Chapter 356
After a while, Jing Yi opened his eyes, but he stopped looking at Ito Hao, turned his head, and looked at Beitang Lanyou.

Looking at Jing Yi's expression, Beitang Lanyou couldn't help frowning slightly.

Although Jing Yi didn't see anything unusual on his face at this time, Beitang Lanyou could feel the sadness in his heart.

Jing Yi pulled Beitang Lanyou into his arms, hugged her tightly, and murmured: "Youyou, now I have nothing, I only have you! Youyou, you promise me that before I die, no matter what Whatever happens, don't leave me!"

Ever since his mother died, his father Jing Cheng had always wanted to kill him and pass on the position of young master to Jing Ye.Later, he was rescued by Ito Hiroshi, and Ito Hiroshi's care and love for him made him put Ito Hiroshi in the position that belonged to his father in his heart.

But now Hiroshi Ito told him in person that it turned out that all of this was false.It was all just because of using him, such a blow, even Jing Yi felt a little unbearable.

Listening to Jing Yi's words, Beitang Lanyou couldn't help being shocked.

Thinking of Jing Yi's suffering, Beitang Lanyou couldn't help stretching out his hand, wrapping his arms around Jing Yi's waist, and said firmly, "Jing Yi, don't worry, I'm not any of them! Even if any of them abandon you, I will always stand by your side! Never give up!"

After listening to Beitang Lanyou's words, Jing Yi finally found some comfort in his battered heart, and the chill in his heart dissipated a lot because of these words.The heart also gradually became stronger.

Thinking about the unresolved troubles, Jing Yi let go of Beitang Lanyou.Looking up at Hiroshi Ito, he said, "Are you sure you have to treat me like this? Do you have to kill me?"

Although Hiroshi Ito had already spoken clearly, Jing Yi still wanted to give him another chance.As long as he can repent, he doesn't want to do too much.

When Hiroshi Ito heard this, a complicated look flashed in his eyes.However, now that the situation is on the verge of breaking out, he can't help but say no!
"Jing Yi, if you arrest me without a fight, I will let you die with dignity!" Ito Hao said, looking back at Jing Yi.

If Jing Yi was not so smart, if Jing Yi was just a person with strong limbs and a simple mind, he thought, he would not have to kill him.However, Jing Yi is born to be extremely smart!Then he can't keep him no matter what.

Therefore, Jing Yi must die today!

"Are you so sure that I will die today instead of you?" Jing Yi sneered at Ito Hao and said.

Hearing this, Hiroshi Ito was startled slightly, but thinking of the net that he had laid down below, unless Jing Yi jumped off the cliff today, otherwise, he would be unable to fly.

"The following are all my people, Jing Yi, do you think you really have the ability to fly to the sky from this heartbroken cliff?" Hiroshi Ito showed a hint of sarcasm, and after finishing speaking, he threw the signal flare in his hand into the sky .

I saw the signal flare flying into the sky, and then blooming in the air.

Just after the flare bloomed, a field of torches suddenly lit up a few meters away from the top of the mountain.It can be seen from the torch that the people brought by Ito Hiroshi are probably at least [-] people.

Jing Yi glanced down, then turned his gaze to Ito Hiroshi, and said gradually, "In order to kill me alone, you actually brought so many people here, you really think highly of me!"

(End of this chapter)

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