but there was nothing here for him to attempt!

Suddenly, a flash of inspiration flashed in his mind, and a smile appeared on his face...

(End of this chapter)

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