Chapter 339
However, even though she vomited out the pill, she didn't know if the pill had penetrated into her stomach.I don't even know if it will hurt her baby.

Thinking in this way, Beitang Lanyou quickened her pace and walked towards Jing Yi's room.

However, before she could take a few steps, Jing Yi appeared in front of her with a dark face.

"Youyou, you actually listened to that bastard Cao Shaojie and took that abortion pill!" Jing Yi's face was as dark as the bottom of a pot, and there was a storm in his eyes.

Beitang Lanyou said indifferently: "If I don't do this, Cao Shaojie won't believe me! Now your situation can't be delayed any longer! For you, I can only do this!"

Jing Yi was startled when he heard this, but then his face became even darker.She was not happy at all because Beitang Lanyou regarded him as more important than her baby.

"You actually took that abortion pill because of this?!" Jing Yi's voice was full of anger, looking at Beitang Lanyou, he questioned.

"Just now, I've been wrapping the pill with profound energy, and I've spit it out just now!" Beitang Lanyou said.

She didn't understand why Jing Yi cared so much about that baby, he clearly knew that that baby wasn't his!

"Do you think you'll be fine if you spit it out? What if the medicine still hurt the baby?" Jing Yi's anger seemed to grow stronger.

When Beitang Lanyou heard this, his heart suddenly became angry.Is it wrong that she didn't even want her own baby because of him?

He really thought that she would be happy to take this abortion medicine?

He really thought that she didn't feel sorry for the baby?

Although she spit out the pill, until now, she was not sure whether it would hurt the baby.Even if the baby is not killed this time, the medicine is harmful to the baby after all, and she still has to worry about whether the medicine will affect the baby's development, or whether it will give birth to a deformity.

Does he know how much pain she felt when she took the abortion pill?

Does he know how much she misses this baby?

"Jing Yi, do you think I am willing? This baby has been in my womb for more than two months, do you really have no affection for him when you think I am? If it wasn't for you, do you think I would have taken the abortion pill? After Beitang Lanyou finished speaking, she ignored Jing Yi and wanted to go to her room.

Just as Beitang Lanyou passed by Jing Yi's side, Jing Yi suddenly reached out and grabbed Beitang Lanyou's arm.

"Let me go!" Beitang Lanyou shouted with anger in her heart.

"Youyou, I'm sorry!" Jing Yi turned to look at Beitang Lanyou, and said, "It was just my tone that was bad!"

Beitang Lanyou turned her face away, her heart was still furious.

"Youyou, I wasn't blaming you just now! I just felt that I was useless, and I asked you to make such a big sacrifice for me!" A trace of pain flashed in Jing Yi's eyes, and he lowered his eyes, and continued: "I already There is not much time left, Youyou, you really shouldn't have given up your baby for me!"

When Beitang Lanyou heard the words, her heart moved slightly. She turned around, looked at Jing Yi fixedly, and said in a low tone, "Jing Yi, don't you know that you are also the most important in my heart? Even, More important than my baby! Even, I can do anything for you!" Beitang Lanyou said, paused, and then said: "Because you don't have much time, so I will Do this, these, don't you really understand?"

(End of this chapter)

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