Peerless Thief: Miss Arrogant Fourth

Chapter 337 Difficult Choice 02

Chapter 337 Difficult Choice 02
Beitang Lanyou always thought that Cao Shaojie was just trying to test her, and it was impossible for him to put the abortion pill on him.However, now it seems that she was completely wrong!
Then, Cao Shaojie's coming to see her this time was obviously premeditated!Even all of this was already planned by him!

But now even though she has understood it, she has been completely forced into a dilemma.

If she didn't take the abortion pill, all the previous efforts would be in vain, and it would even make them more vigilant, which would only be more detrimental to Jing Yi; if she took the abortion pill, although she could get Cao Shaojie's trust, however, will eventually lose her baby.

But now, Cao Shaojie is clearly forcing her to make a choice between Jing Yi and Bao Bao!

No matter what she chooses, it will be a painful choice for her!

At this time, Beitang Lanyou really wanted to kill Cao Shaojie with a sword to vent her anger, but she knew that she couldn't do this!
She knew that Cao Shaojie was staring at her intently at this moment, and any leak of her thoughts would arouse his suspicion.If Jing Yi's body is not in the current condition, she can completely ignore Cao Shaojie, but, Jing Yi only has three months at most now!

Thinking of this, every bit of what Jing Yi did for her on weekdays came to her mind.Jingyi's overbearing, Jingyi's helplessness, Jingyi's childishness, Jingyi's desperate efforts to save her...

Since Jing Yi was able to sacrifice his life for her, so what if she gave up this baby for him?
Thinking of this, Beitang Lanyou made up her mind, stretched out her hand, and took the abortion pill from Cao Shaojie's hand.

Seeing that Beitang Lanyou took the abortion medicine, Cao Shaojie heaved a sigh of relief, and finally all the worries about Beitang Lanyou's wishes were gone.

Beitang Lanyou held the abortion pill, opened her eyes, looked at Cao Shaojie, and asked indifferently: "Brother Cao, but now that I am taking the abortion pill, I will have a sudden miscarriage like this, won't it arouse Jing Yi's suspicion?" ?”

Cao Shaojie tempted her in every possible way and seduced her by rescuing Bai Lianqiu and the Fifth Madam, it was definitely not just for the simple purpose of killing the child.He must have other plans for her.That being the case, he shouldn't make Jing Yi suspicious.

Hearing this, Cao Shaojie looked at Beitang Lanyou, smiled, and said, "Youyou, don't worry, after taking this pill, the abortion will not happen immediately. It will take about five days for the medicine to take full effect. At that time, if you find a chance to wrestle, won't you have a fair reason?"

When Beitang Lanyou heard the words, the chill in his heart became even worse.

Well, he, Cao Shaojie, has even thought out the reason for her!

I'm afraid that if she doesn't take the abortion pill in front of him at this time, Cao Shaojie won't believe her.

Baby, I'm sorry, mother has no choice but to do so!Mother can't just watch Jing Yi die!But don't worry, mother will definitely avenge you, and won't let you die in vain!Mother will make all those who killed you pay the price!
Beitang Lanyou thought, picked up the pill in his hand, no longer hesitated, and prepared to put it into his mouth and swallow it!
Between Baobao and Jingyi, she chose Jingyi after all...

(End of this chapter)

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