Chapter 349
The more Jing Yi thought about it, the more angry he became. Although he knew in his heart that Beitang Lanyou must be playing tricks on him, he still couldn't help but get angry.

Thinking about it, he suddenly let go of Beitang Lanyou's hand, turned around and walked outside.

He thought, he had to calm down first, otherwise, he was really afraid that he would get angry on the spot.

Seeing that Jing Yi was so angry that he turned around and left, Beitang Lanyou was taken aback for a moment, and then a sense of guilt arose in his heart.

She immediately stretched out her hand and took Jing Yi's hand, her tone softened involuntarily: "Jing Yi, don't be angry, I was just joking with you just now!"

If she had known that Jing Yi would be so angry, she would not have said so.

Jing Yi stopped, but did not turn around.Obviously, he's still pissed off.

Seeing this, Beitang Lanyou immediately turned to Jing Yi, stretched out her hand, wrapped around Jing Yi's waist, stood on tiptoe, and pressed a kiss on Jing Yi's lips, saying: "Jing Yi, the only one I love in my heart is you There is no room for anyone anymore!"

After Jing Yi heard Beitang Lanyou's words, the coldness in his eyes gradually decreased.

Beitang Lanyou secretly smiled inwardly, it turns out that such a big man as Jing Yi also likes to listen to sweet talk.

She thought, anyway, this sweet talk doesn't cost money, so she continued: "My heart is completely filled with you, and I can't accommodate anyone anymore. Let alone Cao Shaojie, even if a god descends from the earth, I won't accept it." I will take another look." After finishing speaking, Beitang Lanyou saw that the coldness in Jing Yi's eyes had completely disappeared.

"Youyou, is what you said true?" Jing Yi finally turned his eyes to Beitang Lanyou and asked.

"Of course!" Beitang Lanyou nodded heavily and replied.After finishing speaking, Beitang Lanyou couldn't help sighing in his heart, sometimes this Jing Yi is like a child, and she needs to be coaxed. ,

After Jing Yi listened, a smile finally appeared on his face.Turning around, she pulled Beitang Lanyou to sit down together.

"Jing Yi, don't you wonder why Cao Shaojie asked me to go today?" Beitang Lanyou looked at Jing Yi and asked.

Jing Yi's eyes froze, he looked at Beitang Lanyou, and said coldly: "Anyway, it won't be a good thing!"

When Beitang Lanyou heard the words, she chuckled softly.She glanced at Jing Yi's unhappy expression, and told Jing Yi exactly what Cao Shaojie told her today.

After Jing Yi heard this, a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth: "Sure enough, the news we got before is the same, they want to lure me to the Broken Intestine Cliff and kill me on the Broken Intestine Cliff."

Beitang Lanyou nodded, and a sternness flashed in his eyes: "Since they want to seek death in a hurry, let's fulfill them!" After finishing speaking, Beitang Lanyou raised her eyebrows and looked at Jing Yi.

She really wanted to take advantage of this opportunity to wipe out Jing Feng's power, and then quickly cut off Jing Cheng's power.After dealing with these matters, she and Jing Yi can safely treat his wounds and Gu with peace of mind.

When Jing Yi heard this, a bloodthirsty smile appeared on the corner of his mouth: "They were the ones who were unkind first, so we can't blame us for being unrighteous!"

Although Jing Yi didn't say that, Beitang Lanyou still saw a trace of hidden sadness from the bottom of his eyes.

Beitang Lanyou sighed, no matter what the nameless old man said, he was kind to Jing Yi, but at this time Jing Yi was forced by the nameless old man to fight him to the death, Jing Yi was afraid that he would be a little sad no matter what...

(End of this chapter)

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